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* darsie does a 100 min burn.
<darsie> 25 min irl
<flayer> nice
<flayer> well worth the effort, i'm sure lmao
<umbralraptop> xenon
<darsie> I had trouble making a 15 km/s comet pusher, and the comet is on an escape trajectory out of the solar system and disappears before I can do a lower dv route. So I'm sending a xenon tag to see if it stay in the game, then.
<darsie> should have launched the pusher simultaneously, but forgot. It's just a day off, not too bad.
<darsie> First I'll check if teh comet stays in the game.
<minas_tirith> darsie, do you like skavens
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<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Falcon 9 - Starlink-16 - Mon Nov 23, 2020 02:56:00 UTC (L-21:52:39) - for info/stream
<Althego> where did that come freom
<Althego> hmm 7th flight
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<Althego> lol that character selection intro
<JVFoxy> who knows.. maybe 2020 makes stronger?
<Althego> work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger
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<JVFoxy> know the song, not good with titles
<minas_tirith> JVFoxy, are your eyes Yellow?
<Althego> joey, have you ever been in a turkish prison?
<minas_tirith> Whos joey?
<Althego> your questions are just as unrelated as captain ouver's in airplane
<minas_tirith> Althego, I want to go in a cave for a bit
<JVFoxy> minas_tirith uh.. no
<minas_tirith> JVFoxy, I was listening to some song
<minas_tirith> There was some lyric about yellow eyes
<minas_tirith> I got curious
<Althego> isnt yellow eyes a symptom from liver problems?
<minas_tirith> Is it?
<minas_tirith> I'll analyze the band more then
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<minas_tirith> Hey Shoe
<JVFoxy> not yellow, what if golden eyes?
<minas_tirith> JVFoxy, interesting
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<JVFoxy> depends...
<Althego> golden eye, that theme song was everywhere
<JVFoxy> dead eye... probably already taken too
<Althego> it's high noon
<minas_tirith> high moon
<Althego> under a killing moon
<minas_tirith> freezing moon
<minas_tirith> under a funeral moon would have fit better with your line though
<minas_tirith> and its an album i like more
<Althego> but under a killing moon is the title of the game
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<JVFoxy> under a killing moon... ah yes, Tex Murphy game
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<JVFoxy> I remember mucking about in Mean Streets as a young one, not sure what to do. Just it has aspects of a flight sim
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<marsmann> Can someone tell me how I can change my forum.kerbalspaceprogram username? I haven't found any faq page.
<Mat2ch> marsmann: you have to contact the admins to do that. There is no other way.
<marsmann> Okay thanks! I tried "ContactUs" form, but I haven't received an answer since. I guess I just have to wait
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<Mat2ch> Try to bother the admins for the forum with a PM :)
<Mat2ch> marsmann: one of the staffs might be able to help you
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<packbart> marsmann: there's a thread to do exactly that
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<marsmann> Thanks a lot packbart
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<Althego> heh broken sword 3 took a while to finish. horrible controls and camera movements. continuing with 4, maybe it is better
<umaxtu> why are you talking about a game from 2003?
<Althego> because i got around to playing it now
<Althego> whole quest for glory 1-5 is also planned
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<monttyle> Right, I have a question about the KAL. How does controller priority work? The control output is rumored to be the mean but it actually seems to be whatever controller got touched last
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