Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch, some day:
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<atomontage> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<umbralraptop> Proposal: a bigger jeb conspiracy theory
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<Guest19907> I've docked with some orbiting debris and want to salvage it by pushing it to another location. Is there a way of seeing the center of thrust and/or mass? I seem to remember there was a way of doing that when attached to an asteroid, but can't seem to find a key combo that does that.
<atomontage> Guest19907: first, the camera is always pointing into the center of mass (unless focused on a part). That may help you. Second, you can target the center of mass of an asteroid, however, you can't target the center of mass of a craft (or a part).
<atomontage> correction: unless focused on a part OR MOVED. Double-click the middle mouse button (ie: the wheel) to reset it.
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<Guest19907> The situation is that I have a booster with a bunch of fuel left in it, that I want to rendezvous with a fueling station. I've got a ship docked to it amidship, roughly in the physical center (thanks to KAS and an intrepid engineer) - it's sort of like a hammer shape. I should be able to move the fuel around between the various tanks of the booste
<Guest19907> r to try to balance it around the docking ports. So... perhaps I can use the camera technique, if it's focus will move as I'm transferring fuel...maybe...? Sounds like I'm going to have to do this by guess and by golly. ORRRRRR ... maybe I should move the docking port to one end and push it like a normal craft. Should be interesting. Thanks!
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<atomontage> Guest19907: yes, the camera focus will move when you start transferring fuel between tanks as center of mass shifts
<atomontage> damn, this game is so awesome. Took thousands (literally) of hours of mine and I never regretted. Fingers crossed for KSP 2. Its 4:48am over here in Moscow, so cheers guys.
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<umbralraptop> something something rocks from space
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<Althego> here we go again, it is pressurizing again
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<Althego> they cant even make a can blow up
<umbralraptop> ...they failed at failing?
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<Althego> again
<Althego> pad cleared again
<Althego> i guess they still have one go
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<Althego> frost forming
<Althego> it didnt happen yesturday
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<Althego> finish a conference and still not popped
<Althego> finished
<Mat2ch> More frost!
<Mat2ch> that thing should be full to the brink
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<Althego> so what are they doing now?
<Althego> there is ice up to the top
<Althego> just close that valve and get it over with
<Althego> 13.5k people watching the tank
<Althego> on one stream
<Althego> 5.5 on another
<Althego> but i am on both :)
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<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> No idea
<Mat2ch> maybe deep freezing it to get even better results?
<Althego> metals are known to high electric and thermal conductivity. it should be already really cold
<Althego> finally pressurizing
<Althego> hah
<Althego> big
<Mat2ch> pop!
<Mat2ch> and the top flew off. :D
<Althego> which seems to be worse result than last time with the side leak
<Althego> but if it is 10 bars, it is still good
<Mat2ch> Depends on the pressure they reached
<Althego> drone is checking it
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> maybe zeus too soon?
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<Althego> zeus didnt come out. :(
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<Mat2ch> The tank is still "smoking"...
<Mat2ch> wow
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> can you swim in liquid nitrogen?
<Althego> because of the leidenfrost effect you wouldnt touch it
<Althego> at least it is a big pool of liquid nitrogen
<Mat2ch> Until there's no more water between you and the nitrogen...
<packbart> ah, that's where the moisturizer products come in
<Althego> i dont think it has anything to do with water
<Mat2ch> and in other news: SN8 got both of its wings (test fit? Or are they really going to test with them?) and the first part of a Super Heavy was spotted \o/
<FLHerne> Althego: I think the answer is that you can swim *briefly* in liquid nitrogen
<FLHerne> You'd either freeze or asphyxiate pretty quickly
<Althego> ah yes i forget about breathing
* flayer chokes Althego
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<Althego> somewhat like cupcake landers design
<Althego> those usually had a jet and a nuke clipped into each other in the bottom
<FLHerne> Cupcake?
<Althego> but still similar
<packbart> unless it flips, it sits
<Althego> but those were t he older designs with the old atmosphere
<packbart> do I see round grip pads as bike wheels there? looks fun (and explody :)
<Althego> hehe can be
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Boca Chica - SN7.1 Tested to Failure - Slow Motion Replay
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<FLHerne> Chibi spaceplane :p
<FLHerne> It actually flies *really* nicely, I'm surprised
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<umbralraptop> Not an ice giant mission, but will help