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<Althego> total annihilation is free on gog (for 7 more hours). but i already have it
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<raptop> ooh
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<raptop> uh
<raptop> Apparently I'm bad at navigating gog (it took a moment to find)
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<Althego> hmm, electron in less than 4 days. but they usually delay it several times
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<Althego> i cant come up with anything else, so i guess ia have to play ksp :)
<Althego> but if i start a career now, it might not finish until the 1st
<Althego> and even if it finishes i will not be in the mood for an other one for several months
<JVFoxy> my usual fall back is drop into KSP. Or MS solitaire...
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<JVFoxy> Althego: which version you find yourself playing on mostly?
<Althego> lol solitair
<Althego> i hate that game
<Althego> version?
<Althego> the latest :)
<JVFoxy> version ksp
<JVFoxy> oh..
<JVFoxy> 1.8.0... I have the other two versions after just.. eh I don't know yet. I mostly fall into Solitaire for something to do while video is going.. getting annoyed with the habit a bit
<JVFoxy> then again.. its not like I have anything else on the big machine to play. (not including the other older machine with most of my older games on it)
<Mat2ch> ok, this pun will be bad. You have been warned.
<Mat2ch> At Boca Chica the people from SpaceX have an aweful lot of lift vehicles...
<Althego> and every time a rocket is finished elon hears an announcement from a computer voice: vehicle manufacturedú
<Althego> -ú
<Althego> (once upon a time there was a game called: z)
<Althego> what if i build an accurately sized saturn v, and see how far it can go. it should have much higher delta v than just simply reaching the mun
<JVFoxy> Flashblacks to various RTS games..
<JVFoxy> Sorry Elon, this aint any computer game...
<Althego> and flashabck was a game too :)
<JVFoxy> Oh I know.. tried it before, couldn't make sense of it. Then decades later, saw playthrough and was like, 'oh... ugh, I'd never figured that out'
<JVFoxy> I kind of liked 'Out of this World' game they did prior though
<JVFoxy> by Delphine
<Althego> hehe like the last level of fury of the furries. i went past everything and then i just couldnt figure out the last level. for decades. finally after many years youtube appeared and i could look up the solution and finish the game :)
<JVFoxy> I never got past the first couple of jungle screens
<JVFoxy> Huh... Fade to Black, sequel to Flashback, John and Sarah... seem to recall a certain movie franchise with similar names..
<JVFoxy> huh.. do a rescue, pod sitting in orbit while main ship launches. But picked up 'put station in mun orbit' contract.. so I guess a bit of an extended stay in mun orbit is on the books till station arrives...
<kmath> <breizh_72> @elonmusk @NASASpaceflight A BIG High Bay will be needed !! 😃
<Mat2ch> but I guess that's what it takes to get out of orbit...
<JVFoxy> tall building but also strong building. Going to need something pretty heavy duty to stack those things together
* JVFoxy dohs! Forgot set the fuel tanks at half full to test for balance, ended up launching things that way instead of resetting them.
<Althego> hehe fade to black with the cutting edge 3d graphics
<Althego> rectangular box guy
<JVFoxy> Altehgo I only knew of the sequel, never played. I had to look it up
<Althego> but i never played flashback or fade to black
<JVFoxy> I think I tried the first one at a game store, briefly. Beyond that..
<JVFoxy> reading the plot on the wiki sort of hard to follow. I guess it makes more sense if were playing the game
<Mat2ch> can you spot what's wrong here? ;)
<Althego> what is amystery goo canister doing on ot?
<Mat2ch> nope, that's not it
<JVFoxy> could be worse...
<Althego> wait, why is a fire wxtinguisher
<JVFoxy> frig.. sorry. stupid laptop and trackpad
<JVFoxy> there
<Mat2ch> Althego: for the interior? ;) The hose is going to the inside
<Althego> simnple, studio set backrounds are often made of light and flammable material :)
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: that picture was missleading. I thought they built it with auto reload :P
<Althego> tes the hacksmith air cannon and lased combo
<Mat2ch> Ok, the funny thing on this one is the double axle at the back
<Mat2ch> Moons gravity is so low, you don't need that. :D
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch biggest issue I have with your design.. that is so going to get stuck. Rollers in dust.. really? This isn't some shop floor
<Althego> rule of cool
<Althego> and it is doable
<Althego> so anyway the strangest thiing on it is the mystery goo
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: and all the external tanks which could get crushed or punctured
<JVFoxy> also... don't omni wheels only have one bank of angled rollers?
<Althego> i think ia have seen them with two
<Althego> but may have been lego wheels :)
<JVFoxy> not sure well they'd work in dust either way...
<JVFoxy> also, let you be the judge:
<Althego> thaty mars river was always ugly
<Althego> but i would take that for an actual mars ride
<JVFoxy> the mun cybertruck reminds me of a lego set now you mention it
<JVFoxy> seems Toyota had their own ideas. I think it actually looks cool:
<Althego> so the two row roller wheels are different
<Althego> this diagonal version always has one
<Althego> probably wouldnt work with two
<Althego> but why are the antennas always stowed?
<JVFoxy> antennae on which?
<Althego> the huge dish
<Althego> you would want to point that towards the earth, not towards the sky
<JVFoxy> lock it down so that it doesn't jostle around, damage bearings?
<JVFoxy> you moving, bouncing around, fat luck aiming it consistantly
<JVFoxy> They've managed to do a system for massive cargo ships, but its tricky. Plus they don't jostle around quite as much
<JVFoxy> rover sitting still, you can have them out..
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<Althego> there is a problem
<Althego> the lem is too small compared to the command modul
<JVFoxy> ?
<Althego> the rocket gets wider below the csm. but the game supplied parts for the lem are so small, they could fit the same diameter
<Althego> even just comparing the capsule and the ascent stage the size is wrong
* JVFoxy ooofs, nearly hit that bit of junk on way out to the mun...
<JVFoxy> ... ok?
<JVFoxy> wider below the LEM because the tanks had to be wider?
<Althego> that too, but the lem nicely fit there
<Althego> now it will be half empty
<JVFoxy> one the petals were open, the LEM just at on the the end of the injection stage on the open or was it tucked in slightly? If the last part, probably needed some clearances when it was pulled out. Last thing you'd want is to smack it against something
<JVFoxy> I don't know.. Apollo style seems so overdone, I keep trying to find other ways to do things to get out there.
<Althego> hehe i am only at half height
<Althego> the real one was 110 m or so
<Althego> that is almost double the size of the in game van
<Althego> vab
<JVFoxy> ah...
<JVFoxy> currently testing a mission... mothership in mun orbit. Val in the 'Flypod' dropping down lower in orbit. Kind of wish RCS had a DV readout too
<JVFoxy> not overly worried.. at least I won't be till I start doing plane changes
<Althego> hehe even this half scaled one is too heavy
<Althego> for the engines that is
<Althego> ok this is only meager 50 m
<Althego> 7500 m/s
<Althego> it is surprisingly mun only
<JVFoxy> ugh ok that stupid text bug keeps happening in map view..
<JVFoxy> shows up on planets or crafts, won't go away
<JVFoxy> orbit data for mun seems to be stuck on..
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<packbart> right clicked it?
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<mib_103kot> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, mib_103kot
<mib_103kot> i search a good mod to have clouds on ksp
<mib_103kot> ???
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<JVFoxy> weee....?
<JVFoxy> well, at least this station contract isn't requiring any fuel amount. Just 5 people, 2 being pilots around the Mun.. Mk1-3 docking to a Mk1 cabin should make it happy.
<JVFoxy> wonder if I could run two ships out to the mun together, a few hours a part...
<packbart> Hitchhiker and a Cupola
<flayer> JVFoxy, i've done three in the span of 15 minutes
<flayer> bam zoom straight to the moon
<JVFoxy> packbart don't have the parts... already combining it with some other mission got going on
<JVFoxy> flayer didn't want it too close together... haven't done it before.
<packbart> Mk1-3 + Mk1 is just 4 seats, though?
<JVFoxy> packbart Mk1 cabin... has 2, not the command pod. I was going to launch it with a probe core and antennae
<JVFoxy> I've a version already in LKO, mun version just needs a bigger tank. I added antennae, as per contract, though would also be nice as a relay
<packbart> damals gabs noch Wunschkennzeichen ;)
<packbart> err, wot
<packbart> ah, right, the cabin. I use that for tourist hoppers, too.
<packbart> ah, scrolled the mouse wheel up while pasting
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<JVFoxy> heh.. tourists.. I took up 10 or so once in one go
<JVFoxy> couple of them wanted mun orbit fun
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<Guest97825> Hello
<sandbox> ahoy
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<Guest97825> Iv been looking on the internet for some time now for a jammer what would you recommend
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<raptop> I'd recommend an AGM-88 HARM
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<raptop> Ask a silly question, get a silly answer
<raptop> (Also, I didn't realize that at one time TI made missiles)
<JVFoxy> ... jammers, what is this, Kerbal warfare?
<raptop> No idea
<JVFoxy> I would have just said 'a spark gap generator'... anyone can make those
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<raptop> I suppose
<JVFoxy> some part of me saying possible 'bot'...
<raptop> Definitely a possibility. Or maybe 4chan is trying something silly
<JVFoxy> still racking my head over it a little: they even bother to check channel subject?
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<raptop> I suspect not
<Alanonzander> some more modern IRC clients don't even display the topic :(
<JVFoxy> ok weird... launching something, I loose control on everything for half a minute. I can't even pause.
<JVFoxy> ok restarted.. only did it for a few split seconds. can tell cuz SAS grays briefly
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<UmbralRaptop> weird. Probe or something?
<JVFoxy> ya probe.. by why could I not even esc/pause the game?
<Deddly> See if it happens again
<JVFoxy> last time I had this happened, /all/ the input locks didn't get set right on a scene change
<JVFoxy> eh, I tried relaunching a few times already, in orbit now.
<Deddly> Any mods running?
<JVFoxy> no
<JVFoxy> ok now it did it in orbit.. while I was turning
<JVFoxy> I'mma restart the game
<JVFoxy> I was turning to face a node marker, suddenly everything stopped responding, including esc, for about 15 seconds
<Alanonzander> I've had that happen. Usually means I need to restart KSP
<Deddly> Did you get KSP on Steam?
<Deddly> Might be worth validating files
<JVFoxy> ksp website
<Alanonzander> yep, but I copy it to it's own folder and run from there
<JVFoxy> v1.8.0 still
<Deddly> OK, files probably fine, then
<JVFoxy> have bee noticing orbital text info on the map view can end up stuck on all the time
<Deddly> Steam often messes up KSP for me and I have to validate files every time there's an update
<JVFoxy> ick
<Deddly> Thankfully, validating files is a function within Steam
<Deddly> But yeah, KSP store FTW
<JVFoxy> ok restart didn't fix it, but have noticed everything locks up till I right click on the screen.
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<JVFoxy> oh wait...
<JVFoxy> so... having the advanced orbital tab open messes things up it seems. I was using it to check my inclination rather than using the map..
<Deddly> Well spotted!
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<JVFoxy> ok so I guess leave advanced tab for now..
<JVFoxy> its having issues finding an object to reference so it messes things up.
<JVFoxy> ah ya.. just tried without opening the tab, seems to not lock controls
<JVFoxy> thing is, issue was reported back on 1.7.0
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<packbart> well, it was updated just before 1.8 "Thank you for your input. We've made some changes in recent updates to the game and would like your input and feedback for this issue."
<JVFoxy> maybe fix didn't make it into 1.8.0 in time?
<Deddly> Wait... you are on 1.8.0?
<Deddly> Why not the latest patch?
<JVFoxy> I do have 1.8.1 and 1.9.1 on file.. just I never got around to checking things out
<Deddly> 1.8.1 is 1.8.0 minus some bugs
<JVFoxy> I got into a couple of 'involving' missions on two career saves I'd been meaning to record but been on the fence on what to do
<Deddly> Your save file should port across with no problems. Back it up though, just in case
<JVFoxy> 1.8.1 just goes into its own folder, I can copy saves over, check things out thatway
<Deddly> Yes. There's honestly no reason I can think of for not using 1.8.1 over 1.8.0
<JVFoxy> right now, I'm just running a 'simulation run' to make sure this little 'nest station' can make it to mun orbit ok
<JVFoxy> maybe when I get back from friend's place, I'll get 1.8.1 going. I was suppose to have already collected up some paper work and gone over. Just this issue with locks freaking out on me because of the tab issue...
<packbart> oh my, linuxgurugamer is building large launchers again. you just reminded me to check out a stream once in a while ;)
<packbart> tch, his telemetry display is still broken. I don't think streaming on Twitch is a hobby I'd pick up. ( )
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<JVFoxy> my laptop had issues with twitch in a bad way. Not so much now since I put a wireless access point in my room from the house's own net box
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<packbart> well, now he lost me. too much meta, not enough KSP ;)
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<JVFoxy> and not enough time in the day... gotta run
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