raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
<packbart> huh. the Breaking Ground scanning arms have a "rangetrigger" collider on the LocalScenery layer that confuses MechJeb's rover controller
<JVFoxy> breaking ground -> breaking mechjb. :)
<packbart> well, at least I know why the "stability control" went crazy at slow speeds. MJ casts a ray from abve the rover along the velocity vector to get the surface normal. at low speeds it hits a sphere around the scanner arm...
<packbart> the same collider seems to have been a troublemaker before. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/22908
<packbart> locking Kerbals in their pods
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<JVFoxy> huh.. says the bug was closed...
<packbart> yeah, it's probably a bug in MJ. I fixed it locally by passing QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore to the raycast, thanks to a solution on StackOverflow :)
<packbart> not sure if that's the right solution but it works for me
<JVFoxy> oh
<packbart> random chance. had Squad given the thing a name without "trigger" in it, I wouldn't have found it. I know next to nothing about Unity stuff :)
<JVFoxy> kind of in the same boat about Unity. Friend kept pestering me to just use it for a game build I wanna do
<JVFoxy> maybe not so bad if you got the right tools to work with, some knoweldge
<packbart> well, my game and graphics designer friends keep pestering me about Godot (it's better than Unity, they say) for data visualization and such
<JVFoxy> more utilitarian type application?
<packbart> I used HTML and Javascript whenever I had a need for fancy graphs. walking through it in VR would be extremely fancy ;)
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<JVFoxy> I'd like to do an island map that you can walk through some day. Its based on a project I started long time ago
<packbart> Godot is open source and doesn't promote (GPU-)vendor-specific interfaces
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<JVFoxy> so not really meant for game specific applications. What about if they weren't so graphically based? Ya, some stuff can be good for certain things. Just depends on the application you wanna do
<JVFoxy> I thought about doing another game, used to think doing it as text based only would be best. But even that has its own challenges/complicatoins
<packbart> well, the term "Game Engine" vaguely refers to "scriptable graphical worlds" nowadays
<packbart> right, "graphical" isn't even a required attribute
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<JVFoxy> to me, 'game engine' or an 'engine' in the programming sense is more just something that manages and does all the world stuff, logic, whatever you have
<packbart> I vaguely but fondly remember "Garry Kitchen's GameMaker" on the C64
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* darsie tries to land a fuel truck designed for Minmus on Mun ... and keeps crashing.
<darsie> Lost my drill ...
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<darsie> I landed the fuel truck :) http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot35.png
<darsie> Did a completely new, more efficient launch.
<flayer> why so many batteries?
<Althego> long mun night
<darsie> Not enough battries, though.
<darsie> Maybe it was enough for Minmus.
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<Althego> hehe, random recommendation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jR7QsGNCU0
<kmath> YouTube - My favorite Star Trek: the Next Generation Blooper
<raptop> I choose to believe that that's canon
<flayer> it is
<flayer> i'm certain i saw it on the tv show
<Althego> this whole scene is so perfect
<Althego> the satisfying noise of the high five, michael dorn keeping the straight face, the double picard maneuver, and the director's "cut"
<Althego> i want to see the starship hop already
<Althego> but there was no static fire yet
<JVFoxy> oof.. I forgot how funny those bloopers were
<flayer> Althego, two years before the first static fire, five before the hop
<kmath> YouTube - Somebody to Love (Queen) Folk / Medieval style (Bardcore)
<JVFoxy> now to come up with a name for a jet just sorta threw to gether
<JVFoxy> ... Vespa (wasp in Italian) oh, scooter company from way back
* JVFoxy ughs, hunting for names to give a craft, just went with Arrowhead. Delta winged twin engine plane. The design was kind of nice, simple.
<flayer> i name them after planets
<flayer> pluto, mars, etc
<Althego> "planets"
<flayer> dwarf planet is still a planet
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<flayer> alright, a window to dres
<flayer> i don't think i want to send anything...
<flayer> but i guess i should throw together an expedition
<raptop> Something to at least determine if Dres is real
<flayer> i've already sent a probe with two landers and an orbital fueling station is on its way
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<Kalyke> yeet
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<flayer> i enjoy building interplanetary crafts with my 'space shuttle'
<flayer> bringing up the main rocket on its own, then adding fuel tanks and habitats with the shuttle
<flayer> although re-entry is tough
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<Mat2ch> When you think about it long enough then waterpower just becomes gravitational energy...
<Althego> sandcastle again. 3rd time in am onth
<raptop> Praise Tzeentch?
<packbart> oh noez. something changed in 1.10. The wheels' GroundContact signal is not as reliable as it was in 1.9.1 and still reads "false" long after the wheels are on the ground again
<Althego> wow signal :)
<packbart> another thing that throws MJ's rover controller out of whack. its heading control needs at least 3/4 of the wheels on the ground before it starts steering
<packbart> (it probably should only consider wheels that have "steering" enabled, but that's another thing)
<packbart> now it takes ages and probably some random luck for all wheels to report ground contact. it did work in 1.9.1. ah well, I'll think again and maybe check the bugtracker later
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<Althego> so how can i get the surface deployed mystery goo do actually do anything?
<Althego> or is it that just this slow?
<flayer> it takes some warping
<Althego> in the few hours since deployment i collected all deployed seismic science, the goo didnt do anything
<flayer> seismic stuff happens when you crash into the body
<Althego> exactly
<Althego> so i could collect all of it before the deploying kerbals got back to kerbin
<Althego> in the same time the goo thing didnt do anything
<Althego> ok if i look at it closely it has 2.4 science already, but the bar looks empty
<Althego> oh wait no 2.4 is the max
<Althego> well that is not much
<Althego> no that is not the max. what is that 2.4?
<raptop> observe goo, recover craft?
<Althego> no, this is the deployed goo
<Althego> it observes itself
<Althego> and there is a sentence in the description that says never take back to kerbin :)
<Althego> i wonder what happens if you deploy it on kerbin
<raptop> ah, those parts
* raptop should mess with them at some point
<darsie> I configured 3 and 4 to toggle drill and harvester, but it does nothing.
<darsie> 1.10
* raptop vaguely recalls something about having to deploy with engineers?
<Althego> you deploy the solar panels with engineers, the science instruments with scientists
<Althego> i guess it influences speed
<Althego> at least now there is a purpose for engineers
<raptop> hrm
<Althego> probably i have to go back with bob after the minmus trip and deploy it again
<Althego> by that time i am going to have thation thignie too
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<Althego> something is happening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P-QBtEyDbQ
<kmath> YouTube - #EZScience Episode 9: Launching to Mars with NASA's Perseverance Rover
<Althego> obviously not a launch
<Althego> dr e and z... intermediate cringe
<Althego> that was surprisingly uselesss
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<packbart> the MechJeb code looks profoundly aged. deactivated blocks of old code strewn about, use of utility functions right next to block of code that does the same thing differently
<packbart> apparently, I could fix my rover autopilot problem by making MJ check ModuleWheelBase.isGrounded instead of Part.GroundContact. there's a deactivated block of code a few lines below that did almost the same thing but on the wheel collider
<packbart> (yeah, I should register my nick with NickServ so I could bore #kspmodders instead - but meh, another password to forget :)