Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" is not real
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<Althego> eh no launch
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<TheKosmonaut> Anyone here tried out Mars Horizons yet?
<Althego> i would if it was on gog
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<minas_tirith> UmbralRaptor, he has an excellent nose
<minas_tirith> Dylan Carlson
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<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" is not doing
<Althego> nothing happened for the past 8 hours
<Mat2ch> nope
<Mat2ch> static fire maybe today for SN8
<Mat2ch> but that'll take hours
<Mat2ch> Window starts in 4 hours and then it'll take at least 3 hours until static fire
<Althego> sadly the launch date moved something like 15 minutes forward tomorrow. while i was kind of ok with waking up at 3:50, around 3:35 i am not
<Mat2ch> and they're still working on it
<Deddly> <Althego> nothing happened for the past 8 hours |
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minas_tirith is now known as cirith_ungol
<cirith_ungol> Hi Fluburtur
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur doesn't talk to us anymore :(
<Althego> (local) leet time
<cirith_ungol> Mat2ch, what happened?
<cirith_ungol> Althego, hewwo
<Mat2ch> cirith_ungol: not sure
<Mat2ch> we got uncool or so
<Deddly> He does talk sometimes
<Althego> or maybe he felt that he was offing too much with his build projectsd
<Mat2ch> I never cared about that.
<Mat2ch> we're off topic all the time here :D
<Althego> at least something is happening
<Mat2ch> Deddly: uh, when was the last the Fluburtur said something?
<Mat2ch> Althego: better. ;)
<Mat2ch> the bass is... bassy
<Mat2ch> woah
<Deddly> Not in my backscroll. Maybe a couple of months ago
<Althego> hehe
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<Deddly> Since everyone is posting unusual music videos...
<Deddly> Nothing like a bit of rock joik
<cirith_ungol> joik?
<Deddly> Joik is a special kind of singing from northern Scandinavia. It doesn't contain words. Instead, they "paint" an idea with sounds
<Deddly> Think of it like using paints to make a picture - anyone can see the the picture, no matter what language they speak. That's the idea with joik - sounds and emotions recreate a scene or an object
<Deddly> Probably the most famous modern one is Daniel's Joik by Jon Henrik Fjällgren. All you need to know is that his childhood friend named Daniel died and you understand the entire song
<cirith_ungol> well duh thats just music in general
<cirith_ungol> Using the throat as a keyboard or similar
<cirith_ungol> The same idea is used in death metal
<cirith_ungol> But of course the guitar is the primary instrument there
<Deddly> I suppose you could say that. Joik is a particular style.
<cirith_ungol> Words are irrelevant to music, its the melody that counts
<Deddly> Not to all music
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<Deddly> Some songs use words as poetry
<cirith_ungol> I could sing complete nonsense but if its the same melody then its the same song
<Deddly> I get what you're saying but I can't fully agree with you. You can't take a Weird Al Yankovich song and claim it's the same as the original
<Deddly> The meaning is completely distorted (deliberately so)
<Deddly> But I don't think I described it clearly. It's not just that it's a piece of music. Someone sitting on a mountain seeing a spectacular sunset might spontaneously come up with a joik, and by singing, they say they are "joiking" that sunset, recreating it in song. As far as I know, that is unique to joik
<Deddly> In other cultures, you sing about something.
<cirith_ungol> Thats all music, again
<cirith_ungol> However I commend the joikers in attempting to use the actual sounds to create the vibe of an object or feeling
<cirith_ungol> In this sense, again, it becomes very similar to death metal and black metal
<cirith_ungol> Such a simple and intuitive idea yet somehow 99% of music misses it
<Deddly> Again, I disagree that this is true of all music
<Deddly> It's quite possible that certain types of metal attempt to do the same thing, I hadn't considered that
<cirith_ungol> You would see I modified my statement a bit
<cirith_ungol> As I said I consider "words" irrelevant, its the actual melodies and soundshaping that matter to me. So lyrics are meaningless, its the actual soundshaping that should sound like say a sunset. You can write lyrics about glaciers or whatever, but if it has a sunset melody thats the thing that matters principally.
<cirith_ungol> Such soundshaping imo does not fit with the rigid staticity of rock much, something with a more "thematic structure" like black or death metal is more suited
<cirith_ungol> ie fitting the structure to the theme rather than fitting the theme to a static structure
<Deddly> I think it lends itself especially to things that induce a strong emotional response
<cirith_ungol> Naturally, elemental things like storms, death etc are a better fit
<Deddly> I do recommend Daniel's joik if you didn't click
<cirith_ungol> bookmarked
<Deddly> Nice
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<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; Nov 23, 2020; 9:00 am to 9:00 pm; Cancelled | Secondary; Nov 24, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Cancelled | Secondary; Nov 25, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled | Primary; Nov 30, 2020; 7:00 am to 6:00 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Dec 1, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Dec 2, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled
<Althego> cancelled
<Althego> dont wait for it
<umaxtu> when did that feature get added?
<cirith_ungol> ksp and spacex are the same channel confirmed
<Althego> lol
<umaxtu> quite a bit of overlap in #factorio as well
<Althego> i am not there on spacex
<Althego> i think i went there once
<umaxtu> too much weebery for you?
<Althego> hehe that reminds me of grumpy cat. i had fun once. it was awful
<Althego> also cancelled for tomorrow. so something might happen thrusday before dawn in europe
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<cirith_ungol> Althego, flesh from bone
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<Judge_Dedd> !nextlunch
<Althego> i have nela instead
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Long March 5 - Chang'e 5 - Mon Nov 23, 2020 20:25:00 UTC (L-06:15:39) - for info/stream
<Althego> because i dont want to type as much
<packbart> and the other thingy uses . instead of ! I think
<packbart> so many different UI styles... ;)
<packbart> .nextlunch
<packbart> hmno, it went away
<Althego> as usual no stream for a chinese launch
<cirith_ungol> Why?
<Althego> yes it hasnt been working for quite a while
<Judge_Dedd> I need lunch
<Althego> actually, there is a stream for the chinese launch
<cirith_ungol> Judge_Dedd, I want some milk
<cirith_ungol> My coffee grows cold
<Althego> i dont get it. but it is probably about milk. or not
<Judge_Dedd> I have that problem all the time but never enough sweet disks
<cirith_ungol> I tend to run out of creamy fluid first
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<Althego> this is a hole series of planets
<Althego> er comics
<Althego> but i dont get them at all
* cirith_ungol pounces on Althego
<Althego> here is a fox jumping
<Althego> the road command was added about two weeks ago. which seems unbelievable. i thought it was a few days
<cirith_ungol> Althego, he's a good boi
<Judge_Dedd> Nice bouncy fox
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<FLHerne> Hm
<cirith_ungol> FLHerne, hi
<Althego> no head modularity here :)
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<FLHerne> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Avocado chicken salad
<FLHerne> Fixed it
<FLHerne> (I never got around to adding a systemd unit, so it was just running in `screen` and went away when I rebooted the server...)
<FLHerne> But now it has one
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<FLHerne> packbart: You can get lunch now :-)
<UmbralRaptor> .help
<UmbralRaptor> bah
<cirith_ungol> FLHerne, do you have gui on the server?
<FLHerne> No
<FLHerne> (what would a server want a gui for?)
<flayer> to graphically interface with the user
<FLHerne> Well, if websites count, then I suppose yes
<bees> FLHerne: You attempt to ascend from Jool's surface. And everyone was run over by a space bus driven by the kraken.
<Althego> bees. so there must be bee's knees here too :)
<FLHerne> ;mission
<Althego> no
<FLHerne> No, that's gone
<Althego> i think we dont even have the data
<FLHerne> Do we need another one?
<bees> FLHerne: You try to build a spinning ring ship after seeing Interstellar. Structural failure occurs on the linkage between Jebediah Kerman and EAS-1 External Command Seat.
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> bees: Do *you* have a copy of it, or are you just making up convincing examples?
<FLHerne> If not, I guess a lot of it could be restored from grepping IRC logs :p
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<cirith_ungol> FLHerne, yopu said something about screens
<Althego> no
<Althego> standard program screen
<Althego> it is a consol thig
<Althego> n
<cirith_ungol> oh
<cirith_ungol> so its a way to open multiple terminals in text mode
<Althego> tmux is similar but newer
<Althego> it also keeps them open even if you log out
<Althego> so you can easily run programs as a service in them
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<bees> FLHerne: You create a space station in the shape of a giant green eyeball. Not even Scott Manley can save you now.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there was an other outcome i liked: the neutrino flux alone is lethal
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<FLHerne> That was the plot of some terrible disaster movie
<FLHerne> Something goes horribly wrong, and what's the danger?
<FLHerne> Gamma rays? No. Magnetic flux? No. Neutrinos.
<darsie> I'd need 16600 m/s dv for the direct route to the comet.
<darsie> from orbit.
<umbralraptop> FLHerne: I'm 95% certain that I added the neutrino outcome, and blatantly stole it from that one xkcd
<umbralraptop> darsie: sounds realistic
<packbart> "an exotic new type of neutrinos from a huge solar flare are heating Earth's core" - that was "2012"
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> I don't remember the name of another book I audio-read lately. something about "Neutralinos" or such
<packbart> "Sunfall" by Jim Al-Khalili
<packbart> that was it. I liked it
<umbralraptop> Sounds almost like the sort of thing you'd find in a Stephen Baxter novel
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<packbart> the plot was that the earth's magnetic field was fading. the solution involved pumping charged neutrinos down a hole into the core. or something like that. it was just a plot device, I guess
<Althego> charged neutrinos
<Althego> because of magnetic field
<umbralraptop> o_O
<packbart> they are a thing, though.
<umbralraptop> not to be confused with sneutrinos
<Althego> nobody has found supersymmetry yet
<packbart> they had a device to create neutralinos from neutrinos. maybe I should listen to it again. I'm currently on a mixed Charles Stross run
<packbart> or was that neutrons? so many neustuffs
<darsie> I could try to refuel on Minmus, dive down to Kerbin and Oberth to the comet.
<darsie> Get a cheap plane change to polar high up, too.
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<packbart> They should make a planet called Oberth in KSP 2, just to confuse people ;)
<umbralraptop> With the tallest mountain being named "Lagrange Point"
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there are no geographical points on the maps normally
<Althego> aside from missions
<Althego> there it would fit
<flayer> just make it a mini biome
<darsie> :)
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<Althego> wait a sec, this is chang'e 5, going to the moon
<Althego> i didnt really look at it previously because chinese rockets usually dont have streams
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<flayer> i wonder if the chinese reporter sounds as nerdy as the american ones
<cirith_ungol> flayer, space is scary
<flayer> so's your face
<cirith_ungol> flayer, space is an infinite void
<flayer> you're mom's got an infinite void
<flayer> your*
<cirith_ungol> flayer, humans are finite
<cirith_ungol> Space is infinite
<flayer> i think humans can become infinite as well
<flayer> we should spread across the cosmos like a great plague
<flayer> harvest every planet of its resources
<flayer> every asteroid field
<flayer> capture every sun
<Althego> given enough time we might
<Althego> very much depends on the next few hundred years
<flayer> and the tens of thousand of years after that
<Althego> how do the americans sound nerdy?
<Althego> maybe we still have not passed the great filter
<Althego> interesting, it is a sample return
<umbralraptop> Does the Great Filter conform to N95 standards?
<Althego> by the looks of the galaxy it has 100% efficiency
<umbralraptop> ow
<Althego> i am getting sleepy. i woke up at 3:50 for the 7th launch of that rocket
<Althego> and it didnt happen
<Althego> hehe, title: this explains everything
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> I've asked before but how do I find advnaced tweakables I went through the entire settings menu
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<Althego> i assure you it is there. but you can change it during normal play too from the options menu
<Althego> it is a relatively new additions
<Althego> -s
<umbralraptop> It's in there somewhere, I'll poke you if I see it
<flayer> marcelinethevampirespleen, under the camera wobbles
<Althego> i am starting the game, but you know how slowly it loads
<flayer> above the 'default throttle' - in the general settings screen
<marcelinethevampirespleen> very lol
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and yeah not there
<Althego> what version are you on?
<Althego> less than 10 minutes
<cirith_ungol> Hi marcelinethevampirespleen
<marcelinethevampirespleen> heya
<marcelinethevampirespleen> 10.1?
<cirith_ungol> marcelinethevampirespleen, the spleen is an interesting organ
<marcelinethevampirespleen> shared horizons it says
<flayer> marcelinethevampirespleen, are you opening the settings from the main menu immediately after loading, or while in the kerbal space center?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> immediately
<flayer> well i give up i'm going to bed
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lol
<flayer> wake me up when Althego is done loading
<umbralraptop> Yeah, advanced tweakables are in settings between camera wobble and default throttle in the general section
<Althego> it is done
<marcelinethevampirespleen> or when september ends
<Althego> but i couldnt add anything since it is between those two items
<marcelinethevampirespleen> or before you go-go
<umbralraptop> at least on my install (10.1)
<Althego> but if you open the settings from ingame
<Althego> there are fewer items
<umbralraptop> yeah, this is main menu settings
<Althego> and still can find it there
<marcelinethevampirespleen> hm
<Althego> there it is towards the bottom under gameplay
<Althego> the gameplay group under camera wobble
<Althego> 5 minutes
<Althego> hmm the timer vanished but something disconnected
<Althego> what is all this noise, the indians can launch a rocket in silence, but the chinese cant?
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<cirith_ungol> marcelinethevampirespleen, how did you get interested in this organ?
<cirith_ungol> Hi LunchBot
<FLHerne> ;mission
<LunchBot> FLHerne: In order to spite your elementary school teachers, you write in recursive handwriting instead of cursive. Both the pad and runway explode!
<Althego> omg
<marcelinethevampirespleen> heh
<Althego> it is back
<FLHerne> It still does lunches too
<Althego> recursive handwriting
<Althego> -10 s
<umbralraptop> eeep
<flayer> launch
<Althego> moving
* cirith_ungol launches flayer into space
<Althego> we have ride on camera too
<FLHerne> neat
<Althego> boosters still on. burn quite long
<FLHerne> Now they aren't
<Althego> basically this whole thing goes the same as a manned mission would go, just a bit smaller
<cirith_ungol> Is it meant to return to earth with samples?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> there is even a lunar orbit rendezvous
<Althego> at least there was in the diagram in the wiki
<flayer> yeah this is pretty big
<packbart> yeah, the sample capsule docks to the return rocket
<flayer> if it succeeds, it marks a new era in moon exploration
<Althego> 2 kg return
<Althego> that is substantial
<cirith_ungol> packbart, will they launch another rocket to take it back?
<Althego> looks like all in one
<packbart> no. as I understand it, one part will stay in orbit while the lander+ascending stage lands and grabs its samples. then the ascending stage returns to orbit to rendezvous
<packbart> "orbiter" was the word I was looking for
<Althego> 23 days mission duration
<Althego> interesting
<Althego> soon there will be an asteroid sample return too
<flayer> "soon"
<Althego> hayabusa 2
<Althego> i think it returns in december too
<umbralraptop> And then OSIRIS-REx
<Althego> that is going to take a long time to vome back
<packbart> they need to finish within a lunar day before darkness comes. and the probe will chose a landing site autonomously
<packbart> we'll see how well that works out
<packbart> I hope their sample isn't contaminated by the lunar tardigrade colony ;)
<Althego> also how will the orbiter compensate for the rotation of the moon? or maybe the tiny 120 kg ascent vehicle can do a dogleg?
<Althego> either way plane change
<Althego> now if we had a timeline we could see when the tli happens
<Althego> maybe in hours
umbralraptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | < packbart> I hope their sample isn't contaminated by the lunar tardigrade colony ;)
umbralraptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | < packbart> I hope their sample isn't contaminated by the lunar tardigrade colony
<Althego> lol
<umbralraptop> Quote edited because the op prefers deadpan humor
<Althego> i cant find the coordinates of beresheet
<Althego> or which one was with the tardigrades?
<umbralraptop> that's the one
<packbart> - 32.5956°N, 19.3496°E
<Althego> chang'e 5 is targeting something around 40.8° N, 58.1° W
<Althego> so quite far away
<Althego> not even tardigrades could get far
flayer has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Althego> especially they are not in an active state when they are trying to endure vacuum
<bees> that is what they want you to think
<Althego> for your tardigrade, rotifer, paramecium, etc needs
<packbart> double-terrier engines. I use those a lot
<Althego> long burn. probably yli then
<Althego> tli
<packbart> they were talking about a highly elliptical orbit. I understand there will be a third burn for the final transfer
<Althego> can be, if twr is small
<Althego> we all did things like that in ksp
<Althego> breaking the burn int oparts
<packbart> there's even a mod (split a large node into several orbits) for that but I didn't really get the hang of it
<Althego> those engines dont seem to be on
<Althego> hah space is fake, see
<packbart> no emissive texture
<Althego> but sometimes you cant see the flames, especially in cavuum
<Althego> even on falcon nine there is almost nothing visible
<packbart> these didn't even glow
<Althego> only glow if passively cooled
<Althego> in case of spacex the nozzle extension is made of niobioum that can stand the heat
<Althego> and no cooling in that part
<Althego> i sure hope that upper stage comes back instead of remaining there
<packbart> eventually they all come back
<Althego> not exactly
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<FLHerne> ;outcome add Jeb's parachute swoops out of the ensuing fireball.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: Jeb's parachute swoops out of the ensuing fireball.
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<umbralraptop> ;mission add You attach a random SCP as a payload
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added mission: You attach a random SCP as a payload
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<darsie> I'm trying to figure out how much EC and cooling I'll need for my comet pusher, but the data is confusing. says "Asteroid harvesting mode consumes a flat 1.5⚡/s under all circumstances". The VAB says the asteroid drill uses 7.5 EC/s (500% base efficiency).
<darsie> The wiki says on planets up to 15*125%=18,75 EC/s (I verified 15*5%=0.75), while the VAB says "Planetary use 150% base efficiency, max. 22.5 EC/s"
<darsie> So the VAB was wrong once, IMO.
<umbralraptop> womp womp
<darsie> define womp
<umbralraptop> A sound similiar to a sad trombone
<darsie> TCS seems to use a flat 0.125 EC/s.
<darsie> ic
<darsie> I'll go wiht 1.5.
<darsie> My comet pusher so far: