umbralraptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | < packbart> I hope their sample isn't contaminated by the lunar tardigrade colony
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<umbralraptop> ;mission add In lieu of launching, you begin lunching.
<LunchBot_> umbralraptop: Added mission: In lieu of launching, you begin lunching.
<FLHerne> ;mission fixup s/lunching/testing/
<LunchBot_> FLHerne: New text is: In lieu of launching, you begin testing.
<FLHerne> ;mission fixup s/testing/lunching/
<LunchBot_> FLHerne: New text is: In lieu of launching, you begin lunching.
<FLHerne> Works!
<umbralraptop> shiny
<umbralraptop> ;mission add You carefully adjust the position of the beryllium reflector with a screwdriver.
<LunchBot_> umbralraptop: Added mission: You carefully adjust the position of the beryllium reflector with a screwdriver.
<umbralraptop> ;outcome add At least the more distant seismic sensors will get a lot of data from that.
<LunchBot_> umbralraptop: Added outcome: At least the more distant seismic sensors will get a lot of data from that.
<TheKosmonaut> ;mission
<LunchBot_> TheKosmonaut: You build an Alcubierre drive. KwirkyJ deletes you.
<TheKosmonaut> KwirkyJ, now that's a name that I've not heard in a long time.
<TheKosmonaut> Long time.
<FLHerne> SN8 static fire was successful this time
<TheKosmonaut> FLHerne: I literally missed it by like 3 min on the livestream
<FLHerne> (i.e. it didn't blow up the pad, shred the avionics, and melt the guts of an engine this time...)
* TheKosmonaut shakes fist at train delays
<umbralraptop> did you move back to the states?
<TheKosmonaut> umbralraptop: Hell no
<TheKosmonaut> I'll probably visit though next year Oct. maybe.
<TheKosmonaut> Vaccine dependent
* umbralraptop was mainly confused by the whole trains being late thing
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<umbralraptop> ;outcome add The CSB has determined that this was the decision that ultimately lead to so much death and destruction.
<LunchBot_> umbralraptop: Added outcome: The CSB has determined that this was the decision that ultimately lead to so much death and destruction.
<umbralraptop> ;mission add You attempt to detonate the explodium sea.
<LunchBot_> umbralraptop: Added mission: You attempt to detonate the explodium sea.
<umbralraptop> ;mission add You attempt to build and run Principia on a 32bit processor.
<LunchBot_> umbralraptop: Added mission: You attempt to build and run Principia on a 32bit processor.
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<Althego> successful 7th landing and a static fire
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<Mat2ch> Althego: and at ESA they're counting the Vega parts :P
<Mat2ch> But we saw some Marmite flying again and there was a little burp at the end
<Althego> counting?
<Mat2ch> from the last failure
<Althego> but why count it
<Mat2ch> bureaucracy.
<Mat2ch> :P
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nasonfish has quit [Quit: My MacBook Air has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;add mission You launch a mission to capture the Deep Space Kraken
<marcelinethevampirespleen> what did I do wrong
<Althego> reverse the words
<Althego> mission add
<marcelinethevampirespleen> Ah, like discord
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ; mission add You launch a mission to capture the Deep Space Kraken
<Althego> no, you inserte a space where you shouldnt have
<marcelinethevampirespleen> oh my dear
<marcelinethevampirespleen> l u r d
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission add You launch a mission to capture the Deep Space Kraken
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added mission: You launch a mission to capture the Deep Space Kraken
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add Your plans are thwarted by the Münar tardigrade colony
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: Your plans are thwarted by the Münar tardigrade colony
<marcelinethevampirespleen> (once again) i meant to add that
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<minas_tirith> marcelinethevampirespleen, what about Deep Space Karen
<Althego> lol
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add The Deep Space Karen throttles Jeb, demanding to see his manager
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: The Deep Space Karen throttles Jeb, demanding to see his manager
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add The launch vehicle is too large for the lander and your craft overheats
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: The launch vehicle is too large for the lander and your craft overheats
<marcelinethevampirespleen> mission add You undergo a mission to land the clones of Dr. Kerbalstien on Bop
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add Your plans are foiled by the Nose
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: Your plans are foiled by the Nose
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add a burning wheel bounces out of the wreckage and rolls away, due to the effects of universal narrative
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: a burning wheel bounces out of the wreckage and rolls away, due to the effects of universal narrative
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i should have done general narrativity
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: You install FAR. The Secretary disavows any knowledge of your actions.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: UmbralRaptor commissions you to build a RaptorRocket. kmath was unable to find "Outcome 459"
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: You attach rubber balls to a cactus and throw it around inside the space station. You realize your liquid helium cooled computer just won't make it.
<FLHerne> marcelinethevampirespleen: Note that you can PM LunchBot_ to avoid spamming the channel ;-)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> oh, I haven't been being silly enough I think
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: You try to capitalise your capacity of flux capacitors. You somehow end up in Dilbert space.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: You ask maltesh for advice. You end up with an infinite number of kerbals asking you to review their versions of Shakespeare.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: You convince Bob to ride on top of the rocket. The KIA arrest you for your crimes against kerbalkind.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> perfect
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: You are distracted by a discussion about N-body physics. You get an unpleasantly close view of the r-process in action.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> -.-
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: You launch into a Molniya orbit. A mod/op kicks you for violating rule 2.4b.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot_> marcelinethevampirespleen: You experiment with dozens of small engines on your craft, EVE online style. Not even Scott Manley can save you now.
<FLHerne> marcelinethevampirespleen: Please do use /query to avoid spamming the channel
<marcelinethevampirespleen> use what
<FLHerne> This is getting very excessive
<FLHerne> <FLHerne> marcelinethevampirespleen: Note that you can PM LunchBot_ to avoid spamming the channel ;-)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> oh how
<FLHerne> Depending on your client, either /query LunchBot_ or some menu :p
<marcelinethevampirespleen> figured it out
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I'm sorry
<FLHerne> Also note that there's a `!outcome fixup s/replace this/with that/` command now
<FLHerne> For those "oh wait I should have written something else" realizations
<FLHerne> (it works on any of the last 5 outcomes mentioned)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ooh
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> FLHerne did you kick me from lunchbot lol
<FLHerne> marcelinethevampirespleen: No
<marcelinethevampirespleen> it stopped me from adding a mission
<marcelinethevampirespleen> :mission add You observe very suspicious behavior among the graysuits.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> see nothing
<FLHerne> : isn't a prefix it recognises, use . or ! or ;
<marcelinethevampirespleen> whops
<marcelinethevampirespleen> typo got me
<marcelinethevampirespleen> whoops*
<marcelinethevampirespleen> You write a bot that could pass the turing test, configure it to talk trollishly about KSP and unleash it on #KSPOfficial. A discussion on a cubic-ham-mile measurement system leads to this being promptly forgotten.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> this has been my favorite so far
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> now it says no such channel or nick
<marcelinethevampirespleen> permanently
marcelinethevampirespleen has quit [Quit:]
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<Althego> because the _ is gone from its name
<minas_tirith> I thought irc ignored anything after the 9th char in a nick
<minas_tirith> marcelinethevampirespleen, /msg LunchBot
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: UmbralRaptor explodes, emitting all kinds of dinosaur DNA. Ike approves of this.
<UmbralRaptor> may I suggest using /msg instead?
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> i am
<marcelinethevampirespleen> just threw one in
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<umbralraptop> ;outcome add Unofortunately, there are survivors.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added outcome: Unofortunately, there are survivors.
<umbralraptop> ;outcome del Unofortunately, there are survivors.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Deleted outcome: "Unofortunately, there are survivors."
<umbralraptop> ;outcome add Unfortunately, there are survivors.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added outcome: Unfortunately, there are survivors.
<darsie> ;mission
<LunchBot> darsie: You launch a small, unobservable teapot into a high orbit in order to definitively prove the existence of one. Your confusion of impact factor with impact parameter results in the destruction of several Elsevier and Springer offices.
<darsie> yay :)
<umbralraptop> Teapotohedron-enforced open access journals
<umbralraptop> ;outcome add That was your final mistake.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added outcome: That was your final mistake.
<darsie> ;mission add Jetpack to orbit from the Mun.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added mission: Jetpack to orbit from the Mun.
<umbralraptop> ;outcome add Mistakes were made.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added outcome: Mistakes were made.
<darsie> ;mission add Jetpack to Kerbin from Duna orbit.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added mission: Jetpack to Kerbin from Duna orbit.
<umbralraptop> One of the outcomes being "You're fired for playing KSP too much and live off your youtube channel." feels a bit too real given all the let's play and vtuber stuff out there
<umbralraptop> (granted, minecraft is probablt the most popular, but eh)
<darsie> ;mission add Jetpack deorbit to Kerbin.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added mission: Jetpack deorbit to Kerbin.
<darsie> ;mission add Orbit Kerbin with your second flight.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added mission: Orbit Kerbin with your second flight.
<darsie> ;mission del Orbit Kerbin with your second flight.
<LunchBot> darsie: Deleted mission: "Orbit Kerbin with your second flight."
<umbralraptop> I mean, if you unlock the LV-T45 with your first flight, it's not too hard
<darsie> ;mission add Orbit Kerbin with your second launch.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added mission: Orbit Kerbin with your second launch.
<Althego> and this, ladies and gentlemen, was the reason why mission was removed
<darsie> umbralraptop: Yes.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission add You go to war withthe tardigrade colony
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added mission: You go to war withthe tardigrade colony
<Althego> and time to use the sed replace command
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i forgot it
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I8
<Althego> ;mission fixup s/withthe/with the/
<LunchBot> Althego: New text is: You go to war with the tardigrade colony
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i**
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I***
<umbralraptop> ;mission fixup s/tardigrade colony/tardigrade colony./
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: New text is: You go to war with the tardigrade colony.
<Althego> i already fixed it
<Althego> ah you needed the .
<darsie> Forgot the full stop.
<umbralraptop> Althego: punctuation!
<Althego> how important
<umbralraptop> Yeah, you can't recover the craft without it coming to a full stop.
<Althego> does it support all? what if i want g?
<umbralraptop> aaaaa
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add But Althego already fixed it incorrectly. Full Stop.
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: But Althego already fixed it incorrectly. Full Stop.
<Althego> lol
<umbralraptop> ;outcome add The gamma flash is visible from over a gigaparsec away.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added outcome: The gamma flash is visible from over a gigaparsec away.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission add You notice a syntax error in MechJeb but choose to ignore it.
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added mission: You notice a syntax error in MechJeb but choose to ignore it.
<darsie> umbralraptop: Unlocking the decoupler is good, too.
<umbralraptop> well, yes
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission add TD-12 Decoupler collided with Jebediah Kerman.
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added mission: TD-12 Decoupler collided with Jebediah Kerman.
<darsie> Is there confusion between mission and outcome?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> nope
<darsie> k
<marcelinethevampirespleen> just thought it was funnier in mission
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!
<umbralraptop> ;mission add You decide to speed up the refuling process by mining corium instead of regolith.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added mission: You decide to speed up the refuling process by mining corium instead of regolith.
<umbralraptop> ;mission fixup s/refuling/refueling/
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: New text is: You decide to speed up the refueling process by mining corium instead of regolith.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add So you use the remains of crashed kerbals for ballast.
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: So you use the remains of crashed kerbals for ballast.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission fixup s/develpoment/development/
<Althego> the space
<Althego> need to omit the space in front
<Althego> ;mission fixup s/develpoment/development/
<LunchBot> Althego: No recently-mentioned mission found matching "develpoment".
<marcelinethevampirespleen> odd
<Althego> only for last 5
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission fixup s/develpoment./development/
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: No recently-mentioned mission found matching "develpoment.".
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i just did it
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add You've added rings to Jool from leaving behind exploded craft.
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: You've added rings to Jool from leaving behind exploded craft.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: You swap the canteen coffee with mystery goo. You are banned from the only internet cafe in the city for vulgarity.
<darsie> I posted a video on thepiratebay in /r/KerbalSpaceProgram and reddit added an advertising image of thepiratebay next to my post.
<darsie> How can I put a differet pic there?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> <irespleen> ;mission fixup s/poot/poor/
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission fixup s/poot/poor/
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: No recently-mentioned mission found matching "poot".
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* FLHerne tries to figure out what's going on in the scrollback :p
<Althego> nothing
<FLHerne> darsie, Althego: It does automagically add the full stop
<FLHerne> (if there isn't other punctuation at the end)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add Your ship is ripped apart by the fabled Full Stop.
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: Your ship is ripped apart by the fabled Full Stop.
<FLHerne> Althego: It'll wear out in a few days, I hope :-/
<Althego> no
<FLHerne> There are only so many possible nonsensical sentences, right....?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> no
<FLHerne> I did add "You get this bot banned by spamming ;mission too much." to outcomes, but no-one seems to have heeded it
<FLHerne> marcelinethevampirespleen: You were trying to use ;mission fixup to fix outcomes
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add A cosmic cloud of guacamole envelops you, courtesy of FLHerne.
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: A cosmic cloud of guacamole envelops you, courtesy of FLHerne.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> nyeh
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add Expandin' your molecules, causing a friction fire Burnin' you on your neutron, causing you to scream "Hit me in the proton, BABY!"
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: Expandin' your molecules, causing a friction fire Burnin' you on your neutron, causing you to scream "Hit me in the proton, BABY!"
<FLHerne> marcelinethevampirespleen: *please* use PMs if you're going to pester the bot all day
<marcelinethevampirespleen> oh I have been
<marcelinethevampirespleen> the pm list is enormous
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> You build a rocket with over 9000 low-powered but crazily efficient engines on its first stage. You don't see your rocket launch due to buffering. this one seems hand picked
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<FLHerne> Hm, I thought of a new feature
<marcelinethevampirespleen> hm
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I was hoping to drop a few small satellites in LKO but I'm unsure how to get them operating as something other than debris
<darsie> marcelinethevampirespleen: Include a pod.
<umbralraptop> Comm relays? solar panels for power? instrumentation for fulfilling science contracts?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> a what
<darsie> A computer.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> solar panels = com relays
<marcelinethevampirespleen> + not=
<flayer> a probe core?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> You can also select the type by clicking on the computer.
<darsie> The VAB category is called pods.
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<FLHerne> !banlist add marcelinethevampirespleen
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added user: marcelinethevampirespleen
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> alright I did allthat but cargo bays don't work for me so I'm just trailing satellites and decoupling them at intervals but they don't show up
<FLHerne> Behold the new feature! :D
UmbralRaptor has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by umbralra1top!~Newpa_Has@]
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<bees> ;mission
<LunchBot> bees: You try to present your findings on a possible link between the Deep Space Kraken and the Horrorterrors of the Furthest Ring, but no one takes you seriously. Your computer says "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave", and you ditch the project to try to figure out who the hell is this "Dave" that messed up your computer.
<darsie> Are probe cores pods?
<FLHerne> Yes
<FLHerne> Certainly in the VAB interface
<darsie> Are probe cores computers?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: You are banned from using this bot.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> HEY
<marcelinethevampirespleen> unban me
<darsie> ho
<Althego> hehehe
<FLHerne> darsie: I guess, but "computers" isn't really a thing that matters in KSP
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I won't use it in main chat but this bot is how I entertain myself now
<marcelinethevampirespleen> aagh
<FLHerne> (note: anyone can use !banlist add, del etc.)
<FLHerne> Except people who are banned, obviously ;-)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> idk what that is
umbralraptop has quit [Ping timeout: 378 seconds]
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission add unban me you kraken
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: You are banned from using this bot.
marcelinethevampirespleen has quit [Quit:]
umbralra1top is now known as umbralraptop
<FLHerne> Althego: Does this solve the problem sufficiently? :D
<FLHerne> !banlist del marceline
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Deleted user: "marcelinethevampirespleen"
<Althego> in a sense
<flayer> seems harsh
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<darsie> The Apollo missions used computers, IIRC.
<FLHerne> Yes
<darsie> On board
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;outcome add Nyeh
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: Added outcome: Nyeh
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i'll stop
<Althego> the famous apollo guidance computers
<marcelinethevampirespleen> but nyeh
<flayer> people are mean marceline
<umbralraptop> Computers on the Saturn V, CSM, and LEM
<Althego> but the heavy lifting was done by huge mainframes on the ground
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I'm aware, flayer
<FLHerne> Failed to parse 'nyeh'
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;mission
<LunchBot> marcelinethevampirespleen: In effort to increase cost-efficiency, you experiment with solid fuel-powered RCS thrusters. You died for failing to GET OFF MY LAWN!
<umbralraptop> nya?
<umbralraptop> nyaaa!
<marcelinethevampirespleen> nyaaa
<marcelinethevampirespleen> you beat me by a fourth of a second
<FLHerne> !banlist add marcelinethevampirespleen
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added user: marcelinethevampirespleen
<FLHerne> Ok, back on the damn list
marcelinethevampirespleen has quit [Client Quit]
<umbralraptop> The list has cursed the organ to the void
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* umbralraptop eyes the hostmasks
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<Althego> hah visor for velding
<Althego> w
<Althego> this was a mod
<packbart> oh noez, it's probably going to break my custom TextureReplacer visor texture :)
<packbart> anyway, looking good. I like the laser gun, KISKAS doesn't have that
<Eddi|zuHause> so KAS going stock?
<packbart> shouldhavebeenstock!!1
<Althego> it took a few years
<Eddi|zuHause> well, it's not like KAS was particularly bug free... :p
<packbart> this feature won't be, either. it's software
<Althego> eh, broken silicon, 4 hours ago. too late to watch it today
<flayer> what am i going to do
<Althego> !nel
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Soyuz-2 - Falcon Eye 2 - Sat Nov 28, 2020 01:33:00 UTC (L-2 days, 05:27:04) - for info/stream
<Althego> no stream
<Althego> but this is an arianespace launch
<Althego> there should be one
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<Althego> hehe there is a recent brent spiner short on omeleto. i cant link it because of the words used. it is quite good
<DarthTater> omeleto is a good source for legendary content.
<Althego> also dust
<DarthTater> A good source for dust?
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<Althego> dust is a similar channel with short, just with sci-fi only
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<DarthTater> *visible confusion*
<umbralraptop> Five year plan, five year mission, close enough
<DarthTater> what does that relate to
<FLHerne> Stalin-era USSR was big on Five-Year Plans
<DarthTater> yes but what five year mission
<DarthTater> that's a bit long for a trip to duna
<umbralraptop> Granted, five year mission is more of a star trek thing
<DarthTater> back in the u.s.s.r. by the beatles
<DarthTater> I mean
<DarthTater> is star trek not socialist?
<DarthTater> close enough
<DarthTater> nyehehe
<DarthTater> althego is gone what a rare occurence
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