Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch, some day:
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<Guest93> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Guest93> help!!
<raptop> Please state the nature of your problem
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<raptop> alskjdflks;djfljk;sdlkj;sdgajlk;sdagjkl;asgdjkl;sadgljk;sdgajkl;asdg
<darsie> .
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<raptop> today in interesting mission designs
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<Althego> i want ice giant missions
<raptop> Trident!
<Althego> preferably both, but if only one, let it be neptune
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<raptop> fair
<flayer> > Voyager 2 remains the only spacecraft to visit Neptune
<Althego> not liek uranus has seen more action
<flayer> heyoo
<raptop> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, raptop
<raptop> silly bot
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<Althego> hmm, mangalyaan-2, but only in 2024
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<hatrix> KSP powered acidcore
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<Mat2ch> Ok
<Mat2ch> wait
<Mat2ch> I'd like to use the f-word
<Mat2ch> but I shouldn't
<Althego> insert rage face here
<Mat2ch> And because you shouldn't, too, I wonder if I should post this
<Mat2ch> no no
<Mat2ch> not rage
<Mat2ch> astonishment
<kmath> YouTube - Parallax - A PBR Terrain Shader for Kerbal Space Program
<Mat2ch> LOOK AT IT
<Mat2ch> That is Kerbal Space Program
<Mat2ch> Not 2.
<Mat2ch> This KSP.
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> And switch on the subtitles!
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<darsie> Mat2ch: You can say the f-wording f-word instead.
<packbart> frell?
* darsie looks up frell ...
<darsie> Sorry, we found no matches for your search term(s) frell.
<packbart> it's a Farscape thing ;)
<snow> it was used in Farscape as a placeholder for the more usual f-word
<darsie> Is that like fork in The Good Place?
<umaxtu> what a bunch of nerds :P
<snow> avoids having to bleep it in certain countries, and allows people to "swear" with the same emotion as they would otherwise
<snow> darsie: kinda but also not. Different reason in the setting, and I'm not sure if they had the same reasons to do it from a production point of view
<snow> but also very similar, yes
<Mat2ch> darsie: are you forking kidding me? :D
<snow> I mean, our cats are called Aeryn and Pip. Yes, I'm a bit of a Farscape nerd and my gf is even worse
<Mat2ch> and I love the answer that is probably only possible to give in english: abso-forking-lutely :D
<umaxtu> I both miss the Good Place and am happy that it ended when it did
<Mat2ch> I second that.
<Mat2ch> I loved the ending
<snow> yeah, I'm sad it ended but I'm glad they didn't drag it out
<umaxtu> yeah. it wrapped everything up so well
<Mat2ch> I also love those graphics
<umaxtu> way to keep this channel on topic
<Mat2ch> I'd like to make a movie with them, where some humans make a mistake in a warp drive experiment and crash on a moon and wonder what they should do next
<Mat2ch> and the next thing that happens is that a Kerbal rocket crashes right in front of them, three crazy Kerbals enter the craft and place a flag and do selfies
<darsie> lol
<Mat2ch> and instead of just sitting around and asking themselfs what to do now, they take parts of both ships and build a new one
<Mat2ch> A Kerbal Movie.
<Mat2ch> Brought to you by IRC pictures
<darsie> A kerbal can jetpack to orbit from the Mun.
<darsie> With some practice.
<Mat2ch> Run to the highest mountain on Mun, jump and run on the peak and then jetpack to orbit ;)
<darsie> I did that, too, do you remember? :)
<darsie> It's usually not necessary. Probably won't work out of a deep polar pit.
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<umaxtu> breaking news. Microsoft bought Bethesda
<umaxtu> technically, they bought ZeniMax Media which includes Bethesda
* UmbralRaptor feels like I should have an opinion in *some* direction, but eh
<Mat2ch> well, as a Linux user... neither Bethesda nor id makes Linux ports anymore, so I couldn't care less
<packbart> Fallout Shelter on Android is the only Bethesda game I remember
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<Mat2ch> Android isn't exactly Linux... ;)
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<darsie> Bethesda ... that's where the LockpickingLawyer has his PO box.
<darsie> How can MS buy a city?
<raptop> cyberpunk future(tm)
<packbart> are you sure they didn't buy the Bethesda Hospital in Switzerland?
<darsie> no
<umaxtu> my reaction to microsoft's acquisition is "maybe Bethesda will actually fix bugs now"
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: that would suggest that Microsoft fixes bugs...
<raptop> morrowind re-releases! (mostly bugfixes and higher resolution support)
<umaxtu> they're better at supporting their games long-term than bethesda
<raptop> (anyway, you can still play daggerfall, arena, and battlespire because of doxbox. And for the first, there's DFU which makes it more of the game it should have been)
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<Althego> bishop (chess)
<Althego> we dont need to go this way
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<raptop> robopope?
<Althego> lol
<Althego> great idea
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<raptop> then again, there is that SF author who went by "autopope" back in the livejournal days
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<Mat2ch> For the late shift. Have you seen this video?
<kmath> YouTube - Parallax - A PBR Terrain Shader for Kerbal Space Program
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