Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Welcome Althego, our new channel overlord :)
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<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; Thursday, Dec 17, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Cancelled | Primary; Friday, Dec 18, 2020; 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm; Scheduled | Primary; Monday, Dec 21, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Wednesday, Dec 23, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; Cancelled | Primary; Monday, Dec 28, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Tuesday, Dec 29, 2020; 8:00 am to
<Althego> hmm, maybe somethig is going to happen today
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Soyuz-2 - CSO-2 - Mon Dec 28, 2020 16:42:00 UTC (L-08:21:08) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/cso-2 for info/stream
<Althego> at least there will be a launch
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<Mat2ch> Althego: probably just a pressure test
* flayer is sleepy
* UmbralRaptor caffinates flayer
<flayer> i've been trying to build a colony on mars
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<Mat2ch> woah, 20 seconds of fusion. (I'm not impressed :P )
<Althego> where
<packbart> "Korea’s Fusion Reactor Sets A Record For Running At 20 Seconds"
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<Althego> meanwhile iter is going to take what, another 10 years?
<darsie> Till first fusion?
<Althego> supposedly first plasma in 2025, but first fusion is 2035
<Althego> by that time starships will be taking humans to mars
<darsie> It'll have higher power, and break even.
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<darsie> I hope my comet pusher has enough delta-v to reach the high inclination comet on solar escape velocity. https://i.ibb.co/XY6X0BS/screenshot300.png
<darsie> To be refuelled in Kerbin orbit.
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<flayer> why so many refineries?
<flayer> oh, to keep the engines burning at speed?
<flayer> *high thrust ?
<darsie> yep. I want to keep the engines at full power once docked to the comet, so I need 8 refineries.
<darsie> And I'll dock and push at the dark side, so I need NUKs.
<darsie> TWR is rather low, but ISP is high.
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<Althego> i forgot about the soyuz launch
<Althego> moved to tomorrow
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<Mat2ch> uhh, pressure test ongoing
<Althego> the pressure is on!
<Althego> the crane doesnt look to be too far. maybe they should have moved it, in case there is a tank failure
<Althego> although after that they would need the crane to clean up :()
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<JVFoxy> geez.. been a weird morning. Now I gotten over a 'firefox glitch'... wanted to ask: anyone ever get inspirations for ship designs from something you saw in a dream?
<Althego> i rarely remember any dream
<JVFoxy> had this overly vivid dream of a flying pod thing. People were showing the features, in detail. Even flying it under bridges and power lines. Not sure what caused it, woke up, wondering if I should do anything about it now. :\
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> 2020. and we still dont have flying cars
<Althego> maybe it is a good idea because humans are dumb
<Althego> but if not flying cars, cheap flying somethings should be here already
<JVFoxy> one thing I realized when I woke up, the thing would be so unbalanced, it was lacking lift fans. I couldn't see it relying on the thrust tubes full time.. sort of like the harrier jet
<JVFoxy> ended up thinking I could sketch things out, already came up with some variants, full electric, small turbine powered...
<JVFoxy> this is one of those, 'is it doable, should I try doing a model? Or just forget about things?'
<Althego> if you have fun building it, just do it
<JVFoxy> lol... going to cost a bit. bad enough I already got a few things on the go.. suppose I could take the time to sketch things
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<darsie> 1.10.1 crashed.
<packbart> every software crashes
<Althego> except the lem rtos :)
<Mat2ch> packbart: not true.
<JVFoxy> ugh... my firefox didn't so much crash, it forgot stuff.
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