Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<packbart> KSP launch day
<UmbralRaptop> As in 1.10?
<raptop> Apparently not
<packbart> it's supposed to. the day just started in a few timezones.
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<raptop> it's still june in the americas
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<raptop> I'm going to assume that either there was a surprise delay, or it'll be released during the day in CDT or PDT
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<raptop> One of the coauthors is about who you'd eggspect for a silly paper
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<Guest64305> Hello everyone, good morning
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<darsie> .
<darsie> 2 s, that's a record, I guess.
<Mat2ch> Nop
<Mat2ch> it can be even faster
<Mat2ch> _D
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> hehe
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<darsie> But has it been faster, yet?
<darsie> wb Guest11201
<darsie> How is life on the badenwuerttemberg?
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<Argetz> hello and good morning
<Argetz> i have a "little" problem
<Argetz> i use kOS hoverslam scripts, and the tundra exploration spacex stuff
<Argetz> all the Tundra (SpaceX) engines are not throttling instantly but with half a second or more lag.
<Argetz> its enuff to mess up my landing script
<Argetz> how can i remove this slow throttling or spooling and make it instant ?
<Argetz> i tried looking at KW Rocketry and the Instant Response Config for the engines
<Argetz> and i added "useEngineResponseTime = false" to the tundra ones but no luck
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<kubi> or, you prepare the script
<kubi> that is a nicer challenge
<Argetz> i have zero know how
<Argetz> can you teach me how i add a specific timeframe to the burn ?
<Argetz> it should fire half a second earlier
<Argetz> than the formula outputs
<Argetz> can i just add a "+1s" somwhere ?!
<Argetz> but where
<Argetz> or i change the engines to Instant Response somehow ?
<packbart> huh. looking at its .cfg files, I don't even see why they would not throttle instantly
<packbart> ah, that's done by a patch labeled "realplume" m)
<packbart> or, patch it again with a :FINAL patch
<hatrix> is there a way I can lower RCS thruster below 0.5?
<hatrix> with a mod or anything?
<packbart> Argetz: something like this might work: - reset all "useEngineResponseTime" to false where set
<kubi> hatrix: with module manager almost everything can be configured
<hatrix> I'll just edit the RCS Thruster Block cfg file
<hatrix> ok so didn't work
<kmath> YouTube - International Space Station Spacewalk, July 1, 2020
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<hatrix> ha yes!
<hatrix> #hackerman
<packbart> so, your RCS looks a bit like this? ;)
<hatrix> :)
<hatrix> ahah guess what, 0.05 thrust with a 0.5 multiplier is still too much
<hatrix> 0.001 thrust now, works perfectly
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<hatrix> I've got all my periods equal but I'm not sure they won't drift
<hatrix> I can't go beyond 3 decimals
<hatrix> 2d 1h 44m 12.700s
<hatrix> I don't know ifd that's enough
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<packbart> sync their SMA in the save file ;)
<hatrix> I don't like doing that but that's the only way to have something correct :/
<packbart> (that's what the "Station Keeping" mod does. it's no more unrealistic than expect a constellation to keep in sync over aeons, imo)
<Mat2ch> hatrix: can't you throttle them?
<Mat2ch> I can set them to 1 % of the usual power
<hatrix> at 0.5 throttle it's still too much
<Mat2ch> which would be 0.01 throttle
<hatrix> with 0.001 kN of thrust and 0.5 throttle it's OK
<hatrix> for small moons the RCS are way too powerful
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<hatrix> I just understood why my deep space network wasn't there
<hatrix> wrong KSP :)
<packbart> Our probe is in a another universe
<hatrix> same system, different universe
<hatrix> I'm not fond of the Interstellar Extended mod after all
<hatrix> too complex
<hatrix> and no documentation
<packbart> ah. hmm. I see.
<hatrix> :D
<packbart> I thought Kerbalism was complex
<hatrix> I can't even get an engine to work
<hatrix> I'm losing somt stuff by reverting to the previous KSP but at least my network is intact
<hatrix> I'll look into the Near Future stuff
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<packbart> 1.10 is here, says Steam
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<packbart> nice double comet tails
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<hatrix> some mods I want are still not compatible with 1.9, I'm staying on 1.8…
<packbart> from what I've read, I expect most of the mods I use to work on 1.10 without changes. I'll test it later
<flayer> being an ISP mechanic is a weird job
<hatrix> I can always hear Scott saying "Check yo staging" in those cases
<hatrix> not so bad though
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<darsie> Oh my, I built a rescue Kerbal+Debris from the surface of the Mun for a Kerbal in Munar orbit.
<darsie> rocket*
<raptop> oh, hey, 1.10 is in fact out
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
<darsie> How is it?
<packbart> new :) I only had time to look at a comet and wonder how to use the Moho Transfer Stage part
<raptop> Dunno yet, just started downloading
<raptop> oh, come on. Why do I have to complete a captcha for updating the wiki?
<packbart> I've been watching a Tomb Raider moviegame for the past couple of days. Now there's a good incentive to take a break and fly with KSP
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<Mat2ch> Did they do some performance improvements as well or is it just cosmetics?
<raptop> They mention performance imporvements
<Althego> in what, 1.10?
<raptop> see the changelog
<raptop> Althego: yep
<AmbulatoryCortex> hey, wonder how big a class E comet is, then
<flayer> about as big as your mom
<AmbulatoryCortex> that's pretty tiny then
<packbart> its high inclination used up much of the produced fuel on the way to a low orbit fuel station
<AmbulatoryCortex> and that's a comet, not an asteroid?
<packbart> oh. my bad m) I read "class E" and associated that with an asteroid
<AmbulatoryCortex> Yeah, the announcement says they're bigger than asteroids, so I'm curious how much bigger.
<packbart> I only cheated a probe core next to a new comet in a quick test. it did look quite big
<Althego> eh a spaewalk has just ended
<packbart> two batteries replaced, one to go
<packbart> AmbulatoryCortex: a random sample of 1: - 274 kilotons
<AmbulatoryCortex> This pleases me
<AmbulatoryCortex> Can't wait to use MKS to launch spacecraft from it
<packbart> the small klaw is cute
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<kubi> hmm
<kubi> did they fix the non loading config issue?
<Althego> so when is .1 coming out? :)
<kubi> I'm tired of going to the settings and applying every time I start the game
<Althego> that was long ago
<Althego> in 1.8 or 1.9 maybe, but not in the .1
<kubi> 1.9.1 is suffering from it
<kubi> linux
<Althego> then it is a different one that i had (similar config reset), but mine was fixed
<raptop> hrm, sounds like something got accidentally set -w?
* raptop forgets what the cause of that bug was
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<Althego> the modulin is az crazy as ever
<packbart> what's the usual way to transfer a CKAN mod-installation to a new version. If I just copy the mods, they show up as "AD" in CKAN, whatever that means
<packbart> there's an option to export a mod list - but no import
<FLHerne> Jetpacks have an *incredible* amount of Δv!
<Althego> and actually infinite, as long as you can go back into a capsule
<FLHerne> (even disregarding the infinite-refills hack)
<packbart> there's a mod for that ;)
<packbart> EVAFuel draws from the ship's monoprop tanks
<FLHerne> What isn't there a mod for?
<Althego> maybe online multiplayer kerbal battle chess
<packbart> well, for everything except the "chess" part
<FLHerne> Eh, decorative rovers as pieces
<FLHerne> Drive them around the board
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* raptop wishes that there were a stock option for making jetpacks refill from RCS tanks
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<raptop> Also, exactly how g-tolerance is calcualted still feels opaque
<raptop> I think it's G_endurance = config_value * bravery/2 * BadS
<raptop> Where BadS is 1.5 if true, or 1 if false
<raptop> And then Max_G = 4.5 * G_endurance
<raptop> But there seem to be some mismatches, and config_value there doesn't actually match up with what's in that config file
<packbart> so, I docked my 0.625m (sandbox) probe to a comet, the camera zoomed out to the new center of mass. now I can't find the probe core, it's too small
<packbart> :)
<raptop> oops
<raptop> Uh, at least you can pan the camera
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<Mat2ch> The real question: Does it have a gravitational field? ;)
<packbart> hmm. does Principia do all-body simulations using vessel mass?
<packbart> not at any decent frame rate, I guess
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<raptop> They do not. Apparently the line in the FAQ about why this was silly is no longer there
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<umaxtu> It doesn't look like this has been posted here yet.
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