raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<packbart> no explosions yet...
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<Althego> that metal sound is still there at the end of the burn
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that's resonance
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<Mat2ch> and something burned after the test. So I guess we wont see another test this week
<Althego> no, this is resonance https://www.gog.com/game/resonance :)
<Althego> there were some spark like bright spots flying away
<Althego> i dont remember those from last time
<Mat2ch> me neither
<Mat2ch> could be stuff on the ground,
<Mat2ch> could be parts of the engine...
<Althego> "engine rich exhaust" (scott)
<raptop> regeneratively cooled nozzles presumably run much leaner than ablatively cooled ones
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<packbart> on the Labpadre stream they speculated that it was concrete from the test stand
<darsie> Maybe molten steel from reinforced concrete.
<bees> engine-rich combustion cycle
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<Althego> there is always an other intel bug https://platypusattack.com/
<Althego> (with silly name and mascot, of course)
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<Althego> wintergatan
<Althego> next test is cancelled, but it was a backup date. the next primary is still up. so it looks like it was successful
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<Mat2ch> we will see. :D
<Mat2ch> Was a one engine only test. Probably the new one they hadn't tested yet
<Mat2ch> maybe static fire, full duration next?
<Althego> ah scott
<Althego> but i am still watching the wintergatan video
<Althego> 10k marble drop test
<Althego> almost as good as a 3 raptor static fire
<Althego> everyday astronaut is making a russian rocket documentary. i guess it is going to be 1 hour long again
<umaxtu> should be interesting
<minas_tirith> Hey
<minas_tirith> Althego,
<minas_tirith> Would you go shirtless outside in 0 degrees C?
<Althego> no
<minas_tirith> Would you consider 15C disgustingly warm/hot?
<packbart> depends on how far to the Sauna
<minas_tirith> There is no sauna
<Althego> 4k slow mo
<packbart> who would go shirtless outside in a freeze, without a nearby sauna?
<minas_tirith> I heard people say 10-15 C is disgustingly hot and 0C is fine t-shirt weather
<umaxtu> I mean, if I was going to work up a sweat shoveling snow...
<Althego> i admit i am on the other side of the bell curve, but that is extreme
<minas_tirith> I have seen photos where people are in thick jackets and one guy is wearing a t shirt
<Mat2ch> packbart: uh, I saw someone yesterday (I think) in a t-shirt walking around here. It was below 10° C
<Althego> there was a story. simulator center, i think it was in france. people from several nations there. it was getting cold. spanish people in coats and almost freezing, germans in shirt, and i forgot what nation the norther guy was who was in t-shirt
<packbart> I usually wear just a t-shirt, too. plus a jacket outside
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<darsie> I wonder if it's better to get off Kerbin prograde to reach this retrograde orbit and then turn around at Ap. https://i.imgur.com/0YTyt9i.png
<darsie> Hmm, equatorila ground speed is just 175 m/s.
* darsie launches retrograde.
<Althego> to me the scariest part of the ride would be the walking to the capsule on that bridge
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<Althego> hehe, physicist doesnt recommend touching a neutron star
<raptop> caution: hot
<Althego> also spinning
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<minas_tirith> Hewwo JVFoxy
<JVFoxy> heyas
<JVFoxy> feel bad for not coming by as often as I used to. :(
* minas_tirith boops JVFoxy
<minas_tirith> How are you
<JVFoxy> not quite awake...
* raptop hands JVFoxy a cup of coffee
<JVFoxy> ya.. eventually
<flayer> JVFoxy, don't apologize for having a life unlike the rest of us
* JVFoxy ehs..?
<JVFoxy> everyone's different, figured that was a given already
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<kubi> ehh, life
<kubi> last ksp save is still 2nd August
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