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<Guest77044> Hi, I have a question about a small issue I'm having with a mod. It's creating double parts but I can't seem to figure out which mod is doing it. Is this a good place to ask for help?
<JVFoxy> got a lot of mods?
<Guest77044> I'm using CKAN so it's a few. The mod in question is doubling some parts. An example is the J20 Basic Jet Engine and the J20 Basic Jet Engine (LPG). All the duplicate parts have that (LPG) stamp at the end of their names.
<JVFoxy> check the stats closely. Might have something different about them
<JVFoxy> what is the name of the mod if I might ask?
<Guest77044> Let me fire it up and check. I don't think I noticed a difference. I also tried using Adjustable Mod Panel to try and figure out which mod is creating the doubles.
<Guest77044> Ah, that's the problem. I want to find out which mod is doing it. I'm having a heck of a time and tracking it down.
<Guest77044> *and trying to track it down
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<JVFoxy> the game has its stock engine, but the mod has its own folder for parts. My guess is, its got a copy of the engine in its own part mod folder
<Guest77044> I wonder then, if I go to the GameData folder and do a search if that won't produce a result?
<JVFoxy> I'd be more curious if the part is a complete copy of the stock version...
<JVFoxy> or what mod is causing it first
<Guest77044> It appears to be the SSTO mod. Looking at the LPG.cfg file for the mod it seems to be appending the LPG portion to the name of the parts but does not have a full copy of those parts.
<packbart> Guest77044: (LPG) might be - so, some RO-parts next to stock-scale parts?
<Guest77044> Good thought but I don't have any of those mods from him installed.
<Guest77044> From my novice view it looks as though it is copying the parts and adding, besides the LPG name, something about utilization.
<packbart> the LPG.cfg doesn't need a full copy. it can patch values with ModuleManager
<JVFoxy> when I first saw LPG, Liquid Petroleum Gas was what came to mind.
<Guest77044> Me too
<JVFoxy> so.. just different scaled parts?
<packbart> yeah, to mine, too. then I saw "LPG" as nick in KSP context
<JVFoxy> even then.. if the parts were RO sized, wouldn't their stats be a bit higher as a result?
<packbart> which SSTO mod? or is that SSTU?
<Guest77044> packbart, ah; I didn't know that. Still learning. Not trying to mod. I'm just trying to get a good game off the ground in career mode.
<Guest77044> It just says "SSTO Project" by Monniasza in CKAN.
<Guest77044> I removed it and am starting KSP back up.
<JVFoxy> ah..
<JVFoxy> I was going to say, if it wasn't too many mods, maybe try starting a blank, adding each mod in to see if its causing any problems
<packbart> it probably means Liquid Petroleum Gas, indeed
<JVFoxy> heh.. I sell space propane.. and space propane accessories... anyways.. c_c
<Guest77044> That would make sense. When I first saw it my original thought was liquid petroleum so I thought it was Near Future Propulsion causing it.
<Guest77044> lol
<Guest77044> Do I get credit for trading in an empty tank when buying a full one?
<packbart> it looks rather new and doesn't have a forum thread, either. probably still under development
<packbart> you get some of the costs of a tank back after recovering it. or where do you trade it in?
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<Guest77044> I trade my propane tanks in at Space WalMart.
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<packbart> ah. right :)
<JVFoxy> gas bottles.. metal or plastic..
<JVFoxy> space.. oh right, don't have to worry about tank orientations.. or do you? (I've a camper that has a horizontal tank. Has to be replaced soon. Ugh $$$)
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<Guest07267> Hi eevryone! I was hoping for someone to help me with using OPT Legacy part. Anyone, please?
<Althego> since i dont know what an opt legacy part is, i cant help you with that
<Guest07267> it's a mod
<JVFoxy> OPT Orbital Portal Technology....
<Althego> -O3 :)
<JVFoxy> spaceplane stuffs right?
<JVFoxy> that the one KottabosGames did a review on back 5 years ago?
<Althego> it seems to be alive
<Althego> should work with 1.8 and 1.9
<JVFoxy> I almost forgot about their stuff. Got some nice models though, but what I've seen is the older stuff
<JVFoxy> Guest07267 Sorry, you would like some help with using OPT Legacy in what way?
<Guest07267> well there is 1 model that I tried to download through kerbalX
<Guest07267> and it's using a part called opt.winglet.g
<Guest07267> i looked through the legacy files and indeed, there is a part like this
<JVFoxy> alright?
<Guest07267> and yet I cannot find it ingame
<JVFoxy> hmmm
<Guest07267> I checked .cfg files and they seem quite simmilar with same variables and all
<Guest07267> but I don't know the file/code structure well enough to assess whether it's coded properly or not
<JVFoxy> give me a sec.. having to boot system up
<Guest07267> thank you! take your time!
<Althego> even the base game has some outdated parts that are supplied for compatibility, but not appear in the editor, it can be intentional
<Guest07267> I've spent last 3 days trying to make it work, reinstalled ksp like 11 times and at this point it's gone too far for me to give up xd
<Althego> sunken cost fallacy
<Althego> -en
<JVFoxy> .g file huh?
<Guest07267> C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\OPT_Legacy\Wings2 has all the files that i am unable to see
<JVFoxy> .....
<Guest07267> and the specific file is called winglet_g
<JVFoxy> has files but can't see.. so hidden or?
<Guest07267> i am unable to see ingame*
<JVFoxy> oh.. not showing up in game
<JVFoxy> you career or sandboc?
<Guest07267> sandbox
<Althego> interstigng wings
<Guest07267> the mod creator released this vehicle himself, and yet I am unable to load it because of that 1 missing part
<JVFoxy> ah hold on, ask you something
<JVFoxy> go to C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\OPT_Legacy\
<Guest07267> here
<JVFoxy> do you see a folder that says 'parts'?
<Guest07267> yep
<JVFoxy> is it just the winglets that aren't showing up or all the parts that go with the mod?
<Guest07267> all of those listed in folder Wings2
<Guest07267> so wing/winglets types d-e-f-g
<JVFoxy> I mean.. in the game itself, out the parts that come with the mod, any of them showing up?
<JVFoxy> wondering if someone misplaced the folder, didn't put it into the 'parts' section
<JVFoxy> there are other parts in the parts folder listed?
<Guest07267> it is in parts section though
<Guest07267> parts folder*
<JVFoxy> when you said /OPT_Legacy/Wings2 but not OPT_LEgacy/Parts/Wings2
<Guest07267> ahh
<JVFoxy> trying to see if that 'wings2' folder got misplaced
<JVFoxy> whats in it.. should be a bunch of .cfg .dds and .mu files
<Guest07267> sent you my experimental file structure
<Guest07267> wait
<Guest07267> it might be it
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<JVFoxy> sorry, using webbased, don't think you can file send to me
<Guest07267> i may have fcked up my legacy folder
<Guest07267> and pasted something wrong
<Guest07267> im re-downloading it for the n-th time xd
<JVFoxy> oh
<Guest07267> you just made me realize my file structure is messed up
<JVFoxy> it happens
<JVFoxy> oh the joys of manually installing mods
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<Guest07267> ok, my game is loading up
<Guest07267> in the meantime, there is this other vehicle on kerbax website
<JVFoxy> mm... kerbalX.. got a few planes myself I tend to enjoy flying...
<JVFoxy> haven't posted anything though
<Guest07267> this one, sorry
<Guest07267> and it has part called
<Guest07267> and yet i cannot find the mod itself (realisticweapons-master)
<Guest07267> i don't know where I can get it from
<JVFoxy> can't say I get too much into weapons myself so I wouldn't know.
<Guest07267> ohwell
<Guest07267> BUT
<Guest07267> You've helped me GREATLY already!
<Guest07267> I've got the previous part! :)
<Guest07267> Can't thank you enough! <3
<JVFoxy> ok no probs
* JVFoxy looks around to see if anyone here is going through KSP burnout. Seems pretty quiet
<ishellraptop> yes, and distractions from grad school
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<ishellraptop> so, like, there's a reason the vast majority of my contributions have been to hashing out RO contract ideas with egg
<ishellraptop> (well vast majority recently)
<JVFoxy> 'with egg'?
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<ishellraptop> the main Principia dev
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<JVFoxy> ah ok
<JVFoxy> I've had times where I this urge to make assets for the game.. parts sort of thing
<Althego> sometimes you had an urge to work, but then you sat into a corner and waited until it passed? :)
<ishellraptop> aaaaaaaaaaaaa
<JVFoxy> corner.. ff.. no, motivation just evaporates soon as I sit at the laptop. Gets really annoying
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<JVFoxy> well ok I have managed to work on a few 'craft' projects but... guess it doesn't help the chaos that has been going on here at home, making a mess of life
<ishellraptop> [extremely rude words about the virus]
<JVFoxy> well virus is causing some extra aggravation. Meant we can't 'evict' someone
<ishellraptop> something something 84 days into a 14 day quarantine...
<JVFoxy> stage 3 here soon.. or so they saying
<JVFoxy> but also watching out for second wave to hit
<ishellraptop> Yeah, I'm planning on leaving my apartment only for essentials (read: laundy, mail, groceries, exercise while avoiding people), until at least mid august
<JVFoxy> we've been rather lucky on the west coast Canada here
<ishellraptop> Virginia (well, NoVA, so greater DC) here
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<JVFoxy> my parents give me flak for going out for just about /anything/ ... I'm not too worried
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<JVFoxy> granted, they have to worry more about themselves being that they are older
<ishellraptop> IIRC, the stats point to cases dropping off, but also there were some shenanigins about how they were being counted
<JVFoxy> was some rumors running around, saying doctors were telling people they had Covid just so there was more money to come in to support things?
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<ishellraptop> I'm extremely unclear on what's going on financially. Had been hearing things about hospitals struggling because of people cancelling 'elective' surgeries
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<JVFoxy> can't say I know too well whats going on down there.. or up here for that matter. Just that when it comes to medical stuffs, how its dealt with is way different between the two places
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<hatrix> geogebra really does well for relay networks
<hatrix> a RA-2 network around Hydrus won't be enough, I need RA-10 at least
<hatrix> (which doesn't exist apparently, so RA-15 it is)
<hatrix> but a sat with 2 RA-2 would do, hmm
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<FLHerne> Does the experiment storage unit have a max capacity at all?
<Althego> i dont think so
<hatrix> Relay in place around Hydrus :)
<hatrix> some of my relays are out of sync after 40 years :(
<packbart> with the KER readouts, you could adjust their orbital periods to within some milliseconds. that should last a few hundred to thousands
<packbart> there's also but I never used it myself
<hatrix> it didn't packbart :/
<hatrix> the RCS thrust is too high
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<packbart> set the thrust limiter to 0.5
<hatrix> I can only get ~200ms close
<hatrix> yes even with .5
<packbart> hmm. that's odd. I often use the spark or ant engine on relay sats
<hatrix> the last relay I put around Hydrus has 351ms, 404ms and 551ms for each sat
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<Althego> hehe too high thrust. like spacex second engine restart. 1 second
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<JVFoxy> lol... messing around. two Mk1 pods for a rescue mission test. Decided to do an abort test but left booster running. pitched ship forwards, separated pods from booster. Booster goes flying off, spinning, still firing, decides not to go too far.
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<kmath> YouTube - Boston Dynamics Robot & SpaceX
<Althego> send the robodog to space?
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<Althego> hehe apparently it is named zeus, and there is already a doghouse built for it
<Althego> it could watch the test article from below
<packbart> it doesn't seem to respond well to commands
<GlassYuri2> do engine mount variants actually affect anything other than looks?
<Althego> i think it is looks only
<packbart> ohnoez, they changed the Poodle again?
<Althego> just a single bell skin
<Althego> so another variant
<Althego> i guess it is needed for the ariane 5 upper stage
<packbart> I see. I was just shocked, I tell you! ;)
<packbart> I remember the outcry when it was changed to dual-nozzle
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i still cant recognize some engines
<Althego> because they look soo different
<Althego> the terrier is one
<Althego> i always lok for the yellow black stripes
<Althego> and then i cant find it
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<rib3irojr> hiii
<Mod9000> Hello, rib3irojr
<rib3irojr> have someone that knows about KSP 3d modeling?
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* packbart read the part making tutorial - but that's about it
<packbart> #kspmodders still exists, but it needs registration with NickServ
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