raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<taniwha> oops, sorry
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<raptop> warp to sunrise for all landed craft is cool
<raptop> *insert joke here about how that just describes what happens when you get really into a mission*
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<Althego> scott
<minas_tirith> Hewwo
<kubi> "warp to sunrise for all landed craft is cool" especially on tidally locked planets
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i think not even moho is tidally locked
<Althego> apparently there were some issues with the starship test
<Althego> so because of the engine change
<Althego> there might be an additional test
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<Althego> again below 1 day to nrol-101. nrol-44 who knows when
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<Mat2ch> taniwha: you need a better mic ;P
<Mat2ch> uhhh, the stuff coming out of SN8 doesn't look good...
<Mat2ch> but I wonder where the heat for that came from. The engine fired for a second, what gets so hot? Or does the preburner run much longer?
<Althego> where do you see what is coming out?
<Althego> i tried to find it, but didnt see anything leaking in the video
<Althego> just the endless white vapor
<Althego> ah this is new
<Althego> i looked in the long one
<Mat2ch> could be just hydraulics fluid which looks like it is burning, because it's backlit from all the spotlights
<Althego> that burst disk saved the ship
<Mat2ch> jup
<Mat2ch> always good to have something as backup
<Althego> except when it is heavy :9
<Mat2ch> well, it would've probably only split the nose, but still...
<Mat2ch> so, no flight next week, I assume
<Mat2ch> they're going to do some figuring out, then maybe next tuesday another test
<Althego> also need to replace the engine and do a static fire
<Althego> which may result in the same thing :)
<Althego> so if they think they can reasonably prevent this
<Althego> in this prototype
<Althego> they can have a flight quite soon, since the redesign and fix can probably take months
<Althego> so not happening in any of the already built starships
<Mat2ch> We have to wait until they figure out what happend. Is it a design error in the engines itself? Or does just a line need more shilding? (Easy fix)
<Althego> the issue here that it could have a total loss
<Althego> so if it is caused by the engine, of course there must be an engine fix, but even if the engine fails it shouldnt propagate the failure
<Althego> but it is friday :)
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<Mat2ch> Friday the 13th!
<flayer> when are they launching to the ISS?
<Mat2ch> Saturday
<Althego> in 1 day 14 hours and 33 minutes
<Althego> sunday for us nfortunately
<Althego> in eu
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<packbart> the "message" feature on the forum doesn't give any notifications, does it? I found a very old message to me that I had never seen. In the other direction St4rdust also didn't read my message from last month, yet ;/
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<Azander> packbart: we can test that.
<Azander> My nick, is also the one I use on the forums
<Azander> By default, it looks like messages only send you an email no popup. you would have to turn tha ton.
<packbart> ah. maybe I should change the address to one that I actually read :) I use a temporary mail service for the forum address
* minas_tirith howls
<packbart> hm. it's probably a good idea to change it, anyway. anyone who knows what @yopmail.com address I use could probably take over my account
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<Althego> lol these drawings
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<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Atlas V - NROL-101 - Fri Nov 13, 2020 22:13:00 UTC (L-02:58:48) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/nrol-101 for info/stream
<Althego> about 3 hours remaining
<Althego> hah a what about it
<Althego> meanwhile elon is in covid superposition
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<Althego> hehe already delayed by 10 minutes
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<Guest48179> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest48179
<Guest48179> test
<Guest48179> hi
<raptop> \o
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest48179
<Guest48179> shut, bot
<raptop> unit test sucessfully passed?
<Guest48179> ok
<raptop> Anyway, the answer is not always more boosters, despite the development histories of the Titan and Delta families
<Guest48179> no
<Guest48179> more boosters
* raptop also ignores that STS was mostly SRB by mass
<darsie> stream live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZyjzR96EJU Nov. 13 Live Broadcast: Atlas V NROL-101
<darsie> stream live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZyjzR96EJU Nov. 13 Live Broadcast: Atlas V NROL-101
<darsie> .
<raptop> oops
<darsie> t-22
<Guest48179> fuck
* raptop sighs and points at the language rule
<raptop> tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules
<darsie> Still the forum rules?
<raptop> yeah
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<darsie> 15 min hold
<raptop> Please do not hold the cryogen tanks
<darsie> I held a dewar with LN2.
<raptop> Those things are heavy
<darsie> Just 1 l.
<darsie> bbl
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<darsie> t-4 countdown running
<Guest48179> i was testing language rule
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