Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Soyuz on Sunday
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<Deddly> LOL. Do you have an alarm for that or something?
<Deddly> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Mystery meat
<flayer> every time i look at the clock and see 13:37 i think to myself "elite" and i giggle
<flayer> this happens multiple times a week
<flayer> and has been happening for at least 15 years
<Deddly> I'm apparently uncultured
<Althego> i dont
<Althego> that is why it is hard to catch this one minute each day
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<UmbralRaptop> leet time
<Deddly> Ibeb time
<Althego> hehe
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Guest87198 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Guest87198> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest87198
<Deddly> Hey there
<raptop> greetings and salutations
<Guest87198> what is this chat for exactaly?
<Deddly> Well, this is basically where KSP fans hang out
<Guest87198> ok cool!
<Deddly> Some people come here for help and ideas with the game, others just chat about anything they have in mind
<Guest87198> cool!
<Deddly> Very :)
<Deddly> It's pretty quiet most of the time, but people are always around, so if you say anything, don't be disappointed if you don't get a reply right away. Just hang around for a while and someone will see what you write after a few minutes :)
<Guest87198> ok got it!
<Deddly> So are you a new or veteran KSP player?
<Guest87198> whats voiced mean (its at the top of the user list on the right)
<Guest87198> im new to ksp
<Deddly> Nice
<FLHerne> Guest87198: Whether they can speak if the channel is in +m mode, which it isn't
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<Guest87198> ok
<Deddly> Ok Voiced: it is possible to set the channel to "moderated" as FLHerne says, which means only channel operators and "voiced" users can talk
<Guest87198> ok got it
<Guest87198> thanks
<Guest87198> I gtg but i think i might come back soon
<Deddly> We don't really use that here, so we have Voiced users as a way of showing that they are really the person they say they are
<Deddly> Ok seeya Guest87198
<FLHerne> Guest87198: Please do :-)
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<FLHerne> (and pick a name!)
<Guest87198> ok
<Deddly> Yeah, names are good :)
<Guest87198> bye!
Guest87198 has left #KSPOfficial []
<FLHerne> How does it show they're really the person they say they are?
<Deddly> Woohoo. New user who stays around for more than 5 seconds
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<Deddly> FLHerne, getting voiced automatically only happens when a person has identified themselves with nickserv
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<Guest06233> nickserv
<Deddly> So imagine someone calls themself "Scott_Manley". If they are voiced here (like he used to be when he came in here) you know it's the real Scott Manley
<Deddly> Hi again. Need help with nickserv?
<Guest06233> Wait so how do you voice yourself?
<Guest06233> also hi
<Deddly> You can't voice yourself. A channel operator has to do that
<Guest06233> oh ok
<Guest06233> got it
<Deddly> Like that
<FLHerne> Guest06233: Are you the guest formerly known as Guest87198?
<Deddly> It's the same Guest :)
<FLHerne> (there's a reason unique names are nice :p)
<Guest06233> ok got it and yes
<FLHerne> Type /nick whatever
<Guest06233> yep im gonna do that now
Guest06233 is now known as morerockets
<Deddly> I believe you misspelled "moar" ;)
<morerockets> its the first name that came to mind :)
<Deddly> Hehe
<morerockets> lol
<Deddly> Do you have a forum account too?
<morerockets> yes
<Deddly> Cool
<Deddly> Same name?
<morerockets> i might change my name to that
<morerockets> no my form name is Anders_
<Deddly> You don't have to, but it's helpful sometimes
<morerockets> ok
<morerockets> any tips for rocket building?
<Deddly> Well morerockets / Anders_, welcome to the KSP community
<morerockets> Thanks!
<flayer> make them big, thrusters at the bottom
<Deddly> Well, that's a big question. It really depends on what you like to do
<raptop> There's a progression of thrust -> TWR -> ΔV -> payload fraction -> $$$
<morerockets> yep I know flayer
<Deddly> Pointy end up :)
<morerockets> @Deddly you shure about that ;)
<Deddly> Do you like big and flamey or small and efficient? Spaceplanes or regular rockets?
<morerockets> Big and flamey!
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<Deddly> Oops. Looks like he closed the window
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<Deddly> Big and flamey eh? You'll be in good company, hehe
<morerockets> sorry about disconnecting, my internet just whent out :(
<Deddly> No worries. These things happen all the time
<morerockets> ok thanks
<Deddly> The best general tip I can give is: turn on "Advanced Tweakables" and use Autostruts
<morerockets> is there a way to get a "TheLounge" account?
<Deddly> I'm not sure I understand the question
<morerockets> Thelounge is the name of this chatting company (look in the top left)
<morerockets> right?
<morerockets> or am I wrong?
<packbart> Deddly: oh, btw, is there a way to propose streamers for the "featured" box on the forum? I'd like to suggest - interesting builds, not quite as loud as ej_sa, continous missions. totally underrated ;)
<Deddly> Ah OK The Lounge is your IRC client
<morerockets> yes i think so
<Deddly> packbart, sure, you can PM the community manager UomoCapra or... Stardust I think
<FLHerne> morerockets: IRC is an open protocol, you can use many other clients if you want to
<Deddly> I don't know TheLounge sorry. Most of us use Hexchat
* FLHerne likes Konversation
* raptop hugs irssi
<morerockets> ok how do you switch?
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<morerockets> to hexchat I mean
<Deddly> You can download it for free here
<morerockets> ok thanks!
<Deddly> You're welcome :)
<Deddly> I have to go for a bit
<FLHerne> (there are lots of IRC channels out there)
<Deddly> I thought you were saying you liked having conversation in here, but Kerbalised
<Deddly> Oh yeah, there's even an IRC mod for KSP that lets you chat from within the game
<Deddly> Seeyas all later
* Deddly is away
<FLHerne> Bye
<morerockets> bye!
<morerockets> I gtg now to
<FLHerne> Also bye :-)
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<morerockets> hello again
<morerockets> anyone online?
<raptop> no, we all disconnected
<morerockets> ok ;)
<raptop> hrm, apparently I find having funds / campaign mode weirdly stressful
<morerockets> who else is hyped for ksp2?
<raptop> (as opposed to science mode)
<morerockets> yes true true
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<FLHerne> raptop: Huh, I basically stopped noticing funds in my Career game after about the first Mun mission
<raptop> hm
<raptop> also, I keep on forgetting how much science the game throws at you at default rewards
<FLHerne> After you've upgraded buildings a bit, they come in faster than I can spend them
<darsie> I typically upgrade all buildings with high value IR telescope contract I wait for.
<darsie> Like find 12 asteroids threatening Kerbin with >35 deg inclination.
<darsie> Gives me 5-10 MVF.
<flayer> last time i played a ksp science game i removed all science multipliers to keep it interesting
<raptop> like setting it to 10%?
<flayer> no, editing some text files and removing the multipliers altogether
<flayer> orbital bodies have a multiplier for their science, kerbin's is x0.6 or something
<raptop> ah, that
<raptop> yeah, Kerbin runs from 0.3x on the surface to 1.5x in high orbit
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<flayer> raptop, exactly, put it all at x1.0, play with 50% science and you've got yourself a game
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<morerockets> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<morerockets> thx
<raptop> anyway, my low tech aircraft silliness has presented some stability issues
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<Guest17525> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
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