Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam and BOOM!
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<Wanwood> sup
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<Althego> hehe i just found this
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<Althego> i got the nanowar cd
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<Althego> and the argon one cases and 2 gloryhammers. the 3rd one is in a different package sadly
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<Althego> short outage on kerbot because of the replacement of the pi case
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<Mat2ch> We have a bot in here? :P
<Althego> at least 3
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<Althego> mod9000, lunchbot and kerbot
* darsie is a bot.
<Althego> eh i dint check the uptime
<Althego> must have been around a year
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<JVFoxy> just doing some catching up. I see SN9 is righted again..
<Althego> meanwhile elon is just posting memes
<JVFoxy> be thankful it was sitting in the high bay, else we'd be down a ship
<Althego> that may be so liek this too
<Althego> its pressure endurance may be alrady compromised
<JVFoxy> either ship was pretty light, or those bay walls can take some strain. Aren't those starships at least 100t empty?
<JVFoxy> lol.. never mind SN8 pancaking on the pad, SN9 is going to be the one that sets them back for a bit
<Althego> they are mostly empty space
<Althego> so quite light, relatively speaking
<JVFoxy> I've no idea the scale of weight
<Althego> and that angle it wasnt moving too fast
<JVFoxy> considering the size of cranes they have to use, I'm guessing quite a bit
<JVFoxy> well no, a slight lean, would only impart some stress, not the full weight, but still
<Althego> i think the 100 t is around its real weight
<JVFoxy> if going by US tons.. 200000 lbs. Space shuttle orbiter, empty was only 165000
<Althego> wsnt made of steel and didt have big tanks in it
<JVFoxy> more for a sense of scale for me
<FLHerne> Final target was 120t, Mk1 was >200t
<FLHerne> So I guess they're somewhere between those figures
<FLHerne> Hm, but the 120t presumably includes tiles, fairing mechanism etc.
<FLHerne> So SNx could conceivably be bit lighter
<JVFoxy> they said Sn9 wasn't fully fueled. If it was, would it still get off the stand at launch or is that what the booster section will be fore?
<Althego> sn9 was never fueled
<Althego> sn8 was not fully fueled
<JVFoxy> ya sorry meant 8... lol, numbers game
<Althego> and based on its acceleration on launch it had as much as it could without just sitting there on the launch pad kerbal style
<FLHerne> No, TWR on the sea-level engines would be <1
<JVFoxy> I recall someone saying the stream, no cargo, just fuel, Starship could theoretically reach orbit, but no way coming back down
<JVFoxy> Ya, I thought 8 lifted off slower than I had expected it would
<FLHerne> That said, there was a video of a vac engine firing on the test stand (with some visible flow separation), so they might be able to fire them for a bit in-atmosphere
<Althego> but it didnt even have those
<FLHerne> Right
<FLHerne> But if you did want to launch a fully-fuelled ship, it might be possible with them fitted
<JVFoxy> someone joked about recycling SN8 into a new cyber truck
<JVFoxy> or do something with the metal
<JVFoxy> think someone mentioned they should save the nose cone, for historical reasons
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<Althego> elon even replied to that, so they might just do it
<Mat2ch> I need upates on SN9 fast :P
<Althego> not happening
<Mat2ch> It's still held in place by the crane
<Mat2ch> I wonder where the operator went. Getting a hot coffee?
<Mat2ch> and it's crazy how that camera shakes
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<JVFoxy> Althego: he replied huh? Sorry for not being on twitter myself, but what was the reply if I can ask?
<FLHerne> JVFoxy: 'yes'
<JVFoxy> ah well, could just be confirming the idea, not saying they would go with it. Just have to wait and see
<Althego> there is a whole falcon 9 booster used as a monument, so ccomparing a nose cone, it is quite small
<FLHerne> There's already the Mk1-flaps restaurant
<FLHerne> Maybe the nosecone can go beside it
<Althego> nosecone café
<JVFoxy> flaps restaurant ... uh ok?
<Althego> havent you seen it?
<Althego> that is the roof of a kind of outside diner or something
<JVFoxy> anyways.. coffee run
<JVFoxy> woulda sooner but right after feeding friend's cat, its stomach decided food belonged on the floor instead >_<
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<Althego> astra rocket again. maybe. no stream
<Althego> meanwhile at the action lab: let's eat fried water
<JVFoxy> fried with HHO?
<Althego> with what you would expect, flour, eggs, breadcrumbs
<Althego> pretty much looked like this
<JVFoxy> eat... well more slurp..
<Mat2ch> hrm, you could use flavored water
<Mat2ch> then it would taste like something at least
<Mat2ch> but it reminds me of bubble tea
<Mat2ch> which I never had in my life
<Mat2ch> :P
<Althego> hrhr
<Althego> i heard about it
<Mat2ch> Bubble Tea, I mean, if I wanna drink chemicals, there are some big companies that would be glad to get rid of some...
<Althego> you always drink chemicals
<Mat2ch> Wait, don't tell me my dihydrogenmonoxide is a chemical?!
<JVFoxy> we all nothing but mixing chemicles
<Mat2ch> nooooooo
<Mat2ch> my world, it is crumbeling!
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<Mat2ch> If you tell me now that radiation isn't per se dangerous I wont know what to do anymore!
<packbart> get the ol' Radonizer out and make yourself some power water
<Mat2ch> No, I go on a
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You write a bot that could pass the turing test, configure it to talk trollishly about KSP and unleash it on #KSPOfficial. Your antimatter reacts far more quickly than expect and soon the reactors are empty.
<Althego> there is no end to "special" water scams. pi water, penta water, etc
<Mat2ch> Oxygen Water!
<Mat2ch> Because the stomach has to breath, too!
<Mat2ch> I should stop trolling and go back to work.
<JVFoxy> why? Nothing really going on. I could use the company :(
<Mat2ch> so that's why they went for tiles.
<Mat2ch> Not the military. Boring!
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: because I need the money. I get payed by the hour
<Mat2ch> also that bug... there's one bug that's evading me
<Mat2ch> I hate it.
<Althego> yes, the transpiration *ccoking*
<Mat2ch> I wanna catch it
<Mat2ch> well, it's cooking of a spacecraft ;)
<Althego> one negative thing in the crash is we dont know what happened to the tiles
<Althego> i remember the tiles didnt like the smaller hops
<Althego> and i feel that one week point in the whole thing is the tiles
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch its cool.. hopefully work isn't too much a pain in the neck for ya
<JVFoxy> wait.. cooking, spacecraft. What became of that 0gee cooking oven that went up a while back?
<Mat2ch> It cooked things!
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: it's paying my bills. And I'm happy that I can pay my bills right now myself and don't have to rely on unemployment insurance money
<JVFoxy> I've been doing temp work, which has me going into a lot of construction projects. Pay really sucks, some sites I hated going to because they push their workers so hard. :\
<JVFoxy> I had meant to go back part time but then covid was a bigger concern so...
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<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: where are you from?
<JVFoxy> west coast Canada
<Mat2ch> Well, not the US at least...
<Mat2ch> is the job situation that bad there?
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<Azander> :/
<JVFoxy> its ok.. I guess?
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<JVFoxy> ... was I talk'n to someone here? sudden disconnect threw things off
<FLHerne> JVFoxy: You were talking to Mat2ch
<FLHerne> Also, get a real client :p
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: at least be so kind and throw JVFoxy a few links :)
<FLHerne> logs
<FLHerne> No logs?
<flayer> i just dropped off some logs
<JVFoxy> web based, at a friend's...
<FLHerne> channel logged
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<JVFoxy> it doesn't normally disconnect on me, though it was annoying things decided to stop working suddenly while I was in middle of write up
<flayer> is that 'bitcoin shell' or 'bitcoins hell' ?
<JVFoxy> more like 'hell' to me.. not loading
<JVFoxy> anyways.. was going to say, friend came over from Ireland, but they required them to get a high position type job, but never found anything. Ended up going back early due to family matters. (which ended up being her freaking out to get him to come back home sooner)
<FLHerne> Deddly: Your log thingy is broken?
<Althego> the log works, the site is broken
<Deddly> Yeah the host site is has apparently been constantly hit by a DDOS attack
<JVFoxy> speaking of broken, thankfully the issue with Google didn't last too long this morning.
<Althego> with some work i could probably set up mine to work in a similar way
<JVFoxy> if I was more awake, I probably would have taken a moment to check which channel I was in during the conversation.
<Althego> you were talking here, but we dont know if we were talking elsewhere too :)
<Althego> you
<Althego> not we
<flayer> either way
<flayer> it's probably best if you avoid alphabet inc
<JVFoxy> talk'n about job stuff earlier right? Maybe that'll make it easier
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<JVFoxy> eh well
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> well, I'm self employed and that makes things harder. Being employed in Germany can be very relaxing if you can stand the modern company culture
<Mat2ch> it's hard to get layed off. You really have to try...
<JVFoxy> ah.. Germany
<JVFoxy> Had hoped to be doing my own thing but .. life never went hte way I wanted.
<Althego> the german company culture was one big reason i left the simulation business
<Mat2ch> Althego: don't you like the unfunny people on the christmas party?
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> *at
<Mat2ch> and the "I want my employees to work in my office building, because then I know that they are working" whilst the employees are watching youtube videos all day in the office...
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<FLHerne> ;outcome add There are unforeseen effects.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: There are unforeseen effects.
<Althego> the internet got me
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<Althego> as expected no astra launch now, maybe tomorrow
<Althego> but somehow there was a video for the angara a5 launch
<Althego> looks very kerbal because of the huge side boosters
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<Vlakater> Hi
<Vlakater> Hi I need help please.. I need to recolour a part added to Airplane plus mod... Its the realistic version engine from the tempest engine from Airplane plus... The Wright 3350 26w cyclone used on the b-29 superfortress. Think it was the config from AJE mod that created it as copy of the tempest 
<Vlakater> I'm not sure but please tell me how to create the config file to apply Turd colours... I am struggling to find where the part file is or not sure help would be appreciated thanks 
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<Vlakater> Hi I need help please.. I need to recolour a part added to Airplane plus mod... Its the realistic version engine from the tempest engine from Airplane plus... The Wright 3350 26w cyclone used on the b-29 superfortress. Think it was the config from AJE mod that created it as copy of the tempest 
<Vlakater> I'm not sure but please tell me how to create the config file to apply Turd colours... I am struggling to find where the part file is or not sure help would be appreciated thanks 
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<Vlakater> Hi I need help please.. I need to recolour a part added to Airplane plus mod... Its the realistic version engine from the tempest engine from Airplane plus... The Wright 3350 26w cyclone used on the b-29 superfortress. Think it was the config from AJE mod that created it as copy of the tempest 
<Vlakater> I'm not sure but please tell me how to create the config file to apply Turd colours... I am struggling to find where the part file is or not sure help would be appreciated thanks 
<Vlakater> Is there a app I can download for this chat site?
<FLHerne> Vlakater: Please don't repeat yourself like that
<FLHerne> Vlakater: And yes, it's an IRC channel
<FLHerne> #KSPOfficial on
<FLHerne> HexChat is probably the best Windows IRC client; I think Konversation is better on Linux but that usually starts arguments :p
<FLHerne> (and I'm afraid I know nothing about part recolouring)
<Vlakater> Sorry when I just multitasked it through me offline so didn't know the message was still on here
<Vlakater> I am on android
<FLHerne> Oh, that makes sense
<Vlakater> Thanks for the response
<FLHerne> (the web thingy does work in the background in a normal browser, but Android tends to freeze background apps)
<FLHerne> Try 'Revolution IRC'
<FLHerne> It's pretty good
<Vlakater> Thanks will do
<Vlakater> So how do I join here when in the app?
<FLHerne> One moment, let me find my phone :p
<FLHerne> hamburger menu -> Manage Servers -> (+)
<Vlakater> I have discord just want to make a friend with a good modder or someone who knows allot about ksp 😭😂🤣 the struggle is real
<Vlakater> Thanks i wil do the swap in a bit
<FLHerne> Input `` for "Server address", add `#KSPOfficial` to "Auto-join channels"
<FLHerne> Choose a nickname and a readable name for the server
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<Vlakater> Wow it worked thanks
<FLHerne> yay
<FLHerne> Other active channels on here are #SpaceX, #minecraft and #factorio
<FLHerne> There's also #lobby but it sucks
<Vlakater> Its strange how some parts in ksp the config defers.. Like I have learned 🙄
<Vlakater> Thanks
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<Vlakater> Lol I'm a factorio fanatic but now I'm on ksp all the time my other games can go.
<Vlakater> I'm working on a big project called "Total Recall". In short its tge scaling of real crafts in the game to be like craft in real life
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<Vlakater> So going to bed its 01:17 in South Africa where I live cheers
<FLHerne> Only 23:17 here :p
<FLHerne> Goodnight
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