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<Althego> spacex lawsuit against the air force
<Althego> might be risky, but essentially they are right. ula is a waste of money
<kmath> YouTube - Aug. 27 Live Broadcast: Delta IV Heavy NROL-44
<packbart> it's going to be a bit late for me
<Althego> what happened to electron?
<packbart> it's still on, as far as I know
<Althego> some days later
<packbart> "29 August 2020
<packbart> 03:05:00"
<Althego> same day as a spacxecx
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<packbart> ah, I see. lists Electron on the 27th, Wikipedia says 29th
<kmath> <✔RocketLab> Launch Update: The launch window for our #ICantBelieveItsNotOptical mission opens tomorrow, but due to weather we’r…
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<Mat2ch> woah, 30 minutes of Wintergatan!
<kmath> YouTube - Testing the Marble Module & Introducing the MMX CAD Team! - Marble Machine X #139
<kmath> YouTube - Artemis 1 Mission: 13 Secondary Payloads On Board!
<Althego> i still have almost 3 hours of flat earth
<Mat2ch> I will never understand the joy of watching that. Even if it is the destruction of them...
<Deddly> Is that the Netflix series?
<Althego> no, various youtube channels
<Althego> hehe all the bearings
<Althego> roll in separate directions
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<Althego> now he wants to use the MMY in the tour
<Althego> not even a screw exists from that
<packbart> uhh. Mixed Martial-Yards?
<Althego> marble machine y
<Althego> because after the original he is building the x
<Althego> so the next one is y
<packbart> ah, I see. I thought you were talking about flat-earthers :)
<flayer> there is no way earth is round
<flayer> i saw a ksp video that proved flat kerbin would work
<Althego> the ksp but ... series?
<flayer> you just have to fight gravity to travel sideways
<Althego> only if gravity exists :)
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program but Kerbin is Flat
<Althego> i saw this
<Althego> i like how the builders of the linkspace rocket cheer when it lands
<kmath> YouTube - 300m hop test of Newline Baby reusable rocket from LinkSpace China
<Althego> unlike ula, they understand this is the future
<Mat2ch> Liny still has not 100k subs? How is that possible?
<Mat2ch> Unlike Arianespace...
<Althego> yes that too
<Althego> they are still building the ariane 6
<Althego> which is a good rocket, by a decade old standards
<Mat2ch> well, they try to go reusable for Ariane 7, but they are moving so slow
<Mat2ch> like if they're still using drawing boards...
<Althego> at this point that is a lost art :)
<Althego> same for slide rule
<Mat2ch> and I have another problem with ESA. They're publicly funded, but you get only occasional updates and insights. And on the other side is SpaceX, which are pretty open in what they are doing
<Althego> there are a buch of people filming them voluntarily :)
<Mat2ch> well, the people working at ESA may be still using drawing boards actually...
<Althego> i mean spacex
<Althego> dont think so
<Mat2ch> Don't underestimate the amount of old people there...
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> but then somebody needs to move that drawing int o cad to integrate with the others
<Althego> that would require 2 people
<Althego> i would expect this much from germans
<Althego> but i guess ariane is mostly french
<Althego> germans, because "this is the way we have always done it"
<flayer> oh nice, china's halfway there!
<Althego> this is where spacex was a few years ago
<Althego> they are still ahead of anybody else
<flayer> i expect china to walk on the moon using reusable launches before the decade is out
<Althego> in this pace, possible
<packbart> what's so interesting about the moon, though?
<Althego> first, it is not earth
<Althego> second easier to go to orbit
<packbart> hm. I've read arguments that going anywhere from earth orbit or from the moon's surface doesn't make much difference. I'm not a rocket scientist, obviously :)
<Althego> but obviously mars is way better
<Althego> still didnt give up on venusian cloud cities
<Althego> sounds nice, but what could you do there floating in the clouds?
<Althego> wait for a black masked guy to appear? (i have altered the deal)
<UmbralRaptop> In the present epoch, everyone wears a mask though
<UmbralRaptop> (does Vader's setup meet P100 ratings?)
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<Althego> there is no data oin this :)
<flayer> i definitely want to see more probes sent to venus
<flayer> some heavily armored ones maybe
<UmbralRaptop> Long term balloons!
<Althego> but again, what would you do on the balloons?
<flayer> surf-fascism is more my style
<raptop> asdjkl;fgsdjlkd
<Althego> right
<raptop> I mean, you could get high resolution imagery of a bunch of the surface. Also weather/atmospheric data in-situ in a lot of places
<Althego> you cant imagine the venusian surface
<Althego> bimage
<Althego> whatever
<Althego> because of the atmosphere
<Althego> but radar should work
<Althego> as did already
<raptop> high rez from below cloud optical, also photometry -> surface composition
<Althego> how hot is it at that altitude?
<raptop> less if you hang out in the haze
<Althego> hehe sulfuric acid haze
<Althego> how nicec
<Althego> but 200 degrees is way better than the surface
<raptop> The 1 bar level is apparently in the upper portion of the haze
<Althego> that is tunable. you can go a bit higher for less acid
<packbart> shipping dry lead-acid batteries to Venus
<Althego> maybe you could just filter out the lead from the atmosphere :)
<packbart> ooh, that too. my Venus Battery Corp. will be rich
<raptop> pfft
<Althego> supposedly now is the time to look at mars. it is in oppositon and really close to earth
<packbart> yeah, I read about that. 15 years until the next "Super Mars"
<raptop> Looks like the october one is pretty good
<Althego> cant really beat hirise though :)
<Althego> even that is something like 15 years old
<raptop> Obviously the solution is to send a KH-11 to Mars
<Althego> looks like a small hubble
<Althego> maybe not even small
<Althego> anything that powerful, we obviously need it around mars
<raptop> Consensus is that they're short hubbles
<Althego> what can the resolution be around mars? 5 cm?
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<raptop> I'd guess airy disk diameters of ~12 to 15 cm
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