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<Mat2ch> well, well, well, SN8 is free standing now. And there are street closures planned for tomorrow, Thursday and Friday
<Mat2ch> Another static fire? A flight? We will see :D
<Mat2ch> (probably another static fire to get one without a loud umpf)
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<Judge_Dedd> The previous Starship flight was immediately preceded by a loud umpf
<Judge_Dedd> I think they'll go for flight.
<Judge_Dedd> Assuming they have permits in place
<flayer> i wanna see the whole thing go into orbit
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<Althego> i remember elon mentioned static fires
<Althego> so probably at least two days for these tests
<Althego> and also some additional tests, which may be electrical or flaps only
<Althego> so i doubt it will fly this week
<Althego> unless they want a short hop
<JVFoxy> this thing going straight up and down, or some attempt for it to make use of the 'flaps'?
<Althego> i think that is the point
<JVFoxy> testing it here vs flying it there at Mars... pressure is a whole other world.. literally
<Althego> what is really interesting, that during reentry the co2 atmosphere of mars behaves completely differently than that of earth
<Althego> different molecules form
<Althego> nobody tried to use a heat shield that is supposed to work on earth and on mars too
<Althego> probably not only the fastening method but the material is in flux too
<JVFoxy> there was that 'ufo' inflatable shield NASA did a while back. launched it up. It did an orbit around. Booster sent it into high elliptical so it could come down fast, high over the lower pressure atmosphere.
<Althego> the high altitude supersonic decelarator
<Althego> or what was its name
<JVFoxy> the shield worked.. the ballut not so much. though, I think that might have been a chute test on some other thing
<Althego> intersting idea but starship will have only its flaps and fixed heat shield
<Althego> the ballute worked, the parachute was shredded by the forces
<JVFoxy> I recall someone saying half the stuff we send to land on Mars actually survives it to landing
<Althego> yes
<Althego> but only in recent times
<Althego> it used to be much worse
<JVFoxy> ah ok.. I remember something failed on the chute one. The supersonic decelerator thing made me think dropship or something I'd like to try in KSP
<Althego> there was that beagle 2 thing,the solar panels didnt fold out ocmpletely blocking the antenna
<Althego> ok it was not high altitude but low density
<JVFoxy> heh.. it got the point across
<JVFoxy> beagle.. that the one suppose to have landed around the polar region?
<Althego> also the schiaparelly lander crashed
<Althego> and these two are just the relatively recent things
<JVFoxy> how everyone thought the sky-crane idea was too radical, it wouldn't work.
<Althego> if the chinese manage to land there on the first try, that would be a huge achievement. but i doubt it, it is notoriously hard
<JVFoxy> orbiting though.. keeping things in stable orbit fairly easy though?
<Althego> i always thought it was the easiest to control
<Althego> you dont have to balance an inverted pendulum
<Althego> on the other hand it is somewhat complicated
<Althego> lot of mars orbiters faield too
<JVFoxy> airbag drop landing was interesting... pathfinder I think it was? Landed same day as the movie Independence Day?
<JVFoxy> people saying, we were the invaders
<Althego> the pathfinder and the two MERs were with airbags
<Althego> but that works only in small scale
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<JVFoxy> ya.. didn't the one MER finally die? it was left on an incline in hopes it would wake up after a dust storm?
<Althego> both are dead now
<Althego> the first one was stuck in a trap and could get to an inclined slope to survive the winter, the second one died in the global dust storm
<Althego> i though it had a decent change of survival, it was in the summer, the dust storm blocks the sun, but also doesnt let heat escape, so it is relatively warm
<Althego> but it was running for something like 15 years
<JVFoxy> remember a few details, now I think about it. Nearly forgot about them. I remember the Pathfinder one was only meant to last what.. a few days or something? It went for so long instead
<Althego> the pathfinder was the technology demonstrator with the rc car sized sojourner rover
<Althego> ok, a bit bigger than a shoebox
<Althego> it was never expected to last too long
<Althego> the champions are the two MERS
<Althego> hehe, wait, no, MERS is a virus
<Althego> so MERs
<Althego> 90 day expected lifetime because of dust accumulation on solar panels. they never expected to have dust cleaning wind
<JVFoxy> path was also one of the projects they did, off the shelf parts, to see if something low cost would still work
<Judge_Dedd> Pathfinder was sent there to help Mark Watney communicate with NASA
<JVFoxy> wondered if they'd make such things historical sites in the future.. like with what they wanna do with the lander sections on the moon.
<JVFoxy> they were talk'n about the one X-Prize.. land a rover on the moon. Get it close enough to an apollo lander base to take pictures. Wanted to preserve the site as something historic
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<Judge_Dedd> They surely will be special sites if we ever establish a colony there
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<JVFoxy> moon: am I joke to you?
<Althego> welcome to lunar industries
<JVFoxy> we go there because its difficult. then we go there because its different and science. Then it turns to: we go there because of survival, we messed up Earth too much
<JVFoxy> oh ya... Moon movie
<JVFoxy> speaking of movies on the moon... Murder by Moonlight (1989)
<Althego> 4.7 out of 10?
<Althego> the premise seems to be interesting
<JVFoxy> given the year it came out.. I remember seeing it on TV as a kid.
<JVFoxy> I knew some concepts.. in space, you get sucked out, which is very bad..
<JVFoxy> no thanks in part to a certain disney live action movie filmed where I live, involving a spaceship with kids on it and some airlock (kids were fine)
<JVFoxy> Althego where'd you get the rating from?
<Althego> imdb
<JVFoxy> oh.. see where I was.. I scrolled past the google video box thing and hit 'cast and crew'
<JVFoxy> .. fullcredits thing.. or whatever. I was sitting there wondering, wheres the rest of the info
<JVFoxy> heh.. quote from one of the reviews: They didn't ignore the air situation or the gravity. And they DIDN'T have people exploding in decompression like they did in Outland.
<JVFoxy> or exploding like that one episode of Red Dwarf
<Judge_Dedd> I don't think we can hold Red Dwarf to account for lacking realism, since the guy who exploded was actually a projection of one person's confidence from a virus, remember.
<JVFoxy> oh right..
<packbart> Red Dwarf was oddly funny
<Judge_Dedd> And maybe they were in a pocked of unreality :)
<Judge_Dedd> pocket*
<JVFoxy> ... head just went to that whole giant disk they used to backup Holly.
<JVFoxy> 8-Big guy had a thing on it in his 'large format media' video near the end.
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<Althego> lol. gamers nexus, steve reviews the amd mountain bike (negatively)
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<kubi> why?
<Althego> because it is painful
<packbart> I think it refers to a loud english cook
<Althego> gordon ramsay
<packbart> I only know him by proxy via memes'n stuff
<Althego> i dont watch tv but even i know him. ok, mostly memes
<Judge_Dedd> Approved cheesy joke
<Judge_Dedd> A good cheesy joke should cause physical pain.
<Judge_Dedd> If it causes internal bleeding, you're really up there with the best.
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<packbart> so that's an "english joke", then?
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<Judge_Dedd> That's just a cheesy joke.
<Judge_Dedd> English humour isn't only that. It's difficult to explain :)
<Judge_Dedd> "A strong theme of sarcasm and self-deprecation, often with deadpan delivery"
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<packbart> i meant "english" as in "bleeding inside". it was a bad joke, I guess :)
<packbart> it seems to be a German interpretation, too.
<packbart> "Seared, Blue rare or very rare (French: bleu)— Cooked very quickly; the outside is seared, but the inside is usually cool and barely cooked.[citation needed] The steak will be red on the inside and barely warmed. In the United States, this is also sometimes referred to as 'Black and Blue' or 'Pittsburgh Rare'. In Germany this is also known as "English Style or bloody"." (
<packbart> I didn't even know that "Doneness" is a word. the more you know
<Althego> i learned about the word cabotage, thanks to flat earthers :)
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<packbart> "Well done (French: bien cuit) – (73 °C (163 °F) and above core temperature) The meat is grey-brown in the center and slightly charred. In parts of England this is known as "German style"."
<packbart> I find these attributions a bit weird :)
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> (even though I do prefer my steaks well done)
<Althego> the funniest pun today was this
<Althego> * Guy- has quit ("malenky reboot")
<Althego> luckily this is not politics, but history
<Althego> the phenomenon has been referred to as málenkij robot, a corrupted form of the Russian malenkaya rabota (маленькая работа), meaning "little work"
<packbart> I am the man who arranges the blocks that keep falling down from up a-bove
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> hmm, so they went back to daytime road closures?
<Althego> does this mean no static fire?
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<Mat2ch> Althego: static fires have to be at night? :D
<Althego> lately they were
<Mat2ch> apparently some stores here are running out of toiletpaper again. And one retailer for cosmetic products has an API for their toiletpaper amounts...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> here we go again
<Althego> actually a few weeks ago i bought a lot accidentally, so there is still quite an amount remanining
<Mat2ch> they are prepared ;)
<Mat2ch> I always buy a 16 pack. It's cheaper in the long run. And I use it up anyways. And it saves on plastic packaging
<Althego> i wanted to buy that, but it was 3 rows high
<Althego> last time there was this video, where the forklift guy was going around in a huge warehouse full off toilet paper, laughing at people and the toilet paper rush
<Mat2ch> I remember that vividly :D
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<monttyle> How can I control the throttle with a KAL-1000?
<raptop> ...good question
<monttyle> is it impossible?
<packbart> adding it via action groups should give you a curve to play with
<packbart> I've heard that it even allows creative uses (negative throttle produces fuel or set it >100% for turboboost)
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<monttyle> OK, but whenever I select throttle, it just goes away
<monttyle> I can't select the controller and any of the axis groups at the same time
<packbart> hm. loading :)
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<packbart> monttyle: at the end of the Action Group list are the KAL controllers. I can add an engine's throttle to it
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<monttyle> An engine's throttle, sure, not THE throttle
<packbart> ah, right. hm. that direction might not be possible
<packbart> you could chain a KAL's play position to the main throttle but not control the main throttle with a KAL
<monttyle> Ah. Wondered if I was losing my mind. Nobody would tell me no
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