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<kmath> YouTube - Rocket Lab - Don't Stop Me Now Launch
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<Althego> hehe anton talked about quark state of matter inside neutron stars. ds9 jokes followed in the comments
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<raptop> How's the progress on the equation of state for matter in that regime?
<Althego> probably not good
<raptop> I get the impression that it got stalled out for a few decades until gravitational waves&multi messenger astronomy happened
<Althego> 32 minutes
<Althego> apparently the launch was delayed by around 40 minutes already
<Eddi|zuHause> is that better or worse than lunch being delayed? :p
<Althego> at least now there is a stream
<Althego> and of course it never starts on its own
<Althego> probably some firefox update or youtube feature
<Althego> i used to keep them running and noticed something is up when the spacex music started to play
<Althego> now it just doesnt work
<Althego> you have to go there and refresh
<Eddi|zuHause> i can't listen to this monotone business voice
<Althego> high winds, i guess after a while they are just going to announce a scrub
<Althego> again, my hobby is watching cylinders
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<JVFoxy> was just dealing with measurements, math, geometry.. trying to figure something out
<Althego> predictable interface names. thanks poettering
<Althego> another misfeature
<Althego> it never helped me. not once
<Althego> on the contrary
<Althego> the same idea s mounting hard disks by unique id? what if i want to quickly replace the disk with a cloneed disk? no you cant do that, first you have to edit the unique id
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<Althego> they just cant launch this one
<Althego> and the sun has set, would have been nice if the rocket flew up into sunlight, probably too late for that
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<hatrix> my decouplers won't decouple
<hatrix> any idea why?
<hatrix> I got rid of the struts and rotated the part instead
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<Mat2ch> hatrix: try removing the coupled sats and when you reattach them hold shift
<hatrix> what will shift do?
<Mat2ch> those small cube structures like to stick to anything
<Mat2ch> it will deactivate surface mount and only connect at the green dots
<hatrix> oh
<darsie> Are there mods with bearings?
<Althego> see the dlc
<Mat2ch> hatrix: does it work now?
<darsie> None as free mods?
<Mat2ch> darsie: there is
<Althego> there must be
<Mat2ch> infernal robotics has some
<darsie> After all, there are flexible joints, so it shouldn't be too hard.
<darsie> thx
<Althego> wasnt that always one of those mods that sometimes worked sometimes didnt
<darsie> So I could simulate strings with sticks and joints?
<Althego> there is a mod with strings
<Althego> or rather thread
<Althego> s
<Mat2ch> Althego: it has to be updated to work with the most recent version of KSP
<Mat2ch> sometimes Squad breaks userspace. And you never break userspace ;)
<Althego> like predictable network interfaces are predictable?
<darsie> I'm interested in suspending a gyro on a string and see it precess.
<Althego> hehe i tried to do that
<Althego> but isntead of string
<Althego> i put it on water
<Althego> and since it is perfectly still...
<Althego> but at time i had to make my own bearing
<Althego> so it was shaking too much
<darsie> The bearings I invented sucked.
<Althego> but now, maybe i could build my own gyrocompass
<Althego> that is atually easier to build on water than a simple gyro
<Althego> water is already an almost zero resistance bearing at low speeds
<Althego> and since gyrocompass has to be perfectly level, water does that for you too
<Althego> thus you need to create only one bearing
<darsie> But water supports a gyro equally on both sides.
<Althego> instead of 3 (x2) for a normall gyro
<Althego> so it should precess too, but not the same way as a free gyro, but towards the north south axis
<darsie> mhm
<Althego> on the other hand, since ksc is almost at the rquator, you aready know the precession axis of your gyro
<Althego> so you can lose one axis
<Mat2ch> Althego: udev is not the kernel ;)
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* packbart used RCS ball-bearings once - it works in weird ways
<Althego> yes, the smallest you can make is a linear rcs port captured inside thermometers
<Althego> works relatively well
<Althego> sometimes
<kmath> YouTube - 60% of the time, it works every time....
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<hatrix> Mat2ch: I haven't tried yet, I had to go out and I launched with the second design
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<Mat2ch> I read "and I lunched" and really asked myself: How? :D
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<packbart> lunch just arrived :)
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<sandbox> "Pilots landing on offshore platforms have been told they must carry out proper name checks after a helicopter mistook one platform for another."
<sandbox> where do they get these sentient helicopters from? ;p
<packbart> passenger planes sometimes take the wrong route, too. even trains, occasionally
<packbart> ah. hmm. the pilot is just an add-on to the helicopter ;)
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* darsie made another bad bearing:
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> nice idea though
<Althego> this never occured to me
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<darsie> :)
<Althego> there is still the old wat, something cylindrical and small landing gear
<Althego> way
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<Althego> at least the electron launch moved to saturday, i can watch it comfortably
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<Mat2ch> who bets that it really launches on Saturday? ;)
<Althego> usually they have many delays
<Althego> but once they start the stream they almost always launched
<Althego> this was an exception
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<darsie> Mat2ch: I bet 100 dogecoin.
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<Mat2ch> darsie: that's like 25 cent :P
<Mat2ch> And I still can't get over the fact that I had the opportunity to buy hundreds of bitcoins years ago
<Mat2ch> I need a time machine :P
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<hoglahoo> if everyone who had the opportunity to do that at that time did so, it wouldn't be worth what it is today
* hoglahoo is so wise and smart. $5 for advice appointments
* Mat2ch takes the $5
<hoglahoo> wait, thats not how it works
* Mat2ch burns the $5
<Mat2ch> no evidence!
<Mat2ch> also I said: "I need a time machine". There was nothing about sharing it with everyone else in it :P
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<hoglahoo> the implication was that if the technology you required existed, there would be others with the means to gain access to it
* hoglahoo sends a bill lfor $7.50
<Mat2ch> Funny thing is, if you have a time machine and you find out someone else has one, then it would be easy to go back in time and make sure this person doesn't get their time machine
<Mat2ch> So maybe we all had a time machine, but we took other peoples machine and got ours taken...
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<FLHerne> Really, you only ever need one time machine
<FLHerne> Because anyone using it can be finished instantly
<packbart> and that's how Time Wars start
<packbart> we wouldn't know, though
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<packbart> this universe has a lousy frame rate. newer models run at 10^46 FPS! not barely 10^42 (maybe 10^43, overclocked)
* packbart was just reminded of the Planck limits and the Real Physics Engine limited floating point precision
<packbart> funny stuff
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<flayer> 2500+ dv burn to laythe with a rhino liquid engine in one go and it was perfect
<JVFoxy> I haven't used rhino much beyond messing about. Didn't it used to overheat if wasn't careful?
<flayer> i think they 'fixed' all overheating 'problems'
<flayer> either way, the next mission to jool will be a manned one
<flayer> and they're bringing some mystery goo to test it
<JVFoxy> lol.. ya I still remember when Mainsail would overheat so easily back in early editions.
<JVFoxy> not that I use it much as is. Seem to make more use out of the Skipper, probably because I limit my build sizes
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