Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<Althego> and yet another test
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<Althego> whenever elon mentionsd fsd i think they want to put a frame shift drive on starship, then i realize it is about full self driving in tesla :)
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<Mat2ch> \o/
<Mat2ch> Where's that twitter bot? :P
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<Deddly> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Mackerel sandwich
<Deddly> Mmm, not bad
<Althego> still on wednesday
<Deddly> Soyuz?
<Deddly> Talking about lunch/launch, I just realised how much I need a bottle of Soyuz sauce
<Althego> heh
<Althego> hypergolic sauce
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<Althego> too few people working on lightsabers (and catgirls)
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<Mat2ch> someone has too much fun there
<Deddly> Althego, LOL "We're still KINDA bound by the laws of physics"
<Deddly> Mat2ch hahaa
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<Mat2ch> Deddly: you need the link for the track as well:
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<darsie> .
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<Judge_Dedd> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Porridge
<Judge_Dedd> Bleach
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<Judge_Dedd> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Cold sesame noodles
<Judge_Dedd> There's a lot of pasta on the menu lately
<Althego> neither gps nor the nrol seems to be launching soon. both were scrubbed, the delta iv probably too many times :9
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<Althego> why did scott talk about space photos instead about the new space toilet?
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<Althego> lol nanowar of steel did it again
<Althego> i cant stop laugingh
<Althego> i cant link it because of the intentionally ambiguous lyrics, but find it on napalm records yt channel
<Althego> but it is about planets
<Althego> especially about an ice giant
<Althego> (or maybe not)
<Althego> lol one guy is a phd astrophysicist too :)
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<FLHerne> If they keep scrubbing the Delta IV any longer it'll be worn right through :-/
<Althego> but nobody actually scrubs falcon 9 boosters
<Althego> they are so dirty
<FLHerne> Yeah, the 5-flight ones are getting almost black
<Althego> are we up to 6 flight?
<Althego> or was it 7 landings?
<Althego> 6
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<Althego> so it is 5, says the wiki. why did i remember 6
<FLHerne> Because it's 6
<Althego> and there was a discrepancy with the landing, one didnt make it back
<FLHerne> No it isn't, it's 5
<FLHerne> No, it's 6, B1049
<FLHerne> Telstar, Iridium, Starlink beta/-2/-7/-10
<Mat2ch> Althego: New Nanowar track? I need to listen to it nooooow
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<Mat2ch> Althego: if you want to be a nitpicker then you could post it, it's only about Uranus. I see no offense there :P
<Althego> bonus points for the sailor uranuses. and the bee gees :)
<Mat2ch> Well, I like Norwegian Reggaeton more ;)
<Althego> elon confirmed the tesla self plugging snake charger
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<flayer> i'm afraid ksp multiplayer is going to be on centralized servers
<flayer> rather than people hosting servers themselves
<raptop> aaaa
<Mat2ch> flayer: uh, where did you get that information?
<flayer> no information
<packbart> it's plausible and to be expected
<flayer> just fears
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<darsie> How can we control the number of and individual players
<Mat2ch> given the fact that it will be a horrible experience to play with random players on a server, this seems like a rather bad idea.
<raptop> competitive KSP with matching based on ELO
<raptop> (no, I don't know how that would work)
<flayer> Mat2ch, nah, it'd be like
<flayer> you could form groups yourself of course
<flayer> but then have to knock on the door of to host a game
<darsie> Will pirated copies be excluded from multiplayer?
<flayer> doubtless
<sandbox_> that'll be why
<Mat2ch> darsie: yes, it's now online only and you need a account
<Mat2ch> Also every 3 month a new DLC
<darsie> Mat2ch: The multiplayer version? Or the normal game?
<Mat2ch> the first one will be "Boosters".
<Mat2ch> darsie: well, take a guess. :D
<darsie> multiplayer
<Mat2ch> No, no more offline playing
<Mat2ch> That's how it is today
<darsie> I want my money back.
<darsie> I want to play when my internet fails.
<flayer> i'm definitely not playing ksp2 if it's online-only lol
<flayer> i'm kind of done with games anywho
<Mat2ch> darsie: no money back after login in the first time
<raptop> not done, but given the huge amounts I now have on steam/gog/itch/epic accounts...
<darsie> Still works without login. I guess that might change on the next upgrade.
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<darsie> Will older versions be changed to online only, too?
<darsie> Mite pushed Stayputnik to space. With fins.
<Alanonzander> IF it is online only to play, I will not purchase it. As long as an off-line play mode exists, I will. As for
<Alanonzander> KSP (1) it will still be as it is
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<Mat2ch> darsie: we're just painting horrific pictures here. :D
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<flayer> at least 30% of my appreciation for KSP is about the notion its just a folder on my hard drive
<flayer> rather than some interconnected thing
<Mat2ch> well, it does send data
<Mat2ch> which I rather dislike
<darsie> Mat2ch: jk, I basically stopped playing, anyways.
<Mat2ch> and is not conform with GDPR
<darsie> Will I go to jail if I sign up to
<darsie> I'm in EU.
<Alanonzander> Terchnically, no. The company might, but not the player.
<flayer> darsie, lel
<flayer> if i ever visited austria, could i drop by your place?
<Mat2ch> darsie: and since Take2 does business here, the usage statistics have to be sent with consent only and has to be opt-in.
<Mat2ch> I was too lazy to write that fully down and send it to the data protection office.
<darsie> flayer: Hmm, ok. You want to sleep here? Or see my radioactives, fusion reactor construction, supercritical CO2, self made stun gun, use my wifi? :)
<flayer> any of them lol
<darsie> ok :)
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<flayer> i intend to learn german and travel through germany, maybe also austria
<darsie> gl with that :)
<darsie> The German learning :)
<flayer> ich spreche ein bisschen
<darsie> Sehr gut :)
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