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<Althego> so they departed the space station, but landing is after a sleep
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<transit> Bwoop
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<Althego> didnt last long
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<Althego> so how am i supposed to find this so called olivine formation?
<Althego> and crater?
* darsie has no clue what Althego is talking about.
<darsie> Is it a stock egg?
<Althego> there is this scanning arm thing. and there are surface formations
<darsie> DLC?
<Althego> and i got contract to scan a mun crater and an olivine formation. each supposedly appears in 3 areas, but one appears in the poles and other in polar lowlands. so i can access them with a shoert hop
<Althego> maybe it is dlc
<Althego> but all i find is mun stone
<Althego> which i already found
<darsie> Maybe you need to scan for anomalies with Kerbnet.
<Althego> hah i found a large crater by eye
<darsie> That's not hard :)
<Althego> lol and it wants crater not large crater
<Althego> i didnt know there was a difference
<Althego> at least got 144 science out of it
<darsie> Large craters are their own biomes.
<darsie> Hmm, I can't remember any Minmus easter eggs.
<Althego> no, this is like 10 meters accross
* darsie goes to search for some ...
<Althego> next node is in about 5 minutes
<darsie> Haha, the startup screen showed two Kerbals on command seats on the side of the rocket. darsie style :)
<Althego> so either i find one now, or have to postpone after the two nodes. one is a minmus orbit insertion from kerbin escape velocity and the other is a grabbing, so i cant delay those
<darsie> Hmm, the rovemate has 100% anomaly detection with 5-10° FOV. I wonder if that really works from orbit.
<Althego> hah found an other one
<Althego> it iw hard to get there
<Althego> the poles are bumpy
<darsie> Yeah. Deep, dark pits.
<Althego> and i lost direction of the lander
<darsie> Bring enough battery if you want to stay there longer.
<darsie> And lights.
<Althego> this rover is as flat as possible
<Althego> still flips even because of the slightest turn
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<Althego> this science consumes a lot of battery anyway
<Althego> sometimes i even get some sun anyway
<Althego> of course the mun minus transfer is the worst at the moment
<Althego> basically had to negate the orbital speed of the mun
<Althego> and of course i had to break the 11 minute burn into two, because an other burn on an other craft was scheduled in the middle of it. neve mind that mission launched a day ago to minmus, but it just had to conflict with my mun to minmus tourist transfer
<Althego> in around 2.5 hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-l6f4wcv2I
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE VIDEO: Astronauts Return to Earth from Space
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<Kalpa> Splashdown yet?
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<Althego> mo
<Mat2ch> Althego: Kalpa is long gone
<Althego> what
<Althego> ah yes
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* darsie landed on Minmus' anomalies.
<darsie> The rovemate really seems to detect anomalies reliably.
<darsie> Spoiler alert - Zvazhf nabznyvrf ner obevat.
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<packbart> I didn't quite get why SpaceX had to split the coverage into 3 YT streams while NASA uses the one that "started streaming on Dec 28, 2018"
<packbart> darsie: sure it does, the rovemate has 100% anomaly detection chance
<darsie> packbart: Perhaps a live stream doesn't buffer infinitely. Maybe Spacex' split streams later remain complete.
<darsie> packbart: I wasn't sure if the rovemate would work 100% in orbit.
<packbart> its FoV is smaller on orbit than when landed. at least that's what I think it is
<darsie> It is.
<packbart> maybe SpaceX doesn't have enough YT points yet to stream longer than 6h
<Althego> hehe the olivine thing is on minmus. the craters were on the mun. doesnt matter i still need to hop around to some biomes
<Althego> maybe i could leave the rover here because it is deadweight
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<Mat2ch> well, 1 hour of post sleep...
<Mat2ch> when is the reentry?
<flayer> ~6 hours from now i think
<packbart> "There's a decent chance the engines may explode. This is normal. Try not to freak out." - stupidly funny. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195941-quasars-ultracareer-episode-4-the-minmus-mishap/
<Althego> this one is a bit closer to present https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSJIQftoxeU
<kmath> YouTube - Crew Demo-2 Splashdown
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<flayer> i'm tired
<umaxtu> cue the scene from blazing saddles
<Alanonzander> lol
<Alanonzander> Thanks umaxtu, I now have Littly von Stup stuck in my head
<umaxtu> you're welcome
<Alanonzander> *Lilly
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<Guest45563> Hi all. How do i enable texture relection with texture replacer?
<packbart> enable the "reflection" option in TR's settings menu. or what exactly do you mean?
<Guest45563> oh, i can do it ingame_ I dont need to change the config file?
<Guest45563> oh, i can do it ingame? I dont need to change the config file?
<Guest45563> is it in the options meny ?
<packbart> maybe that only pertains to helmets, though. Texture Replacer has a button in the Space Center scene
<Guest45563> ill try
<packbart> the one with the bearded face
<Guest45563> was thinking mainly for the rocket parts
<packbart> ah, ok. I don't think TR does that. Textures Unlimited + some other mod does that
<packbart> something Magpie
<Guest45563> i see this image on the tr first page
<Guest45563> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/167450-19x-textures-unlimited-pbr-shader-texture-set-and-model-loading-api/
<Guest45563> its from 2017 tough
<Guest45563> that post
<packbart> I was thinking of this one: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/192310-magpie-mods/
<packbart> I only care about reflections in Kerbal helmets and prefer my craft to be dull, though ;)
<Guest45563> cheers. Tried the magpie one but it was too dark for my taste. cool looking toughj
<Guest45563> looks very cool in the vab, but in the launch pad and in space, it looks very different
<packbart> the "reflections" option in the game settings need to be enabled, too. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/167450-x/page/68/&tab=comments#comment-3824549
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<Althego> almost splashed
<Althego> splashed
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<Althego> bit charred isnt it
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<Mat2ch> Althego: slightly used, still flies, 10000 EUR :D
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<packbart> Crew-1 Pre-Launch conference on NASA TV
<Mat2ch> Pre?
<flayer> DM-2 != Crew-1
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