raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<RoboFreak> !nela
<Kerbot> RoboFreak => Atlas V - NROL-101 - Thu Nov 12, 2020 22:18:00 UTC (L-2 days, 16:17:33) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/nrol-101 for info/stream
RoboFreak is now known as Althego
<Althego> it moved again
<Althego> but there is a date for spacex crew 1
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<Mat2ch> well, no static fire this time
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<Althego> "just according to keikaku*" *=keikaku means plan :)
<darsie> What's the meaning of Michio Kaku?
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<Althego> !jap kaku
<Kerbot> Althego => 佳句 [かく]: (n) beautiful passage of literature :: 画 [かく]: (n,n-suf,ctr) stroke (of a kanji, etc.); (P) :: 画く [かく]: (v5k,vt) to draw; to paint; to sketch; to depict; to describe :: 劃 [かく]: (n,n-suf,ctr) stroke (of a kanji, etc.) :: 各 [かく]: (n) each; every; (P) :: 廓 [かく]: (n) (1) district; quarter; (2) enclosure; area enclosed by earthwork; (3) red-light district :: 格 [かく]: (n,n-suf) sta
<Althego> and too long to fit in there
<darsie> Kerbot: Nice rectangles.
<Althego> use utf-8 :)
<darsie> I do.
<darsie> But my font is incomplete.
* raptop wants to say that the kana are all on the BMP. Probably a few kanji also
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<darsie> Test small landing gear in flight over Kerbin: https://i.imgur.com/EdTHMSY.png
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Hmm, maybe dropping it from a launch stability enhancer would have been better :)
<Althego> this is how i do the eva reports above biomes
<darsie> You jump?
<Althego> yes
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<Althego> come on, clsoe the road
<umaxtu> not yet, I'm still working on homework
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> road closed
<Mat2ch> woah
<Mat2ch> but test will be around 2 or 3 in the night here, so...
<Althego> obviously
<Althego> around 5 i already missed it by about 2 hours
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<Eddi|zuHause> pff... perform "in flight" EVA while jumping? the real kerbal way is doing it while falling off the ladder :p
<Althego> i dont use ladders
<Althego> they just add weight
<Althego> 2 usecases: tylo and eve
<Eddi|zuHause> the command modules have built in ones :)
<darsie> I tested the Whiplash at some altitude and speed with my VTOL and took a lot of attempts to land it. Like ... 20 or so.
<darsie> The wings are angled, so it picks up some horizontal speed as it comes down vertically. Gotta cancel that, too.
<Althego> in the days of the wing destroying radiation of the launchpad, one all my wings disappeared on final approach, but managed to land on the engine
<Althego> pad is still not cleaa
<darsie> radiation?
<Althego> i call it radiation
<darsie> ok
<Althego> it was a bug, anywhere aroudn kerbin you could potentially have a collision with the launchpad that only affected the wings
<darsie> I'll rescue Keldred Kerman form the surface of the Mun ...
<darsie> I have a capsule in polar orbit there with which I'll do a low pass over Keldred and tell him to jetpack to orbit and refuel in the capsule to get to Kerbin ...
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<Althego> pad clear, now just a few hours :)
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> the grass shall vent!
<Althego> at least there is a what about it
<Althego> ok at this point it was quite probably. the real flight cant be this week
<Mat2ch> Why not?
<Mat2ch> A talk about the Starlink prices
<Althego> maybe i should add something to collect that road closure data
<Althego> in this world of javascript at least the cameron county page just renders the spacex table in plain html, so i could collect it
<Mat2ch> yeah, there are still some good websites out there
<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary Date | November 8, 2020 | 7:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. | Closure Cancelled :: Primary Date | November 9, 2020 | 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Closure Scheduled :: Backup Date | November 10, 2020 | 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Closure Scheduled :: Backup Date | November 11, 2020 | 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Closure Scheduled :: Primary Date | November 12, 2020 | 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Closure Scheduled
<Althego> at least i dont have to check it from that site anymore :)
<darsie> Got Keldred in the capsule.
<Althego> i swear with this font the long dash – looks shorter than the usual hypen -
<darsie> Same here.
<packbart> not here
<FLHerne> Not here
<darsie> Umm, no, it's longer.
* darsie is just confused :).
<Althego> we discovered the relativity of horizontal length
<Mat2ch> and now parse it in a way that only the current dates are displayed and not the old ones ;)
<Althego> that's the secret, i'm not parsing the text
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<Althego> (and always angry)
<Althego> it works for next launch because there is a unix timestamp, which is easy to compare
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Atlas V - NROL-101 - Thu Nov 12, 2020 22:18:00 UTC (L-2 days, 01:00:54) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/nrol-101 for info/stream
<Althego> but that one is json to begin with
<Mat2ch> hrm, 35 minutes until static fire maybe?
<Mat2ch> I'm not staying up that long
<Althego> me neither
<Mat2ch> also: just use some regexp ;)
<Mat2ch> yeah, if it happens, I'll rewatch it tomorrow
<Althego> it is basically freeform text, so i am not going to try to parse or compare dates
<Althego> that is a fool's errand
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* darsie recovered Keldred on Kerbin.
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<raptop> That sounds entirely too much like the name of a Baldur's Gate character
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<Guest28961> really dumb question: I want to post an image with my question in the forum, and I see the button to "Insert image from URL", but not sure where to upload my image file.
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<raptop> It accepts images from imagur
<Guest28961> I've heard of it, but not used imagur. I assume I have to create an account on it or something?
<raptop> You do not, though they may try to trick you into doing so
<Guest28961> (ok, two dumb questions)
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<Guest28961> ok, thanks. I'll take a look at it. Much obliged!
<raptop> yay
<Guest28961> thanks again, @raptop! That worked fine!
<raptop> \o/
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