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<raptop> Oh, come on. The Design Reference Architecture 5.0 is paywalled?
<Althego> what is that?
<raptop> Official NASA design study for a Mars mission, with versions from somewhere in the early 90s to 2017
<Althego> in which they copied zubrin :)
<raptop> well, yes
<Althego> and doesnt matter. at this point it is irrelevant, elon will be there first
<raptop> The whole "NASA vs SpaceX" thing is silly because it'll most likely be NASA astronauts in a SpaceX vehicle
<raptop> But, uh, I wanted to check some things on surface stays and transit times
<Althego> in that sense it is silly. but the thing is, nasa cant make it this fast, or maybe ever on their own
<raptop> NASA's crewed spaceflight has been b0rked since sometime in the 70s, yes
<raptop> "The displayed crewed profile corresponds to the all-propulsive opportunity with transit times of 174 days outbound and 201 days inbound. The crew’s Mars stay time would be 539 days, and the total mission duration would be 914 days."
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<fda_approved> hello everyone
<raptop> greetings, I think.
<raptop> Are you edible?
<raptop> huh, DRA 5.0 favors NTRs
<raptop> Oh no, it assumes Ares V HLVs
<fda_approved> i was approved by the fda
<fda_approved> skeet skeet yeet yeet
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<raptop> ...
<raptop> Well, I can't say I didn't make an effort
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<Althego> hehe
<raptop> At present, drilling is still something of an art, requiring an understanding of both the nature of the material being drilled – or, at least, a best guess of the nature of that material – and the equipment being used. While drilling is a candidate for a high level of automation, it is likely that human supervision for purposes of “fine-tuning” the
<Althego> you dont need ntr
<Althego> just as zubrin said
<raptop> operations and intervening to stop drilling would remain a hallmark of this activity. Core samples would be retrieved by the crew and put through an appropriate curation process before eventual analysis.
* raptop stares at Insight
<raptop> yeah, also the good news is that their assumptions about metholox engines are probably more conservative than reality (yay, raptor)
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> Anyway, that's not an especially long PDF. Even if it's very NASA
<raptop> granted, it's just a summary
<raptop> ...NTRS is down
<Althego> probably no nuclear rocket
<Althego> but there could be some rtg based power generation on board for martian stay
<Althego> i liked the kilopower reactor
<raptop> more reactors would be cool
<raptop> ...parts of that are orange-hot?
<Althego> during operation, yes
<Althego> basically it is an rtg with a stirling engine
<Althego> which has higher performance than thermocouples
<raptop> ASRTG?
<raptop> ah, not quite
<Althego> well, it is a very simple reactor, that you can turn on or off
<Althego> so not really rtg
<Althego> but almost as simple
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<Althego> hah i got the sandcastel again
<Althego> warpology.com/k/castle_new.png
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<raptop> All hail hypnocastle
<Mat2ch> Alanonzander: how?
<Mat2ch> Oh, I meant Althego.
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