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<Jovian_Oracle> What would cause all but one of my Unity games, including KSP, to suddenly not launch?
<Jovian_Oracle> I am getting a window from the Unity engine or whatever, a crash log that doesn't really tell me anything, and then the Unity using games simply don't start.
<Jovian_Oracle> They were literally running earlier today too with the same hardware.
<FLHerne> Depends what you did today :p
<FLHerne> You should paste the crash log somewhere, it might tell someone something
<FLHerne> What OS?
<Jovian_Oracle> The only thing I did today was replace my 60hz monitor with a larger, 185hz monitor, but I actually ran KSP in the new one without Vsync.
<Jovian_Oracle> Also, Windows 10, just updated after the problem.
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<Jovian_Oracle> Same with the GPU Drivers.
<umaxtu> oooh! what monitor did you get?
<FLHerne> Given it's not Linux, I don't have a clue, so -> sleep
<FLHerne> goodnight
<Jovian_Oracle> Sceptre M32
<Jovian_Oracle> I'm hooked in with the DP instead of the HDMI I previously used.
<Jovian_Oracle> But I'm not sure why my Unity games all borked out at once aside from Battletech
<umaxtu> do you have MSI afterburner and/or riva tuner running?
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<Jovian_Oracle> I don't think so, but I'll check.
<Jovian_Oracle> Nope.
<umaxtu> hmm
<Jovian_Oracle> I've noted that Battletech has also not been updated as recently as the others, so there may be some underlying Unity thing going on.
<Jovian_Oracle> Ahhhh . . . It's also on my D: drive.
<Jovian_Oracle> I'm going to move KSP to the D: drive and see what happens.
<Jovian_Oracle> Nope. Still doesn't work. I just tried another game I didn't know was Unity based, Two Point Hospital, and that's running.
<Jovian_Oracle> So why would KSP, Subnautica and Hardspace start failing all the sudden?
<Jovian_Oracle> Deserts of Kharak is also running. This is just silly.
<Jovian_Oracle> Alright, so there are a few potential solutions I've found on Reddit.
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<Jovian_Oracle> And they didn't work.
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<Jovian_Oracle> Backdating to a previous version of KSP did not help.
<Jovian_Oracle> I'm wondering if Unity is having a phone home issue?
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<Jovian_Oracle> Alright. I'm pretty sure something has gone really wrong with the UnityPlayer.dlls included in the diseased games.
<Jovian_Oracle> Endless Space 2 also works.
<Jovian_Oracle> What in the name of the Kraken is going on with the bad three then?
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<raptop> Althego: they successfully avoided pulling a galileo?
<Althego> but why does it have such a big dish, it is in orbit around earth
<raptop> apparently it's for radar purposes
<Althego> i thought sar was a long antenna perpendicular to the motion of the satellite
<raptop> it depends? It looks like Magellan used a 3.7 m high gain antenna for SAR
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<Althego> but why is it brown
<darsie> Althego: forwarded to ##astronomy@freenode
<darsie> hehe
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<Althego> the second was accidentally the same as the first
<Truga> lmao elan
<Mat2ch> Hrm, KSP2 in 2022... weeeellll
<Althego> i wonder what they want to do that takes so long?
<Althego> or maybe some people quit?
<Deddly> I'm hoping cybertruck will be a proper amphibious vehicle.
<Mat2ch> I really wonder if they have external consultants, who take a look at the thing and tell them, where they planned wrong
<Althego> there was a tweet with a joke pic where it is in water like some boat
<Mat2ch> one of the most common problems in software development is underestimating the time it needs
<Truga> teslas are too heavy to be amphibious with their volume
<Althego> but the interesting thing is the legless design
<Mat2ch> I sometimes keep doing that myself. But I'm getting better.
<Deddly> I don't have any inside information, but Nate did say that time is the only factor holding them back from adding certain killer features he would love to see in the game. I would imagine that as long as KSP1 is bringing in revenue, it has to be worthwhile spending more time on 2 to add those features.
<Althego> that would mean they can get rid of that mass too
<Truga> a ton of battery ain't a joke
<Deddly> Truga, uh, no
<Mat2ch> Althego: legless design, I will be very impressed if they manage to do that.
<Deddly> They are heavy, yes, but their density is not even close to that of water
<Mat2ch> Truga: if you want to see really heavy things that will float some day, look for Acorn to Arabella. That is all heavy heavy stuff. And will still float.
<Truga> doesn't matter, you need a good amount of safety doing amphibious because boats bounce and list
<Deddly> EV vehicles are a bit heavier than ICE-powered ones, but they really are not that much heavier for that to be a significant factor
<Truga> and then you get water in the trunk and rip
<Deddly> Truga, using that argument, you could claim that no road vehicle could ever be amphibious, but that is clearly not the case
<Mat2ch> And to KSP2: Please KSP devs get some outsiders to have a look at the insides of what you are doing! It's too easy to go blind in a project!
<Truga> no tesla shaped road vehicle is ever going to be amphibious yes
<Truga> now google how many sank lmao
<Deddly> Truga, if any sank, it was due to corrosion. The Amphicar was renowned for it.
<Deddly> Truga, amphibious road cars might not be suitable for crossing an ocean, but they are certain stable enough to be used on a lake or river
<Deddly> Some of them, even more than that: https://gibbsamphibians.com/platform/aquada/
<Truga> Curb weight2,324 lb (1,054 kg)
<Truga> lmao
<Truga> cmon dude
<Truga> a fucking clio is heavier than that these days
<Deddly> Truga, no swearing in this channel please
<Truga> sorry
<Truga> i forget
<Deddly> Thank you
<Truga> on no i lied
<Truga> The latest Clio weighs significantly less than the current model, with the lightest version coming in at just 1,042kg
<Deddly> But it seriously isn't about the weight. It's all about where the buoyancy is placed and where the weight is. In the case of a Tesla, almost all the weight is down low, which gives it a stability advantage right from the start
<Mat2ch> Truga: uh, 1466kg
<Truga> yeah, but larger weight means you need a larger hull
<Deddly> Truga, The Cybertruck is enormous
<Mat2ch> The Cybertruck has a much larger hull
<Truga> i guess suvs are pretty popular but
<Deddly> It's like 6 metres long
<Truga> lmao so it's not only a tesla it's also impractical :v
<Mat2ch> where are you from? Probably not the US. Have a look at the Ford F150
<Deddly> The Cybertruck is incredibly impractical in Europe, yes
<Mat2ch> it's one of the best selling trucks there...
<Deddly> Australia and the US, that's not an issue
<Truga> f150 is a suv and yeah i know that
<Deddly> F150 is a truck
<Truga> ok yeah it's a truck
<Mat2ch> 6.2 m long, 2 m wide, almost 2h high
<Mat2ch> those things are monsters!
<Mat2ch> *2 m high
<Mat2ch> (two hours high would be an interesting format to measure things)
<Deddly> It sounds to me more like you're slagging off Tesla rather than discussing whether it would be possible for it to be amphibious
<Truga> well tesla is just so funny to me
<Deddly> EVs in general or just Tesla?
<Truga> just tesla
<Truga> EVs own
<Deddly> What in particular with Tesla do you not like?
<Truga> oh i love it
<Truga> it's just a constant stream of laughter
<Deddly> So it's Elon Musk you don't like?
<Truga> oh elon's definitely a loon too
<Deddly> I'm no Tesla fanboy, but it's difficult to find a serious argument against the cars, apart from up-front purchase cost, which is not a problem unique to Tesla
<Truga> i dunno, i'd expect a $30k car to not, you know, fall apart during normal operation
<Deddly> Teething issues are not unique to Tesla
<Truga> i've been told "just wait until the german/chinese factory comes online for that" before, but that remains to be seen imo
<Deddly> Recalls in the car industry are perhaps more commonplace than you know
<Truga> yes, and tesla instead just chooses to ignore the problem
<Truga> rather than recall
<Truga> unless they're absolutely forced to, obvs
<Deddly> Are you referring to the rear fender ripping of some of the early Model Y when driving through standing water?
<Truga> i honestly don't remember all the issues they had with their stuff, there was wompy wheels, snow getting stuck under it, fender thing
<Truga> it's a constant stream of pat & mat style hilarity
<Deddly> They do fix those issues, you know
<Deddly> They are by no means the best out there, but I don't think they deserve the vitriol that is thrown their way by some who do not own one and never have done.
<Truga> yeah i was kinda hyped for teslas, but the things they deliver at the price they deliver? might as well buy a toyota
<Deddly> What Toyota?
<Deddly> A self-charging one?
<Truga> prius i guess?
<Truga> or that plug-in yaris they had
<Truga> dunno if it still exists
<Deddly> Toyota lost all the respect I had for them with their deliberately misleading advertising
<Truga> lol them i'm sure you'll also disown tesla because elon keeps advertising "full self driving in 3 months"
<Truga> never, ever look at ads
<Truga> :v
<Deddly> Oh the FSD thing has always been a fiasco, though the actual FDS functionality they eventually developed is very good
<Deddly> FSD*
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<Deddly> The worst thing Tesla do is list the price as "after incentives and fuel savings" on their website
<Truga> lol yeah
<Truga> that'd be literally against the law in EU i think
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<Deddly> I believe so, yes.
<Deddly> They don't do that in the EU
<Deddly> (last I checked)
<Mat2ch> Truga: uh, I've got a BMW. It was a year old when I bought it. The first fan motor for the fresh air system had to be replaced, because it was making loud noises.
<Truga> :shrug: bmws are way too expensive imo
<Deddly> Seriously though, if you're in the market for an EV that you intend to use for long journeys, there is still currently nothing that really comes close
<Mat2ch> Truga: half a year later the whole timing chain had to be replaced, because they designed it to weak and it could break (and in some cars did break) and destroy the whole engine
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<Mat2ch> Truga: to replace that chain and all the gears you have to lift the engine out of the car. It took them three days to do the repair
<Truga> so you're saying german quality is a lie? noooo
<Truga> lmao
<Althego> FSD, i always think of frame shift drive :)
<Truga> same
<Althego> now that would be nice
<Truga> friendship drive engaging
<Mat2ch> Some parts are well designed, others are not. That's it.
<Deddly> BMW are still great cars, but even they have issues. Same with every single other car ever made
<Althego> german quality is a lie
<Mat2ch> Now the car is getting 10 years old and it is starting to rust, because the paint on the underside wasn't applied well enough. That's BMW quality right there.
<Althego> inset the aastronaut with gun picture
<Althego> i dont know when it became a lie
<Deddly> I drive a Dacia Duster. If you open the fuel cap cover too quickly, it smashes into the body work and chips a chunk out of the paint.
<Althego> but whenever i meet something german, it sucks
<Mat2ch> It is like everywhere: There are good things and bad things and you have to look around to get them.
<Mat2ch> You clearly need some Wera or Wiha screw drivers an pliers in your life. ;)
<Mat2ch> Or Hazet stuff
<Deddly> What's that?
<Mat2ch> Tools. Very high priced tools ;)
<Deddly> Ah
<Deddly> Dacia don't do high precision, hehe
<Truga> anyway, afaik the good EV these days is kona EV, but that's also a suv so it's neither here nor there
<Mat2ch> Althego: and Miele appliances of course ;)
<Deddly> I like driving a vehicle that is unashamedly a bunch of old stuff thrown together. Reasonably good quality parts, but nevertheless old and outdated ones. But it works, and it works very wel
<Deddly> l
<Truga> i'm hoping that chinese ev gets introduced here
<Deddly> Truga, Kona is a great car, but not for long journeys with that DC charging max rate
<Mat2ch> wait, you want Quality and hope for Chinese stuff?
* Mat2ch hides
<Deddly> Mat2ch, that's what people used to say about Japanese cars
<Mat2ch> Deddly: Bjørn would not approve.
<Truga> 99% of my stuff is chinese made and is quality stuff :shrug:
<Deddly> Mat2ch, he didn't
<Mat2ch> Well, Japanese cars are falling behind when it comes to EVs, so...
<Deddly> 22 KW max charge in cold weather, 45 in warm. That just isn't enough
<Deddly> But as long as you are charging at home overnight, the Kona is an excellent choice
<Truga> saw a review somewhere, seemed neat
<Deddly> Honda do a nice little EV
<Truga> Electric range301 km (187 mi) (NEDC)
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<Deddly> NEDC lol
<Truga> that's enough to get anywhere in my country even if real range is half
<Deddly> Sounds perfect for your use case, then
<Truga> yeah
<Deddly> No need to may a premium for something with fast charging if you're only going 150km
<Deddly> pay*
<Deddly> The Chevvy Volt was actually great for that kind of driving
<Truga> unfortunately as with most chinese exports it's twice as expensive abroad and only exported to india lmao
<Deddly> (Opel Ampera)
<Mat2ch> that thing looks like a copy of the Honda E. Also what about the Zoe?
<Truga> zoe is expensive
<Deddly> If you can get Zoe without the battery lease
<Truga> i use my bike/public transport 99% of the time i don't even need a car
<Truga> but it would be nice to have one to load skis into twice a year
<Deddly> On a roofrack, I assume
<Truga> yeah
<Deddly> Rental sounds like the best option
<Truga> probably yeah
<Truga> then again it's covid times so who cares LOL
<Deddly> Well, there is that, hehe
<Mat2ch> Deddly: Renault sells the battery for 8000 EUR here...
<Deddly> Mat2ch, over here it's possible to buy the battery too. But not in every country, last I checked
<Mat2ch> if you need a car two times a year: RENT IT! It only costs money when it is sitting around. And I know what I'm speaking of. I have a BMW ;)
<Truga> break my windows
<Deddly> The problem is, the resale value of a Zoe with a purchased battery isn't as good as you would expect, because buyers compare prices with the ones that have battery rental
<Truga> also batteries depreciate about as bad as cars, so you're basically depreciating two cars
<Truga> :v
<Deddly> Naah. Automotive batteries last ages if you care for them properly
<Truga> yeah but a battery with 10k km on it might be good as new but will still sell for much less
<Deddly> A properly-managed EV battery (especially a Tesla battery) will outlast a diesel engine
<Deddly> Oh you're talking about the price? In most countries, EV vehicles hold their value better than their ICE counterparts
<Mat2ch> Deddly: uhm, I would drive a good electric car until it dies.
<Deddly> Which sucks if you want to buy a secondhand one
<Mat2ch> There's only one really expensive part in there, the other parts are cheap to replace...
<Deddly> Mat2ch, so would I
* packbart uses car-sharing and drives a variety of BMW i3, e-smart and "classic" cars
<packbart> the i3 looks weird
<Deddly> Yeah I was never a fan of the i3 (talking only about looks)
<packbart> nice acceleration, though
<Deddly> As with most EVs, to be fair
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<packbart> true
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<Deddly> I test drove a Tesla P85+ a few years ago
<Deddly> Not because I can afford one, but because I wanted to play with one, lol
<Deddly> I tapped the accelerator for a moment and it felt like someone hit the back of my seat
<packbart> yeah, I'm still planning on renting both a Tesla and a Maserati for a day each and compare. it's not too expensive, either
<Deddly> I actually planned on renting a Tesla for a long road trip I was planning to take once because I calculated that the rental cost would have been less than the fuel cost on my own vehicle
<Deddly> Unfortunately, the car wasn't available on the dates I had requested :/
<Mat2ch> packbart: the lead designer was weird, too. I had a talk with him at the IAA. Totally self-absorbed...
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<packbart> well, off to the office in a Polo
<Deddly> Nice
<packbart> I currently don't use public transport anymore
<Deddly> Yeah me neither
<Althego> i dont go anywhere because of the virus :)
<Althego> i go to the nearest spar which is like 2 minutes on foot
<packbart> I still go to the office (ok, it's already noon ;) and meet my 3 coworkers there. it's a large space, better than sitting at home
<Althego> and i am close to the end of year hibernation
<Deddly> I always work from home anyway
<Mat2ch> I work from home since I got self-employed. But on the other hand, as a consultant, there's not much work right now. Nobody wants me in their company...
<Deddly> Don't worry, the world will end soon ;)
<Mat2ch> How many million years are we talking about?
<Deddly> Depends which planet's years we are talking about
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<Mat2ch> Deddly: Earth, Solar System.
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<Althego> life has a few hundred million years remaining on earth because of the slow heating up of the sun
<Althego> that is quite short if you compare it to the billions of years already gone
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<packbart> ooh, that's a nice UFO: https://nsa40.casimages.com/img/2020/11/09/201109022338872123.png (from the forum)
<Althego> with little green man
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<Guest34064> kerbal space program
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<packbart> yes
<Althego> hehe
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<FLHerne> The highest-gravity planet you could possibly use a chemical rocket to reach orbit from, ignoring engineering and other constraints, is roughly 10g...
<FLHerne> ...because at about 10.3g given their assumptions, the necessary rocket is more massive than the remaining portion of the planet, in which case you're not really leaving
<Althego> realistically it is something like 2.5 g. at least i remember it from somewhere
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<Althego> hehe there is a whole wikipedia page on finnish profanity
<Mat2ch> And you are not allowed to post it here! :/
<packbart> "Finns swear more than their Nordic neighbors or Central Europeans, reaching the same level as Scots or Russians." :>
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<Althego> however i doubt they swear more than hungarians :)
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<Althego> eh closure cancelled
<Althego> so maybe something happens tomorrow
<Althego> oh wait that was yesterday. something may happen today, although it doesnt seem like it
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<Mat2ch> Althego: NASASpaceflight said in their daily update video that there was a written warning for all the remaining residents for today...
<Althego> but nothing is happening
<Mat2ch> It's 10:00 there, the closure was scheduled for 9:00... maybe they need a bit more preparation?
<Mat2ch> At least no boom lifts anymore ;)
<Mat2ch> LabPadre writes something about a wet dress rehearsel
<Mat2ch> maybe they don't have to close the road for this
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<Jovian_Oracle> Anyone techsavy person still alive?
<Althego> i thought oracles never run into problems sicne they know about them in advance
<Jovian_Oracle> No, you're thinking of the priests. Us oracles are literally just gaseous fissures in the ground, trees swaying in the wind or flocks of birds.
<Jovian_Oracle> Alright, since yesterday, I've been getting a UnityPlayer.dll CTD upon startup of KSP and several other Unity using games, and I can't figure out why. I've literally not changed any hardware since the last time KSP ran, which was yesterday.
<Jovian_Oracle> Reinstalling to different drives does not work, playing offline does not work, driver updates do not work.
<Jovian_Oracle> Literally the only clue to my issue in the logs is a UnityPlayer.dll access violation, and I've made sure the firewall gives the affected programs an eception.
<Jovian_Oracle> This issue is affecting several others, but not all, of my Unity games.
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<Mat2ch> sounds like your windows did an update in the background somewhere and broke something
<Mat2ch> others should have the same issue, have you tried looking around on reddit?
<Jovian_Oracle> I have, though most of the responses are quite old and relate to problems I don't have like Virtual Desktops
<Jovian_Oracle> I'm going to try and see if the copy downloaded from the KSP store, rather than launched from Steam, has the same issue.
<Jovian_Oracle> It's weird, too, it's only affecting some Unity games and not all of them.
<Mat2ch> Could have something to do with the Unity version
<Jovian_Oracle> That's what I thought at first, too, but both older and newer Unity games are running.
<Jovian_Oracle> Unless Two Point Hospital and Battletech are on the older 32 bit versions.
<Mat2ch> do you use Citrix?
<Jovian_Oracle> No I do not, though that was a common issue I found in my research.
<Jovian_Oracle> Also can't direct download from the KSP store anymore, it seems.
<Mat2ch> Hrm, that should still work, but I've got mine from steam only, so I never had a store account
<Mat2ch> But if a check of the files by steam doesn't help, it is probably something different
<Mat2ch> maybe a graphics driver update that went unnoticed in the background
<Mat2ch> or similar things.
<Mat2ch> .oO( Oh, how I love Linux for being so much easier in those cases )
<Jovian_Oracle> I actually bought KSP when it was very first released for sale, and I've gotten all the DLC for free since.
<Althego> nice
<Jovian_Oracle> The GPU did not update before, and I updated it manually since. It's just really weird, because I ran it just an hour before it stopped running.
<Mostly_Deddly> If you transferred your KSP account to Steam, you won't be able to download from the store anymore. However, you can still copy the KSP folder to anywhere on your hard drive and run it independently from Steam
<Jovian_Oracle> That was one of the earlier things I tried. Didn't work.
<Jovian_Oracle> From what I'm gathering, it's a terribly obscure issue with Unity that's never been fully resolved.
<Mostly_Deddly> Have you used the Steam "verify files" tool?
<packbart> ah, I'v seen the thread on the forum. didn't have an answer, though :/ maybe some antivirus software gone haywire?
<Jovian_Oracle> Yep, verified all the files, reinstalled several times now. It has an exception through my antivirus software (UnityPlayer.dll, KSP's exe and the entire folder).
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<Jovian_Oracle> Honestly, KSP's the only non-working Unity game I'm chocked up about with the crashing. Hardspace crashed enough on its own already.
<Jovian_Oracle> I suppose I can just go ahead and get the last of the Surviving Mars DLC and pretend it's Duna.
<Althego> last?
<Althego> was there something new?
<Mostly_Deddly> Jovian_Oracle, have you tried temporarily disabling your antivirus software?
<Althego> i think the only one i dont have is the stellaris dome set because i just dont care about that
<Jovian_Oracle> I hadn't gotten any of the DLC, really.
<Jovian_Oracle> Also, I suppose I should try opening up the gates and letting the Techno Barbarians in.
<Jovian_Oracle> Doesn't work.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i think i have to write that support request to eve two. i cant get the launcher, or now even the installer to start up
<Althego> two=too
<Jovian_Oracle> I was about to say, I didn't know Spreadsheet Simulator had a sequel yet.
<Althego> it is similar to your case, one day it just stopped
<Mostly_Deddly> Really silly, obvious question but... have you tried restarting Windows? https://itro.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Have-you-tried-turning-it-off-and-on-again.jpg
<Jovian_Oracle> Yes, yes I have.
<Jovian_Oracle> Literally the only thing that I've done in recent days was get a new 185hz monitor, but KSP ran on that just fine twice.
<Althego> 185hz? because 144 is not enough?
<Althego> you must have insect eyes
<Jovian_Oracle> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Jovian_Oracle> And in case you're wondering, reducing the refresh rate does nothing.
<Jovian_Oracle> And turning off active sync does nothing.
<Mostly_Deddly> Update GPU drivers?
<Jovian_Oracle> Already did that yesterday.
<Mostly_Deddly> I assume you're launching KSP from the .exe not the launcher?
<Jovian_Oracle> Unity is like the Death Star. There's one little fault that only a farm boy from the butt-end of the galaxy could find.
<Jovian_Oracle> I've tried launching it from Steam, from the launcher and from the .exe.
<Mostly_Deddly> Hrrrm.
<Jovian_Oracle> Now if it was all the Unity games with this problem, that'd probably make these easier, but it's only three.
<Mostly_Deddly> Rollback Windows update?
<Jovian_Oracle> And I think they're all on Unity 5.
<Jovian_Oracle> Windows hadn't updated for days before the problem, updating it manually did not fix.
<Mostly_Deddly> I'm sorry, that's as far as I can go without Googling for you, which I guess you have already done
<Mostly_Deddly> Have you checked to see if it's on the bug tracker?
<Jovian_Oracle> The closest I get is an unresolved issue deep within Unity from last year, but that was also linked with the remote desktop issues.
<Jovian_Oracle> In better news, Surviving Duna is working.
<Mostly_Deddly> Stock KSP, right?
<Jovian_Oracle> I deleted all mods, it's in a fresh folder.
<Mostly_Deddly> Did the crash dump provide any useful information?
<Jovian_Oracle> No, only a reference to an access violation from unitplayer.dll
<Jovian_Oracle> The one thing I've not tested for sure is low or bad memory, but with 32 GB of RAM, I think I'm okay.
<Jovian_Oracle> And it's on fresh sticks not even six months old.
<Mat2ch> isn't there a pretty verbose log for KSP?
<Jovian_Oracle> Yes, but it's not really telling me anything important other than the UnityPlayer.DLL access violation.
<Mostly_Deddly> Anything helpful here? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/196650-access-violation-0xc0000005/
<Jovian_Oracle> I've literally searched through every single thread in the forums with a reference to UnityPlayer.dll and access violations.
<Mostly_Deddly> Ah
<Mostly_Deddly> Could I recommend starting your own one, and including a link to the crash dump file?
<Jovian_Oracle> I'll have to register and everything.
<Mostly_Deddly> If you do, I can approve your post right away
<Mostly_Deddly> It doesn't take long to sign up
<Jovian_Oracle> Alright
<darsie> Allahu Akbar, this was such a tight mission. I had to optimize the return flight extremely well to make it back. 2000 units Mun ore return.
<Mostly_Deddly> Mun ore is not doing
<Althego> allah is doing :)
<darsie> :)
<Mostly_Deddly> I miss that spambot
<Mostly_Deddly> (But not enough to actually want it back)
<raptop> Althego: aaaaaa
<Althego> deddly started it :)
<Mostly_Deddly> I deny everything
<darsie> First I tilted east right after take off and flew shallow. 260 km Pe at Kerbin. Then I flew shallower. And even shallower. Then I hit a hill. Then I retracted my landing legs and tilted before take off. Then I dumped some ore and restarted the drill to fill the tanks to exactly 2000 units. Then I made it to 47 km Pe at Kerbin.
<Mostly_Deddly> Started tilting before takeoff? That's some serious optimisation there :)
<darsie> Used aerodynamic lift of the rocket to make it to the meadow around the KSC. Was already somewhat tilted near the beach.
<darsie> Yeah :)
<Mostly_Deddly> Well done
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<darsie> I mean, I could have brought my refinery truck to Mun orbit and refuel the ore transporter ... but I wasn't finished optimizing, yet :).
<darsie> Ahh, not to forget. I went to lower Mun orbits, too, to maximize Oberth. 5.7 km or so.
<Mostly_Deddly> Jovian_Oracle, just ping me here when you have done your post and I'll go ahead and approve it for you
<Jovian_Oracle> What .txt will I need to upload?
<Mostly_Deddly> Should be ksp.log and output_log.txt. Upload them somewhere like pastebin or a file server and link to them
<darsie> I had 2 Terriers on my back.
* Mostly_Deddly is imagining two little dogs chewing on darsie's back
<darsie> :)
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<Jovian_Oracle> Not error.log or player.log?
<Mostly_Deddly> Uhm actually I'm not sure. Why not just upload the lot :)
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<Althego> less than a week for electron return to sender. this can be really good
<Mostly_Deddly> What's the mission?
<Mostly_Deddly> I haven't been keeping up with Electron
<Althego> doesnt matter, they try to land the rocket in the ocean
<Althego> jence the name return to sender
<Jovian_Oracle> Almost done with the post.
<Mostly_Deddly> I thought they were going to try and catch it with a helicopter
<Althego> that is the goal. but this is a test if it survives well enough
<Mostly_Deddly> So are they parachuting it down?
<Althego> yes
<Mostly_Deddly> Nice
<Jovian_Oracle> Hehehe, parachute go brrrr
<Althego> no, dont say that
<Althego> huh, no reaction. we are lucky :9
<Jovian_Oracle> Huh, the KSP and UnityPlayer.dll are listed in the DXDiag text.
<Mat2ch> yes, that was one post I found saying, too. It might have something to do with directx
<Mat2ch> you could try and start it with opengl and see if that works
<Mat2ch> Althego: Road Closed!
<Althego> hah!
<Althego> but if they started it this late i will have to watch it on replay
<Jovian_Oracle> I tried that, too.
<Mostly_Deddly> Are you still writing the post, Jovian_Oracle? I haven't seen it in the approval queue yet. There's no rush, I just thought maybe I missed it
<Jovian_Oracle> Almost done.
<Jovian_Oracle> Just proofchecking.
<Mostly_Deddly> No problem, I'm in no rush :)
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<Althego> sugar rush, sugar rush :)
<Mostly_Deddly> Jovian_Oracle, Don't forget to include system specs
<Jovian_Oracle> There. They're included in the DXDiag.
<Mostly_Deddly> Alrighty
<Mostly_Deddly> Approved, thanks
<Jovian_Oracle> Thank you.
<Mostly_Deddly> I'm hoping some guys from QA will take a look
<Jovian_Oracle> It'd be realllllllly stupid if it was the monitor somehow.
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<Mostly_Deddly> LOL "Pastebin’s SMART filters have detected potentially offensive or questionable content ahead. "
<Mostly_Deddly> Pastebin finds your crash offensive, Jovian_Oracle
<Althego> hehe
<Jovian_Oracle> Probably some hexadecimal string translates into an offensive string.
<Althego> in some encoding
<Jovian_Oracle> While it's not the end of the world if KSP no longer works, I was starting a new game with mostly stock parts and doing pretty well.
<raptop> . o O (crash logs that always include the EICAR test string)
<Mostly_Deddly> I don't suppose you have another monitor somewhere do you, Jovian_Oracle?
<Mostly_Deddly> It sounds crazy but if that's the only think that's changed...
<Mostly_Deddly> thing*
<Jovian_Oracle> I'm hesitant to go back, but I just might
<Jovian_Oracle> I'll try it once.
<Mat2ch> 0x00007FF7984911F2 (KSP_x64) (function-name not available)
<Mat2ch> Something is asking for a function (of a library) that is not available. Nice!
<Althego> at least it is not value optmized out :)
<Mostly_Deddly> Jovian_Oracle, I just got this from Maxismal, lead developer: I'd suggest to him that he also contacts Unity about this issue, since he's having it in multiple games and therefore likely has nothing to do with KSP, just the flavor/configuration of Unity that KSP is using.
<Jovian_Oracle> Arrrrrrgh
<Mat2ch> uh, the only reason why KSP could be delayed that long is that they are doing an engine swap...
<Mat2ch> Unity isn't made for things like KSP...
<Althego> i guess it was the monitorr
<Althego> you mean ksp2
<Althego> probably no engine was made for this, they are more usable for an fps
<Althego> also they already rewrote the game one
<Althego> and i was wondering if they did that, why they kept unity
<Jovian_Oracle> I'm restting to run on older monitor
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<Mostly_Deddly> There are plenty of reasons they would want to delay. Could be that they have plans for KSP 1 that will extend that far, or that there are some features that they feel would be more valuable to add than to release on time
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<Jovian_Oracle> Alright, that did not work.
<Mostly_Deddly> Well that's sort of a relief, I guess.
<Mostly_Deddly> I'm wondering if perhaps the drivers updated when you installed the monitor and it's the new drivers that are the problem? Downgrade the drivers?
<Jovian_Oracle> I would've felt really silly returning this, especially since I've just found out HDR gaming monitors are a thing, too.
<Jovian_Oracle> Didn't update any drivers when I installed the monitor.
<Mat2ch> windows does some magic these days...
<Jovian_Oracle> I blame Unity for being Unity
<Mostly_Deddly> Yeah it does do stuff automatically...
<Mostly_Deddly> I do also think it might be an idea to try a system restore from an earlier date than your monitor install
<Althego> for like 3 years i had to remove it after every update. then i just sort of gave up
<Jovian_Oracle> I just don't understand why it also played KSP a couple of times before starting to spaz out.
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<Mat2ch> Jovian_Oracle: in your report you said something about turning of vsync. When was that?
<Jovian_Oracle> Before I played KSP the first time.
<Jovian_Oracle> It ran beautifully, too.
<Mat2ch> So that's not the issue, too.
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<Jovian_Oracle> I just checked my driver install history, and nothing was installed between the time of KSP running and its first crash.
<Jovian_Oracle> It's official. Unity just doesn't like me.
<Jovian_Oracle> That's alright. I can play Surviving Duna and Kerbal Dangerous
<Jovian_Oracle> I reckon KSP2 might come out when Star Citizen does.
<Althego> hehe
<Jovian_Oracle> Which reminds me, I could probably play the beta with my new-ish rig now.
<Jovian_Oracle> Excuse me, alpha.
<Althego> i treay star citizen as a scam
<Althego> treat
<Althego> how many years has it been?
<Jovian_Oracle> UNDEFINED
<Jovian_Oracle> I consider it less of a scam and more of the Heaven's Gate of games.
<Jovian_Oracle> Too perfectionist and too wide in scope for its own good.
<Althego> the pad is still not clear yet
<Althego> it still may fly this week
<Jovian_Oracle> I mean, if they had gone the route of Elite Dangerous it would've worked, but putting all those features in at the same time is just nuts.
<Jovian_Oracle> Roberts had the same issue back when he helmed Freelancer.
* packbart updates NVidia drivers for no apparent reason
<Jovian_Oracle> Well I will periodically check my forum post in the forlorn hope there is a fix.
<packbart> yeah, good luck :/
<Jovian_Oracle> Such is the price of the maximum framerate experience.
<packbart> updated drivers, KSP still starts. I only have a 75h display, though
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<packbart> 75Hz
<Jovian_Oracle> I was nice playing KSP with a modern GPU and chipset while it lasted.
<Jovian_Oracle> Sob
<Jovian_Oracle> I just guess I'll have to wait for KSP2 to finish.
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<packbart> on a hunch, I'd remove the antivirus software (I only use the Microsoft thingy, tbh), even if KSP is whitelisted
<packbart> some mentions of Citrix software being incompatible. but that seems to be all over the place
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<Althego> there is that picture where a guy is explaining some math to the other: here a miracle happens
<Althego> somehow the eve installer started
<Althego> i think the launcher is going to fail anyway, but at least this is a step
<Althego> i had that installer sitting there in the download for more than a week
<Althego> and in didnt do anything for days
<Althego> all this after i defeated my lazyness and wrote a ticket. but i though i may as well check it one last time
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<Althego> és van launcher
<Althego> or i mean there is a launcher window now
<Althego> fantastic
<Althego> this is truly mysterious
<raptop> launcher bad
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<Althego> hehe, tomorrow is extended downtime. let me guess the whole mess happens again :)
<Althego> with this speed i can go to sleep and after i wake up, there will be still no static fire
<Mat2ch> The grass is venting!
<Althego> it is venting o2, as usual
<Althego> oh you dont mean the actual grass
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<Mat2ch> yeah, but the pad doesn't seem to be clear yet
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<Mat2ch> Uhhh, pad is clear!
<Mat2ch> Now we're waiting for the tanking
<Mat2ch> We could see a flight this week, if all goes well
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<darsie> althego
<darsie> [10:24:12] <mrdata-> is that the moon?
<darsie> [10:24:25] <mrdata-> the moon's colour, i am told, is kinda red
<darsie> [10:24:51] <mrdata-> idk tho; looks pale blue-grey to me
<darsie> [10:25:19] <mrdata-> but the colour temperature is much redder than the sun
<darsie> [10:25:22] <mrdata-> apparently
<raptop> blink
<darsie> .
<raptop> Something something reflected light something very much not a blackbody
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