Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch: Sunday 18 Oct 12:27 GMT/UTC
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<monttyle> Huh... is it just me or are thuds totally broken in the vectoring department right now?
<monttyle> Easy to not notice when you only slap a few onto a giant rocket but when you build something entirely from them, they just ... don't vector, at all. They LOOK like they are, but the result doesn't happen
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<Althego> hmm mars society virtual convention
<Althego> there was elon too
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<Althego> even though there was a preventive shutdown before blackout, many services are not working in the office. but there is 2.5 hours of flat earth :)
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<FLHerne> Either your clock is two minutes fast, or mine is two minutes slow
<FLHerne> Or you're in a very strange timezone, or sending your messages back in time a couple of minutes, or forward in time by almost 12n hours...
<Althego> synchronized before it
<Althego> because windows convenienty forgets to do it automatically
<Althego> hey hey marcus house
<Althego> have to watch this
<FLHerne> Mine was just over 90s slow :p
<FLHerne> I'd forgotten to enable ntpd on my new machine
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<Althego> so if spacex can get money from nasa to demonstrate orbital fuel transfer, kerbas should have contracts like that too
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Webchat139 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Webchat139> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Webchat139
<Webchat139> what is this?
<Webchat139> on the forums it says this is the IRC chat
<Althego> it is that
<Althego> but nothing much happened today
<Webchat139> what is the IRC chat?
<Webchat139> what does it mean?
<Webchat139> oh
<Webchat139> nvm
<Althego> that you can talk - text chat with people
<Webchat139> I like discord better
<Webchat139> but this is cool
<Althego> which is like 30 years younger
<Webchat139> lol
<Althego> and will be long gone when irc will still be here
<Webchat139> this is so barebones
<Webchat139> just text
<Webchat139> and text
<Webchat139> and users
<Althego> you can click on links
<Webchat139> so, does anything exciting ever happen here?
<Althego> sometimes
<Webchat139> ?
<Webchat139> like what?
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<Althego> for example launches
<Althego> heh
MisguidedKerbal has joined #KSPOfficial
<MisguidedKerbal> gahh
<MisguidedKerbal> I wanted to change my nickname
<MisguidedKerbal> and it disconnected
<MisguidedKerbal> dang it
<MisguidedKerbal> lol
<MisguidedKerbal> thats funny
<Althego> and this is the truth
<MisguidedKerbal> ye
<Althego> all these new things just reinvent irc
<MisguidedKerbal> this is like talking to your friends through the terminal window
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<MisguidedKerbal> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, MisguidedKerbal
<Althego> hehe i hate when the bot foes that
<MisguidedKerbal> lol
<MisguidedKerbal> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, MisguidedKerbal
<MisguidedKerbal> someone could spam up the whole thing like that
<monttyle> Yo.
<MisguidedKerbal> yo
<MisguidedKerbal> did you click this on accident too?
<Althego> seems to be using a proper client, so no
<MisguidedKerbal> *chat is dead*
<MisguidedKerbal> ok
<Althego> at least now
<MisguidedKerbal> one thing though
<Althego> declining in th last few years
<MisguidedKerbal> discord is better
<MisguidedKerbal> because it has dark mode
<MisguidedKerbal> what client would you guys recommend?
<Althego> probably there is more activity on discord
<Althego> i use hexchat
<monttyle> probably.
<MisguidedKerbal> should I put my discord here?
<MisguidedKerbal> or is that not allowed
<monttyle> is there an official one?
<monttyle> or is it someone's private ksp discord
<raptop> "because a dark mode"
<Althego> i dont know of an official one
<MisguidedKerbal> I have a private one
* raptop confused irssi user noises
<MisguidedKerbal> there is a "semi-official" one
<MisguidedKerbal> the ksp subreddit discord
<MisguidedKerbal> really big and stuffs
<raptop> (Also like, that means that my background is actually black instead of a medium-dark gray)
<monttyle> probably ok to post that
<MisguidedKerbal> alright
* raptop has trouble being active given long term burnout on KSP, and well, grad school
<Althego> yes, irssi is a text mode client, so it really is in a terminal
<MisguidedKerbal> here
<monttyle> I've been away 2 years and enjoying some of the new stuff
<Althego> which is for sane people is dark background and brighter text
<MisguidedKerbal> oh!
<MisguidedKerbal> the thing has embeds!
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<MisguidedKerbal> that was above my expectations
<raptop> Althego: also, it's frustrating having to repeatedly explain that irssi does in fact support emoji, because there are like 150 in the current unicode standard
<Althego> yes, these render for me too 🐄🐑🐘🐔🐖🐱🐻🐙💩
<MisguidedKerbal> thats cool
<MisguidedKerbal> I don't like the old-style emojis though
<MisguidedKerbal> too bevel-ly
<MisguidedKerbal> I like the flat emojis
<Althego> since i retired the home server in favor of the pi i havent used irrsi though
* raptop lights a candle in honor of the blobmoji
<MisguidedKerbal> so, do I have to make an account or something?
<raptop> You don't have to, though it can be useful to register the nick for eg: memoserv
<Althego> next activity probably in a month
<Althego> i didnt notice this, since it dug a but a few weeks ago
<Althego> so i thought nothing is going to happen
<Althego> but maybe now they do something twice a month
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* raptop is spending this saturday afternoon making graphs in the snake language, so...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> such is the life of... astrophysicists?
<Althego> heart of utensil, on your ear there's a pencil :)
<raptop> something like that
<Althego> hehehe
MisguidedKerbal has joined #KSPOfficial
<MisguidedKerbal> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, MisguidedKerbal
<MisguidedKerbal> I am back
<Althego> but who is front? :)
<MisguidedKerbal> hmmmm....
<MisguidedKerbal> interesting question
<raptop> front ablated
<MisguidedKerbal> does anyone want to join my discord?
<MisguidedKerbal> I am bored
<raptop> ...
<MisguidedKerbal> ... = loading
<raptop> ...
<Althego> R_Init: INit DOOM refresh daemon - [..........
<raptop> (All hail the Jansky)
<Althego> di you just dox yourself<
<raptop> I mean, it's a sufficiently common name that you get a dozen others in google before me
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<Althego> still collecting fuel for activation of time extender. better go ahead with planned maintenance
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