Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam
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<Neal> did they launch the thing?
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<darsie> define launch.
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<darsie> They abortet at t+1s or so.
<darsie> aborted*
<Neal> that seems like a problematic time to abort
<darsie> No fire, just fog.
<Neal> ignition is at t+0 right?
<darsie> idk
<darsie> Ignition of the preburners or the combustion chamber?
<Neal> I guess its not as cut and dry as with SRBs
<Neal> space shuttle was full power on the SSMEs at like t-3 I guess
<darsie> I guess they release the clamps only at full nominal thrust.
<darsie> Does SS or F9 use clamps?
<Neal> I don't see any clamps on superheavy
<Neal> from what I can tell there was never any ignition on this attempt
<darsie> Ignition of the preburners or the combustion chamber?
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<Neal> definitely not the combustion chamber
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<Neal> maybe preburners, it did look like there was a lot of oxidizer being pumped through the system
<darsie> If the preburners ignited, hot gas would reach the combustion chamber, IMHO, but it looked cold as there was condensation.
<Neal> they run lox through it first before adding fuel right?
<Neal> a bit of preburner exhaust would probably get lost in that sea of lox pouring out
<Neal> compare to that
<darsie> In a full flow cycle all fuel/oxidizer is gasified in two preburners, so no lox enters the combustion chamber. Unless maybe before preburner ignition.
<Neal> hmm I guess there was a significant proportion of ch4 in there too then
<Neal> maybe the preburners never fired?
<darsie> Maybe they just starten engine chill and aborted before ignition.
<darsie> started*
<darsie> But engine chill wouldn't start at t=0, IMO.
<darsie> Is there even something to chill? The fuel pumps?
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<Neal> "A lot of the white smoke you see is liquid oxygen being vented due to it warming in the tank. the Engine chill is performed by flowing lox through the plumbing in order to cool the lines slowly so that you do not cold shock the metal and cause cracks. Most of the parts that are involved with the engine chill do not see the flame and will not heat up during the burn. source: I design Engine test stands for NASA"
<Neal> thats from a falcon 9 thread
<Neal> so presumably all the lines leading up to where actual combustion happens
<darsie> ok
<umaxtu> yeah, their is a lot that happens in the ignition process prior to flames coming out the nozzle
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<darsie> I'd say it's not liquid oxygen that's vented, but evaporated oxygen gas. And as it mixes with air, water condenses, so it's fog (not smoke, unless the water freezes), and not liquid oxygen fog/smoke in air.
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<TwistenX> what's good
<TwistenX> Is anybody willing to talk at all?
<TwistenX> WhY aM i AlWaYs AlOnE wHeNeVeR i JoIn
<umaxtu> I'm just going down a youtube rabbit hole of old daily show clips
<TwistenX> oh
<TwistenX> Tank2333!
<TwistenX> Mat2ch
<TwistenX> flayer
<TwistenX> Rokko
<Tank2333> TwistenX... this is not discord
<TwistenX> I know
<Tank2333> chill out
<TwistenX> I'm just b o r e d
<TwistenX> I don't feel like working on Kerbal Space Program 2D so I'm hanging out here
<Tank2333> maybe play the 3d version?
<TwistenX> I don't have it
<TwistenX> Well, I do
<TwistenX> But it's at my Dad's house and I'm at my Mom's
<Tank2333> i see
<TwistenX> Yes
<TwistenX> How did the StarShip launch go?
<Tank2333> well i have no time cause in a few minutes im heading out for work
<TwistenX> Oh bye
<Tank2333> dont know, had to go to bed
<TwistenX> ah
<Tank2333> looks like they ddint launch
<TwistenX> bro it got aborted what the heck
<TwistenX> That sucks
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<TwistenX> Now we gotta wait until tomorrow for the laucnh
<TwistenX> launch*
<TwistenX> I'm gonna go draw some KSP art, see ya
<TwistenX> I'll stay on the IRC Chat tho
<umaxtu> it does occasionally get lively in here. I promise
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<TwistenX> i know, i was here a while ago and it was
<darsie> "Both streams—oxidizer and fuel—will be mixed completely in the gas phase before they enter the combustion chamber." "The Raptor engine uses a large number of coaxial swirl injectors" Why use coaxial swirl injectors when the fuel/ox are already mixed?
<umaxtu> even distribution?
<darsie> Don't need coaxial for that.
<darsie> And it's gas.
<TwistenX> What does oxidizer do
<darsie> Burn fuel
<TwistenX> ooh
<TwistenX> what's the point of having oxidizer while the engine already burns the fuel? or does the oxidizer ignite the engine?
<darsie> In the engine oxidizer and fuel are mixed, burn/react, heat up adn exhaust.
<UmbralDrone> without the oxidizer, the fuel won't burn, and just go through the engine and out the back (kinda slowly)
<TwistenX> So the oxidizer is what makes the engine work, basically?
<darsie> A lot of things make the engine work.
<UmbralDrone> both fuel and oxidizer
<UmbralDrone> And yeah, you need a way to get both into the engine
<TwistenX> Well, yeah. But oxidizer is what makes the engine burn?
<darsie> You could also say fuel burns the oxidizer. Both react together.
<UmbralDrone> Jokes about engine-rich combustion (and fancy things with ablative cooling) aside, the engine doesn't burn. It just moves things around, gets them to burn, etc
<TwistenX> chemical reaction
<TwistenX> they react together and then they explode, but gently
<UmbralDrone> yeah, the fuel and oxidzer do
<darsie> You can mix methane and air and ignite it. You can't ignite air or methane alone.
<darsie> The reaction produces heat, which increases partcile speed and exhaust velocity.
<TwistenX> So, you mix methane and air, which ignite the engine. Then, the fuel and oxidizer react together, and cause small but powerful explosions. The explosions and the heat push the particles VERY VERY fast and creates exhaust, which thrusts the object forwards?
<darsie> There are no explosions. The combustion is a continous process, like burning a candle.
<TwistenX> but i thought that's what makes the ground rumble when a rocket's engine goes
<TwistenX> It's just the amount of force the exhaust is making?
<darsie> I'm not sure how this works.
<darsie> I'd say eventually there's turbulence which causes sound.
<TwistenX> that makes sense
<darsie> Have you seen a gas stove or bunsen burner?
<TwistenX> no
<UmbralDrone> Are bunsen burners not a thing in chem classes anymore?
<TwistenX> I don't have Chemical Class. I don't even get Physical Science for the next 2 years
<TwistenX> if you're wondering why i think rocket's fly because of explosions, watch "Kerbal Scuffed Program | Sacrifices for the sake of Science" on YouTube
<Neal> UmbralDrone, I used them in my chem classes in high school a few years ago
<Neal> they are definitely still used in colleges
<TwistenX> i'm 13 im still in middle school
* umaxtu frantically reviews his language while TwistenX has been on
<UmbralDrone> hm
<TwistenX> umaxtu wot
<TwistenX> also how do you do those star things
<umaxtu> /me
<umaxtu> without the space in front
<UmbralDrone> eg /me looks around
* UmbralDrone look around
* TwistenX tests if this is this is the command for the star thingy
* TwistenX has gained 200 IQ
<UmbralDrone> ...I don't think that works like XP
<TwistenX> what's XP
* TwistenX like Reliant more than Swivel
<TwistenX> sue me
* umaxtu sues TwistenX for using /me too much
<UmbralDrone> as in experience points for gaining levels in various RPGs etc
* TwistenX sues umaxtu for not letting TwistenX have a good time
<UmbralDrone> I mean, the Reliant does have better TWR (and better Isp on the ground)
<TwistenX> Ye
<TwistenX> It also has more oxidizer
<UmbralDrone> I want to say enough so that if you're making rocket SSTOs for some reason, a Reliant-based one gets a higher payload fraction
<TwistenX> what does SSTO stand for? i'm a complete noob at KSP so i'm gonna have lotsa questions
<darsie> single stage to orbit
<TwistenX> oh
<darsie> That is, just a simple rocket, as compared two or more rockets on top of each other.
* TwistenX is vibing to KSP Space Music while drawing KSP fanart
* UmbralDrone ponders looking around for some dark ambient music
<darsie> Technically, stages can also be next to each other rather than on top of each other.
* TwistenX recommends "Frost Waltz" by Kevin MacLeod to UmbralDrone
<umaxtu> only if you're Russian
<UmbralDrone> umaxtu: *laughs in shuttle*
<umaxtu> were they ever referred to as stage 1?
* TwistenX also recommends "Arcadia" by Kevin MacLeod
<UmbralDrone> Ah, I guess numbering-wise not really
<UmbralDrone> And I guess the later Titans and Delta IV Heavy just call them boosters
<umaxtu> I realize I'm arguing semantics here
<TwistenX> It just went straight from Falcon 1 to Falcon 9 to Falcon Heavy (???)
<umaxtu> yup
<TwistenX> like what the heck
<umaxtu> there were planes for a Falcon 1e and a Falcon 5 but they got scrapped
<TwistenX> where's Falcon 2 and Falcon 3
<umaxtu> falcon 9 because it has 9 first stage engines
<UmbralDrone> The number is more of the number of engines on the first stage
<TwistenX> So Falcon Heavy's 1st stage engines are all SRBs?
<umaxtu> no, 27 merlins
<TwistenX> Why's it called 'Heavy' then
<umaxtu> cause of the Delta IV heavy I guess
<TwistenX> It should be Falcon 27
<UmbralDrone> Yeah. Also the proposed (but never flown) Atlas V heavy
<umaxtu> also, SpaceX is totally incapable of keeping a consistent naming scheme
<TwistenX> Shouldn't the Space Shuttle be called the Shuttle 5?
<TwistenX> It has 5 engines
<umaxtu> see falcon 9 1.0, falcon 9 1.1, Falcon 9 Full Thrust, Falcon 9 Block 5
<UmbralDrone> The shuttle went for airbus levels of boring name
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* UmbralDrone blink
<umaxtu> kids these days, their attention spans have been ruined by those new fangled vidya games
* UmbralDrone >_>
<darsie> It's Rocket Science! with Professor Chris Bishop
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<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; Monday, Dec 7, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Tuesday, Dec 8, 2020; 7:00 am to 5:30 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Wednesday, Dec 9, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled | Primary; Thursday, Dec 10, 2020; 7:00 am to 5:30 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Friday, Dec11, 2020; 7:00 am to 5:30 pm; Scheduled
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Starship Prototype - Starship Suborbital Test Flight (12.5 km) - Wed Dec 09, 2020 14:00:00 UTC (L-07:21:13) - for info/stream
<Althego> another day, another starship test
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<Mat2ch> Hopefully this time we see a flame
<Mat2ch> I stayed up late and then... nothing
<Mat2ch> was a bit anti-climactic
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, are you german?
<UmbralDrone> sleep is fake, anyway
<minas_tirith> Do germans not sleep?
<Mat2ch> I am and I sleep a lot. :P
<Mat2ch> It's almost 10 here and I haven't had breakfast yet
<Mat2ch> but already a customer call...
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<Mat2ch> so fake, so cringy to watch :P
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch,
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<Mat2ch> I really wonder how you went from cringy to death metal :P
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, its black metal
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, I was bored
<minas_tirith> as were probably you
<Mat2ch> no, not bored. Trying to find a Heisenbug in a piece of garbage called software
<minas_tirith> Heisenbugs are the worst
<Mat2ch> well, when it comes to software that has to deal with analog values, busses and user inputs, it can become quiet complicated
<Mat2ch> some bugs only happen on real life hardware.
<minas_tirith> Oh
<minas_tirith> That type of scenario is tough, yes
<minas_tirith> What are you designing
<Mat2ch> Customer project I can't talk much about
<Mat2ch> And I'm only fixing things.
<Mat2ch> Always behind schedule, because the developers before me all left the company, because the software they made is shitty and they didn't want to work on it anymore...
<Mat2ch> And for years(!) now we're telling them to throw everything away and start over
* TheKosmonaut drops out of Slipspace
<TheKosmonaut> I have detected a violation in Channel Morality Code.
* TheKosmonaut locks on Mat2ch
<Mat2ch> uh, what did I do wrong?
<Mat2ch> TheKosmonaut: I really don't see it. Please tell me, so I can make it right
<TheKosmonaut> "[...] the software they made is ______"
<TheKosmonaut> Obfuscated word breaches KSP Community guidelines regarding profanity
* TheKosmonaut looks at number of Ops left in this channel
<TheKosmonaut> Sigh
<minas_tirith> Hewwo
<TheKosmonaut> So quiet, so dead.
<packbart> it's on the list of the seven naughty words
<minas_tirith> TheKosmonaut, so cold, so pure
<Mat2ch> I didn't know that word was on that list at all.
<minas_tirith> Its actually so pure, so cold
<minas_tirith> swapped
<Mat2ch> I will try to remember that.
<minas_tirith> TheKosmonaut, I need winter
<Althego> ah there was an article that in some maerican desert somebody found a shiny monolith made of metal
<Mat2ch> on the other hand, if you search for that word in the forum you get 234 results.
<Althego> must be the work of these guys
<Mat2ch> Althego: I call fake.
<Mat2ch> TheKosmonaut: you need to clean up the forum.
<Mat2ch> There are in fact 72 references to a four letter word that starts with f as well. Hrm. Not good.
<Althego> "you gotta pump those numbers are. those are rookie numbers" :)
<Althego> *up
<Mat2ch> You can go :P
<Althego> i never use forums by principle. they fuse the wrong properties of chat and mailing lists. you have to be online to read them, but not live conversation
<Mat2ch> I'm not a big fan of language filters anyway. There's a difference between say something is bad and someone is bad. The latter is to thing to avoid, the first is well nothing unusual around here. Which in fact is funny, because this is a cultural difference
<Mat2ch> But the rules are the rules and I'll try to avoid it in the future
<Althego> that is a german for you
<Althego> rigid and following the rules even when they dont make sense
<Mat2ch> What is the alternative?
<minas_tirith> German is an interesting language
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, Sodom is amazing
<Althego> circumventing or not following the rules
<Mat2ch> Well, there is no way to circumvent and not following would mean getting banned.
<Althego> in this case
<Althego> and actually it doesnt hurt
<packbart> Mat2ch: well, you could try and use german words. I'm quite sure nobody here would be offended by "mist", right? ;)
<packbart> it's even a valid english word
<Mat2ch> you could interpret circumventing with using words like fork or shoot, where everyone knows what is meant, but it's not against the rules
<packbart> yeah, that's the frelling thing to do
<Mat2ch> packbart: I differ. Mist is not as strong as the other word ;)
<Mat2ch> for some reason. Even though they both mean the same thing
<minas_tirith> Mist is a beautiful name
<minas_tirith> or word
<Mat2ch> except when you set in it. :D
<Mat2ch> *step in it
<Mat2ch> When talking about mist... what about... musty
<Althego> still dark in boca chica
<Althego> i think i am going to sleep a little, hopefully no launch until i wake up
<minas_tirith> Althego, sleep well bro
* packbart goes to visit the office - there's some stuff arriving today that I ordered
<Mat2ch> Launch window starts in two hours
<Mat2ch> then they probably need three hours of preparations
<Mat2ch> so five hours at least until launch
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<TheKosmonaut> <Mat2ch> TheKosmonaut: you need to clean up the forum. <<< I am but one cog in an oppressive machine of neck beard power trippers. The forums mostly fall to some other guys. There is a snitch button if you wish to point out people that do violate the morality code
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* JVFoxy pops awake...
<Mat2ch> TheKosmonaut: Are bots allowed on the forum? ;)
<JVFoxy> Got LabPadre's stream up.. been pretty quite this morning. Were pretty chatty yesterday at same time, something happened?
<JVFoxy> Quality on friend's big frak'n TV is nice, downside, cuz its a 'smartbox', don't get to see comments/chat. Hmm
<Althego> i could time skip this far and not even the road is closed yet
<JVFoxy> Ok.. nasaspaceflight has chatter..
<JVFoxy> ugh.. streaming the live feat twice here, one on big screen, one on laptop for chat
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: they are booming Starhopper ;)
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch no.. but they are doing something at starhopper... guys were making comment about it. Its basically a lawn ornament, so why they messing on it?
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<Althego> hehe ornament
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: the cameras are on there
<Mat2ch> and the radar
<JVFoxy> I see something rotating, wasn't sure if the radar thing was behind it or on top
<minas_tirith> Hewwo JVFoxy
<JVFoxy> yo
<Althego> also there is a weather station on starhopper
<JVFoxy> any idea what the taller mast is on what looks to be a tank?
<Althego> hmm, maybe that is the weather station
<Althego> or at least part of it
<Althego> seems to be 3 moving thingies
<Althego> probably wind measurment
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<sandbox> Beresheet2 is going to be in 2024
<Althego> wht does it always take so long
<Althego> anything with space
<flayer> space is big
<flayer> and difficult
<Althego> nuy they cvould just use somethin similat
<Althego> th hw was working ok, was a software thing
<minas_tirith> flayer, space is scary
<flayer> so's your face
<minas_tirith> My face is good. Space is terrifying.
<minas_tirith> Just an empty void for millions of miles.
<sandbox> your face in space
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<JVFoxy> huh.. Baesheet2 going to have two landers for moon. Probably a lot of planning, design, coordination going on.
<JVFoxy> just getting a cubesat into LEO takes time, a year or two..
<Althego> the chinese approach is better, have one backup if the first one fails
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<JVFoxy> they aren't the only ones that do it that way
<JVFoxy> even with a backup, getting on another launch, takes time
<Althego> way less than designing a new one
<JVFoxy> I would /love/ to get into a project with a group to build a cube sat for LEO or a moon mission
<JVFoxy> Why have one, when you can have two, for the price of two...
<JVFoxy> well technically, depends on how you look at it. Do you include design time? Still have to test, there might be some changes needed
<Mat2ch> Road not even closed yet
<Mat2ch> this will take a while
<umaxtu> thats ok, I've got cisco homework
<Althego> will there be a spacex livestream?
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<JVFoxy> if we got a while, I might just leave it up on friend's tv. catch up on some of my other stuff..
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<Mat2ch> Althego: yesterday there was one
<Mat2ch> started 10 minutes before the planned launch
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<Althego> yes but there is no new one
<Mat2ch> the road isn't closed yet, too
<Mat2ch> I don't see anyone working on SN8, so they are either still figuring out what is wrong or preparing for a test
<JVFoxy> They showing the drone ship landed booster coming into the harbor
<packbart> Mat2ch: didn't they have the same spin-up problem with Raptors a few times now?
<packbart> static fire test, for example
<Althego> meanwhile booster is coming back from an ocean trip
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<Mat2ch> packbart: I don't know
<Mat2ch> oh no, I see a boom lift
<Mat2ch> no launch in the next three to four hours
<Althego> i expected as much
<Althego> based on yesterday's events
<packbart> !nela
<Kerbot> packbart => Starship Prototype - Starship Suborbital Test Flight (12.5 km) - Wed Dec 09, 2020 17:00:00 UTC (L-01:18:26) - for info/stream
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<Tank2333> so is it going to happen?
<umaxtu> maybe
<Mat2ch> boom lift is gone
<Mat2ch> but road still not closed
<Tank2333> can someone ping me if its ready?
<JVFoxy> are we ever going to be ready?
<umaxtu> before SLS
<JVFoxy> why is it taking longer this morning compared to yesterday?
<Tank2333> the heat death is before sls
<JVFoxy> sure cna see the heatwaves on the stream for one
<JVFoxy> geez.. 21c already. it was down at 11c this morning (0500PST)
<Mat2ch> Uh, it's 2C here. :P
<JVFoxy> 8c for me
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch you get snow.. I'm moving there
<umaxtu> 7 C for me
<Tank2333> 2 c for me
<JVFoxy> I don't do heat very well. :\
<JVFoxy> warm soak in tub.. that is one thing, its also brief, can get away.
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: no, we don't. It gets cold here, but not snowy
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: and in summer it goes up and over 40 C
<Mat2ch> thanks to climate change
<JVFoxy> we used to get some snow here, I keep saying I still remember those years when it got really snowy on the coast. Mood I get from people here, sounds like they wish winter was dead
<JVFoxy> personally, we get enough rain, you'd think people be tired of that here more than anything
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<Tank2333> the last 4-6 years we only had like 1 or maybe 2 snowy days, and i think i remember as a kid playing in the snow for days or weeks, and in the 80s my parents had the hardest freaking winters
<Tank2333> and now we had th warmest novemebr ever recorded,
<JVFoxy> we had some big snow dump a few years back, but it only stuck around a few days. Took month or so for giant piles in parking lots to melt
<umaxtu> but so many people don't understand averages
<JVFoxy> 3 months straight of warm weather, sun, no rain. Then.. first day it rained, ooooh boy, was the streets a mess. People skidding all over. I get it, oil getting washed away, but then also people forgetting how to drive on wet roads
<Althego> happens every winter with the first snow
<Althego> 2 mm snow
<Althego> and the roads are a mess
<Althego> if there is snow, because it happens less often
<Tank2333> lol
<JVFoxy> Toronto: bus slides down hill, crashes, no one bats an eye. Someone slides down hill here, its all over media
<JVFoxy> relatively...
<Althego> ok, the snow thing is because people are reluctant to change to winter tyres
<Tank2333> did you just call me relucunted
<JVFoxy> truck with 4x4, mud/snow/mountain tires.. I still drive carefully
<Tank2333> reluctant
<Tank2333> i bought a new car 3 years ago and it had fresh all season tyres on, at first i had in mind to buy winter ones and change them but looks like i dont have to :)
<Althego> the point of the 4 season tyres
<JVFoxy> ya but don't they say 4 seasons aren't really good enough for winter?
<Althego> as far as i know they are a compromise
<Althego> but i dont have a car
<JVFoxy> used to be an add here, if you can see your breath in the air, its time to change tires
<umaxtu> the rubber compound they use isn't optimized for colder temps
<JVFoxy> personally.. there are times i wonder if these tire companies are just trying to scare tactic people into buying several sets of tires. Ok, I get one for winter, one for other times.. but eh.
<JVFoxy> they do make a point that if you driving out of the valley here, there is a range of dates you need winter tires for the mountains, or at least carry chains
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<Mat2ch> Road is closed!
<Althego> then as with fusion, it is only 30 years more :)
<umaxtu> I feel like fusion has actually gotten a little closer over the last couple years. maybe 15
* UmbralDrone puts an F in chat for polywell
<JVFoxy> fusion power.. fusion thrust..
<Mat2ch> Fusion thrust would be something
<Tank2333> Winter tyres realy make a differents
<UmbralDrone> This summons Project Orion
<JVFoxy> well.. instead of chucking fusion bombs out the back, constant stream of fusing light atoms in a magnetic bottle/chamber
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<JVFoxy> oh hey.. Scott is talking on one of the streems.. Labpadre
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<JVFoxy> flexing the wings now
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<Tank2333> wich stream?
<JVFoxy> I'm bouncing between labpadre and
<JVFoxy> nasaspaceflight streams
<Althego> there are at least 3 important stream, at least until the spacex stream comes online. labpadra, nasa spaceflight and everyday astronaut
<JVFoxy> labpadre has several cams going right now
<Althego> as always
<hatrix> which commentaries do you prefer though Althego?
<Deddly> Looks like 20:00 GMT is the most likely launch time, if it happens
<hatrix> why do they need that wb-57?
<Deddly> For filming, right?
<hatrix> shouldn't it be flying right now?
<JVFoxy> not even fueled
<Deddly> It's supposed to me en route now
<Deddly> be*
<Deddly> JVFoxy, are you talking about the plane or the rocket?
<Deddly> Plane should have taken off 24 mins ago
<JVFoxy> starship
<hatrix> plane has been delayed
<Deddly> So it has
<JVFoxy> oh why so much attention on the WB-57?
<Deddly> Flight plan now says 2:30 CST = 20:30 GMT
<umaxtu> gives us an idea of when the launch will be
<FLHerne> JVFoxy: Because we'll know when the plane has taken off, and the launch should be an hour or so after that
<Deddly> What umaxtu said.
<hatrix> that kinda was my question also but nasa space flight seems to say they're waiting for that plane to come before launching
<FLHerne> Whereas we onl y get 20 mins or so of notice by watching the ship
<hatrix> has that plane an history of filming launches?
<Deddly> One would think they would put some public information out there
<FLHerne> hatrix: It's NASA's fancy camera plane, it has a history of filming interesting things
<hatrix> haha, fine :)
<JVFoxy> and here I was half thinking maybe cuz an ol' vintage plane flying has gotten some aviation buffs' attention
<Deddly> Since Spacex are, in fact, hosting a stream, I'm surprised they haven't posted anything on Twitter or their website for 20 hours
<FLHerne> It's also a really interesting ol' vintage plane
<hatrix> wow, nice tracking, thanks FLHerne
<FLHerne> (one of I think only two British military aircraft types that the US has bought in any volume)
<FLHerne> It's a license-built English Electric Canberra, which was one of the very first jet bombers
<FLHerne> First Canberra flight was 1949
<Deddly> That video was beautiful
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<Neal> aaaaaaany second now
<FLHerne> Hah, also probably the only non-'preserved' jet aircraft still flying with major structural components made of wood
<JVFoxy> jet with wood?
<FLHerne> Most of the tail
<JVFoxy> I know comets were wood
<FLHerne> What?
<JVFoxy> prop but pretty fast
<FLHerne> You're thinking of something else
<FLHerne> Comets are metal, and jets
<FLHerne> Oh, there's another one
<JVFoxy> trying to double check.. connectoin being a pain
<FLHerne> (presumably)
<FLHerne> Sorry
<JVFoxy> ya sorry the Dh.88
<JVFoxy> comet had the window issue which caused crash..
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<JVFoxy> oh and was also the DH.98 Mosquito as well, made of wood
<FLHerne> Yeah, the Canberra was explicitly designed as a jet-powered Mosquito replacement
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<umaxtu> the Mosquito is one of my favorites
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<Althego> hehe in one of the streams: aziz, light (from 5th element)
<mrBlaQ> I have a feeling they're only running a static fire test today. they're already into the fueling phase and have no published outreach about a test today
<umaxtu> I hope not
<Deddly> Still no official stream?
<mrBlaQ> just announced
<mrBlaQ> it'll go live at 3pm CST
<FLHerne> T-50min
<Deddly> Nice, thanks!
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam (or scrub)
<Deddly> Plane in the air yet?
<FLHerne> Doesn't seem to be
<Deddly> >:o(
<FLHerne> !stupid add "Paolo Fabbri proposed that domestic cats be genetically engineered to change color in the presence of dangerous levels of radiation. The significance of these 'radiation cats' or 'ray cats' would be reinforced through fairy tales and myths, the story being that one should move away from sites where such creatures are encountered."
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added stupid quote: "Paolo Fabbri proposed that domestic cats be genetically engineered to change color in the presence of dangerous levels of radiation. The significance of these 'radiation cats' or 'ray cats' would be reinforced through fairy tales and myths, the story being that one should move away from sites where such creatures are encountered."
<Althego> raycat
<Althego> we have a countdown
<Althego> ah it is there already
<Althego> should have read back more
<packbart> odd one (not the NASA flight)
<Althego> at this time it cant be crop dusting
<FLHerne> Photography or some kind of research
<Althego> or anti insect
<packbart> 39 years old, that plane
<UmbralDrone> All hail the raycats
<Althego> sailcat (from cow and chicken)
<Deddly> Sound must be on
<Althego> i just found the song from that episode with a flying cat drone
<umaxtu> did you mean to type "flying cat"?
* UmbralDrone meows?
<Althego> the delta 4 heavy coming up, is that the one that couldnt launch several times months ago?
<umaxtu> lol
<umaxtu> pretty sure it is
<minas_tirith> UmbralDrone, meow
<FltAdmVonSpiz> FLHerne: that sounds...... like something a really bored civilisation with insane Genetically engineering would do
<Althego> i think we could make that now
<Althego> the color change cat
<packbart> a NASA T38 from Pasadena was in the greater area but turned away and is circling Victoria now
<Althego> not too far away
<packbart> Age: 50 years
<Althego> now that is getting old
<packbart> not sure if that's correct
<Althego> wasnt it a refurbished thing?
<Althego> it was modified for nasa
<Althego> no i must be thinking of something else
<packbart> seems to have landed, anyway
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<Althego> i think i might have confused that plane with the er.2 high altitude platforms, nasa has 2 modified u-2s
<Althego> and one would think a spy plane is ideal for remote observations, that is why in my mind the plane was one of those
<Deddly> LIVE
<Deddly> Video feed is live!
<Deddly> T-6:20
<Deddly> Looks like a beautiful day in Boca Chica
<Deddly> DOH
<Althego> looks like detanking
<Deddly> Sheesh.
<Neal> dangit
<Deddly> Someone tell Elon he needs moar boosters
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<Althego> he has like a dozen?
<Althego> how many are in circulation?
<Deddly> Moar struts, then
<Althego> they already fixed the strut problem :)
<minas_tirith> Althego, its all in the head
<Althego> but now that it is cooled, if there is not a big problem, they can try it again
<packbart> "Scrub" sez Labpadre
<packbart> changed to "Hold" now
<Deddly> Yeah it's not scrubbed yet
<Deddly> They're going for it again - stream says "Standing by got new T-0"
<mrBlaQ> possible civ plane in the nofly zone
<Mat2ch> really?
<Mat2ch> get that out of there! :P
<Deddly> Need moar lazers
<Althego> nobody can get the jetpack guy out of lax zone
<Neal> I think the LAX jetpack guy is fake
<Neal> pilots see all kinds of things that were never there
<Deddly> Where exactly is the pad in that map, packbart?
<packbart> near where it says "south padre island", I think
<packbart> I don't know exactly
<packbart> but that's the only low flyer in the area
<Neal> homeland security was flying a route close by
<Deddly> Here they are
<Althego> somewhere here,+TX+78521,+USA/@25.9900997,-97.1887369,2858m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x866fb1632384e2d5:0xa8d0c7f6e909dc99!8m2!3d25.9920246!4d-97.1821942
<packbart> Neal: that one is long gone, though
<Neal> just saying it was there earlier
<packbart> probably taking "before crash" pictures ;)
<Deddly> N7720X was going the wrong way for pictures
<Deddly> SpaceX are just to the right of Port Isabel
<packbart> N7720X is the one causing the hold, I guess. not the one taking pictures, that was N5515Y
<Deddly> Well, I suppose they might have been attempting to fly around it
<Deddly> They very abruptly flew to port. One might assume someone had radio contact with them
<Deddly> Huh. They're almost on the Mexico border
<packbart> well, if they crash the Starship into Mexico, they ain't gonna pay for it
<Althego> build a starship and make mexico pay for it?
<Deddly> Careful there guys
* Mat2ch would pay for Mexican food.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Deddly> New T-0
<Deddly> 22:40 GMT
<Althego> 4:40 pm centaral
<Althego> eh
<Deddly> 18 mins
<Althego> i was hoping i could go to bed more or less normally
<Althego> but at least i slept 2.5 hours in the afternoon
<Mat2ch> Althego: uh
<Mat2ch> plus an hour
<Neal> yeah thats 1hr 18min
<Althego> knowing elon, the launch tiem should have been 4:20 pm :)
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> they moved it as far back as possible
<Mat2ch> so there is a chance that they are not going to try again at all
<Althego> some tesla car pricing (unrelease model) changed to 69420 to be lower than the future competitor model
<packbart> Mat2ch: yeah, only a single attempt. if the engine doesn't start up again, the window is closed
<Althego> but if i stay up longer i get hungry. if i eat more i get fat. and the christmas food season didnt even start yet :)
<Deddly> Oh yeah, GMT isn't CET [facepalm]
<Althego> it is english time :)
<Althego> funny thing, by leaving the eu they are goiong to keep daylight saving, while eu is going to abandon it
<deadmind> kek
<Mat2ch> Althego: uhm, I'm not seeing the EU abandoning it yet... they said they want to, but where's the plan? ;)
<Althego> the plan was 2021
<packbart> I don't want to abandon it
<Althego> but that was before the virus
<packbart> keeps people on their toes twice a year
<Althego> the virus already does that :)
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<packbart> "I once aborted a rocket launch and all I got was a rescinded pilot license"
<packbart> (and 300k new friends on the Internet)
<Althego> or rather haters
<Althego> at least there is a chapter of solo leveling
<Mat2ch> uhm
<Mat2ch> there's an official countdown now
<Mat2ch> and it is stopped.
<Mat2ch> now it's counting down, but that will never make 2240+0
<mrBlaQ> this is like who's line is it. the numbers are meaningless
<mrBlaQ> whose line?
<mrBlaQ> who's line
<deadmind> whose line
* deadmind sniffs
<deadmind> it was mine i guess
* deadmind runs away
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<mrBlaQ> heuheuh
<Mat2ch> 22:45 +1 now officially ;)
<Mat2ch> the flight itself will take how long? 5 minutes?
<deadmind> probably less than that
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* Mat2ch yawns very loudly
<Mat2ch> still around 15 minutes
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<Neal> the flight might even last a few seconds
<Althego> dooubt it would be longer than 2 minutes
<Mat2ch> We are down to 6 minutes!
* Mat2ch is tired and hyped
<Mat2ch> I dare them to abort it again! :P
<Mat2ch> T-5:00 min
<Mat2ch> Come on little Starship, you can do it!
<Mat2ch> T-4:00 min
<Mat2ch> Waiting is aweful!
<Althego> we know. how long was it? weeks? months?
<Mat2ch> T-3:00 min
<Mat2ch> It felt like years!
<Althego> yesterday it stopepd at 1.3 seconds :)
<Althego> i had a mad grin on
<Althego> and then it was a letdown
<FltAdmVonSpiz> thats hte nice thing about the space shuttle
<FltAdmVonSpiz> get happy when the SRBs light
<FltAdmVonSpiz> because then its orbit or bust
<Mat2ch> T-2:00 min
<Mat2ch> T-1:30 min
<Mat2ch> T-1:00 min
<Mat2ch> I can't take it anymore! I have to quit.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> they resized the counter window ;)
<Althego> t-10
<Althego> 0
<Althego> very slow liftoff
<packbart> the labpadre stream failed during liftoff
<Althego> noticed
<Althego> but i watched 3 out of 4
<Althego> so i switched to the other, still maintaining 3
<Althego> faield engine?
<Mat2ch> or test!
<Althego> or intentionally shutdown for smaller thruyst?
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<Althego> the tim stream has almost the same size as the official
<Mat2ch> still going up \o/
<packbart> well, the onboard stream failed, too
<Mat2ch> intentional
<packbart> oh no, it didn't
<Althego> the stream is on
<Althego> 1 engine
<Althego> seems to be intentional
<Althego> maybe throttling test too
<packbart> something's not tied down, tho
<Althego> i didnt expect this hover
<Althego> must be duct tape :)
<Mat2ch> falling!
<Althego> going down
<Althego> of cours it is stable lol
<Mat2ch> majestic!
<Althego> doing it
<Althego> bam
<flayer> haha
<Althego> but the landing was quite good
<Althego> i think they got all the data
<Mat2ch> a bit too late
<packbart> standard KSP landing
<Mat2ch> but on target
<Althego> i expected a heavier hitting
<Althego> it touched down a bit too hard
<mrBlaQ> huh
<mrBlaQ> better than I'd ever expect
<flayer> it might've just been on purpose lmao
<Mat2ch> the nose survived ;)
<Althego> and i also expected a slightly burning metal rubble too
<mrBlaQ> two engines and no feet extended
<Althego> that must have been the issue then
<Althego> i mean 2 enginesis probably intentional for the rotation
<Althego> for offset thrust
<packbart> green flame, too
<Mat2ch> I guess the system thought that it still had more altitude to brake
<Althego> why would it
<packbart> didn't switch to AGL
<Mat2ch> well, SN9 next week then? :P
<Althego> but question iw wheter the radar is pointing down or sideways
<Althego> next year probably
<Althego> middle of december
<Mat2ch> enough left to refly.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> that landing is hard to do right
<Althego> so it was a probable outcome
<Mat2ch> with limited fuel at least
<Althego> but i really thought it would just slam into the ground half rotated
<packbart> had a good view, I guess
<Mat2ch> oh, it really looks like one of the engines failed
<packbart> not all engines worked as expected, I'd say
<packbart> good data
<Mat2ch> yeah, I just rewatched that part and the one engine is going green several times
<Althego> that green flame at the end is strange
<Mat2ch> and that meant it didn't run at full power and that's why it crashed
<Mat2ch> we've seen that green flame before, it's burning itself there
<packbart> Triethylboran, says the #other channel
<Althego> that would mean the engine failed atthe end and wanted to relight. and it couldnt so it hit the ground too hard
<Mat2ch> oh, and two engine braking, but only landing on one engine. The other one got switched off
<Althego> that would also make sense
<Mat2ch> and I thought they didn't use starter fluids anymore?
<packbart> heh, the Labpadre channel logged that as "Landing" in quotes
<FLHerne> packbart: I don't think Raptor uses hypergolic ignition
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Althego> because these engines are too high thrust
<FltAdmVonSpiz> this is SpaceX, they change plans every five seconds
<FltAdmVonSpiz> who knows if they use TEB or not
<Althego> yes i also thought raptor is without started fluid because cant get that on mars
<Mat2ch> tbh, with proper seats in the nose cone this could've been surivable...
<Althego> maybe
<Mat2ch> watch the restarting from midair at T+06:32, no green flame there
<FltAdmVonSpiz> the impact sure
<FltAdmVonSpiz> not the fire
<Mat2ch> The fire was short
<Althego> very little fluel remaining
<FltAdmVonSpiz> yeah, which means you are cooked bleu
<FltAdmVonSpiz> but you are still cooked
<Mat2ch> not in suits
<Mat2ch> have you seen the latest F1 crash? That was a proper cooking... :D
<Althego> those suits would survive that
<Mat2ch> Scott Manley video in less than two hours, I bet, :D
<Althego> i will not wait for that
<Althego> not much, it worked fine, except for the landing
<Althego> the legs were really not out
<Althego> maybe because that was timed and not based on altitude, and since it was going down faster than expected...
<FLHerne> That whole thing was the most KSP thing IRL ever
<Althego> no, there is the scott manley lands a spacex booster video :)
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> I'm going to be
<Mat2ch> good night!
<flayer> yeah
<Althego> the guy in the stream must have been refreshing constantlu
<UmbralDrone> So, did SpaceX revert to lanch yet?
<Althego> we wouldnt know if they did
<Althego> hehe, elon says: mars, ehre we come
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> funny contrast of result and message
<UmbralDrone> hah
<UmbralDrone> I mean, it probably counts as a successful failure
<packbart> potentially survivable
<packbart> so, when do they strap Ripley into the nose
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