raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
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<kmath> YouTube - What do Porkchops and Mars Missions Have To Do With Each Other?
<umaxtu> he has finally lost it
<umaxtu> working for Apple has finally broken him
<sandbox> it was inevitable
<Althego> stolen by the locals? not yet
<Althego> maybe in ten ears there are going to be locals
<Althego> years
<Althego> what, was there an other spacewalk?
<Althego> it is just ending
<packbart> oh noe. I rely on you for posting these links! :)
<Althego> i was working and was in the office
<Althego> also office tomorrow
<Althego> the remaining of the week is from home
<Althego> i love the virus, that made this possible
<SaganRaptop> It's all fun and games until Jeb gets hungry and eats the porkchop plot
<Althego> chinese mars launch in 1 day 10 hours 38 minutes
<SaganRaptop> Will they have a livestream?
<Althego> maybe, not yet shown
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<SaganRaptop> hrm, is a porkchop plot and a potatoroid a balanced meal?
<Althego> only if you eat it with word salad
<Althego> why sagan
<Althego> hail sagan
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<SaganRaptop> Currently watching various presentations from something called the Sagan Workshop
<Althego> sean carroll has a series on yt now, the biggest ideas in the universe
<Althego> i found it around a week ago
<Althego> i have to watch the previous eps
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<Althego> rule of the game. all maneuver nodes happen at the same time. then nothing happens for half an hour
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<Althego> the sandcastle again
<raptop> You'ved earned the favor of the chaos gods
<raptop> (the kraken is totally one of them)
<Althego> i have seen it more twice as many times in the last few weeks as i have seen it in the previous 6 years
<Althego> hmm, 4 launches in the next week?
<Althego> but where is the starlink 9?
<Althego> this month
<Althego> which is basically the next week and two days. probably pushed to next month
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