Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Soyuz launch 14 Oct 05:45 GMT/UTC
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<Althego> (soyuz)
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<Althego> stream on
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<Althego> 2 orbit rendezvous
<Althego> that is fast
<Althego> better to not sit there in that tiny space
<umaxtu> I've been on planes for longer than that
<Althego> yes, 9 hours transatlantic :)
<Althego> was my longest
<umaxtu> nothing so long for me. longest flight I've been on is Detroit->San Diego
<umaxtu> good 'ol economy class
<Althego> so for the sokol spaesuit they also got a sokol radio, playing annoying music?
<umaxtu> sounds like someone picked that music.
<umaxtu> Queen is now playing
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<Althego> this was better, but the sound quality still made it annoying
<Althego> 2.5 minutes
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<Althego> going up
<Althego> what they didnt take a funny gravity indicator hanging thingie with them this time?
<Althego> there is that roll oscillation. it annoys me. surely rcs can do better than this
<Althego> eh feed cut out for both separation events
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<Althego> something went wrong
<Mat2ch> whaat?
<Mat2ch> reload
<Mat2ch> works fine here
<Althego> twitter links NEVER load on the first try
<Althego> loks like something out of sci-fi
<Mat2ch> or the other way round: Sci-fi can be very realistic :D
<Althego> the pressure vessels are inside the skirt
<packbart> well, the Starship is still fiction and there's quite some science in there, too
<Althego> they used to be on the outside
<Mat2ch> Althego: I wonder how that works with the hot nozzles of the vacuum engines...
<JVFoxy> rocket skirts...
<Althego> wait
<JVFoxy> rocket kilts maybe? :)
<Althego> is this technically an upskirt image
<JVFoxy> oh right
<JVFoxy> tech porn
<Althego> i dont see panties there :)
<JVFoxy> not sure what to say when you see 3 of something up there..
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> all this focus on the underside, anyone ideas on what the internal cabin area might look? I seen a few speculative videos popping up on youtube (but not watched)
<Althego> there is already a nosecone with fins
<Althego> no windows yet
<Althego> i highly suspect that there will be no big windows as elone imagines it
<JVFoxy> I still remember when he originally mentioned the craft was to throw 100 people into space at a time..
<Althego> the dragon v2 was supposed to have 4 windows
<Althego> it has only 2
<JVFoxy> where they closed up the two between the super dracos?
<JVFoxy> I think Scott mentioned it was so it could pass flight qualification at the time
<Althego> maybe the extra windows come back
<Althego> or not
<JVFoxy> hard to say... at the time it was something to do with what they thought would be a point of failure and it it upped the percentages too much
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<Althego> btw the solution to the heat problem is probably twofold. it seems the nozzles will be in the empty spaces as far as possible from the pressure vessels, also they use a fully regeneratively cooled nozzle, not a radiatively cooled as the second stage of falcon 9
<packbart> Trivia I learned: the drain valve is the least thrusty and most inefficient engine in KSP with an ISP of ~5s
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<JVFoxy> lol.. so much for drain valve exploits
<Althego> wasnt there some way to generate fuel with the engines?
<Althego> with the controller thingie you can move thrust outside of the 0-100% bound
<Althego> so you can hacve engien that egnerates fuel and engine that has hyper thrust
<Althego> basically infinite high thrust
<Althego> but i like the docking port kraken drive better
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<Althego> hmm maybe i can get both missions to the ice giants
<Althego> if this is joint mission with esa
<Althego> there might be enough funds to an other one to neptune
<JVFoxy> oof.. 12 year cruise
<JVFoxy> an americium-241 would be an interesting change from the usual plutonium RTG.. be curious how they deal with the radiation
<Althego> they send it so far it takes 12 years to get there :)
<JVFoxy> 241, longer life span, but less power. slightly higher radiation sources..
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> and it silently judges the astronaut, just as the goo :)
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* darsie plants a flag on the Mun ...
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<raptop> Soon there will be a rich crop of flags to harvest
<Althego> remember the times when you had to do it for all the kerbals on the ship?
<packbart> one of my favourite KSP streamers has an impressive flag forest on Minmus. All Kerbals visiting the base are encouraged to leave their flag
<packbart> I think it was JakeInABoat. anyway, looks nice
<packbart> Althego: I don't :)
<Althego> hail to the affordable ironmonger, prohpet of bricolage of the last eclipse
<packbart> interesting cover
<packbart> is that a... power drill?
<Althego> obviously
<Althego> i think i have to order this album
<Althego> i have been delaying the ordering of the argon one cases for the pis too
<Mat2ch> that moon, ehm, is that ok here? :P
<Althego> hehe that's no moon
<Althego> but an ice giant
<Mat2ch> named after the Greek god of the sky?
<Althego> that
<Althego> also there is the barbie
<Althego> i can identify several songs from the cover alone
<packbart> I was too distracted by the Harry Potter in the clouds to notice the moon
<Althego> hmm. audio cd. currently not available
<Althego> mp3. other formats. audio cd. reissu. will be released on december 4
<Mat2ch> Althego: thanks to you my head is playing now "I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world..."
<Althego> i guess you havent listened to barbie, mi.. princess of the twilight then
<umaxtu> the Morgan James cover of Barbie Girl is far superior
<Althego> well, i have waited something like 15 years for the alita movie. i can wait a few months for this
<Althego> i bet the mp3 is not downloadable, so i dont even try
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<monttyle> Hello, long time KSP player here, gotten back into it after a hiatus. I see memory use has gone way up. What's some good settings to make it playable on a 4GB system?
<Althego> havent tried that for a while. maybe lowering texture resolution?
<Althego> but that is graphics memory so shouldnt metter too much
<monttyle> Yeah. I don't know what's using the entire 5GB of RAM on load.
<monttyle> most of which gets swapped out over a painful 20 minutes or so until it becomes usable
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<Mat2ch> Althego: far worse: 70 k USD is a price no other manufacture can offer for so a vehicle!
<Mat2ch> And with the new cells 2021 this will be a slaughterhouse...
<Althego> i have been working for 16 years. i dont have this amount of money yet. which btw would be enough to buy at least a flat, or a house in certain areas
<Althego> but the chosen amount is funny nonetheless
<Althego> the technological superiority of tesla is obvious. the others are not even trying
<Althego> maybe lucid
<Althego> but that is also a new player
* raptop has no idea what settings, maybe terrain or part textures? Certainly removing parts that you don't care about should work
<Mat2ch> Lucid is to Tesla like Maserati to Mercedes...
<raptop> (at monttyle )
<Mat2ch> Althego: I'm officially unemployed right now and since it looks like the forth economical crisis I'm in after finishing school I probably will never ever make that amount
<Mat2ch> Or is the fifth? I stopped counting.
<monttyle> Really I'm wondering when this happened. KSP used to run on 32-bit systems, now a default setup allocates more RAM than is possible in 32-bit
<Althego> luckily a few years ago i switch from simulation to telecommunication, te former is downsizing because of the state of things, but the latter is alive
<Althego> you can use more than 4 gigabytes on a 32 bit system, just not by one process
<monttyle> Depends which, but yes. Not much help to applicatio users
<raptop> monttyle: 9 years of increased features and shiny
<Althego> actually i can hear the video card fans now when flying
<monttyle> I was only away for 2
<Althego> for years they never did anything
<monttyle> it doesn't look that different
<raptop> Hrm, was it only 2 years ago that they got 64bit stable and then removed the 32bit version?
<raptop> *windows 64bit
<Mat2ch> .oO( I'm on Linux, we never had to care about the 32 bit version at all ;P )
<raptop> heh
<Althego> even our main product is going to drop 32 bit support in the next release
<packbart> Althego: the "reflection probes" setting has an audible effect on my GPU but I don't see any difference between lowest and highest, tbh
<Althego> we need more shiny metals
<Althego> at least there is that option for fairings
<Althego> but i want shiny metal evrything
<raptop> Including Bender's ***?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> no, i meant tanks, capsules, etc
<Althego> the madman did it again.
<raptop> O_o O_O o_O
<packbart> KSP on Linux with 8GB was playable enough. I noticed that switching texture detail to a higher setting, waiting for the disk to finish swapping, then changing back (to half or quarter) made KSP much more responsive for a while
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<darsie> Valentina planted a flag on the Mun and parachuted to the KSC with a surface sample.
<darsie> Refilled jetpack at the space station for deorbiting.
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