raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
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<bumblefuzz> so, I'm trying to install realism overhaul
<bumblefuzz> and I can't find it in CKAN
<bumblefuzz> any ideas?
<bumblefuzz> apparently my version is
<umaxtu> that will do it
<bumblefuzz> and the version it's for is 12.8.1
<bumblefuzz> so the version doesn't matter?
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<bumblefuzz> my game is fully updated...why does it say there's a higher version
<umaxtu> do you mean 1.8.1?
<bumblefuzz> so, I found RO in CKAN but it wasn't in the compatible list
<bumblefuzz> ahhh
<bumblefuzz> max version 1.8.9
<umaxtu> you're going to need a 1.8.1 install
<bumblefuzz> how do I downgrade?
<umaxtu> steam version?
<bumblefuzz> yeah
<bumblefuzz> can I pick?
<bumblefuzz> .
<bumblefuzz> ok I found it
<Alanonzander> you can copy the Kerbal game dir out of steam, and place it somewwhere else so when steam updated teh game it doesn't overwrite your copy
<bumblefuzz> it's a fresh install anyway
<Alanonzander> :)
<bumblefuzz> appreciate the help
<Alanonzander> that way if it upgrades, it won't batter
<Alanonzander> *matter
<bumblefuzz> do I only do RO or are there other good mods to make everything look pretty
<bumblefuzz> just got a new graphics card and want to take it out for a spin
<umaxtu> look at the guide I linked
<bumblefuzz> what's RP1?
<umaxtu> realistic progression mod
<bumblefuzz> what if I just want to fly apollo to the moon and back?
<bumblefuzz> also, what grade GPU do you need for 16k textures?
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<raptop> This is RO with Principia, right? >_>;;
<bumblefuzz> ?
<raptop> Principia is the mod that adds full n-body gravity
<bumblefuzz> oh
<umaxtu> principia is optional
<bumblefuzz> I don't know
<raptop> Including things like lunar masscons
<bumblefuzz> is that better?
<bumblefuzz> or harder?
<bumblefuzz> masscon
<raptop> More realistic, and arguably harder
<JVFoxy> it adds a few levels to things
<bumblefuzz> I just want the game to be beautiful and also fly apollo to the moon\
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<bumblefuzz> what are the system requirements for 16k textures?
<bumblefuzz> 1080Ti?
<bumblefuzz> would that handle it?
<bumblefuzz> these textures are huge for only 0.5 Mbps download speed from github
<raptop> Note that these sorts of mods have rather limited testing, so you'll have to make a best guess on the system requirements
<bumblefuzz> I'll start with 8k and download 16k in the background
<bumblefuzz> half a meg is so slow
<bumblefuzz> I wish scott manley would do an updated RO guide for 2020
<bumblefuzz> with all the best mods listed
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<umaxtu> that guide I linked is a pretty good starting point
<umaxtu> just those mods make the game take its own sweet time to load
<bumblefuzz> so the saturn 5 isn't a daved configuration? I have to build the entire thing?
<bumblefuzz> saved*
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<umaxtu> install real-scale boosters
<bumblefuzz> boosters?
<bumblefuzz> for apollo?
<umaxtu> pretty sure that comes with a prebuilt one
<umaxtu> yeah
<bumblefuzz> now I have to close the game
<bumblefuzz> it just loaded :(
<bumblefuzz> also, why do I have multiple identical apollo parts
<bumblefuzz> ?
<umaxtu> multiple mods
<bumblefuzz> so, this is coordinated between mods?
<bumblefuzz> ...even though it's a package?
<umaxtu> yeah
<bumblefuzz> I don't see any apollo fuel tanks
<bumblefuzz> I ahve no idea how to build with these parts
<umaxtu> you installed RSB already?
<bumblefuzz> no
<bumblefuzz> I don't wanna close the game
<umaxtu> ah
<bumblefuzz> cause it took so long to load
<bumblefuzz> fine
<bumblefuzz> sigh
<bumblefuzz> 32500 mods
<bumblefuzz> also, where can I find info on the gravity turn used by apollo
<bumblefuzz> I need to get the trajectory realtively close
<umaxtu> I haven't gotten that far
<bumblefuzz> I can't click on the VAB
<bumblefuzz> I can right click and rotate the camera
<bumblefuzz> but I can't do anything else
<umaxtu> sometimes that happens. restart the game
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<bumblefuzz> how do I downlaod a folder from github
<bumblefuzz> the guide says to delte FAR and reinstall from github
<bumblefuzz> I found the folder on github but clicking on it doesn't download anything
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<umaxtu> click the green button that says "Code"
<umaxtu> then click "Download Zip"
<umaxtu> not sure what downloading that will actually accomplish though, since it hasn't been compiled
<raptop> git clone?
<umaxtu> oh ok, its the FerramAerospaceResearch inside GameData
<bumblefuzz> let's try again
<umaxtu> raptop, that would definitely work, I just didn't want to have to walk them through installing git
<bumblefuzz> ok, now I have 6 different versions of saved satrun fives... how do I pick?
<bumblefuzz> nevermind
<bumblefuzz> ok, I tried loading it and it says it's missing parts
<bumblefuzz> RSBengineJ2
<bumblefuzz> RSBengindF1
<bumblefuzz> TweakScale
<bumblefuzz> MechjebCore
<bumblefuzz> yeah it won't load without them
<bumblefuzz> apparently there are 2 tweak scales
<bumblefuzz> I don't know how to choose
<bumblefuzz> how can RSBengineJ2 be missing if I have RSB installed?
<umaxtu> I have TweakScale - Rescale Everything! installed
<raptop> umaxtu: sudo apt install git? (Or I suppose yum or pacman depending on what your preferred distro is) ;)
<umaxtu> assuming they are running Linux
<raptop> hence the wink -- your objection is reasonable and I
<raptop> 'm being silly
<raptop> (and can't type)
<umaxtu> ah
<raptop> Although, yeah, I'm not entirely clear why source files (rather than binaries) are needed
<umaxtu> upon further examination it does look like there is a build in that repo. its just not labeled well
<raptop> oh
<umaxtu> just tried to test it in my rp-1 setup and I'm also missing that j2 part
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<flayer> three rockets to mars at every transfer window is my minimum level of satisfaction
<Althego> what, there is a stainless steel skin for the fairings
<Althego> i always wanted shiny metal in ksp
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<JVFoxy> wee..?
<JVFoxy> so. any kerbal'ish weekend plans?
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<Althego> HU
<Althego> Live: Starship SN5 Static Fire Test From Boca Chica, Texas
<JVFoxy> huh.. they just showed weather radar of storm near by?
<JVFoxy> and scrub
<packbart> 2 hours to go
<JVFoxy> does this mean we in the rocket age now..?
<JVFoxy> so many launches it seems these days
<packbart> this one is rather small. "Momo is a Japanese sounding rocket capable of delivering 20 kg to a height of 100 km."
<packbart> large model rocket
<JVFoxy> suborbital I take it?
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<packbart> I guess so. I just came about the YT link, don't know anything about the rocket ;)
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<JVFoxy> sounding rocket, doesn't mention orbital..
<JVFoxy> used to launch sounding rockets up in Churchill, northern lights research
<JVFoxy> had been talk about turning it into a spaceport, not sure what came of things though
<packbart> second scrub of the static fire test, it seems
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<bumblefuzz> So, I'm trying to do realism overhaul and simply fly a saturn 5 to the moon. I've installed everything but there are no saved craft files that have a saturn 5 that isn't missing parts.
<bumblefuzz> Does anyone know how to do this?
<packbart> have you checked the logs? parts could be missing because of incompatible textures
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<JVFoxy> eh.. and in other news.. just came across this gem.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFjurSWm8O4
<JVFoxy> though he never finished the project. Oh well..
<flayer> how can i modify the science values per planet/biome? i want more science on kerbin, less on remote bodies
<JVFoxy> how much more? I ran a science car (crew report, eva report, pressure, temp, goo, sci jr.) around KSC, out to grasslands, and on water, just past shores biome. Got just shy of 400 points.
<flayer> how about just less science from remote bodies?
<flayer> I basically want to remove these
<flayer> no more multipliers
<JVFoxy> so flat figures across the board?
<flayer> yeah
<JVFoxy> maybe config file?
<flayer> i've been looking
<JVFoxy> beyond that.. I wouldn't know. my other system isn't up right now and thinking of dropping out for a bit
<flayer> I guess this will do
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<Althego> lol this is ksp
<Althego> i thought it was a bit weak cgi
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<Mat2ch> "Any politics-related comment will be removed." sounds like someone is in fear :P
<packbart> well, it's KSP
<Alanonzander> you mean I can't advocate for Bill Kerman for Prime Minister ?
<Alanonzander> or is that Dictator
<raptop> General Secretary
<raptop> Obviously
<Alanonzander> Ahhhh, ok
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> Alanonzander: technically, that might fall under the "no roleplaying" rule :)
<Alanonzander> ahhhh :/
<packbart> I guess nobody would complain, though
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<darsie> Shall we exclude Wernher Kerman from the elections? Is he (still) a Nazi?
<packbart> ah, that reminds me to continue listening to "Terminal World". the sidekick just realized that the protagonist is an "angel"
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<Althego> hehe, external fuel tank. i put a tank on top of the plane with a decoupler
<Althego> somehow works
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<Althego> and there is scott too
<Althego> heh i really need the turbojets
<Althego> but still 100k needed for the rnd upgrade
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<darsie> How bad is timing out on a rescue Kerbal from LKO orbit? I need a scientist for a long mission.
<Althego> why not recover first?
<darsie> She's coming back, anyways, just later.
<raptop> No rest for the kerbal
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> I have the rocket in orbit already. I could revert, though.
<packbart> it just "fails" the contract, I would guess. so a bit of funds and reputation penalty
<darsie> I don't care about money.
<darsie> :)
<darsie> -9 rep
<packbart> T-5min
<Althego> the timer disappeared
<packbart> yeah. maybe someone nicked all the alcohol ;)
<darsie> Also, for just a rescue mission, the Kerbal would have to jetpack deorbit, and land hard on grass or water if she didn't bring a chute.
<packbart> ah, well, that was not very exciting
<packbart> launch that dart! :)
<Althego> not today
<Althego> good because i need to sleep
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<packbart> better view, fwiw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRzMKxS9m8s
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* flayer tackles packbart
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