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<packbart> oh, linuxgurugamer is burning a plane tonight (some plane speed challenge). something to doze off by :)
<packbart> a good Juno or two can take me anywhere. I don't need those fancy whiplashes or rapiers!
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<packbart> accept the drag. love the drag. be the drag.
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<raptop> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, raptop
* raptop pets Mod9000
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<raptop> water on (noachian) mars https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.02699
<Althego> insert glass of water on mars bar joke
<raptop> I'd recommend against eating a 4 Gyr old candy bar
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<Althego> something something on venus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1u-jlf_Olo
<kmath> YouTube - RAS Press Briefing
<Althego> i have to watch it from the beginning
<Althego> still streaming though
<raptop> It would be extremely cool if it were aliens this time
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> (always bet against there being aliens)
<Althego> insert aliens meme
<packbart> someone detected monophosphine within the habitable zone of the Venus
<Althego> hmm
<packbart> or so they believe
<Althego> since life even on earth is found in very high altitudes
<Althego> bacteria can be there in venusian atmosphere
<bees> Althego: a secret plan of Soviet Union to terraform Venus is finally revealed!
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> doctor strangelove, with the secret doomsday device
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<Althego> too many opus tabs are open
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<hatrix> what's the difference between the two nodes on heatshields?
<hatrix> one node directly attaches to the heatshield, the other one creates a shroud
<Althego> exactly that
<hatrix> I've never really noticed a difference while decoupling
<hatrix> just aesthetics then?
<Althego> also small things attaching to the closer node disappear in the heat shield and hard to get out later
<hatrix> it happened that the decoupler wouldn't decouple correctly yeah
<hatrix> i'll go with the shroud option this time
<Althego> you can look inside the heat shield and move the object with the offset tool
<Althego> i usually do that because i dont like that shroud
<hatrix> yeah I'll leave it there
<Althego> oh wait, do we have a test today?
<hatrix> I haven't played in a month and I just want to get jeb safely somewhere today :p
<Althego> in boca chica
<hatrix> last time I checked it was question of a pressure + rupture test, is that still the case?
<Althego> closure scheduled
<Althego> so i guess something is still happening
<hatrix> when storing experiments, is it only same conditions I can't store multiple times? i.e. can I store multiple mystery goo in different situations?
<hatrix> also I thought it was possible to store experiments in the command pod but I don't see any mention on the wiki, am I mistaken?
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<Althego> yes you can
<hatrix> ok so the MK1-3 is enough, I don't need the experiment storage unit, right?
<Althego> you can store it in the command pod by taking it in with a kerbal
<Althego> and you can take out everything from the command pod by a kerbal
<raptop> A storage unit is nice if you want to bring multiples of the same experiment back
<Althego> that is useful for probes
<Althego> or if you wan instant transfer without eva
<hatrix> like reruns you mean raptop?
<Althego> also has high heat tolerance
<raptop> yeah
<hatrix> for some experiments like mystery good I guess
<hatrix> -d
<raptop> yep
<Althego> one of the most annoying things is crew report. i never tried to transfer it to a container, but probably now you can
<hatrix> oh nice, a materials bay + expriment unit fit in the 2.5 service bay
<Althego> usualt trick was to go on eva take everything from the pod and then go back in. then the crew report moves from the crew reeport menu to the normal experiments
* raptop echos Althego on that
<Althego> all this because you can store one crew report in the crew report slot. so you either send it through radio, or do the trick i mentioned before
<hatrix> can I jettison the experiments unit or do I need to keep it with a probe/crew?
<hatrix> I want to know wether or not to keep the service bay on reentry
<raptop> service bays are pretty rugged, at least
<raptop> If you've moved the data out, there's no need to keep the experiments
<hatrix> can kerbals get them all?
<packbart> the heatshields are the only part of ReStock I actually use - because of the weird stock shroud
<hatrix> looks quite ok yep https://i.imgur.com/coG7BJH.png
<packbart> yeah, the stock one looks a bit like a placeholder texture, tbh
<packbart> Althego: there's even a mod for that. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/190270-19x-store-my-reports/
<packbart> "You can now make crew reports and have them stored without the need to exit the vessel, take all of the reports out, then put them all back in again."
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<Neal> watching this fire approach the mt wilson observatory in real time in person
<Neal> not good
<hatrix> talking about the california fires?
<raptop> yep
<raptop> Since I'm on the other side of the country, hopefully hurricane Sally will wash out some of the smoke
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<Althego> ah scott
<Althego> meanwhile elon static cylinder program continues
<Althego> this venus molecule thing again
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<sandbox> I had a dream last night about alien dragons that used the clouds for energy
<Althego> since there are no native dragons, that makes sense
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<JVFoxy> Told a friend about a vintage welsh computer who has a bit of a thing for dragons themselves: The Dragon Tanto 64 LGR did a new-old unboxing recently
<JVFoxy> also, at the moment, messing about with a jet vtol, making use of independent throttles. Just getting an idea of how things work
<Althego> the issue here is clearly that we are not on the 26 hour bajoran day
<Althego> i should be asleep already
<JVFoxy> well.. could live on the moon, day lasts 2 weeks
<raptop> Mind the 2 week days
<JVFoxy> I'd always wondered how bases would work on the moon if night time lasts as long. RTG power? Maybe we can setup solar power stations out on the sides? Though that be a lot of resources for power cables
<raptop> nuclear, or lots of batteries
<JVFoxy> not to mention that talk about putting a base in a crater that is pretty much in the dark all the time
<raptop> or something
<raptop> Oh, right. peaks of eternal light
<JVFoxy> then again, polar station would be useful too. Get things setup right, you can have daylight all the time, or for a vast majority of the cycle. Just getting there though
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<packbart> tricky Kerbalism. Surface Samples have mass (25kg). A Kerbal schlepping 10 experiments weighs 250kg more. Walking around takes some time, flying with the Jetpack is no option. Bring ladders! :)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i guess you cant temporarily drop them
<Althego> to move them one by one
<packbart> in the end, I folded the ship's landing gear, putting it on the side so the Jeb of the day could reach the science box, then put it upright again with RCS
<JVFoxy> oof.. 50lbs of samples... but at what gravity?
<packbart> Althego: that's the thing - like stock science, you can either take all experiments out of a rover can or put them all back :/
<JVFoxy> I guess drop a storage box on teh surface as a sort of temp holding place?
<packbart> JVFoxy: it was the mun after a rove around all the biomes
<JVFoxy> oh ya.. the all or nothing thing.. ugh
<JVFoxy> btw.. reminds me, with the direct number inputs on the parts tweek menus, can you now specify exactly how much fuel to transfer? Or is it more of a click and pray?
<packbart> click, click
<packbart> the trick is to hit the same interval for LF an Ox. I wish there was at least an option to link them both :)
<Althego> so annoying the context menu moves the button
<JVFoxy> or a way to add it to an action group
<Althego> probably on purpose
<packbart> usually I just want to keep a drop of fuel in it so I can deorbit the transfer rocket
<Althego> at least keep the start stop in the same position
<JVFoxy> when I know I'm going to do fuel transfers, I usually include a small tank so I can send out measured amounts
<packbart> scripting is an option. I did it with python and kRPC, still haven't played much with Lua in RedOnion except for a few debug readouts
<JVFoxy> mind you, on the flip side, I don't really transfer fuel all to much anyways
<packbart> refilling the station tug's number of small monoprop tanks just was too much without automation
<JVFoxy> trying to keep things balanced is another thing
<JVFoxy> trying to land vtol at island airport now
<JVFoxy> lol made it.. just barely. Missed the runway, landed in a crevice on the side. Just managed to get speed down low enough before hitting the ground
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<packbart> I'm docking in the dark; Yes, docking in the dark; What a glorious feeling; I'm happy again
<packbart> The Mk1 Illuminator is one of the most underrated parts in KSP. It brings light
<JVFoxy> didn't they say docking to the ISS in the dark is easier for them?
<packbart> yeah, but they don't have to squint and move the camera around the craft to align it with a docking port
<packbart> reminds me to check out the "tracking lights" mod again. it has some useful features like "track current target". mount a few of them on a station, target the approaching craft and the spotlights will always (try to) point at it
<JVFoxy> camera near the docking port, some times even in it. Don't have the luxury (or pain) of being able to move camera in 3rd person :P
<packbart> KSP is very dark. Just look at the pictures on the forum ;)
<packbart> JVFoxy: they probably got radar and lidar and that fancy stuff, too. I've got a small yellow rectangle with a single distance number
<packbart> anyway, it just occurred to me that most of my rendezvous and dockings seem to be on the dark side. maybe it's a false feeling
<packbart> (and yeah, there are several docking aid mods. If I were to pick one, I'd try the docking camera thing first)
<packbart> now I can either wait for the scientists in the kerbalismified lab to process and transmit all those surface samples - or I could just send a probe to pick it up and drop a science box on a parachute over Kerbin
<packbart> "kerbalismified" - one can't really -fy an -ism, it looks odd
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<JVFoxy> phew... got those sci waypoints near the south tip... now to hope I've enough fuel to jet back to the runway
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<JVFoxy> yay made it back
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<JVFoxy> lol.. so most of my contracts now are surface waypoints, all in a line on the other mainland..
<raptop> And this is why I've sometimes set the decline penalty to 0
<JVFoxy> first off, I have no way to get over there yet.. secondly, landing, ouch