raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
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<darsie> I took a sample of the comet (right click the comet while close to it on eva), but the contract doesn't notice it: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot100.png
* raptop is aware of the renaming bug, but does the contract require the sample to be returned to be completed?
* raptop stares at the giant antenna
<raptop> oh
<darsie> Ahh, transmitting it worked.
<raptop> yay
<darsie> Just says take a surface sample.
<raptop> Good job, Henke
<darsie> thx :)
<raptop> Sounds like a flaw in the UI, really
* darsie takes another sample to bring home.
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<darsie> I'm afraid I might come back home too fast for the heat shield.
<darsie> 8 km/s, IIRC.
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<darsie> Nah, no issue. Wasn't that fast.
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<JVFoxy> only 8km/s? nah.. that's nothing if you playing RO
<darsie> stock with just a few mods.
<JVFoxy> heh not really stock if its has even one mod. Or maybe I'm just being picky :P
<darsie> raptop: The contract title is 'Return a sample from comet Callas 1.'
<darsie> JVFoxy: EEX, KER, dated quicksaves, picoports
<darsie> gn
<JVFoxy> which is that one that allows you to edit mods a little... I'd like to get the one that locks docking ports at certain angles.
<JVFoxy> mod manager or something I think it was? You had to edit a file to include stuff you wanted.
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<raptop> hm
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<Althego> gimballed solids ftw
<JVFoxy> single tracking station setting on.. ouch
<JVFoxy> I know I wanted a bit more of a challenge but.. oof
<Alanonzander> A lot harder than expected? Good to know.
<JVFoxy> I don't know about 'harder'... just have to rethink things a little. One priority is to get a geostationary relay sat setup at the least for anything beyond LKO
<JVFoxy> does make running stuff with probe cores a bit more complicated
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<packbart> JVFoxy: the docking angle patch is in https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139980-130-community-database-of-module-manager-patches-for-stock-ksp/
<JVFoxy> packbart ya the manager, just wasn't sure I had it right. Thanks
<JVFoxy> You can set tolerances
<JVFoxy> suppose I could launch a relay with the tier 1 relay dishes but.. not ideal. Ugh.. only enough points for some of the other parts.
<packbart> just launch enough probes with relays on it ;)
<Althego> day 10
<Althego> money was a bit tight after the rnd max upgrade
<JVFoxy> thinking a two ship meet up for the moment. Maybe I'm getting a bit jaded towards some of these contracts to test parts
<Althego> i still need to upgrade the tracking station and the vab to max
<Althego> the strategy thingie and the airlpane related stuff is not important
<packbart> I only take the test contracts that can be done on the launchpad :)
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> I got some Minmus ore to LKO. Can I use that for contracs asking for Minmus ore? What if I mix it with Mun ore?
<Althego> what does it mean crew transfer around minmus? do i need to dock, or eva is enough?
<darsie> EVA is enough.
<darsie> IIRC
<darsie> I think even a stranded Kerbal entering your ship works.
<darsie> So you can combine a rescue contract with it.
<Althego> there is a rescue contract around minmus
<Althego> but i sent a grabber
<Althego> maybe i can send a minimal mass ship with a lander can
<darsie> Need the debris, too?
<darsie> Or a chair :)
<Althego> i am not sure, but if i can i take the debris too
<darsie> Not sure if a chair works.
<Althego> since bob came back from there, his next target is interplanetary space. but there are plenty of other kerbals, so there is going to be an other ship anyway
<JVFoxy> I'm not really sure how to make use of the strategy building.. other than to convert something to another at big losses.
<JVFoxy> got like 3 surface missions nearly half way around Kerbins. I've not even unlocked the wheezer engines yet
<Althego> i added the external fuel tank to extend range
<Althego> this can go around kerbin if need to be
<Althego> although not as fast as with the turbojet
<Althego> but in this the engine is the highest science part
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<JVFoxy> I've a few craft that can do the 1/4 out then back sort of round trip. Its mostly for hitting the pole biomes in flight.
<JVFoxy> My streak has 3 wheezers, is stupid fast, kind of looks like a flying wedge (under 30 parts and 18t) can go up there and back, but is a bit of a twitchy thing to land when low on fuel
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<Althego> without the tank it still has really high range, but then it doesnt have as much fuel to hop above 18 km where some science t argets are
<JVFoxy> just going through some past screen shots.... mix of years of playing and getting better at doing designs..
<JVFoxy> ah ya.. those far flung 'above 18-19k' points. Ugh..
<Althego> in this case there were two missions relative close to each other and not too far from the poles
<JVFoxy> I did something of an odd craft, had a few of them above 18k clustered fairly close together. I used a rocket to get the craft up there. Then, I think a terrier to hover/fly across at altitude.
<Althego> all low. but i still wanted to hop high for the atmo analyzer science above biomes
<Althego> this is science plane 3. there is a 2a, which has a rocket and two of too wheesleys, so it can go supersonic, 400 something, and has fuel to 3-4 high altitude hops
<Althego> but simply because of the progression of things, it is used for 1, max 2 missions before i get this
<Althego> (teh no 3)
<JVFoxy> I'll probably leave the further out high alt stuff till I can get the whiplashes. Sadly, I haven't progressed quite that far in any of my careers.
<Althego> whiplashes are on an 550 node
<Althego> beyond an other node that you dont actually need for anything
<Althego> the panthers are more accessible, and also have high isp mode and wide gimbal range
<Althego> 550 node is a problem because research center upgrade is needed of that
<Althego> with hard settings that is almost 3.4 millin
<Althego> not to mention the part unlock drain
<JVFoxy> Sometimes the gimble can be a pain
<JVFoxy> and which parts node is useless?
<Althego> i generally avoid airplane nodes
<Althego> because lot of parts, lot of unlock money, and i dont use them anyway
<umaxtu> mk2 is so sexy though
<Althego> the node before the turbojet contains one useful part, the airbrake
<JVFoxy> speaking of airbrake, why's the deploy value maxed out when you first put it on? It sorta.. borks the look ;P
<JVFoxy> yay for double jointed airbrakes
<Althego> deploy value maxed?
<JVFoxy> ya
<Althego> can it open more than fully?
<JVFoxy> er wait..
<Althego> what do you mean by this?
<JVFoxy> one of the values is like maxed completely.
<JVFoxy> you have deploy and authority.. one of them is maxed
<JVFoxy> got the game up.. let me switch to sandbox
<JVFoxy> ah ok.. its the authority limiter. Both are set to 70 but the bar on authority ends up maxed
<Althego> that is probably used when it is a control surface
<JVFoxy> not an issue since I don't use it for control surface.. more just braking
<Althego> i rarely use it like that
<JVFoxy> but.. when you deploy it in the VAB, it over extends
<Althego> oh wait the airbrake is an other node
<Althego> that is quite useless too
<JVFoxy> derp
<Althego> the only 160 node i didnt buy yet
<Althego> the high altitude flight is the preceding node of the hypersonic flight
<JVFoxy> ok... pylon, saw the large, but where's the small?
<Althego> advanced aerodynamics
<Althego> where the airbrake is
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. advanced aero. lol. Stupid thing looks like a wing part
<JVFoxy> ya I had to actually poke Wiki quickly
<Althego> the problem with the icons you cant see the sizes because everything is normalized
<Althego> like with decouplers, wait which one do i want? then count 1 2 3, this one
<JVFoxy> fuh.. worse when to the decouplers and heatshields
<JVFoxy> normally I look at weight now cuz of that
<JVFoxy> I haven't found a use for the little heatshield part
<Althego> minmus probe return
<Althego> but the science container thingy has a high heat tolerance anyway
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<JVFoxy> unlike the sci jr from what I recall a while back
<Althego> yes, unfortunately i have to discard that in early career, evem though it is quite expensive
<JVFoxy> ugh I tried doing a few different setups, still goes boom
<JVFoxy> It wasn't even near the heatsheild
<Althego> yes it is dumb. same thing with the hitchhiker container
<Althego> you can see that something is fishy, because with the slightest ship movement heat bars go up and down instantly
<Althego> that is not possible with real thermal physics
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<JVFoxy> haven't had heat issues with the hitchhiker. I had the 3 crew pod on top, heathshield under. Enough radial chutes. It mostly wanted to lean sideways slightly on re-entry. Mind you, that was some versions back too
<Guest64136> hi am new ksp and i dont now how to do manuvers could please some tell me
<Guest64136> manuver nodes
<Althego> in careeer?
<Althego> you need to upgrade two buildings
<Guest64136> yes
<Guest64136> which
<Althego> one is the tracking station, and i always forget the other one
<Guest64136> thank you so much
<Althego> mission control
<Althego> is the other
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<Guest64136> thanks
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<Guest64136> is it the first ubgrade or second
<Guest64136> ?
<Althego> first
<Guest64136> <3
<Althego> but actually the nodes are not too important, at least not for the mun and back
<JVFoxy> lol.. unless you hardcore
<Althego> i wouldnt want to go to minmus without the nodes, but the mun is perfectly fine
<JVFoxy> I could do it but its a bit of a challenge. at the least, patch conics is a must
<Guest64136> do you humans on board for nodes
<Althego> i am on board with with the nodes, if you assume i am human :)
<Althego> probe cores work too
<Althego> but if you lose connection you cant add change or remove nodes
<Guest64136> i just have the stayputnik and the control is locked
<Althego> typically behind the mun in early career, so you have to plan and set up craft orientatio before it goes begind
<Althego> probably no power or no connection
<Guest64136> i dont understand
<Guest64136> ok
<Althego> i think stayputnik does not have sas, so with a bit more research you can get the octo, that is more usable
<JVFoxy> just careful with the orientation, make sure you have panels and power for the probe, otherwise it'll just be dead out there
<JVFoxy> lol.. sorta thinking the stayputnik more for rovers than space probes.. due to lack of SAS and reaction wheels
<Guest64136> octo is a probe fxxx me
<Guest64136> i have it
<Althego> dont forget the antenna :)
<Guest64136> and i was using stayputnik to get to the orbit without a human
<Guest64136> lol
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<Althego> and after the octo, there is the hexagonal thing. hecs or what it is called
<Althego> that can hold prograde or retrograde
<Althego> that is useful in many situations
<JVFoxy> there times I wish I could make some game assets of my own, just for a little fun and customization
<Althego> you can edit the config files :)
<JVFoxy> I could but was thinking to add more things instead.
<JVFoxy> if I wanna edit anything, it be that one fold out dish thing that.. ya, whats the point of it just flipping around 180?
<Althego> the hg-5?
<Althego> small thingie?
<Althego> that is not the worst thing in it
<Althego> it always wants to attach 90 deg
<JVFoxy> no.. HG-5 is nice.. actually ike that one.
<Althego> so you have to rotate it
<Althego> but then i talways ends up pointing down on my ships
<Althego> when it is open
<Althego> so it is kind of dumb
<JVFoxy> the HG-55 one
<Althego> i think that is sane
<JVFoxy> ok granted some of the parts when you mirror them, they 180 around, ya that's annoying
<JVFoxy> HG-55 lays flat, but pops up, flips around 180, stays up against the side still. Its like.. for that wouldn't one hinge be better? It looks like it be more for sticking out further, angling off to the side instead of straight out
<Althego> completely fine for a sat
<JVFoxy> any case.. just one of my 'it bugs me' things
<Althego> somewhat strange for other vehicles
<Althego> most of these parts have a real world counterpart
<Althego> i dont know this one
<Guest64136> lol
<Guest64136> my game crashed when i was at mun and it's not save
<Guest64136> saved
<Althego> always save
<Althego> because of things like this
<Guest64136> yeah then again 20 times the better no? heheh
<JVFoxy> deploy limiter on swing out antennas would be kind of nice but anyways
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<JVFoxy> and poof...
<JVFoxy> any idea why some parts when mirrored, end up rotated 180 like with sci jr and those antennas?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes i hate that
<Althego> i dont know the reason
<Alanonzander> It's the way they set the Axis in the 3D model
<JVFoxy> recall some thumbnails for certain parts, the part is on a weird axis...
<JVFoxy> actually come to think of it... speaking of not knowing what 'scale' a part is... it go a long way if even just the angle the part is viewed on in the thumb could help ID which size something is. Going by assosiations
<JVFoxy> Or... maybe putting stripes on the side. Bigger parts, the stripes would look smaller
<Althego> boca chica had some rain
<Althego> a hurricane went close by
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<Guest11171> does someone know game named stellris
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