Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | 30 May 19:22 GMT Hoomans to space attempt 2
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<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! |
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<Althego> there was a press conference after the launch. at some point one reporter asked what the head of roscosmos said about this. after bridenstein's reply elon said the trampoline is working
<Althego> comments explained that the joke was, the head of roscosmos said at some point, he is not worried about the sanctions against russia, because what could the americans do, go into space with a trampoline?
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<Althego> hehe and as the crew chief said, it happened, the hardest thing was to hand back control
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<kubi> they need competition
<kubi> so then pushing down the prices
<kubi> new requirements will drive up the price of spacex
<Althego> new requirements?
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<Althego> when does 1.10 come out?
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<kubi> soon (tm)
<Althego> thought so
<kubi> there will be new requirements for sure after the first mission
<kubi> they had a proof of concept with the dryrun
<Althego> why
<kubi> then FOA with the first manned
<kubi> now comes the production
<Althego> but if you do something in mass production, prices go down
<kubi> unless you are the only supplier
<Althego> they have pre negotiated priced
<Althego> i dont think those can change easily
<Althego> so it is the best for spacex if they can do it even more cheaper
<kubi> or get funded
<kubi> also, price and cost pressure is not necessarily the best strategy
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<kubi> especially for this early stage of the life cycle of products and services
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<kubi> nevertheless, I'm waiting for the times when there is no 2 hour procedure to open some doors
<Althego> yes that was almost funny yesterday
<kubi> knock-know
<Althego> watching a guy struggle with several tools in black and white
<kubi> hi! come in!
<Althego> like it was done in ancient times
<Althego> in modern times i would like to just open the door
<Althego> in color
<kubi> was watching the video on a phone
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<kubi> we were laughing a bit when the guy almost hurt himself unscrewing the bolts
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<kubi> the first thing we learnt in the secondary school from workplace safety is how not to use a wrench
<Althego> doug hit his head on the hatch
<kubi> that happens
<kubi> bigger hole or smaller head needed :)
<Althego> hehe
<kubi> that two bolts locked onto each other and the action with the two wrenches is a big no
<Althego> so anyway i could start to play a career again, but since 1.10 is soon tm, maybe i should do something else
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<kubi> need to work too
<kubi> it is a weekday after all
<Althego> pentecost, monday is holiday
<kubi> here it comes
<XXCoder> not for me, holiday last week
<Althego> here is the head hit
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<Althego> after that you can see him touching his head several times
<Althego> probably bleeding a bit
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<Mat2ch> ah, that's why he wanted a napkin later
<Mat2ch> I thought he just feared his forehead was to shiny
<Mat2ch> And yes, holiday today :P
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<Mat2ch> So house cleaning stuff to do ;)
<Althego> hmm, electron, in less than 10 days
<Althego> but they usually delay all launches serveral times
<Althego> name is dont stop me nw
<Mat2ch> Great
<Mat2ch> thanks Althego
<Mat2ch> now I have a song stuck in my head
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> I hope you are happy!
<Althego> i'm having a good time :)
* Mat2ch rolls up and cries
<kmath> YouTube - Crew Dragon, But Outsourced To Kerbals
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<Mat2ch> Althego: thanks
<Mat2ch> best way to do it yet :D
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<kmath> <Hazard_ish> Nice.
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<kmath> YouTube - Live Event with NASA Astronauts in Space
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<Althego> hehe spacex recorded the sounds for fueling and reentry for the astronauts to listen to during training
<Althego> nobody asks the mabout the pad ninjas
<Althego> hehe the toilet works
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<Althego> hehe was a rather sudden cut
<Althego> yesterday and today they said "uphill" several times. inigo montoya would have a few words about it :)
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<Guest83081> Hello, are most mods still locked to the 1.8 version?
<Althego> that is for each mod to decide. but actually the changes are so small now, that usually they keep working with 1.9 even if they warn you about incompatibility
<Guest83081> Ah, thank you. I was interested mainly in roverdude's mods and TAC life support. Do you have any info about them working well in 1.9?
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<packbart> TAC works
<packbart> TAC-LS that ist, there are more
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<kmath> YouTube - Live from Space to Earth: NASA and SpaceX Event from the International Space Station
<Guest83081> Thank you, yes I meant TAC-LS
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<Althego> the even didnt start yet. must be the space weather
<flayer> you're the space weather!
<packbart> the stock heat shield shrouds really look weird. but I don't want the whole ReStock stuff, either
* packbart takes a pair of file clippers to GameData
<Althego> i usually just move the parts a bit closer and that shroud disappears
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<packbart> yeah, but then the heat shield still sticks out a bit *and* I'd like to have a shroud :) I'll try to update just the heat shields with the ReStock models. should work
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<packbart> it does. yay. stock service bay and science, ReStock heat shields and decouplers
<Althego> hehe ksp but the sun is expanding
<kubi> beardy penguin has two series on it
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<packbart> I think I'll keep the "Historian" screenshot mod. maybe update the template a bit.
<packbart> CKAN made me click so many mods, it's time to look at the list and weed out those I'll never use, anyway ;)
<Black_Eagle> eww, modding
<JVFoxy> huh..
<packbart> (Jeb overshot the landing zone as usual)
<JVFoxy> need.. for speed.. whoops
<packbart> Black_Eagle: installing mods manually made me think twice+ before downloading a mod. CKAN makes it sooo much easier, it's very tempting :)
<JVFoxy> I'd been thinking about easing into a few mods myself.. mind you, my KSP machine is no longer online so that might prove a bit.. troublesom
<JVFoxy> packbart got a list of 'must have' mods?
<packbart> some small ones I wouldn't have installed by hand. "Quick Start" drops me right into the VAB or the last vessel in the last opened save. I'll keep that for sure. "Wwwwww" to toggle Kerbal walking/running. Ever had to walk back to the capsule after EVA fuel ran out (yeah, ok, should have planned that one better ;)
<packbart> JVFoxy: that's a very subjective thing, I think
<packbart> it ranges from "none" to a whole kitchen sink
<JVFoxy> oh well shoot then
<packbart> uhhh. at least I'd say KER (I use a lot of HUDs) and SSPXr (the station parts look cool), Editor Extensions (vertically align, master snap)
<packbart> Chatterer for sure (I added a few clips with Gene's sounds from Mission Control :), HangarExtender if you like to build large
<JVFoxy> I had Chatterer...
<JVFoxy> found out there was some actual SSTV audio files in there, made a collage
<packbart> less essential are [x] Science, StoreMyReports, RCSBuildAid, TextureReplacer (diverse heads with beards), BonVoyage (background rover autopilot) and maybe some science package like DMOS
<Black_Eagle> i love modding except i hate it and i hate maintaining mods
<Black_Eagle> something always breaks
<Black_Eagle> with an update, that is
<JVFoxy> I might look into TacLifesupport again
<Black_Eagle> and no, i'm not going to have two versions of ksp
<packbart> me neither, so far. I was lucky with updates
<JVFoxy> eh... -tries to hide 2 dozen KSP folders from Black_Eagle...
<packbart> by the time 1.8/1.9 happened, I already had removed Kopernicus (only used it for custom asteroids)
<JVFoxy> do you only keep the latest version of KSP on hand?
<packbart> According to CKAN, I have 75 mods installed (plus a manually installed sunflare and post-processing mod). That's nothing compared to others on the forums ;)
<packbart> and a few of those 75 are just configs for other mods
<Black_Eagle> heheh :D
<Black_Eagle> JVFoxy yes
<packbart> JVFoxy: so far, yes. If an update breaks a mod that I really like, I might keep a copy
<packbart> but that hasn't happened for me yet
<JVFoxy> I've been KSP'ing since 0.23 on this machine... its pretty much the only major game on here at the moment
<packbart> CKAN also makes it much easier to keep multiple installations with different mod lists
<packbart> I tried that with git branches before
<JVFoxy> well.. there, on the laptop at the moment cuz windows 10 vs 7.. didn't want 7 online any more till figured something out
<flayer> ok
<packbart> many more complicated life support mods break down on rails or time-warp. I always end up with too little of some critical resource because the converter chain doesn't work as expected
<flayer> i did landings in all biomes of the mun now, i think
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<JVFoxy> heh... what was that one mod, make kerbals have awake, work and rest cycles. soon as their work cycle was up, went on 'strike' instantly? So.. if trying to fly or land, kerbal would 'shut off' if you had him going for too long?
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<packbart> there is one that puts Kerbals on vacation after missions, I think. and another or more turn stressed-out Kerbals into Tourists, so you'd better have a backup probe core
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<JVFoxy> Ya, Kott was showing off a review, I still remember was talking about how they thinking should have some sort of 'soft switch' rather than kerbal going on 'strike' the instant their time was up
<JVFoxy> I know another had something to do with how much space they have on board, making them homesick? I was never sure how that one worked when I looked at it, never got it though or remember which it was.
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<packbart> I really liked Kerbalism until I ran into problems on longer missions with their life support recycling chains. It's a real game-changer, though.
<JVFoxy> well... balance between making a game enjoyable, vs having to micromanage every tiny little bit..
<JVFoxy> one thing that troubles me with Taclifesupport though. Takes a bit more to bring along recyclers for some stuff vs just bringing a ton of supplies
<packbart> for most short missions, that's true in Real Space, too, isn't it?
<packbart> a space station with green house and some recyclers doesn't need many supplies. actually, I had to ferry in "Waste" and "CarbonDioxide" to keep producing food :)
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> hmm... thinking it over, I guess it also depends on how many you take up as well for a mission. Supplies run out faster..
<JVFoxy> was checking some stuff out a while back, for a few kerbals, a couple of boxes of supplies could last them a long time. Vs hauling up a few recycliers which could weight a few tons
<JVFoxy> btw... just been wondering: a mod to keep kerbals from automatically filling command pod seats? I get Jeb is the star of the game, but ugh... jumping into the seat before the craft is even started all the time? Makes him see obsessively eager. Should just plunk a mk1, throw him out onto the runway
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<packbart> I faintly remember reading about a simple "kick Jeb out" mod. I don't think it was but that looks useful, too
<packbart> ah, too late.
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<flayer> what they feed you is all lies
<packbart> huh, I never noticed the braking lights on the small landing gear before
<packbart> what's the nutritional value of lies?
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<kbuck> sweet treehouse
<hatrix> I don't know how to get rid of it
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<JVFoxy> what the...
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* raptop isn't sure that I'd call A3 easy to print
<raptop> I mean, I can pretend that A4 is ANSI A, but ANSI B has a rather different aspect ratio...
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