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<packbart> T-5:30
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<Black_Eagle> lowne released an interesting video concerning take-two and ksp 2
<Deddly> Did he add anything significant to the Bloomberg article?
<Black_Eagle> unsure, haven't read the article
<Deddly> Ah OK. I read the article and later saw he had a video, but I haven't seen it
<Black_Eagle> ok, checked the article: probably nothing new
<Deddly> I guess we knew something was wrong when they suddenly took KSP2 in house
<Black_Eagle> yup
<Deddly> I don't think we're likely to get any in-depth response from T2. They are also under NDA, presumably.
<Black_Eagle> yeah... it's a shame
<Black_Eagle> i'm not sure i'm going to buy ksp 2 unless something else happens
<Deddly> I was sad when I read the article, but I'm wary of one-sided reporting
<Black_Eagle> of course
<Deddly> News outlets themselves often have famously unethical business practises. They have a financial interest in putting out sensational stories.
<Black_Eagle> if any of the news is true then ksp 2 is likely also a cash grab
<Deddly> I think it's unrealistic to believe that any company the size of TakeTwo would invest in something as expensive as KSP must have been without intending to make a lot of money on it
<Deddly> From that one article, there are a few important insights: 1) Star Theory was in financial trouble (and were trying to sell to TakeTwo).
<Deddly> 2) TakeTwo would have been aware that this would seriously disrupt the development process, which would not be in their favour
<Deddly> 3) They offered to hire the entire crew of a failing company
<Black_Eagle> hmmm. that's a good point there
<Deddly> 4) Patrick Meade from Star Theory was absolutely in it for the prestige and money: "he wouldn't have the same degree of influence or financial benefits"
<Deddly> So, without any more information than this one article that was based on interviews with five people who disrespected their NDA in order to be a part of the story, it seems like the prudent thing for me to do it not get involved in what was, and should remain, an internal business dispute.
<Black_Eagle> i'm not sure about the last point - a lot of people are driven by other things than money or prestige. for all we know Meade could just be frustrated with corporate policies and prefers being his own boss
<Deddly> As I said, this is according to the article
<Deddly> So any and all points may be wrong :)
<Black_Eagle> ok financial benefits i kinda get
<Black_Eagle> but the upside of having influence over what you're doing and how you're doing is significant
<Deddly> Sure. To be clear, I'm not defending TakeTwo here. I have no inside information
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<Black_Eagle> aye
<Deddly> I'm just saying that it might be a good idea to be sceptical when a news outlet publishes something like that, with only a single source and no statement from the other party (which is what journalists are supposed to do, by the way)
<Deddly> With those same interviews, another news outlet could have spun it a different way. "Media giant TakeTwo takes pitty on the little guy - saves entire development crew"
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<Deddly> As for anyone planning not to get KSP2, well, all I can say is that I applaud your integrity and willingness to make personal sacrifices to stand up for things that are important to you. I hope you do that same in all areas of life.
<Black_Eagle> I hope you're not being sarcastic
<Deddly> No, that was a sincere comment.
<Deddly> People should do that more. If everyone voted with their wallets against unethical treatment of people and animals, there wouldn't be mass deforestation, child labour, pollution and exploitation.
<Black_Eagle> Well, I try to! (in other areas of life, too)
<Deddly> But most people are willing to sacrifice those things because they want something for themselves.
<Deddly> Good for you, Black_Eagle.
<Black_Eagle> I'm still a little bit away from preaching to others
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<Black_Eagle> but on the topic: i'm not sure if i'm making the right decision in boycotting T2 but their record with KSP 1 hasn't been flawless. i for one don't like the paid DLCs. I kind of get one if it adds a lot of content but the ones we've seen don't really add anything a good mod couldn't add
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<Deddly> I think the Robotics DLC adds so much content that it's definitely worthy of the asking price, personally. Making History... not so much
<Black_Eagle> should i buy robotics?
<Deddly> But, you know, DLCs were not TakeTwo's idea. Squad were planning DLCs since at least 2013
<Black_Eagle> weren't they intending for the DLCs to be free, though?
<Black_Eagle> ah, right
<Deddly> They were never intended to be free. They gave them free to people who bought the game before the end of April 2013 because of a misunderstanding, and TakeTwo has honoured that
<Black_Eagle> fair
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<Deddly> Making History has some nice parts, by the way. I love the structural plates
<Deddly> But it's pretty expensive if you are only interested in the parts and don't care about the mission builder.
<Black_Eagle> i'll get a dlc once they start printing more .625m engines, tanks and other stuff
<Deddly> Breaking Ground, though... full-on robotics (hinges, motors, programmable controller), propellers and helicopter blades, motors... plus all the science and exploration stuff
<Black_Eagle> but even then i gotta think twice if i want to support t2
<Deddly> Yeah .625 is a very neglected size
<Black_Eagle> one mod i tried (!!!) had some 625 parts and it changed everything
<Deddly> .625 SRBs are soooo nice, though
<Black_Eagle> for example a small nuke
<Deddly> Are the mini SRBs in the stock game or are they DLC content?
<Black_Eagle> i'll check really quickly
<Black_Eagle> stock
<Black_Eagle> nice!
<Deddly> So useful :)
<Black_Eagle> heh
<Black_Eagle> i just like making tiny space planes and i wonder if i could make a Lf only but with moar boosters
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<Judge_Dedd> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Judge_Dedd> You mean LF + SRB?
<Judge_Dedd> We're not talking about SSTO, presumably?
<Judge_Dedd> SRB+Xenon would be a good combination for a mini spaceplane
<UmbralRaptop> The new boosters have lots of ΔV, even the small one (just mind the payload)
<Black_Eagle> Judge_Dedd: indeed lf+srb and one stage (to get rid of the srbs)
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<Black_Eagle> but srb + xenon sounds interesting too
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<Mat2ch> packbart: yeah, no idea what to think of it. Did Star Theory screw up? Was it a hostile overtake?
<Mat2ch> What happend there?
<Judge_Dedd> Mat2ch, see backscroll
<Judge_Dedd> Black_Eagle and I were talking about it a little while back
<Judge_Dedd> Black_Eagle, I think SRB+Xenon is an interesting idea because the ion thrusters do come in size 0
<Mat2ch> Judge_Dedd: but that's so much too read ;)
<Mat2ch> will do anyway
<Mat2ch> but first, SN6 thrust structure flip
<Mat2ch> flip it!
<Mat2ch> flip it now!
<Judge_Dedd> What's SN6?
<Judge_Dedd> Oh wait, are we talking about Starship?
<Judge_Dedd> They have SN6 already?
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<Mat2ch> SN4 was blown up, SN5 is waiting for the test stand to get ready and SN6 is already getting stacked
<Mat2ch> SN7 has some parts done and also we might have seen parts for SN8
<Mat2ch> At that rate we might see tests with SN5 next week
<Judge_Dedd> Cool. What's the "structure flip" about?
<Mat2ch> That's the part where the engines are mounted to
<Mat2ch> they weld this upside down, which makes it easier I guess
<Mat2ch> and then it has to be flipped
<Mat2ch> and after that they can stack everything else ontop of it
<Mat2ch> Judge_Dedd: adding to your discussion: Voting with the wallet is something you have to have the privilege to. Many people life just day by day and have to go for the low-cost things.
<Mat2ch> And that's how they also buy games, which are a cheap recreation choice, when you don't want to watch tv
<Mat2ch> Well, this might scratch politics here, so I'm going to stop
<Judge_Dedd> Valid points.
<Judge_Dedd> I don't think it's gone into politics quite yet, but I can see how easily it could do :)
<Judge_Dedd> Thanks for the explanation about the flipping structure
<Mat2ch> Then let me add one last sentence: We live in a very complex world and I spent too much time each day already trying to make sense of it. And I'm well educated and therefore very privileged, but I still can't comprehend it all. Many others don't neither have the knowledge, nor the luxury of time to do this. Also it slowly drives me mad, because I have often have to do decisions between
<Mat2ch> buying the cheap stuff and therefore supporting exploiting workforce or just stay hungry
<Mat2ch> Also I watch the SN update videos, so ask if you want to know more :)
<Mat2ch> (I want more robots doing the labor intensive work!)
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<Mat2ch> also my mood today: ;)
<Judge_Dedd> Hehe
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<Mat2ch> yeah, when working alone on a project it's sometimes hard to motivate myself
<kmath> <nickwalton00> Someone on Reddit used AI Dungeon to generate Coronavirus advice. It started out pretty good and then got creepy...
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<Judge_Dedd> Nice, if it's true
<Judge_Dedd> "someone"
<Judge_Dedd> I dunno. I read that as "I made this. Would have been funny if it came from an AI"
<Althego> wow scott released a video when i could have watched it
<Althego> but i was not looking for it because i was working
<Mat2ch> "working"
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> I did some funky c++ stuff today and I'm not ashamed of it.
<Mat2ch> also I haven't tried them yet. So could still be crap ;)
<Mat2ch> Works. Nice. Noone should know. ;)
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<Judge_Dedd> Interesting. I just found out that Atheism is defined as a religious belief in Sweden
<Judge_Dedd> Hehe
<Althego> hehe
<Judge_Dedd> Funny definition
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<sandbox> it's cloudy and it was quite low
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<Judge_Dedd> Just took off
<Althego> why is this interesting?
<sandbox> flying in circles
<sandbox> there must be something on
<Althego> holding pattern or practice
<packbart> "Air Support Command Operational Transport" - flying truck
<VanDisaster> ascot is just a callsign
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<VanDisaster> zoom in, it was doing circuits at edinburgh airport
<Althego> which is logical if you try to land
<VanDisaster> well, touch & goes
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<Althego> and in that case it is a practice
<VanDisaster> use adsbexchange, it's got more tracks
<sandbox> wouldn't have noticed it otherwise, I'm not near the airport
<VanDisaster> ther' another one down south visiting airports
<packbart> FR24 filters some military flights and police helictopters
<sandbox> I could see it out the window
<packbart> VanDisaster: right, even more loops.
<packbart> well, let them enjoy the weather ;)
<sandbox> the weather isn't good
<Althego> dont worry, no taxpayer money is wasted on the fuel, since jets dont even use fuel to begin with :)
<Althego> ok in this case turboprop, but almost
<Althego> idiotic conspiracies
<VanDisaster> and rockets dont' work in space because there's nothing to push against, right? :D
<Althego> yes, that too
<Althego> rockets hit the dome, cant fly out of low earth orbit because of van allen belts, the moon is just a light in the sky, etc
<packbart> I wouldn't stand 5G for long, either
<packbart> -5 would be worse, though
<Althego> ah yes, 5g causes covid-19
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<Mat2ch> boring. That's just holding loops, because the runway is not clear
<Mat2ch> also boring, they're landing at Stornoway
<Mat2ch> no, they're climbing again
<Mat2ch> and flying back. So, now you can start your conspiracy theories. I say training flight ;)
<packbart> or just testing runways that haven't seen any planes in a while before the passenger planes arrive
<Mat2ch> They didn't touch down on Stornoway
<Mat2ch> on? in? at?
<Mat2ch> and all the other airports see a few flights per day
<Mat2ch> but nothing like before
<Mat2ch> (and hopefully never. I fear for this summer, I have no AC )
<packbart> the new office doesn
<packbart> err, doesn't have one installed, yet, either
<Mat2ch> oh no, they're turning
* Judge_Dedd reads backscroll
<Judge_Dedd> Rockets don't even try going to space. Watch any launch - they go sideways! They even say so if you listen in on the secret chat that they accidentally broadcast every time
<Judge_Dedd> They say "pitching downrange"
* Judge_Dedd feels dirty for writing that
<packbart> well of course they go sideways, then drop below the disc and get eaten by the turtle
<packbart> everybodyknowsthat
<Judge_Dedd> OH RIGHT! That's what it's all about! They have to feed the turtle otherwise it will swim underwater looking for food and we'll all drown
<Judge_Dedd> And it'll flood the hollow earth completely
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<Althego> what if... earth is flat AND hollow?
<Althego> then it would float nicely without the turtle too
<VanDisaster> a hollow 2d structure
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<Althego> flat does not mean it needs to be without thickness
<Althego> flat earther phrase: water is flat and level
<Althego> flat also doesnt mean level
<sandbox> cat earth, if it was flat, the cats would have pushed everything off it by now
<Althego> oh yes, jets dont use fuel, but jet fuel cant melt steel beams :)
<darsie> Argon can melt steel beams, too.
<hatrix> found my problem, I forgot that a day was 6 hours
<hatrix> so my calculations were all wrong
<Mostly_Deddly> Ah, you were on metric days
<hatrix> now I need to get the maximum distance I can used for my satellites
<hatrix> so that I know how many I need in my relay network
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<hatrix> where can I find the rating of antennas?
<hatrix> I don't see it on the wiki
<Althego> then in the config files :)
<Mostly_Deddly> hatrix,
<Mostly_Deddly> Actually, this one's newer
<hatrix> I need the rating of individual antennas so that I can solve some equations
<packbart> it shows in the part info in the VAB. and there's something on the Wiki.
<packbart> of course, there's also an App for that.
<hatrix> ok so the VAB it is :)
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<hatrix> 3 satellites in geosync orbit of Kerbin should be able to talk with each other with just this one apparently
<hatrix> but I'm not so sure
<Althego> the hg-5 is awesome
<packbart> two sats with a HG-5 each can talk up to a distance of 5000km. that's a bit short for synchronous orbit?
<Althego> hmm, can be, i always use them as relay around kerbin, and then they jsut need to commuicate with hte nearest ground station
<Althego> which is closer
<Althego> but actually i never cared for synchronoous orbit
<hatrix> my calculations say the distance between the sats is 4959.43km :)
<Althego> because 3 is enough except for the poles
<Althego> unless you use some special mod, you dont need to put them in kerbin sync orbiy
<VanDisaster> I only ever used one synchronous sat doing RT
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<VanDisaster> stuck it over KSC just to act as a huge antenna
<hatrix> what orbit would you use for a relay network around kerbin ?
* packbart just drops a triangle of relays around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus - and maybe one or two over the poles
<packbart> although I was thinking about actually trying to set up the patented tetrahedral constellation in $this career
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<packbart> (I used this table to cheat the orbits in a sandbox - )
<hatrix> screenshot broken :(
<packbart> there's more info here: or there:
<packbart> it's a 4-sat constellation that provides 100% coverage all the time
<hatrix> ah yes saw it once
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<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> After several assists from my robotic arm, the mole appears to be underground. It’s been a real challenge troublesh…
<Althego> save the mole
<packbart> unless you plan extensive missions around the poles, the equatorial 3-sat triangle usually is good enough and far easier to set up, imo
<hatrix> ok now I need to figure out how combining antennas work, the wiki makes it difficult to understand
<hatrix> one H-G5 per sat is not enough for Rhode :/
<VanDisaster> I can't find any sensible screenshots, I think these are from my first RT game ... apparently my answer to "which orbits" was "yes" -
<packbart> well, if you ignore the arbitrary "combination factor", the equation is simple. sqrt((range1*n1)*(range2*n2))
<hatrix> what's n1 and n2?
<packbart> most antennas use 0.75, iirc (not sure if that shows up in the part info)
<packbart> the number of antennas of the same type
<hatrix> and that gives the rating of the vessel?
<packbart> so, a relay with 5 RA-100 talking to a probe with a single HG-5 would have a max distance of sqrt(100G*5*0.75*5M), so, uh, about 1.3Gm, if I didn't botch the calculation?
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<hatrix> ok os used .75
<hatrix> that's the equation on the wiki
<hatrix> that's a lot VanDisaster :)
<VanDisaster> yes :p I think I went "oh I should use geosync"
<VanDisaster> and then realised after that I shouldn't & what I need are lots of low orbit
<VanDisaster> and then realised I needed polar orbits instead :p
<kmath> YouTube - The Key to Finding Life Elsewhere in the Universe: Purple Planets?!?
<Althego> hmm purple planets... eve
<VanDisaster> and then built some space station covered in antennae
<packbart> VanDisaster: what's making those hexagons on the planet surface?
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<VanDisaster> that was kethane, I think
<VanDisaster> ancient resource mod
<hatrix> with 3 sats I've got 3913 km to cover, that means 2 HG-5 with a distance of 8400 km should be good
<packbart> yeah, I heard about it. ScanSat and EL recommend it
<Althego> but funny as it is, there is polygonal soil forming naturally on earth
<VanDisaster> giant bees on the way
* bees are buzzing
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<JVFoxy> Video showed up in my recommended: Chrysler's shuttle proposal? Some sorta fat cone thing?
<packbart> na, that's old. hmm
<packbart> ah, right. not a current proposal, I see
<JVFoxy> 'Going launch a MURP!' 'Sorry.. did you burp?'
<JVFoxy> Ah well.. some alternate-history material...
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<JVFoxy> Heh.. 6 tourists into orbit. Ok so.. just stick two Mk1-3's back to back
<Althego> or take one pilot with you in an capsule and a hitchiker, at least there is somebody to drive
<Althego> and has better shape
<JVFoxy> huh... all six females
<Judge_Dedd> Are they singing?
<Judge_Dedd> They could be the Space Girls
<JVFoxy> ya only I did the mk1-3+hitchike can thing doesn't exactly like re-entry.. at least not straight
<darsie> 2.5 m cargo bay with command seats is most economic.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Can make two rings with 8 seats each.
<Althego> then you dont even need the cargo bay, just the seats :)
<JVFoxy> I've got a system where the two mk1-3s will separate from each other, land on their own shutes
<JVFoxy> *chuts
<JVFoxy> blah.. ok wahtever
<JVFoxy> can't do command seats, not unlocked yet
<JVFoxy> ok granted, its a seat, but unlock is at the 300 tier?
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<JVFoxy> huh.. know anyone named Robin in the space industry? Or this just by chance? Robin Kerman..
<Althego> hehe
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<JVFoxy> and away we go
<Althego> and when that kerbal is fat, the nickname is round robin
<Mat2ch> the puns are hanging low today
<JVFoxy> so fat, your kerbal has its own gravity well
<Althego> i dont know anybody famous related to space with the name robin
<JVFoxy> aw... can only do 5 kerbal portaits.. guess one kerbal left out unless I scroll over one
<darsie> Can't transfer crew to a command seat.
<Althego> 5?
<Althego> i think you can increase the number of images qu9te a lot
<JVFoxy> you can add or take away slots
<Althego> but may depend on screen resolution
<JVFoxy> mostly depends on screen res
<JVFoxy> running 1080
<Althego> yes that is pretty small
<JVFoxy> well I aint trying to run 4k
<JVFoxy> I used to run 720.. could only get two at a time
<Althego> we need a mod that poses all the kerbals in the rocket for a picture
<Althego> possibly in front of the vab or the rocket
<Judge_Dedd> I don't like launching people in command seats. Seems cheaty
<Althego> yes even i hold myself to the principle to have some kind of cabin for the crew
<Judge_Dedd> Also, I like to imagine that I'm giving real people a ride rather than min-maxing in a game. So I want them to have a nice capsule to ride in
<Judge_Dedd> And, if possible, the craft should look cool - something that a rich person might want to pay a lot of money to have a ride in
<JVFoxy> ya... gotta have standards. ;)
<Althego> just ask the gutamaya corporation :)
<JVFoxy> Althego: I had thought of a mod that would add a museum of sorts to your spaceport..
<JVFoxy> hadn't considered the 'posing with craft' idea...
<Althego> like first craft in orbit, firstc raft on the mun, etc?
<JVFoxy> ya something like that.. I guess I took inspiration from Project Gotham Racing
<Althego> i would imagine something like this
<JVFoxy> They had a carshow sort of thing you could Firstperson through, look at the cars.
<Althego> how big the museum would be?
<Althego> with original size replicas?
<Althego> or some miniatures?
<JVFoxy> lol... might have 'tweekscale' a bit.. I guess? It was mostly an idea at the time
<Althego> even humans have some real spacecraft in museums
<Althego> mostly the reentry part
<Althego> except for the shuttle
<JVFoxy> NASA's first space battle cruiser on display.. (like in the Battlestar Galatica remake anyone?)
<Althego> although that is the reentry part
<JVFoxy> shuttle, part rocket, part spacecraft, part airplane.. er wait.. glider
<JVFoxy> some people would say brick with wings, but it actually does glide. A brick would just go straight down
<Althego> it glides with the same ratio as the osprey
<JVFoxy> laden or unladenned?
<Althego> african or european?
<JVFoxy> seen mention of airspeed of a swallow, but they weren't sure if it was on an empty stomach or full
<packbart> clay or concrete?
<packbart> do not underestimate the aerodynamics of a good brick ;)
<Althego> must capsules returning are an even more brick like object
<Althego> and they still fly a little
<Althego> oh btw, flying brick, when is the mars 2020 launch?
<raptop> The Apollo CM had an L/D of what, 0.5?
<JVFoxy> that story.. they were testing airplane windows by shooting birds into them with a cannon. Couldn't figure out what was going on, all the tests were failing. Someone asked, 'did you remember to thaw the birds first?'
<raptop> Althego: NET July 17
<Althego> thanks
<Althego> a little bit more than a month
<Althego> it is close
<Althego> which means landing is in 2021 for sure
<JVFoxy> oh.. rover
<JVFoxy> lol.. was thinking, SpaceX really on a roll.. going to Mars already?
<Althego> it was called 2020 for so long that i always forget it has a real name now
<Althego> hehe yes on a roll for explosions with the starship
<JVFoxy> Raptop I still remember the episode Mythbuster did on the subject
<Althego> and we still dont know why it exploded last time
<Althego> the border crossing thing?
<raptop> "before switching to fake birds, the U.S. Air Force traditionally launched frozen ones."
<JVFoxy> frozen bird vs warm shot against window
<Althego> ah the bird thing, i thought catapult means the border crossing
<JVFoxy> Althego didn't Scott say he thinks a fracture in the base possibly caused it?
<Althego> even if he thinks, we dont know
<Althego> spacex probably knows already
<JVFoxy> ... canon = catapult?
<JVFoxy> eh anyways..
<packbart> catapults are not the best launchers. you'd reach the highest speed deep in the atmosphere and you'd still need a second stage to accelerate to orbit
<Althego> just get rid of th eatmosphere
<packbart> call the Mega Maid
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the password is 1...
<Althego> hehe when i was still in simulation, and in the itar room, we were required to have a closable safe. as soon as it arrived i changed its code to 12345 :)
<Althego> (there was never anything important in it. a small ball, a horn, a poem about the GA project, stuff like that)
<JVFoxy> I woulda 54321 just to mess with people
<JVFoxy> or 911...
<Althego> no it had to be 12345 because of the movie
<Althego> 911 is the service menu of the asys transports
<Althego> also 199
<Althego> an even more service menu
<JVFoxy> I knew of the move ref
<JVFoxy> friend I used to visit would play it in the background at home all the time as something to kill the silence. Didn't care much for music
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<JVFoxy> lol.. whoops, nearly landed on KSC..
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<flayer> whoops or "nearly perfect" ?
<JVFoxy> sorry about dark pictures..
<Althego> if i can land on the flat area around ksc i say it was acceptably close
<JVFoxy> was intending to land on the water.. heatshield on both exploded on touchdown
<Althego> the capsules themselves are really tough, who cares about a burnt heat shield
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* JVFoxy pokes net, ok whats going on, shouldn't be dropping me any more
<Althego> i always struggle with this. heatshield or heat shield. looks like it is two words
<JVFoxy> ah.. quick look-up. Heat shield is the proper way.. Heatshield is some product
<Althego> english is mostly separating the words. but not always. so why isnt it space craft then?
<JVFoxy> I guess it can be either way... though aeroshell can also be used
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<JVFoxy> I remember reading something a while back, talking about how strict and formal punctuation and the likes are becoming a bit less relevant in the age of typing...?
<JVFoxy> maybe I'm thinking of the double spaces after the period and how its not really used any more?
<Althego> never a space comma :)
<Althego> space comma, it can happen to you too
<Althego> another really dumb thing i hate. the hungarian language is almost completely phonetical. except for a few things. like j and ly. both denote the same sound. but for proper written words you have to know which one to use. really annoying useless vestige
<JVFoxy> each language has its own nuances.. ya..
<JVFoxy> wee... now to do a mun orbit mission, but first, pickup someone who got stranded in LKO along the way.
<JVFoxy> lol.. whoops, go to tap pitch up key, instead hit X, cut all engines
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<kerbal_man> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, kerbal_man
<raptop> \o
<darsie> .
<raptop> sudo chmod +x /usr/jkerman
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<packbart> CommnetConstellations fixed the bug with flickering commnet lines in the map. I like. That bug kept me from using it. Now antennas have network numbers/"frequencies" again
<packbart> it also helps with the disbelief and gives the "probe control point" some use.
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