Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<Althego> another nice morning with 5 hours of flat earth stream :)
* raptop applies some post-newtonian corrections to the stream
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<Mat2ch> Althego: you're giving them views, which in return says them: I'm right. Don't do that!
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<JVFoxy> oof... ok for as much as I love KSP, seems I get to a point where too many directions I could go with things at once and now I don't know what to do.
<JVFoxy> then I find myself just messing around with whatever comes to mind, but doesn't actually progresses things.
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<Maddog59> Newbie question: I see negative values in parenthesis next to the rewards on some (many) of the contracts (usually k$ and Reputation). What does that mean and why are they appearing?
<JVFoxy> if you decline them
<JVFoxy> I think... I know there's one that says if you fail the contract..
<JVFoxy> maddog59 stock? Unless they changed something in the latest version..
<Maddog59> Huh.... so, is there a difference between declining a contract, and just letting it expire? I mean, if there's no penalty for letting a contract expire, but there is for declining, why would anyone even do that?
<JVFoxy> just pulled game up for refresher. I don't see any negative values in parenthesis in stock version I have.
<Althego> Mat2ch: i am watching anti flat earthers
<Maddog59> When you say, 'stock' ... I assume that means, no mods? I have a couple in place, and I have a couple of policies to improve the science return (from the Admin center).
<JVFoxy> Maddog59 if you let it expire, no pentalities, far as I know.
<Mat2ch> Althego: you should've added the "anti" before ;)
<JVFoxy> though also means you have to wait for a while before it'll cycle out. Declining lets you expedite things a little.. I think. I haven't ever declined
<Mat2ch> I know some who watch those people for fun and laugh about them
<Mat2ch> maddog59: when you decline a contract you get different contracts sooner. I guess this is just to prevent that you decline contracts until you get what you wan
<Mat2ch> *want
<JVFoxy> Altehgo Mat2ch I had something pop up earlier in the week, tag line was along the lines of something 'flat earth' and how it was going to change people's minds.
<Maddog59> I kind of thought that might be the case, Mat2ch. Thanks much, both of you. I don't think there's anything I can do about the neg#'s anyhow, just trying to improve myself. :-)
<packbart> if you decline a contract, Gene makes a funny facepalm sound ;)
<JVFoxy> lol
<JVFoxy> decline everything, does he go through the facepalming several times?
<Maddog59> re: flat earthers: I think it's a huge conspiracy to just 'punk' the rest of us. LOL Nobody with two neurons that connect can really believe that bs.
<packbart> well, there are two distinct facepalm sounds. I once clicked through everything and clipped the sounds for use in Chatterer ;)
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<JVFoxy> maddog59 who knows... I wouldn't be too surprised if some of them are actually legit believers
<Althego> 2 categories. those who make a living from it, by selling stuff for the dumbs ones, and the dumb ones actually believing in it
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<JVFoxy> then there was that one that built a water powered rocket to prove things were flat... no idea what became of that little stunt..
<Maddog59> Didn't he get killed when the vehicle malfunctioned? Or maybe it was NASA that sabotaged it, to prevent him from exposing the truth. ;)
<Althego> yes, he died
<lordcirth> The guy who tried to launch himself probably wasn't a flat earther. He suddenly became a flat earther when he needed to crowdfund $20k.
<Althego> mad mike hughes. and he was doing that way before he said he was a flat earther. so he probably was saying the flat earth to generate publicity
<JVFoxy> ah... gone down the greedy path then :P
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<Althego> bad apple just keeps on giving
<kmath> YouTube - Touhou Project Bad Apple CPU
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<Maddog59> Spacewalk problem: I'm trying to rescue a Kerbal; got Merrie out of the wreckage and need to cross to the rescue vehicle. He lets go, I wait for him to clear the vehicle, then tap R to activate the RCS and the RCS pack pitches him over, and won't stop firing. What in the world am I doing wrong? I've never been very good at space walks before, but t
<Maddog59> his is ridiculous.
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<darsie> I get that, too, in 1.7.3, sometimes.
<darsie> firing the RCS manually usually stops it, IIRC.
<Althego> too late
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<darsie> ik
<darsie> I intentionally talk to phantoms :).
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<Althego> jazzkutya: call upc :)
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<jazzkutya> Althego: that's not upc :)
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<jazzkutya> you know, vodafone. and these were stupid windows restarts.
<Althego> when did this launch jump in front?
<kmath> YouTube - Arianespace Flight VV16 – SSMS PoC (EN)
<Althego> but i cant watch it
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<Maddog59> So right after I posed a question I lost my internet, so I need to repeat in the hopes someone can help.
<Maddog59> I’m having trouble with a spacewalk. After I let go of the ship and hit R to activate the RCS, the kernel goes into a pitch and the RCS won’t shut off. All I’m doing is tapping R. No other buttons. What’s wrong? Is this some weird bug? Or am I doing something wrong?
<Althego> that is probably a bug
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<raptop> I mean, it should only last for a few seconds as the kerbal starts pointing in a specific direction
<Althego> too late again
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<Maddog59> And I lost internet again. Trying to work from a phone.
<Maddog59> I saw someone reply it may be a bug. Sorry I didn’t catch the handle. You may be right. I’ve rebooted and restarted the game and it seems to be working better. I should’ve thought of that before.
<kubi> ehh
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<raptop> I mean, it should only last for a few seconds as the kerbal starts pointing in a specific direction/stabilizes
<kubi> Kopernicus is getting back to life hopefully
<kubi> it is a masterpiece
<Althego> what happens first? ksp 2 or starship suborbital flight?
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<Maddog59> Nope. Spoke too soon. RCS just comes on and stays on. Hitting space bar seems to try to bring its back toward me, but it just keeps firing in a random configuration.
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<kmath> YouTube - THE FOXES LOVE ME!
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<JVFoxy> Althego heh?
<JVFoxy> oh whoops.. poof. I guess if I expanded the channel activity list, I'd have seen they'd left already
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* JVFoxy groans...
<JVFoxy> mindlessly messing about...