raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
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<JVFoxy> ok weird.../
<JVFoxy> walked my kerbal out from the runway, about 1/2km out to do a science point. It still thinks I'm on the runway.
<JVFoxy> so.. guess I can't just walk off the pad/runway any mor eand get a shore biome report like I used to..
<raptop> I'd suggest using an RT-5 with like 10-20% fuel?
<JVFoxy> not too worried about it right now. just seemed odd. I walk out a km, oh you still on runway. I'm like 'wuh?'
<JVFoxy> maybe biomes got mucked with
* JVFoxy sees pod sliding on runway. Decides to spin it like a top. It starts driving along the ground, "ok... umm.." stops it, tries spinning it the other way. Watches it go 'forwards'. umm... funny bug/feature it seems
<JVFoxy> I used to bug hunt a friend's game a while back. I didn't intend to do it in KSP
<JVFoxy> ok no I won't Danny this.. or whoever it was that takes advantages of game bugs
<raptop> I mean, if you connect 2 command pods in a bow tie shape, you can roll it around for a rover with highly limited battery life
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<JVFoxy> lol.. did something similar but with a truss in the middle to hold science parts.
<JVFoxy> I generally wait till I get the first plane parts unlocked. Build a jet car with a couple of pods. Putter around KSP for a bit getting what I can of science. Kind of handy having a science officer that can reset experients
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<JVFoxy> Decided to poke nose on 1.9.1 for once. Say hello to Swiftfox (cuz.. well I couldn't think of anything else) from edge of North pole ice shelf after a quick test flight: https://imgur.com/a/o5m6xsg
<Althego> whitebird
<JVFoxy> with a red nose if I sit up at 1300m/s too long
<Althego> lights on turn on some orange lights on the nose
<JVFoxy> flying back, topped past 1400m/s now
<JVFoxy> it'll go up to 1400m/s, 22km up but not enough lift to sit there
<JVFoxy> and on final approach back to KSC
<JVFoxy> and wheels down at 37m15s
<Deddly> Nice looking plane
<Deddly> If overheating is an issue, there's a neat trick you can use - stick the large landing gear (closed) to it pokes out the front of the nose
<Deddly> The large landing gear has amongst the highest heat tolerances in the game, and it will allow you to go up to the region of 1800 m/s in the atmosphere without anything exploding
<Deddly> Being stuck out the front, it will be the first object to hit the airstream
<Althego> for big planes the shielded docking port works too
<Deddly> Large landing gear > shielded docking port
<Deddly> 2700 vs 2600
<Deddly> A heat shield would presumably be even better
<Deddly> It's been a long time since I experimented
<Deddly> Drag tho
<Althego> butthat burns out
<Deddly> I should test this, but I think the heat shields provide excellent thermal protection even without ablator
<darsie> Anyone tried a Spacex Starship point to point transfer in KSP?
<Deddly> Not me, darsie
<darsie> Hmm, simultaneous boostback and controlling the second stage is tricky.
<Althego> but the point to point transfer would work without the booster
<Deddly> What Althego said
<Deddly> That's the point of point to point transfer :)
<darsie> rly?
<Althego> has sea level engines too
<Althego> it can launch
<Althego> and by design the booster is for orbital launches, not for suborbital
<Althego> if we are lucky we can see a 150 m hop this week
<Althego> and maybe in a month a lot higher one
<Deddly> Hmm. Their video does show a booster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqE-ultsWt0
<kmath> YouTube - Starship | Earth to Earth
<Deddly> But that was back in 2017. I'm pretty sure the idea is to only use Starship
<JVFoxy> Deddly thanks but its ok. I wanted a pointed front more, mostly for looks. It gets toasty but usually only when I power through lower bits of the air too much.
<Deddly> JVFoxy, cool, if you don't need the extra speed, no harm in a little orange-coloured glow :)
<JVFoxy> I was more curious as to how it would behave. Casual little run. Seems to do ok around 18-20km up, and 1100 or so.
<darsie> Over two years later, in May 2019, Musk floated the idea of using single-stage Starship to travel up to 10,000 kilometers (6,200 mi) on Earth-to-Earth flights at speeds approaching Mach 20 (25,000 km/h; 15,000 mph) with an acceptable payload saying it "dramatically improves cost, complexity & ease of operations."[157]
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<Deddly> Nice
<JVFoxy> I could do more checking, messing about but eh..
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<Deddly> Mat2ch, interesting. Were they performing life for the event?
<Deddly> I'm only a couple of mins in and it's just a bunch of "I can't hear you"
<Deddly> OK so they're playing live together with an astronaut live on the the ISS. That is pretty cool :)
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<JVFoxy> heh or as much as live as they can get given time delay?
<Deddly> It works one way - they just need to play along with the stream from their end.
<Mat2ch> Deddly: yes, that was live
<Mat2ch> But the weird double picture. Was that intentional or did they have 3d glasses?
<Deddly> Probably just for the effect
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<Eddi|zuHause> is he wearing a captain future t-shirt?
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<Althego> yes, looks like it
<Mat2ch> he is
<Eddi|zuHause> that was like 2 years ago. why share this now?
<Althego> still unlisted lol
<Althego> btw the german soundtrack for captain future is still one of the best
<Eddi|zuHause> i was a big fan of captain future as a kid
<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: I have no idea. Copyright?
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<Eddi|zuHause> Kraftwerk? involved in a copyright issue? who would have thought that was possible... oh, wait... :p
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<packbart> Yet another MechJeb clip (Skycrane autolanding) https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/foo4c.mp4
<packbart> Too high TWR seems to confuse the landing guidance
<darsie> packbart: The port on the rover wasn't necessary.
<packbart> I know. the thing also got two probe cores. an Octo2 on top an a Rovemate clipped into the bottom. I included that one just for its anomaly detection chance
<packbart> otoh I know where to find the Armstrong Memorial to take the tourists to. don't really need it and it's the first thing to explode on hard jumps
<darsie> I found it once. Dunno where it is.
<darsie> I was hoping for cables.
<darsie> unwinding
<darsie> Shouldn't be too hard.
<darsie> to simulate.
<packbart> last time I tried that the KAS winch cable snapped
<packbart> might try again
<packbart> t'was merely a test to be repeated. I was poking around in MechJeb code
<Althego> south side of one of the equatorial crates, almost at the equator
<packbart> right, now that you say it, I think I'm at the wrong crater, anyway. the memorial is at the Northeastsomething crater, I think
<packbart> I think therefore I revert
<kmath> YouTube - Star Wars: Duel of The Fates (Medieval Style)
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<Althego> i hope this is not as bad as the dr e and dr z thing was last time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dNJg6-UYP4
<kmath> YouTube - NASA Leaders Discuss Mars Perseverance Mission
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<Althego> hehe they didnt start it on time
<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN5 Fuel Tanking Test From Boca Chica, Texas
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<SaganRaptop> boom today?
<Althego> probably not
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<Mat2ch> Just tanking and stuff
<Mat2ch> not even a static fire test
<Althego> with this speed there cant be a hop soon
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<Mat2ch> Well, tanking test, static fire wednesday, hop on the weekend?
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<Althego> hehe, if it hops ni the next ten minutes, it is a big problem
<Mat2ch> doesn't look like anything is going to happen there today...
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<Althego> there is some venting from one of the tanks
<Althego> but not much is happening
<Althego> maybe it is as exciting as watching steel cool
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<Althego> the launchpad coordinates -0.0972077894660063 -74.5576733886345
<Althego> (on kerbin)
<Mat2ch> could be NO2
<Mat2ch> with methane we would be seeing the flare stack light up
<Mat2ch> so they're just doing a pressure test or so
<Althego> i dont get the flare stack. i though they wanted to remove it, and then it was just put back again
<Mat2ch> Or they are filling it up with NO2 and then try to release the ground equipment to see if it holds
<Mat2ch> they legally have to have a flare stack
<Mat2ch> ;)
* SaganRaptop will be amused if they have another methane leak
<Althego> no2?
<Althego> n2?
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<Althego> at least bob is now on his way back to kerbin from minmus, around 2 days to arrive
<Mat2ch> N2, sorry
<Mat2ch> NO2 is something different :D
<Althego> what is really annoying that it is intentionally designed so, that you need to go outside of kerbin soi to get the 3rd star
<Althego> same with second star, you cant get it on the mun
<Mat2ch> Just do a hop outside and fire straight back and land?
<Althego> that hop takes several days to complete
<Althego> from minmus it is not that far
<Althego> but still requires considerable fuel
<Althego> i could have done it within like 10-15 days
<Althego> but that is too slow
<Althego> so i decided to go back to kerbin
<Althego> and now i have a nuke
<Althego> and the telescope thingie
<Althego> so i can go again with a more efficient engine
<Mat2ch> hm, I did that hop on solid rocket boosters ;P
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<JVFoxy> I've done probe missions, pop out of Kerbin's soi, but its a bit of a pain to figure out which way to face to pull the vector back so I can return...
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<kmath> YouTube - ANASIS-II Mission
<Althego> but i go to sleep this time. i even managed to quit the game
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<Mat2ch> launch got postponed by 30 minutes
<Mat2ch> but the upper tank of SN5 is slightly frosting over
<Mat2ch> could be an illusion as well
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<Mat2ch> 20 minutes till launch according to Elon
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<darsie> kinda
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<darsie> t-1 min
<Mat2ch> when was the last time a booster landed on land?
<Mat2ch> CRS-20 apparently
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