raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<Althego> eh, next 3 launches are all before dawn
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<Althego> also crew 1 and return to sender happens within 1.5 hours
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<Mat2ch> they're quick. Raptor engine already git removed from SN8
<Mat2ch> *got
<Althego> git reset HEAD~1 :)
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<Althego> maybe i could watch the f9 and electron stuff. the next week is my last working week this year
<Mat2ch> Last working week of the year? That was usually the time, when I did almost nothing :D
<Mat2ch> Since I'm my own boss, it's much harder to justify ;)
<Althego> i doubt i could run even a 1 person business
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<Mat2ch> it's fairly easy. The hardest part is to find work at all.
<Mat2ch> And as a consultant who needs to get inside a company it's hard there days
<Mat2ch> also I'm not the best in selling myself, so... and it security? Nobody is interested in security stuff until something bad happens
<Mat2ch> and even then many are just "that's life, you can't do anything about it"
<Mat2ch> .oO( also I should find some people to play Rocket League. There's rocket in the name, so this is appropriate here ;)
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpRd52dXHlQ oh, this fits here, too.
<Mat2ch> "Why Are There 7 Days In a Week?"
<Mat2ch> And yes, it has something to do with the Sun, the Moon and a few other planets of our solar system ;)
<Althego> teleglitch is free on gog. it is a pixelated top down shooter roguelike
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<packbart> Guest57130: correct
<Guest57130> thanks
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<Guest57130> is everyone a bot here?
<Althego> no
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* Mat2ch double checks
<Mat2ch> Not 100 % sure. I could be a bot
<Althego> or a boltzmann brain
<packbart> I often can't pass the Google Captcha AI test. so, maybe I am
<Althego> there used to be one with some cats on distorted letter
<Althego> s
<Althego> that was too hard for me
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* flayer checks his pulse
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<darsie> What's quicksave(ing)? Accepting a pre filled filename?
<darsie> OTOH, it says "Quicksave as ...", so even if I type a different file name, it's still quicksaving.
<darsie> Is there some other kind of save?
<Althego> f5 and shift f5, first is atogenerated name, second you can name it
<darsie> https://i.imgur.com/QVNJrZc.png Says "quicksave as ...".
<flayer> i think 'quick' refers to the notion that its a hotkey more than anything else
<flayer> theres also an automatic one which is even more quick
<flayer> it should say 'quickersaving now...'
<darsie> No, it's the "Save Game ..." selected from the pause menu.
<flayer> that's regular saving, because its a hotkey and a click
<Althego> hehe quickersaving
<darsie> I choose "Save Game ..." from the pause menu and it says: "Quicksave as ... Filename:"
<darsie> F5 doesn't need a click.
<flayer> its really just a naming scheme
<flayer> i'm not sure what your concern is
<flayer> people place too much value in words!
<darsie> I'm missing the not quick save option.
<darsie> The thorough save or whatever.
<darsie> Or the regular save.
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<flayer> that's escape + save
<flayer> oh wait thats also called quicksave
<flayer> lol
<flayer> you should petition the developer to fix this oversight in ksp 2.0
<Althego> probably uses the same window
<Althego> they are not going to create an other one for you :)
<flayer> they could have chosen a more generic naming scheme in that case
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<packbart> but then there would be nothing to complain about ;)
<Althego> let that be the biggest problem
<Althego> what about the fuel transfer bug
<Althego> tunable sas parameters?
<packbart> I'm hoping that the caching problems will be somewhat fixed in the next version
<packbart> tunable SAS is probably better handled by a mod
<Althego> they just need to provide a dialog and connect it to the parameters
<Althego> because often they are wrong and create oscillations
<packbart> more complexity to confuse new players
<Althego> hide it in the advanced tweakables thing
<packbart> KSP development hinges on new players buying KSP every day, not on the continued satisfaction of old hands
<Althego> that is why mods exist
<Althego> i mean dlcs
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<packbart> during the SpaceX Crewpollo mission coverage, millions of viewers learned that SpaceX engineers love KSP. whoever sent in that tweet should get a prize from Squad's marketing team ;)
<Althego> what was this?
<packbart> the Crew-Demo mission
<Althego> demo-1
<Althego> and what tweet
<packbart> I think the tweet was something like "Do you play KSP?"
<packbart> they read and answered it during the stream
<packbart> that was some good PR for KSP
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<Althego> i probably didnt catch this
<Althego> or just simply dont remember
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<Qubyte> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Qubyte
<raptop> \o
<Qubyte> hmm i'm in a low ike orbit with 353 m/s of dv left... i think i might have overestimated margins a bit
<Qubyte> that ike visit was a very bad idea
<raptop> I think that's in rescue mission territory
<Qubyte> yes
<Qubyte> i thought this was going to be my first interplanetry trip that i come back from but nope
<Qubyte> what should i do with that last bit of fuel? eject into a high orbit around duna? do you think that's going to help make a rescue mission any easier?
<raptop> I guess getting into a stable duna orbit might make the rendezvous easier than ike orbit, but I'd be tempted to keep it for adjustments during the mission
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<Qubyte> 9.9k m/s of dv should be more than enough to go to ike orbit and back