Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch, some day:
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<Althego> i can feel as an american: no drinking water (because of maintenance)
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<Mat2ch> aren't you at least a bit ashamed to live in a developed country? :D
<umbralraptop> aaaaa
<sandbox> bbbbb
<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: yes? ;)
<kmath> YouTube - Does Venus Have Life? With Dr. Janusz Petkowski
<Althego> i dont get how a random scifi writer can get all the scientist to a youtube interview
<kmath> <✔SpaceX> Completed a full duration test fire of the Raptor Vacuum engine at SpaceX’s rocket development facility in McGregor…
<Althego> oh starlink 12 is back in the schedule. 2 days and 4 hours
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<Mat2ch> but still no news about how much pressure SN7.1 took
<Althego> trade secret
<Althego> all closures cancelled
<Althego> so i guess they met their goal
<Althego> or maybe not, and now they need to redesign
<Mat2ch> but then they wouldn't mount fins to SN8
<Mat2ch> I bet they met their specs
<Althego> you dont need full human rated pressure
<Althego> for a 20 km jump
<Mat2ch> and that's why they are confident enough to fully build SN8 before testing
<Mat2ch> now somebody should do the math here. How much fuel do they really need?
<Mat2ch> If they add a mass simulator and everything
<kmath> YouTube - I Can Twist My Eye Around Its Pupil (And So Can You)
<Althego> btw really creepy images of eyes
<Mat2ch> uh, I hate that
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<Althego> hehe, delta iv heavy moved to sunday already
<Althego> (a day later)
<Althego> and there is a spacex launch scheduled for wednesday too
<Mat2ch> Starlink and GPS coming up
<Althego> so possibly two launches on sunday
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<FLHerne> Ok, so this mission plan involves a 90° plane change
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> around eve
<FLHerne> Good thing tiny satellites have ridiculous Δv
<FLHerne> Kerbin
<FLHerne> Two equatorial rescue missions, then sling the SSTO way out on an elliptical trajectory
<FLHerne> Drop satellite, that does the plane change, then lowers itself back to the destination orbit
<FLHerne> In theory
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<kmath> <ivan_mks63> Once more our strangers passed by in a formation at 00:24-00:30 seconds of the new space #timpelapse video. The mys…
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