Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | SN7 tank test/(boom?)
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<Althego> hah there is a high res video of the tank leak from yesterday
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<Mat2ch> Althego: where where where?
<Althego> same channel
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<Mat2ch> :(
<Mat2ch> I need links, links to click on
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Boca Chica - SN7 test tank reaches 7.6 bar during pressure test
<Mat2ch> I hope they weld it shut and try again ;)
<Althego> i would expect thme having na other one ready
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<Mat2ch> Tis but a flesh wound!
<Althego> this but a flash light :)
<kmath> YouTube - 100,000 Lumen Flashlight vs Singularity V3 (The Brightest Flashlight vs The Blackest Material)
<Althego> i liked how the black paper started to smoke because of the light
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<hatrix> any mod for more interesting contracts?
<darsie> 1337
<darsie> hatrix: Can you think of more interesting contracts?
<hatrix> well, I can think of some things to do, but I'd like to get new ideas
<darsie> Jetpack to orbit from the Mun.
<darsie> Or jetpack deorbit to the Mun.
<hatrix> of course you're the author :D
<darsie> :)
<FLHerne> hatrix: ?
<FLHerne> (I've not used it)
<darsie> Build the cheapest orbital rocket.
<FLHerne> Second post has a list of contract packs for it
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<JVFoxy> ugh... hate when something goes sideways, messes with moods, then turns out it was all for nothing. >_>
<hatrix> I don't really know how contracts are created though, to what extent they're automatic
<hatrix> i'm playing Beyond Home, not sure how contracts will be handled
<hatrix> I've already got 3 different KSP folders, I'm not sure what combination of mods I want to play D:
<JVFoxy> hatrix don't know much about how contracts are created. Though I did notice in the persistent file, it doesn't exactly retain location names? Just a flag for them for each contract you take.
<hatrix> hmm
<hatrix> in Beyond Home it's a bit glitchy
<hatrix> I've never left the home planet's SOI and I get contracts for landing on planets on another system
<JVFoxy> I did get one contract asking me to return a satellite from mun orbit. I guess it saw what I had out there.. a couple of times it even asked me to upgrade a station
<hatrix> haha yeah, I got a contract asking me to move one of my relays, never going to happen :)
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<JVFoxy> huh... got something of the like, asking me to do a orbital plane change on a probe some old career ago, past several versions back. Career save still sorta sitting there untouuched for months
<packbart> hatrix: Kourageous Tourists has contracts to take tourists to anomalies, so there's some reason to scan for them (or look up the locations in the wiki ;)
<packbart> it's a bit tedious to get a gaggle of tourists out of the can. I build a small Kerbal Mass Ejection PartModule but it doesn't work yet as it should ;)
<JVFoxy> I'd like to see more use for planes.. seem to recall some mod that put contracts out to fly kerbals to destinations?
<JVFoxy> lol.. mass ejection
<JVFoxy> makes me think that kerbal mun ejection system someone did. Involves a fuel tank, pair of mainsail engines
<packbart> it pushes every Kerbal in a part out of all available airlocks. some of them collide and accelerate to hilarious speeds
<JVFoxy> free floating kerbals in a cargo bay... um ya, not such a hot idea. Kerbals tend to... break through walls as it were
<hatrix> ok so stock only
<packbart> hmm. not every Kerbal throufh all airlocks, though. at least while the camera is watching
<JVFoxy> KIS/KAS has props for kerbals, like the boombox, taco, ect. Any other mods that adds more stuff to the inventory system?
<JVFoxy> though, realizing now I might be thinking kerbal doll house or something
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<Alanonzander> there is one that has some scanner tools, eye piece, etc but I cannot think of the name
<JVFoxy> don't know the name either but vaguely remember the stuff you talking about.
<JVFoxy> kerbal hacks?
<JVFoxy> heh..this seems more fitting
<darsie> Much more compact :).
<hatrix> Interstellar Extended is so nice with the different fuels available
<hatrix> I can finally use whichever tank I want to put whatever inside
<JVFoxy> think real fuels is kind of neat mod too
<hatrix> well, there are a lot in this one
<JVFoxy> add more complexity, add engine igniter
<JVFoxy> makes engines have no restarts, only certain number of restarts.. or unlimited, depending on what you include with the build
<hatrix> sounds hard
<JVFoxy> just means planning ahead
<JVFoxy> in reality, main boosters generally don't restart. Exception is SpaceX's falcon, since it comes back down to land
<JVFoxy> but even then, its only restarting 3 engines twice, and one 3 times
<JVFoxy> ... correction, 2 engines twice, 1 engine 3.. center does the landing
<JVFoxy> huh.. that pic with the compact helmet, as Darsie says. Reminds me of a toy I had as a kid. Spaceman figure from Alpha Probe 1 shuttle toy:
<JVFoxy> that or the Doctor Freeze glass helmet from the Batman cartoon series
<JVFoxy> or Mr. Freeze I guess
<hatrix> another useless station launch just to get $$$
<JVFoxy> weeee
<JVFoxy> eh why useless?
<JVFoxy> just filling a contract?
<hatrix> it's going to be in a solar orbit
<JVFoxy> going to place it outside or inside kerbin's solar orbit/
<packbart> space stations don't "do" much (except maybe for Kerbalism's science modifications where some experiments take years)
<JVFoxy> this including ones with sci labs?
<JVFoxy> I'm half tempted to place one around mun or something.. like to get one out to Duna as a mission..
<packbart> the labs's purpose with Kerbalism is to transmit science experiments that would have required return to Kerbin. it takes a long time, too
<JVFoxy> I know in stock, take science reports, turns it into data to be sent back .. or something. I haven't really messed with the lab too much
<hatrix> I've got stations around the three moons and the home planet already :x
<hatrix> JVFoxy: that's the best way to get a lot of science quite easily and fast
<JVFoxy> station on kerbin doesn't really add too much, last I read at least
<hatrix> one mission easily yiels 3k
<JVFoxy> well.. on.. but also around
<JVFoxy> I've generally tried to return science directly than transmitting. Unless it already gets full marks such as with crew reports
<hatrix> you'll get more with the lab
<JVFoxy> like I said, I haven't messed with lab too much. Its a bit of an .. 'investment'
<packbart> Kerbalism doesn't have the "analyse the same sample a dozen times, get science every time" function of the stock labs
<packbart> I haven't played with Kerbalism in quite a while, though. life-support mods fail me in long-term missions if they rely on resource converter chains
<packbart> I liked the science part. A Mystery Goo observation takes 10 minutes
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<JVFoxy> like watching grass grow, only in more color than green
<JVFoxy> seems I hit a science point once and leave it at that. something about the whole diminishing returns thing..?
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<JVFoxy> huh... so contract is 3 stars to rescue kerbal in low kerbin orbit... uh...
<JVFoxy> why do I get the feeling its not so /low/ orbit..
<JVFoxy> huh.. so it is low orbit, regular rescue contract. But why 3 stars?
<darsie> retrograde?
<darsie> Maybe you're a noob ;).
<darsie> Going to orbit was 3*, too, IIRC :).
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<JVFoxy> well considering I can get right up to the door in less than a 1/4 orbit from launch...
<JVFoxy> well ok, maybe a touch more than 1/4 orbit.. but less than 1/2
<packbart> the reputation is randomised over a range, I guess
<darsie> JVFoxy: What tools do you use for that aptitude?
<JVFoxy> Crsming, pilot, orbit is 86x80
<JVFoxy> ... Crisming
<JVFoxy> maybe cuz she was nearly over top of the center at taking the contract?
<JVFoxy> tools?
<darsie> JVFoxy: Any mods?
<darsie> Like MJ
<JVFoxy> nope.. stock
<darsie> ok
<JVFoxy> all in timing the launch
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> At first attempt?
<JVFoxy> though I did have to rush things a bit into orbit.. max Q... ya I'm pushing past that
<JVFoxy> ya she's in.. 15 minutes since launch
<JVFoxy> yeesh.. she seems overly happy..
<hatrix> I forgot it literally takes years for a relay around the star :|
<JVFoxy> lol... fuel tank surface water impact
<JVFoxy> kerbal rescued just shy of 40 minutes
<hatrix> it feels so weird having the perfect orbital period to the millisecond when it's around 3 years
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<JVFoxy> lol.. so what does it mean to have a tourist with the badass trait?
<JVFoxy> nice to have another pilot but.. eh... was more meant as a test run to see why 3 stars. Other than cuz orbit wasn't ciruclar
<JVFoxy> I still got the 3 sitting around the mun to deal with... and after this rescue, another 3 star one pops up, 6 tourists to go around the mun and back
<JVFoxy> almost starting to seem like a career I had earlier.. except with 10 tourists, 8 for kerbal orbit, 2 was mun
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<hatrix> it's hot in here
<JVFoxy> eh.. fly'n a little low there huh?
<hatrix> just burned
<JVFoxy> slightly crispy critters
<hatrix> I got a decent network now though
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<JVFoxy> what mod does the by planet organization?
<packbart> Tracking Station Evolved or so is the name
<JVFoxy> ah
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<Althego> scott
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<kmath> <LabPadre> Manhole size rupture on #Starship SN7 test tank but it still stands. They're getting closer to perfection. #SpaceX…
<Althego> hehe buff out
<Althego> are they really going to fix this?
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<transit> streaming today woo
<Althego> are there cylinders?
<transit> o.o?
<transit> ksp 1.9.1 with both expansions
<Althego> so apparently amd is delaying the next zen cpus a few months because intel is unable to come up with anything against them
<Althego> this is going to hurt their reputation and it seems like a... shaft move to me
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<packbart> well, why accelerate if you're in the lead
<Althego> to stay in t he lead, because you are a small company operating with income t he size of the rival's research budget
<darsie> Althego: I heard it was an intentionally destructive test. I doubt they'll fix it.
<darsie> Maybe they replace the tanks.
<Althego> yes it was intentional, elon said it
<Althego> but he also said the it will buff out thing. probably as a joke
<darsie> :)
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<transit_> Kerbal Space Program LIVE!! What can we build with all of these new parts?! Tune in here:
<kmath> YouTube - Breaking some ground and making some history in Kerbal Space Program! (06/16/2020)
<transit> weee
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<transit> im still here dont worry
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<hatrix> is there any tool to model KSP system outside of KSP?
<hatrix> I'd like to show distances between planets, SOI or other stuff
<hatrix> the tracking station is not practical
<hatrix> also maneuvers right inside the tracking station would be nice for some plotting with dummy crafts
<flayer> hopefully i'll be free of kredit issues once i get my duna base landed
<flayer> i actually failed to complete the asteroid retrieval missions in time :(
<hatrix> I had several contracts also but my solar relay network took 12 years…
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<Dutchy45> Hello, by the antenna's it says L1,L2 and L3. Is that for the level of tracking station?
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<hatrix> yep Dutchy45, this page I guess
<Dutchy45> Thanks hatrix! took me way to long to think of that! :)
<hatrix> this page is really interesting, take some time to understand how the antennas ratings work
<hatrix> also my KSC broke
<Dutchy45> :) Funny, you should post that on Reddit
<packbart> you woke the giant Kraken that lay dormant under the KSC
<hatrix> off to Hydrus
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<transit> had to bail before from here due to memory issues
<transit> forgot how ksp eats all the ram
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* darsie got a computer with more ram.
<darsie> gn
<hatrix> night
<darsie> 16 GB
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<hatrix> is that enough?
<darsie> Works for me with stock.
<darsie> plus firefox, thunderbird, kvirc, etc.
<hatrix> I build my new computer just for KSP, I did put more :p
<hatrix> built*
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<hatrix> 7300 science earned on this mission :)
<raptop> did you dissasemble minmus?
<hatrix> several flybys with a MPL
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<raptop> ah
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<packbart> more memory leads to more mods leads to more crashes
<packbart> my KSP/Windows install crashes a lot more often than KSP/Linux. I use less mods and no visual mods like scatterer on the laptop GPU
<packbart> the usual errors as reported on the forums. something about stack. and the occasional access violation in mono code