Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam (or scrub)
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<flayer> tomorrow i have a long day at work
<flayer> possibly more than 6 hours lol
<flayer> i'm so lazy its horrific
<Alanonzander> :/
* flayer farts
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<Althego> what, no scott video yet
<UmbralDrone> That would be some fast turnaround
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<Neal> I want to see all those 3-rd party angles but I don't want to dig around all the streams
<Neal> oh boy there's a fake livestream up with a crypto link up
<Althego> wouldnt be the first time
<Neal> yeah I have seen quite a few
<Neal> its one of those "send in 1 btc and receive 2 btc back" scams
<Neal> lol they're claiming if they donate enough ethereum the rocket will launch
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam and BOOM!
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam and BOOM!
<Mat2ch> flayer: welll
<Mat2ch> flayer: get on my level.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> there it is
<Althego> does he have an arc reactor on his chest?
<Mat2ch> Maybe?
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> Engine-rich exhaust...
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<flayer> Mat2ch, i'm back for an hour break after working an hour or so
<flayer> well, almost two hours technically
<flayer> including driving
<Mat2ch> nice!
<Mat2ch> I haven't even started yet. :D
<flayer> lazy git!
<Mat2ch> Well, not much to do. Some code cleanup
<flayer> holy, that angle
<flayer> at around 8 minutes into that video
<flayer> looking at it from the bottom as it flips
<Mat2ch> It's great, isn't it?
<Mat2ch> Was real fun to watch, even though I was very tired
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<Mat2ch> That is from February
<Mat2ch> I never saw that
<Mat2ch> it is 3d printed and has cooling channels in the spike
<Mat2ch> I had the same idea five years ago
<Mat2ch> I hate my life.
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<packbart> Ideas are never unique to one mind
<Mat2ch> I believe otherwise ;P
<Mat2ch> Remember from the beginning of the week when Tesla wasn't allowed to clear the forest near Berlin?
<Mat2ch> Now they are allowed to again.
<FLHerne> They're pretty bad at this paperwork thing
<Mat2ch> who? Tesla? no
<Mat2ch> That wasn't the problem here. Their paperwork is solid on this one and that is what the court decided as well.
<Mat2ch> There was an injunction, because two environmental organizations had doubts, and the court needed time to check this.
<Mat2ch> Now they decided: All is well, Tesla can go on
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<Althego> some months ago i heard those environmental organizations were actually sponsored by ice car makers :)
<Mat2ch> Well, I would not give anything to those rumours. They have enough airheads themselfs...
<darsie> WWF is a scam.
<sandbox> yeah that wrestling is fake
<FLHerne> ...and?
<FLHerne> No-one complains about actors or magicians being fake
<FLHerne> They're good at putting on a show, so people watch it
<Mat2ch> yep
<Mat2ch> and even the Blair Witch Project, which everyone knew was fake, got a lot of attention
<sandbox> it was a joke
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<darsie> Worldwide fund for nature
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<Mat2ch> aaaaahahaha, I found the Heisenbug. It's always a weird feeling to finally grab it
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<packbart> is it one of those "it never could have worked but did" bugs?
<Mat2ch> something like that, but also somebody (not me) didn't check for all edge cases. And this is clearly one
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<TwistenX> howdy
<TwistenX> I saw that they got Starship SN8 to fly
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<TwistenX> Hello again JVFoxy
<JVFoxy> lo
<TwistenX> english 100
<JVFoxy> well thanks to Starship's excitement the last few days, I'm now going to end up waking up at 4-5am in the morning
<TwistenX> bro my grandma just baked a squirrel into her apple pie and a now the cat's in the pie and there's also a deer with a gun trying to break in to my house
<JVFoxy> I'm a little confused, they weren't expecting it to have done so well, yet, outlets are saying this was a major setback?
<TwistenX> How come people only notice it when a SpaceX rocket fails
<Althego> not a setback
<Althego> basically got all objectives
<Althego> except the tank pressure on landinf
<Althego> they have to work on that
<TwistenX> Starship looks freaking S T U P I D
<JVFoxy> I didn't think it was a failure. There was a lot of unknowns they had. It was the only way to see what they were.
<TwistenX> SN8 should look like the Shuttle 5
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<TwistenX> Shuttle 5 is just my way of saying the Space Shuttle
<JVFoxy> Kept checking in on Scott's channel, waiting for his 2c on things. I figured green flames was pressure lost. I didn't think it would have also meant, as he puts it: engine rich exhaust..
<TwistenX> I think the Space Needle should actually be just scraping the edge of the atmosphere and reach to 10km n altitude
<TwistenX> I remember someone saying Engine-rich exhaust yesterday, I think
<Althego> scott said that after one of the test hops
<TwistenX> Or something that has to do with that
<Althego> i think it was the starhoppe rone
<TwistenX> Starhopper? I think that's a better name than Starship
<JVFoxy> Ya.. the one engined hop. ended up coming down just a touch harder than expected, but the legs were designed for it, just in case
<TwistenX> By the way, isn't Starship not gonna have any use sending payloads until 2024 when we inevitably decide to have Moon Colonies and Mars Colonies.
<Althego> it totally has use
<TwistenX> 'ight I'mma go make some waffles brb
<Althego> cheapest to leo vehicle
<Althego> can deploy a lot of starlink sats too
<JVFoxy> what was it someone said? It's like watching a 12 of 14 story building launching into the air
<TwistenX> k im back my waffles are in the toaster oven
<TwistenX> What use does Starship have before 2024, Althego?
<TwistenX> I saw on that it's supposed to carry payloads mainly to the Moon and Mars.
<JVFoxy> Another said: it was like seeing something from science fiction. Well... maybe, a little. I'm just a little concerned about that sudden transition from belly to tail end might be sudden and could possibly have no way of escape if something goes wrong
<Althego> the from below view spacex released was stunning
<TwistenX> This is what the website says about SN8: SpaceX vehicle Starship is SpaceX’s fully reusable transportation system designed to carry both crew and cargo to the Earth’s orbit, the Moon, Mars, and beyond.
<TwistenX> I watch the Live ISS On-Board Cam sometimes and it's pretty cool
<Althego> moon and mars is only available through in orbit refueling
<JVFoxy> ya... just the size alone, made it look like it was moving pretty slow
<Althego> another unproven tech
<Althego> so it can probably take cargo into orbit in 2022
<TwistenX> SN8 doesn't look aerodynamic enough either
<TwistenX> Maybe another 2 fins on the bottom maybe
<JVFoxy> Did Elon eventually drop the idea of flying 100 people a shot over to Mars in that thing or?
<TwistenX> Cause it looks weird, but that's not really what matters. What matters is if it can do.
<TwistenX> I don't think he dropped it
<TwistenX> He just still hasn't decided on whether he wants to do it or not
<TwistenX> Or change the number of people that will go
<TwistenX> My waffles are done, brb.
<JVFoxy> would have to take a very special group of people. You wanna be shoved into basically a phonebooth for months on end?
<TwistenX> got my waffles
<packbart> I guess there are much more than 100 volunteers ready to go
<TwistenX> do you even need understanding or rocket science to go?
<Althego> no
<TwistenX> nice
<TwistenX> how old do you have to be
<Althego> but since there is some things to be doen onsite
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<Althego> you have to understand that
<Althego> mission specialist
<TwistenX> dang it
<Althego> probably requires years of training
<TwistenX> i got school, see yall in 30 minutes
<packbart> yeah, good luck calling for room service or wanting to speak to the manager on that trip
<JVFoxy> pod service
<Althego> hehe no karens accepted
<JVFoxy> so, has he come up with the exterior shape before or after designing the interior? Don't they sort of go hand in hand in a sense?
<JVFoxy> Or this one of those, hope the exterior and system works first, then worry about what goes inside for the people?
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<packbart> it's vaguely rocket-shaped
<Althego> the interior can conform to the remaining space
<Althego> looks quite kerbal
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<TwistenX> It does
<TwistenX> I can't see the entire thing because Imgur is blocked for me. (I only have a School-Monitored Chromebook so I'm wishing for an Acer 5 Gaming Laptop on Christmas.)
<TwistenX> From what I can see, it kinda looks like the RT-5 "Flea" SRB or the RT-10 "Hammer" SRB
<JVFoxy> oof.. chromebook
<TwistenX> Yeha
<TwistenX> yeah*
<Althego> what is the change the delta 4 heavy launches this time?
<JVFoxy> parents tried to get me one last year, I had them send it back. I can't work with something that /has/ to be online %100 of the time in order for it to work
<Althego> cant you install some other os on it?
<TwistenX> no
<Althego> then it is not your device, you dont own it
<Althego> therefore pointless to buy
<Althego> in fact they should pay you for using it
<FLHerne> Althego: 'school-monitored' implies they don't own it in a more literal sense :p
<Althego> no, i meant chromebook in general
<FLHerne> I think all Chromebooks are capable of installing Linux
<Althego> then it is a reasonable thing
<FLHerne> In some cases you have to remove a jumper on the motherboard to unlock the bootloader
<FLHerne> Which is vaguely annoying
<Althego> get it, wipe out what is on it, install some linux with lxde or xfce and there you go
<FLHerne> But hardware compatibility is great, because Chrome OS is basically Gentoo
<Althego> but why should anybody go through this
<FLHerne> Yeah, but schools complain when you install Linux on their hardware
<Althego> as i said, i was talking about it in general
* FLHerne got hauled in front of the Deputy Head a decade ago for exactly that
<Althego> we already accepted we dont own our phones
<Althego> which are the most personal computers er use
<Althego> *we
<FLHerne> I own mine
<FLHerne> (this is why I don't have an iPhone :p)
<Althego> but i am not going to accept that a laptop is not your because companies pushing that
<JVFoxy> they got me this Asus machine, originally had Win8 on it. When 10 came out, someone replaced 8 with 10, despite small 30gig drive, then pushed it back onto the selves. Apparently there's an on going issue with laptop makers sticking tiny drives that can barely run an OS on them
<Althego> 30 gigs
<Althego> come on i have an usb stick that big
<FLHerne> My dad's little Chromebook has an 8GB eMMC card, IIRC
<Althego> and that is not even considered big
<FLHerne> Or maybe it was 16
<FLHerne> (although CrOS is a lot smaller than Windows)
<Althego> some 12 years ago i started my first ssd with 8 gb for the os
<JVFoxy> only downside is stuck with 2gig ram.. but I might be able to update the drive to something bigger. It seems a waste of having a 64 bit CPU but its running 32 bit OS
<Althego> completely fine for a debian, even today
<FLHerne> ChromeOS devices are quite explicitly designed as web-application clients above all else
<Althego> this is just the companies being as cheap as possible
<JVFoxy> chrome stuff, don't they also have a short lifespan too?
* TwistenX wonders what the heck happened here
* TwistenX 's favorite planet is Mars
<FLHerne> Hah, I remember having an 8MB hard drive
<FLHerne> (a Frog one with gigantic SCSI ports)
<Althego> i started with a 210 MB one. but only because i was stuck on c64 for a long time
<FLHerne> TwistenX: You triggered a discussion of Chromebooks by having one.
<FLHerne> ;mission add You trigger a discussion of some unrelated topic.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: You trigger a discussion of some unrelated topic.
<Althego> still not a unit a war :
<Althego> )
<FLHerne> ;mission fixup s/trigger a/accidentally trigger/
<LunchBot> FLHerne: New text is: You accidentally trigger discussion of some unrelated topic.
<TwistenX> i'm sorry it was required
<TwistenX> it was just given to us
<FLHerne> I quite like them
* TwistenX has sinned for having a Chromebook
<umaxtu> nah, nothing wrong with a chrome book.
* TwistenX has achieved C O M E D Y
<FLHerne> You should try installing proper Linux on it
<TwistenX> chromebook's are cool
<umaxtu> at least you don't have to worry about it rebooting in the middle of a test to install updates
<TwistenX> i cant
<FLHerne> It'll be fun
<Althego> like shiny stainless steal rocket look? :)
<TwistenX> it's school-managed
<TwistenX> i haven't had an update in a while
<FLHerne> You almost certainly can install another OS, there's usually a little bootloader-unlock jumper on the motherboard
<FLHerne> The school might be unhappy though
<TwistenX> exactly
<FLHerne> I never got expelled, so...
<Althego> you do what any sane person would do in that situation: just use it to ssh to some other machine that you control :)
<TwistenX> metric better than imperial
<FLHerne> Althego: If anything, my school seemed *more* unhappy about me installing puTTY than a complete Linux distro
<FLHerne> I don't really know why
<umaxtu> why would you need to install putty? you can just run it off a flash drive
<Althego> baboon better than weasel
<FLHerne> Metric is nicer for scientific calculations, but imperial units are better sizes for many everyday tasks
<TwistenX> orangutan
<FLHerne> And particularly for inches, base-12 is much better than 10
<Althego> base 12 is idiotic
<Althego> at least make it base 16
<FLHerne> We should switch to a duodecimal number and unit system
<Althego> that is useful for someting at least
<FLHerne> No, 12 has lots more common factors
<Althego> but i cant convert it to bionary easily
<Althego> so anyway i heard this several times that 12 is good because it has a lot of factors. but i cant think of any usage for that
<Althego> it would be only useful with a base 12 number system, as you said
<Althego> but i think the multiplication table is already too big
<FLHerne> It's useful when you're making stuff, and you want a thing to be a third as big as the other thing
<Althego> so binary would be a better choice, tiny multiplicationt able
<UmbralDrone> The use is that 1/3 terminates instead of repeating (0.333333), though 1/5 becomes a repeating fraction
<UmbralDrone> And, uh, base 6 does it just as well
* UmbralDrone 's proposal to use base 30, which solves all of those, is widely unpopular for some reason
<FLHerne> But then you need far too many digits to represent common quantities
<Althego> obviously we should use e based number system
<UmbralDrone> aaaaaaaa
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<packbart> base-pi
<Althego> e is optimal in soem sense
<Althego> i forgot how
<packbart> because it's "natural"
<UmbralDrone> It's one of those numbers that just shows up in random places (like π)
<packbart> hm. might have followed the wrong link there, though
<packbart> "The base e is the most economical choice of radix β > 1 (Hayes 2001), where the radix economy is measured as the product of the radix and the length of the string of symbols needed to express a given range of values."
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<TwistenX> hello am return
<umaxtu> wb
<TwistenX> yes
* TwistenX doesn't know what wb is
<umaxtu> wb = welcome back
<TwistenX> o
* TwistenX knows what wb is
<TwistenX> why does Rokker keep leaving and re-joining
<Rokker> wat
<umaxtu> probably the crappy wifi at his museum
<Rokker> nah, I'm on irccloud
<Rokker> so its on their end
<FLHerne> Stop being on irccloud :p
<Althego> i dont see such activiy
<TwistenX> Hey, Rokker
<TwistenX> Metric better than Imperial. :D
<packbart> .oO( /ignore #kspofficial JOINS PARTS QUITS )
<Rokker> what's it like to be so wrong?
<TwistenX> I wouldn't know
<TwistenX> :)
<packbart> well, at least you don't drive on the wrong side of the road
* packbart ducks out
* TwistenX doesn't even have a driving licence because they're 13 Years Old.
<Rokker> jesus
<Rokker> too young
<Rokker> shoo
<Rokker> when did I get so old
<Althego> hehe
<TwistenX> No, the KSP Forums said I have to be 13
<TwistenX> hey guys i'm gonna say something that will trigger you
<UmbralDrone> uh
<TwistenX> *inhale*
<Rokker> UmbralDrone: prepare the banhammer
<TwistenX> *even deeper inhale*
<UmbralDrone> I mean, maybe he's just going to try to make us feel old
<UmbralDrone> hopefully
<Rokker> UmbralDrone: oh hey. in the off chance that the air force museum closes down again I might travel to virginia
<Rokker> wanna get lunch if I do?
<TwistenX> feel old now
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<TwistenX> suffer
<TwistenX> KSP is 9 years old
<UmbralDrone> Rokker: hopefully the vaccine will be available by then
<Rokker> eh, museum wont close if the vaccine is out
<TwistenX> joe biden
<Rokker> im not saying like eat in a closed room, like lunch in a park or something UmbralDrone
<UmbralDrone> ah
<Rokker> TwistenX: reeeeee politics
<Rokker> virginia is covered in military museums for me to visit and I dont see any real reason not to do em now
<TwistenX> tonald drump
<TwistenX> boe jiden
<UmbralDrone> KSP: predates the cancellation of the Ares I and V
* UmbralDrone troutslaps TwistenX
<Althego> hehe
* TwistenX blocks the troutslap
<FLHerne> TwistenX: So is KSP older than you? :p
* TwistenX consumes the matter of UmbralDrone
<UmbralDrone> Including the reactor?
<TwistenX> No KSP released in 2011, i was birth 2007
<TwistenX> UmbralDrone sus
<TwistenX> vote him out
<TwistenX> do it
<TwistenX> please
<TwistenX> FLHerne Althego Rokker vte UmbralDrone please
<Rokker> satellite go vroom
<TwistenX> woah the engine looks like a LV-T30 "Reliant" or LV-T45 "Swivel"
<Rokker> how dare you
<UmbralDrone> Solid fuel upper stages aren't reali- *is dragged offstage*
<TwistenX> nooo launching a satellite costs way too much money what if it crashes?!
<TwistenX> haha rocket go brrrr
<Rokker> UmbralDrone: America was founded on solid fuel upper stages
<TwistenX> oil
<TwistenX> Every other country: lives on water. America: "oil"
<Rokker> space
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* UmbralDrone assumes that's a Titan IV in the background
<Rokker> Titan IV B
* TwistenX thinks UmbralDrone is seeing things
* TwistenX is 69 bobux
<TwistenX> f
<Rokker> cringe
<cringe> sups
<Rokker> cringe: didn't mean to ping you, dude is just being cringe
<Rokker> how are the ISS pee levels today?
<cringe> not available
<Rokker> nice
<TwistenX> wait cringe is on the ISS
<Rokker> no
<TwistenX> dang
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<UmbralDrone> huh, Pillars of Eternity is free on the Epic store
<mrBlaQ> mods mods, someone's posting #offtopic. mods help.
<mrBlaQ> ;) hi raptor how are you
<UmbralDrone> surviving
<mrBlaQ> phew good
<UmbralDrone> (probably)
<mrBlaQ> same here
<mrBlaQ> ups and downs but mostly good
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<UmbralDrone> Certainly my mental health has suffered, given *gestures vaguely*
<mrBlaQ> yeah for sure
<mrBlaQ> w/o getting political I'll just say that it's really draining to see people I care about just take the most awful position on things. I can't fix everything though. Gotta concentrate on myself and my family.
<mrBlaQ> It's been a journey to find new projects to concentrate on. so many plans put on hold
<UmbralDrone> At least I can work from home, though at the moment it's interrupted by other things
<packbart> !nela
<Kerbot> packbart => Delta IV Heavy - NROL-44 - Fri Dec 11, 2020 01:00:00 UTC (L-04:29:20) - for info/stream
<packbart> aye
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<UmbralDrone> There's also the whole "why mess around with a personal telescope when I have some access to a 0.8 m with a fancy CCD" (ignore that I'm only using it for research porpoises)
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Delta IV Heavy - NROL-44 - Fri Dec 11, 2020 01:00:00 UTC (L-04:11:46) - for info/stream
<Althego> 4 hours? i am not waiting that much
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<UmbralDrone> Working on the assumption of a scrub?
<Althego> there area a few precedents already
<Althego> a rocket that sets itself on fire, but probably short launch feed because of the payload
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MrTikku3 has joined #KSPOfficial
<FLHerne> RIP SN8
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<FLHerne> It honestly looks like one of those dead-ship junk graveyards in Star Wars
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<Deddly> Even in death it is a thing of beauty. Distracting crack in their windscreen though ;)
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