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<JVFoxy> Kerbal Scuffed program huh..? geez his reaction to the bird ambience sound when you in the KCS overview screen....
<Althego> who?
<Althego> where, what
<Althego> be happy with the birds, at least now they sleep at night
<kmath> YouTube - kerbal scuffed program
<JVFoxy> He goes through some stuff about the 'rules' he has for the game session wants to do. Then clicks 'start' around 4:38 mark, then looses it to the ambience
<JVFoxy> :P
<JVFoxy> though no idea why he's got the black cloud of birds coming out of the tracking station
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<packbart> I see it as a referene to Hitchcock "The Birds" associated to the KSP daylight bird chirping sounds
<JVFoxy> ah...
<packbart> I don't think I ever watched that film, just some cut-scenes pasted elsewhere
<JVFoxy> Not too big on Hitchcock myself. I know of him though, just wasn't first thing that came to mind.
<JVFoxy> thought youtuber was riffing off the fact the bird sounds was so loud. :P
<packbart> maybe he did
<Althego> what do these birds eat? grass?
<Althego> where are they, not a single birdstrike
<JVFoxy> live off air.. then again, do Kerbals even?
<packbart> I watched "Birdemic" in the MST3k pre-commented version. That was hilarious. They ate people
<JVFoxy> guess that is what game mods are for...
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<Althego> i like the button pressing stage of fear :)
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