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<minas_tirith> Hewwo raptop uwu
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<raptop> minas_tirith: CAW
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<minas_tirith> raptop, meow
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* raptop pets minas_tirith
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* minas_tirith snugs raptop
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<minas_tirith> darsie, bro
<darsie> minas_tirith: I am a brother.
<minas_tirith> I wanna visit Hoth
<darsie> Where is it?
<Althego> cold and far, not even a planet :)
<darsie> Where is it?
<darsie> I visited a comet.
<darsie> Can't remember teh name.
<Althego> churyumov gerasimenko?
<minas_tirith> Althego, I wanna be seated inside an X-wing
<darsie> Althego: No, in KSP.
<minas_tirith> Althego, wow thats quite the shape
<darsie> Or a lion.
<minas_tirith> darsie, uwu
<darsie> define uwu
<minas_tirith> owo
<minas_tirith> but with u instead of o
<darsie> define owo
<minas_tirith> and a slightly different implication
<minas_tirith> uwu
<darsie> minas_tirith--
<darsie> 1 m/s escape velocity. That's nice. Easily reached, yet high enough to not be reached accidently if you're a little careful.
<Althego> intergalactic planetary planetary intergalactic
<minas_tirith> ippi
<Althego> 488 not acceptable here
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<Althego> hah, hahaha, wait, this cant be true. aron ra vs nathan thompson on flat earth. aron ra is mostly biology (against creationism), but even then he is absolutely going to destroy nathan. this is going to be epic
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<Eddi|zuHause> who? what? why?
<Mat2ch> exactly!
<Mat2ch> It's Friday!
<Althego> no testing for you until monday
<Mat2ch> yep
<Mat2ch> booooooooooooring
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<SpaceNuggetdank> dude pushed back 2 years for ksp2
<SpaceNuggetdank> just bs
<SpaceNuggetdank> I'm out
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<kubi> well, this is actually good
<Althego> what was this
<kubi> no split of community
<Althego> lol
<kubi> just imagine that we get a pre-alpha shit after this beta we have now
<Althego> it was already delayed what, half a year? a year?
<kubi> then half of the ppl and most modders go there
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<Althego> wait a sec. rocket lab decided to try to recover the next rocket, i guess splashdown only
<Althego> it was supposed to be the 17th, not the 16th
<Althego> less than 10 days
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* raptop is amused that ~10% of the install size of Mobius Front '83 is PDFs that the devs thought were cool/inspirational
<umaxtu> that the new Zachtronics game?
<raptop> yeah, though genrewise it's not really a zachtronics game
<raptop> There is a solitaire minigame, however!
<umaxtu> isn't there always?
<Althego> looks nice
<Althego> coming soon to gog
<raptop> hrm, spacechem, TIS-100, and infinifactory didn't have them. Did the solitaire thing start with Shenzen I/O?
<packbart> "Apparently one of the other downtime activities is reading through some U.S. military manuals" - so, it's like real war? most of the time is spent sitting around, waiting for the other side to move
<darsie> When will we get the updated demo?
<Althego> lol
<darsie> :)
<raptop> packbart: heh
<raptop> The UI seems good in some weird ways. Like, it takes advantage of how we're not in the bad old days of 640x480 being an exotic high resolution, and gets decently large maps with no scrolling whatsoever
<raptop> Also explicit keyboard shortcuts for various unit actions
<Althego> everyday astronaut video
<Althego> 1 hour long
<Althego> i was hoping for the russian rockets video, but apparently it is not yet ready
<umaxtu> huh, so Starship is still gonna use helium to spin up the turbines. was that always the case?
<Althego> i never heard about that. but it is not going to use helium for tank oressuirzation
<umaxtu> right.
<Althego> the biggest mystery. how did he manage to have the same length in the thumbnail version and in the opened version? there is always 1 second difference and it annoys me. video sometimes looks like 13:37 in one but 13:38 in the other
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<Althego> lol he called those control surfaces elonerons
<Althego> nobody used these yet, so they dont have a name
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<darsie> Hmm, land a class E asteroid on Kerbin?
<raptop> The Dessert spaceport needs a rock garden
<Mat2ch> I'd rather land an Enterprise 1701E on Earth...
<FLHerne> darsie: Is that easier or harder than sending it out of the solar system?
<FLHerne> Or past Moho orbit, or whatever the last one was
<Althego> eeloo
<darsie> FLHerne: Escape the Sun is simple, but somewhat tedious.
<darsie> Not sure how simple landing it on Kerbin is.
<darsie> I didn't take the contract.
<FLHerne> "What do you call Pluto if it is not a planet anymore? If you make it a planet again then all the science books will be right. Do people live on Pluto? If there are people who live there they won’t exist … Please write back, but not in cursive because I can’t read in cursive."
<Althego> wintergatan
<Althego> too bad i didnt notice it sooner. now i have to schedule it to tomorrow
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* darsie landed the ore transporter next to the miner truck:
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<umaxtu> nice
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Hmm, looks like I didn't plan for enough fuel when I built the rocket. Gotta send the fuel truck to orbit for refuelling.
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<darsie> Docked in orbit:
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