Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch, some day:
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<lxb> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, lxb
<Althego> wlecome
<Althego> finally, the bot doesnt react to this
<lxb> i'm trying to learn some maths around ksp stuff but i fear i may have got some things wrong
<lxb> can one of you check out my google sheet please?
<lxb> its pretty simple stuff, i promise
<Althego> orbital mechanics?
<lxb> no, its simpler than that
<Althego> ok
<lxb> the calculations that dont say verified beside them are the ones i feel i may have done incorrectly
<lxb> the acceleration, velocity and distance calculations are supposed to assume a complete vaccum, and earth's gravity applied
<Althego> heh a meeting is coming up in a few minutes
<Althego> nice sheet
<Althego> is it for in-game calculations?
<lxb> kind of
<Althego> because the volume, thrust and isp is rdundant
<lxb> ok
<lxb> is anything incorrect?
<Althego> the volume does not really matter for the game, and the other two are given by the engine
<lxb> yeah
<lxb> just thought i'd add them in because why not
<lxb> i'm just unsure of the thrust/net thrust calculations and the accel/velocity/distance calculations
<lxb> so i was wondering if i did them right or if they make no sense
<Althego> the thrust and net thrust look suspicious to me
<lxb> do you know how i could correct them?
<Althego> also the speed and distance must necessarily be wrong, because the acceleration is exponential, since the rocket loses mass but thrust stay the same
<lxb> that's a good point
<Althego> the meeting started
<Althego> be back later
<lxb> ok
<lxb> thanks for the help so far
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<Althego> lxb: so anyway, if the velocity wants to be the velocity at burnout, that must be the result of the delta v formula
<lxb> ok, that makes sense
<lxb> how would i make a rough estimation of maximum height from the velocity (assuming no atmosphere)
<Althego> that, and basically the distance calculation seems to be harder, because you have a continuously changing acceleration
<lxb> ok
<lxb> would it be something like integration?
<Althego> if it has a closed form somebody must have done it already
<Althego> and they you have a formula for it too
<Althego> if you have to integrate the v(t), then it can be harder
<Althego> since i expect something exponential, it may turn out to be soemthing easy
<Althego> now back to thrust and net thrust
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<Althego> both seem to be ok for me
<Althego> ah i think i understand now, the bottom right part wants to be a result of a straight up launch
<Althego> athough net thrust is only true in the very beginning
<lxb> ok
<Althego> so if this is true your velocity at the end should be something like delta-v - g*t
<lxb> thanks for all of the suggestions, i'll try to do some more work on it tomorrow and hopefully it'll work out :)
<Althego> it has been a while since i really needed to do physics :)
<lxb> yeah im still in highschool so im not too knowledgable either thanks for the help
<lxb> im gonna log off since its about 10pm here in nz, once again thanks
<Althego> you could even test these in game. put the rocket to an airless body, in the cheat menu set gravity to kerbin, end launch straight up
<lxb> that's a great idea
<lxb> bye, hopefully i'll be back in the next few days
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<taniwha> I wonder what I would have been like if I had access to KSP when I was lxb's age
<taniwha> well... considering I sort of wrote my own at the time, maybe only a bit more motivated to figure out all the math
<Truga> i was learning orbital mechanics by playing elite in highschool :v
<taniwha> for me, it was Traveller that got me into orbital mechanics
<Althego> i played elite 2 countless hours in high school
<taniwha> I played quite a lot of elite in university
<Mat2ch> taniwha: I can tell you what I would have been like...
<taniwha> nowhere near as much as I played Civilization, though
<Althego> i played civ 1 too
<Althego> cant buy it anymore
<taniwha> I think I have it somewhere still
<Truga> it's on abandonia
<Truga> or that
<taniwha> btw, I was really close to deriving Kepler's mean anomaly equation when I was 18, I just couldn't wrap my head around all the asin, asinh and log
<taniwha> took me another 25 years to realize that the log given for the integral was really just asinh in disguise (or maybe acosh)
<Mat2ch> I totally forgot how to play that game...
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<Truga> civ1?
<Truga> first thing: don't use the mouse :v
<Althego> first rule: do not talk about the fight club
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<umaxtu> Truga, are you talking about Civ or vim?
<Althego> lol
<Althego> :v could be a vim command
<hatrix> :q
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<umaxtu> lol
<Althego> hehehe
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<Althego> what, is there a new shepar dlaunch?
<Althego> it is already delayed
<kmath> YouTube - New Shepard Mission NS-13 Live Webcast
<Althego> ah this is about that nasa autolanding camera thing, so they need clear images
<FLHerne> Hm
<FLHerne> This version flies very nicely, until you pitch up *slightly* too much
<FLHerne> Then it snaps up instantly and both wings fall off
<Althego> hehe
* FLHerne notes it in the pilot's manual
<kmath> YouTube - wings fall off of massive airplane(must see)
<Althego> meanwhile isaac arthur
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that's sad somehow
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<FLHerne> Ugh
<FLHerne> I don't understand how people think it's appropriate to use clickbait titles for videos like that
<Althego> the must see? that is annoying
<Althego> but it is an old and known video
<Althego> for wings falling off
<FLHerne> Yeah
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> not enough autorstruts
<Althego> so many engines
<Ezriilc> I don't remember what I was trying to accomplish with that, but the pic was a keeper.
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<Althego> We’ve detected a potential issue with the power supply to the experiments. Launch is scrubbed for today. New launch target forthcoming.
<Althego> no
<Althego> so many Fs in chat
<umbralraptop> F
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<Althego> at least with such a small rocket they can probably repeat it soon enough
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* flayer licks Althego
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<Fiddlekoof> hey can anyone help me with delta v because i`ve been looking at the delta v map and dont know how to read it
<raptop> yeah, one moment
<Althego> basically you have to add the numbers as you go along the lines
<FLHerne> Fiddlekoof: Add them up from Kerbin to the destination
<FLHerne> oh, good timing :p
<Althego> but can omit those what you want to aerobrake
<raptop> ^those, with a note that they can make it sound like a maneuver has more steps than it actually does
<raptop> (eg: for low kerbin orbit to duna, you want to do a burn directly to a duna intercept)
<raptop> well, SOI intercept
<Fiddlekoof> but wont the rocket be heavy with all the fuel tanks
<Althego> you found the basic problem of rocketry :)
<FLHerne> That's accounted for when you calculate Δv of the rocket
<FLHerne> (but yes, the size of rocket scales exponentially with the amount of Δv you need, all other things being equal
<FLHerne> )
<FLHerne> Which is why the ISRU stuff is really useful
<Fiddlekoof> ok i asked this because i needed to go to the mun and back and i can never go back
<FLHerne> That's certainly doable
<Althego> the deployed mystery goo experiment has a part of the description that says: never bring back to kerbin
<Althego> never going back? done easily :)
<FLHerne> Fiddlekoof: One way to make it easier is to do an Apollo and leave the return-to-Kerbin fuel in Mun orbit
<FLHerne> Then you're not dragging it down the gravity well and back
<Althego> but then you have to do a docking
<FLHerne> Of course, then it's harder because you have to do the rendezvous
<FLHerne> Yeah, but docking is fun :D
<Fiddlekoof> my mission is plant a flag on the mun and i don`t want to leave jeb
<Fiddlekoof> and docking is fun
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<Althego> no for the first time when you dont know what you are doing
<darsie> Fiddlekoof: Use the most lightweight vacuum engine you have that gives your return vehicle sufficient delta-v and TWR.
<raptop> FLHerne: eh, I'd argue that direct ascent is the easiest <_<
<Althego> even nasa failed rendezvous the first time
<Althego> but yes, just make it big and that's it
<raptop> Jeb lands alone in a craft built arond a Mk1 pod and an LV-909
<FLHerne> Fiddlekoof: Basically -- keep dry mass and payload to the minimum, use the smallest <anything> that will do the job, make sure your trajectories are reasonably optimal
<Fiddlekoof> ok thanks ill try if i have anny more questions ill ask :D
<darsie> Fiddlekoof: unlock maneuver planning
<Althego> technically you dont need to
<FLHerne> Oh, I forgot that was locked initially
<FLHerne> Althego: You complain that docking is hard for newbies, and then say that? :p
<Althego> burn when the mun rises, burn until trajectories intersect
<Althego> that is really easy
<Althego> docking is way harder
<darsie> go pro :)
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<Althego> so basically if you have around 7000 m/s delta-v at start that should be enough to go there and back with an amount of margin. you an always add more if you are not sure of maneuvers and landing
<Althego> for me i always burn several hundreds more than needed during the landing
<Fiddlekoof> ok
<darsie> I usually adjust the altitude where I start the deorbit burn so it is a near suicide burn.
<darsie> I go to a 10 km Mun orbit, do a test deorbit burn, look how much altitude I lose till 0 m/s, then set the altitude to that.
<darsie> plus 50-100 m
<darsie> IIRC
<Fiddlekoof> thank god theres a chat that can help
<darsie> Thank Duna there are newbies who ask :)
<Althego> funny, but actual nasa explanation of how to do the lunar orbit rendezvous helped me to do it
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<darsie> The free return one?
<Althego> not the way there, but the rendezvous
<darsie> Do an orbital insertion burn at Pe?
<Althego> i really like this
<kmath> YouTube - LUNAR ORBIT RENDEZVOUS (1968) - NASA documentary
<Althego> there are several such original videos, liek about the reentry
<Fiddlekoof> ill try buy im a newbie i got the game 2 weeks ago
<FLHerne> Fiddlekoof: Don't worry too much about stranding Jeb in awkward places, you can always retrieve him later
<FLHerne> It's sort of traditional :p
<Althego> hehe
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<FLHerne> Is there a convenient way to find out what blew up on my craft?
<FLHerne> I saw a pretty explosion as something aerobreaked, but I can't find anything missing
<FLHerne> (there's the mission log, but that only seems to be shown after crashing)
<umaxtu> hit F3?
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<FLHerne> Hm, that doesn't show anything
<raptop> Maybe a kraken exploded?
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