Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Soyuz launch 14 Oct 05:45 GMT/UTC
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<flayer> there is a screw missing from my glasses
<Althego> better than you missing a screw :)
<flayer> i am missing plenty of those as well
<Althego> hehe
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<packbart> [artists's impression] - impressive, still
<packbart> Kerbals spaghettify much more dramatically
<darsie> I once had a screw too much.
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<packbart> Not going to orbit:
<packbart> New Shepard Mission NS-13 Live Webcast
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<Althego> eh i missed it
<Althego> seems it flew
<packbart> not very far
<Althego> was above 100 km
<packbart> right, VIP sub-orbital contract complete :)
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<Althego> they are at the early kerbal level
<Althego> at least not solids
<Althego> wasnt this the one where some autolanding imaging system was tested for nasa?
<Althego> btw spacex could do these tests too, if there could be some payload mounted between the two stages
<Althego> but i guess it doesnt pay too well
<umaxtu> have to protect it from S2 exhaust
<darsie> Eject it sideways before S2 ignites?
<Althego> and they it hits the ocean at free fall speed :)
<Althego> *then
<darsie> I missed what kind of payload we're talking about.
<Althego> some science payload
<Althego> the first stage is suborbital the same way, reaaches around the same altitude and lands safely
<Althego> so it would ideal there, not much of a mass for the payload. but it cant accomodate the
<Althego> m
<packbart> a "lunar landing sensor" probably would need to be mounted near the bottom, anyway, I'd guess
<Althego> they they wouldnt have launched it on a suborebital trajectory
<Althego> normally helicopters are used for low altitude teting
<Althego> so i guess they wanted high altitude testing, and there the that small distance doesnt matter
<Althego> hmm, this is a crewless crew dragon
<Althego> also soyuz with people tomorrow
<Mat2ch> the crewless dragon looks weird from the inside. But they seem to be able to pack more stuff, even though the capsule looks smaller than Dragon V1
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<Mat2ch> Oh
<Mat2ch> SN8 has three raptors now.
<Mat2ch> Some would call this a Jurassic Park.
<Mat2ch> I show myself out.
* umaxtu watches in amusement as Mat2ch gradually transforms into Jeff Goldblum
* UmbralRaptop pounces on Mat2ch
<umaxtu> UmbralRaptop, clever girl
<Mat2ch> Well, could be worse. A sharknado for example.
<UmbralRaptop> don't give Florida ideas
<sandbox> I heard recently there was something even more ridiculous than sharknado but I can't remember what it was
<FLHerne> Birdemic: Shock and Terror?
<FLHerne> The premise is marginally less ridiculous, but the production values are somehow even worse
<FLHerne> There are also several Sharknado sequels which get increasingly daft
<Mat2ch> I'm not sure if I have seen one of the sequels and I'm sure I don't want to.
<FLHerne> "Sharknado 2: The Second One" is at least a good title
<UmbralRaptop> I'm under the impression that they became intentionally absurd comedies
<umaxtu> sort of related, Velocipastor is an actual movie
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<raptop> huh, apparently there's a 40k game that's adeptus mechanicus vs necrons
<umaxtu> which channel did you mean to post that in?
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<FLHerne> Why not this one?
<FLHerne> The audience here is clearly into computer games set in Space!
<FLHerne> Or tabletop games here?
<umaxtu> he posted it in #SpaceX too
<raptop> it seems relevant to both channels, really
<FLHerne> Not until Elon becomes Emperor of Mankind
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<raptop> anyway, ran into from browing music on youtube o_O
<FLHerne> I played the 40k RTS games years ago, those were pretty good
<raptop> Dawn of War? RTS aren't really my thing, but they are well liked
<FLHerne> Yes
<FLHerne> I wish they'd make a 40k version of 'Warzone 2100'
<FLHerne> It's an RTS where you design your own units, which can have an astonishing range of properties
<FLHerne> And the whole aesthetic/backstory is basically 40k already :p
<FLHerne> The problem is that it's from 20 years ago, the AI sucks, and no-one plays it
<FLHerne> (on the plus side, the publisher open-sourced it rather than leaving it to rot)
<FLHerne> So it's gradually improving still
<raptop> ooh
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