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<Cranium> raptop: no pictures, 4/10
<Cranium> rather, no "non-math pictures"
<raptop> Cranium: Would would even go in there, various artist's renditions?
<Cranium> to be clear, there are only TWO pictures in linked matreial
<Cranium> material*
<packbart> no comic sans, either?
<Cranium> I didn't spend 32 years of my life to not have all relevant interesting cosmic infrastructure explained to me in a neat and interesting comic
<Cranium> I am, after all
<Cranium> a millenial
<Cranium> (sp)
* packbart remembers a presentation of results from the LHC - in Comic Sans on a brown backgroun
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<packbart> it really focuses the attention on the numbers
<Cranium> wait what? I must have missed that.
<Cranium> that's too memeable to not ahve caught my interest
<Cranium> my god, is this actually from the ATLAS collaboration?
<Cranium> wow, that's nuts
<Cranium> it's almost as if nobody from CERN had any exposure to the internet for the last decade
<Cranium> though to be honest, we all know that this powerpoint came from a single researcher in CERN.
<Cranium> the data was fact-checked, but no doubt the presentation material must have been provided by only one official
<packbart> it was live-streamed around the world ;)
<Cranium> oof
<Cranium> though again, let's be fair to the individual
<Cranium> only one person was responsible for the actual content of the powerpoint
<Cranium> you can almost guarantee nobody checked the presentability of the content, only the data
<Cranium> still though, this is the first I've hard of it, and it is making me giggle
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<packbart> I think it was just a "feature" of all Atlas presentations
<kmath> YouTube - 4th July 2012, Seminar at CERN Update on the Higgs Boson searches at the LHC, 4th July 2012
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<Cranium> well i'm going to say something a bit controversial
<Cranium> Comic-sans isn't a terrible font
<Cranium> it's perfectly legible, and has a certain flair to it that some people would ignore simply due to the controversy surrounding it
<Cranium> the problem stems from people overusing it for more official-oriented purposes, where a happier-style font is not remotely warranted
<Cranium> while the font may have a hand-written style to it, too many people use it for business-oriented uses, while they should be considering more 'official'-oriented fonts
<Cranium> that does not dismiss the utility of a more casual style of font however
<Cranium> comic-sans is still a well-crafted font that unfortunately has been used in very improper ways due to it's widespread availability and readability
<Cranium> if you ask me, comic-sans is a victim of its own success and popularity
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<JVFoxy> zoom zoom?
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<darsie> 1337
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<umaxtu> darsie, ?
<darsie> leet
<umaxtu> uh sure
<darsie> :)
<sandbox> 1315 here
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<Deddly> channel log pls kthxbai
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
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