Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch: Sunday 18 Oct 12:27 GMT/UTC
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<Creep167> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Creep167
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<Althego> hehe scott
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<Althego> electron on tuesday. too late for me. but usually electron launches are delayed several times
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<Eddi|zuHause> i never remember... electron is the tiny new zealand rocket?
<Althego> that
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<Althego> maybe launch
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<Althego> stream on
<Althego> t-50
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<Althego> show us the landing burn...
<Althego> 6th landing for this
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<Althego> caught fairings too, but the corner of one net wasnt strong enough
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<Deddly> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Non-mushy peas
<Deddly> Hmm. Just peas eh? Got me on a healthy diet, I see
<Althego> hehe
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<Deddly> <Wallace voice> Lovely food! For rabbits, that is
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<packbart> "Eject a class E asteroid out of the solar system" - sounds ambitious
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<FLHerne> Wow
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> and how would you do that
<packbart> I'd probably bring some mining gear and lots of nukes
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<FLHerne> Even with nukes, can you get enough ore to provide that much Δv?
<packbart> (I'm just spectating again while I tinker in the SPH ;) - )
<Althego> maybe you have to use jool too
<FLHerne> Still easier than dropping one into the Sun
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<Deddly> How much dV is needed to escape Sun? 67k?
<Deddly> No wait.. that's for a Sundive
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<Deddly> packbart,
<Deddly> According to that guy, an E class has plenty of resources to supply fuel for such a mission
<packbart> oh, thanks. doesn't seem impossible then ;)
<Deddly> Sounds like a fun challenge, actually :)
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<darsie> Just use a miner with a (or several) Nervs.
<darsie> And 4 or more large reaction wheels, unless pointing on to the CoM works.
<darsie> -on
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* raptop_ feels like there should be a part named "seele" to go along with the nerv
<Althego> hehehehe
<Althego> there are monoliths all over the place
<Althego> just no numbers on them
<darsie> ahh, nukes=nervs ...
<Althego> get in the capsule, jeb
<raptop_> That monolith outside of KSC suddenly gets a vaguely City 17 feel
<raptop_> (yes, I'm mixing franchises)
<Althego> also thermal expansion of the parts suddenly becomes a problem
<raptop_> the big crater on the other side of Kerbin being second impact would explain why the planet is so empty. The seas aren't quite the right color, though
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> it has been long hypothesized that kerbals live underground
<packbart> hollow Kerbin?
<Althego> not really. but it is actually hollow
* raptop_ remembers when I had an underpowered videocard that made the water green
<Althego> in the dos times i had one that was probably faulty, some games had red pixels or surfaces in case of a certain color
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