Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! |
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* darsie expanded his Mun station with 5 seats again. This time with a rover. Docks and undocks much easier.
<raptop> Ooh, the mun station has some pressurized volume. Luxurious!
<darsie> Yeah :)
<darsie> They asked for it, so they got it :).
<darsie> In the back you can also see the explorer I added wiht sensors and a Dawn ... since they asked for 1000 xenon.
<raptop> Seems sort of silly on the munar surface, but if they want it...
<darsie> Why?
<darsie> Can refuel the explorer.
<raptop> I guess you can have an ion powered flitter, but I wanted to say that it's marginal in munar gravity
<darsie> raptop: Marginal? You mean weak? Yeah, kinda, but it get's down and back to orbit, so I can get anywhere and back.
<darsie> gn
<raptop> yeah, that. 'night
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<JVFoxy> so was wondering, what mod can tell you the delta V of RCS on a craft?
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<JVFoxy> lol.. contract to land on the mun even though I've yet to bring back the 3 that are still over there
* JVFoxy ponders building a lander with a core and just throwing it to them over there
<Althego> where is the stream
<JVFoxy> stream... someone launching again?
<Althego> electron
<Althego> after that another starlink
<raptop> Electron... stream... is this a CRT?
<JVFoxy> don't know but sure feeling the energy with all these launches lately
<kmath> YouTube - Rocket Lab - Don't Stop Me Now Launch
<JVFoxy> ah ya.. Scott mentioned they were going to hitch a ride with Starlink
<kmath> YouTube - Starlink Mission
<Althego> hello wonderful person - said anton
<raptop> Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Electron launch Starlink launch
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Althego> hehe it replied to the topic change
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Sale on GOG | Electron launch Starlink launch
<Althego> oh wait it wasnt topic, it was just text
<raptop> Yeah, I messed up while copying the links
* JVFoxy falls over
<JVFoxy> oh hellos..
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<JVFoxy> so.. why two dv maps?
* raptop picks JVFoxy up
<Althego> because they re different
<raptop> yeah, though I think they're less different than they used to be?
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> ones got a walrus.. other kracken..
<JVFoxy> ah well
<raptop> Entirely different sea monsters
<JVFoxy> trying to decide on 1 or two person lander can.. come poke back here, wall of.. 'stuff'
<Althego> 2 1 person, i think that wa lighter
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<raptop> Kerbals are pacifist orks, so a lone one in a lander can can explore the system
<JVFoxy> walrus.. think Mr Hyneman plays KSP?
<raptop> I wouldn't be surprised if he's tried it at some point
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<Althego> jamie does not want to be in the spotlight, so who knows what he does
<JVFoxy> special effects vs pc gaming? Eh....
<Althego> on the other hand adam is still very much active on youtube
<raptop> Anyway, speaking of starlink
<Althego> hehe
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<JVFoxy> Ya, I used to follow his channel(s)...
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<Althego> timer jumped up, not a good sign
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<Althego> waiting for rocket lab...
<Althego> i am listening to freddy isntead :)
<Althego> freddie
<Althego> at least the stream started now
<raptop> hah
<Althego> hmm, magnetometer voonm
<Althego> boom
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<Althego> it extends
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<Althego> jool is going to be pretty
<Althego> in 1.10
<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> Kerbonauts around the world with amazing skills! ⏎ Thank you so much Nerdystuffed for sharing this amazing handmade J…
<Althego> with sparable helmet
<Althego> 20 sec
<Althego> lights are too bright in this stream, cant see anything
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<Althego> this went really smoothly
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<JVFoxy> lol... official kerbal plush.. mmmm
<JVFoxy> Also Shadowzone talks about KSP be a pacifist type game... cough-rocketmissiles-cough..
<Althego> kerbals are more suiciadal than violent
<JVFoxy> maybe just don't know better?
<JVFoxy> they whatever you want to make them to be
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<kmath> YouTube - Alien: Low-budget Remake
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<Mat2ch> but music for now
<Althego> finally
<Mat2ch> I just got up :D
<Althego> however the nasaspaceflight stream was live before the official
<Mat2ch> well, they're talking and talking
<Mat2ch> too much for me
<Althego> now the stream starts for real
<Althego> they have to add crew dragon to the intro
<Althego> next spacex launch is also starlink
<Althego> ok i get it they launch relatively cheaply, but they still need to get money from somewhere
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<Mat2ch> Althego: it's an investment and they soon will open the network for customers
<Mat2ch> and you can bet that every Tesla vehicle will use it.
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<Althego> is that sunlight on the fins?
<darsie> url?
<Althego> topic
<kmath> YouTube - Starlink Mission
<darsie> thx
<Althego> nice landing
<Althego> maybe they got fed up with flat earthers claiming it is fake because you never see it landing
<darsie> :)
<Mat2ch> and how to make Starlink cost-effective is easy. Soon there will be around 1 million Tesla vehicles out there. And they pay around 10 USD/EUR per month for service. If you take only 3 of those money you have a single launch payed in about a year
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<Althego> you can still see the 3 sats moving away
<Althego> we have to persuade them to at least once play the music kerbals hear when they go into space :)
<Althego> it is going to pass almost overhead, but probably no feed by then
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<Althego> so they dont have coverage... for now. will be funny to have streaming video of their launch through their own satellite constellation
<Mat2ch> what could that be?
<Mat2ch> (I know it ;)
<Althego> i almost fell asleep
* packbart just woke up and missed both launches
<Mat2ch> Isn't starlink another company?
<Mat2ch> I'd have another company to pay for all this. If it fails, SpaceX made money and isn't bankrupt
<Althego> no, starlink is a brand name
<Mat2ch> Then they're very sure it wont fail
<Althego> we dont know how much the launches really cost
<Mat2ch> that's true.
<Mat2ch> The first stage of the rocket itself was payed for by the first customer.
<Mat2ch> So there's only the second stage, the refurbishment and the sats to pay for
<Althego> at least partially
<Mat2ch> I bet you, if you order a new rocket you will pay fully for it.
<Mat2ch> Back to: what's that? :D
<packbart> one of those canards mentioned in the title? not sure, really
<Althego> who knows. how could they be so cheap if they always ask for the full price?
<Mat2ch> Dang it, the canards are mentioned in the title? Spoiler!
<Mat2ch> Althego: mass production
<Althego> the whole point of reusability is to produce less, not more :)
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<Althego> so as i said, we dont know how big their profit margins are
<Althego> probably there is some more money coming in from nasa
<Mat2ch> see, every Vulcain 2 is made completely by hand, which is very expensive. Every Merlin 1D is mass-produced mostly by machines
<Althego> but it still worries me that we havent seen many actual customer launched from them this year
<Mat2ch> also they need only one Vulcain 2 for every Ariane 5, but 9 Merlin 1D
<Mat2ch> and yes that makes it cheaper
<Althego> i thought 3d printig was all the rage in rocketry now
<Mat2ch> NASA is not a customer?
<Althego> it is a customer of course
<Althego> but they have some kind of partnership
<Althego> so there may be money coming in for the moon things
<Althego> before they happen
<Mat2ch> Well, they're betting on Starlink
<Mat2ch> and soon we will see GPS III-03 launched
<Mat2ch> then Anasis 2
<Mat2ch> SXM 7, Türksat 5A, SXM 8, GPS III-05, SARah 1 (which is for the BND), USSF-44, MicroGeo...
<Mat2ch> there is a pretty long list of launches to do
<Mat2ch> wikipedia lists at least 19 upcoming launches
<hatrix> nice free return
<Mat2ch> so almost every week a launch
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<hatrix> how do you exit IVA? ._.
<packbart> press "c"
<hatrix> ah thanks
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<flayer> woops, i thought i had enough to do an ike + duna landing AND get back to kerbin, but i only barely made it back to the orbiter
<hatrix> I hope you've got a miner on ike ready to refuel
<flayer> almost. i landed one on duna, but it is immobile and has insufficient resources.
<hatrix> rip
<hatrix> this was my base with a miner, the refueling craft is probably docker to the station
<flayer> oh well, they have enough snacks until the next window opens up
<hatrix> docked*
<Althego> long base is long
<hatrix> also low FPS are low
<hatrix> I stopped expanding it because I couldn't move anymore D:
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<flayer> this is my minmus base
<flayer> i'm sending a mobile base to duna
<hatrix> I thought the whole thing was just glitched in the ground
<hatrix> why do you have a chute on the rover though?
<flayer> just happened to be so
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<Althego> ksp is only 9.99 eur on
<Althego> hah supcom with forged alliance only 3 eur. i didnt know they have it. i have my own disc ripped in an mdx image, but i dont have forged alliance
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<Althego> no man's sky is also half off
<Althego> supposdly it bacme quite good over time
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<sandbox> I wonder how it would have turned out if sony hadn't offered them a load of money
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<nate> potentially better as they could have done a better crowd sourcing and wouldn't have had a major publisher shoving them to release as soon as possible.
<nate> but even at that sony didn't even give them "A load of money", like 90% of what sony did was simply front the advertising and promotion costs
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<Guest20847> KSP Newbie here: I have Jeb on an EVA near the KSC and at first he'd only walk forward, now all he does is turn (spin) in place (I have no idea what key I pressed that changed the action). I've tried restarting the game; tried holding down and tapping the "alt" keys, the "H" key, changing the camera view, unbinding the keypad keys I'd mapped to Ker
<Guest20847> bal movement, and just can't seem to find a solution. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
<hoglahoo> sounds like Jeb's being difficult
<Guest20847> Maybe he's ticked off because I've been favoring Val for my flights! LOL
<Guest20847> This is 1.9 btw
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<TheKosmonaut> That’s odd.
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<TheKosmonaut> He may be stuck on terrain
<TheKosmonaut> You cant just recover him from the tracking center
<Guest20847> 'stuck on terrain'? can you clarify?
<Guest20847> I think I probably could recover him, getting to him from the tracking center seems to be available. I was more concerned with seeing if this is going to be a recurring problem.
<Guest20847> As I newbie I'm trying to get comfortable with all of the controls.
<Guest20847> Yes, I was able to recover Jeb and the vehicle separately via the drop down once I had focus.
<Guest20847> I don't know why it would make a difference, but I'll also mention that Jeb was near the KSC Monolith.
<JVFoxy> oh is he just facing away from camera rather than turning to face direction to walk?
<JVFoxy> think there is a sort of walk mod switch.. not sure if it was to do with SAS (toggled with 'T' key) while on EVA or something else.
<Guest20847> It doesn't seem to matter what direction I have the camera. No matter what keys I press he only moves forward. I just now moved him to the launchpad for an EVA; got him to climb out; he jumped in place, but all I can get him to do is walk forward regardless of pressing any key.
<Guest20847> space bar does still make him jump
<JVFoxy> there's a key.. let me look it up
<JVFoxy> it goggles the 'strafing' on and off
<Guest20847> Q and E have no effect; WASD all make him walk forward.
<Guest20847> I must've tapped something, because now the WASD keys seem to be making him move forward/backard/right/left. But what key ...
<JVFoxy> try just tapping the 'alt' key alone.. see if that does anything
<Guest20847> Nope, spoke too soon. we're back to only moving forward.
<JVFoxy> guessing you on PC/windows?
<Guest20847> Yes, Win10
<Guest20847> Let me try alt, though I tried it before.
<Guest20847> Nope, no joy with either Alt key.
<Guest20847> Yep, I checked that key bindings page, got that in another window as reference. No joy.
<JVFoxy> I know during space eva.. depending on if SAS is turned on can affect things
<Guest20847> Turning off SAS doesn't seem to have an effect. But just now I tapped 'L' and I got WASD working again.
<Guest20847> But Q and E won't work. And when I Alt-Tab between the app and this page, it goes back to only moving forward.
<Guest20847> Even after tapping 'L'
<JVFoxy> firing up KSP on my other machine.. give me a moment
<Guest20847> thanks
<JVFoxy> remember when L toggled helmet lights
<Guest20847> My Lights action group doesn't do anything when I tap 'L'. But the helmet and helmet light keys work (U and O).
<Guest20847> U toggles my Light action group, btw
<JVFoxy> btw.. did you tap left alt key?
<JVFoxy> oh right.. u for helmet, L for ship lights
<JVFoxy> didn't even know 'O' for helmet till now
<Guest20847> Left Alt + W/A/S/D seemed to work for a moment, both when held down and tapped. But tap again and it goes back to walking forward, and holding or tapping Left Alt doesn't change anything. I think... let me try again.
<Guest20847> Ok, looks like I was mistaken. Tapping left alt seems to be toggling me between walking forward with all four keys, and walking forward/back/side-stepping left and right. So that's good.... but Q and E aren't working to get Jeb to turn.
<JVFoxy> left alt for me changes between facing the direction (WASD) and walking sideways
<JVFoxy> Q/E doesn't do anything while walking.. far as I can tell
<JVFoxy> only when jetpacking
<Guest20847> Huh. Ok, fair enough ... but now I'm not sure I'm following how to change direction that Jeb is walking in.
<JVFoxy> left click mouse, drag around to change camera angle
<JVFoxy> when pressing W, he will forwards/away from camera
<JVFoxy> when not in strafe mode.. I can tap WASD in a circle, make them walk around on the spot
<Guest20847> Sorry, what's strafe mode?
<JVFoxy> walking sideways
<JVFoxy> translating sideways, strafing.. as oppose to facing the direction you press and just walking that way
<Guest20847> Changing the camera angle has no effect on the direction he's facing. I must be missing something in your explanation.
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<JVFoxy> they dont' change right away... its when they start walking
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<Guest20847> Ok, I think I'm starting to get it. I finally got him to change the direction he was facing, so it looks like I'll have to experiment to understand how the camera angle influences the movement.
<Guest20847> thank you for your help and patience. I appreciate it!
<JVFoxy> ya.. between the walk modes, one they walk depending which key you press. the other is based on where the camera is.. can sorta steer using left click and panning camera around
<JVFoxy> just take care while on EVA in space.. its a bit of a different beast than having solid ground under foot
<Guest20847> Thanks! I'm working thru career mode and have a couple of missions offered to rescue Kerb's from orbit, so I imagine I'd better get good at EVA in space before I try that! LOL
<JVFoxy> not only that, getting two ships to be close and no or little velocity between the two while in orbit
<JVFoxy> lol... left Kerbal standing with pod on runway for the past five minutes. Go to look back, see pod has slowly slide across runway...
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<bEagle> what's the general cause of a flat spin?
<bEagle> i mean what's the problem with my space plane
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<FLHerne> bEagle: Centre of drag ahead of (or too close to) the centre of mass
<JVFoxy> maybe not enough tail fin?
<FLHerne> Try chucking an arrow backwards
<bEagle> col and com are where they're supposed to. it's a medium sized craft with a lot of vertical stabilizers
<JVFoxy> trouble with stock KSP, it only tells you overall dynamics, doesn't separate pitch and yaw
<JVFoxy> ah... got a lot of drag producers up front?
<FLHerne> bEagle: It's not that one engine flames out?
<JVFoxy> looking at Mk2 lander can, Kerbals come with warnings now?
<FLHerne> That can happen sometimes with high-altitude things
<JVFoxy> FlHerne I remember that being a thing in older versions. Don't they just all flame out at once now?
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<FLHerne> No idea, I've not been able to play since 1.4.5 or so
<bEagle> JVFoxy just the mk 2 cockpit, nothing else
<bEagle> FLHerne: nope, going with rockets so no flameouts
<FLHerne> (but in the next week, all the parts for my computer should be here, and then I can see what's new :D)
<JVFoxy> bEagle can you throw us a pic?
<JVFoxy> I'm half wondering if you really need that much V-stabs but also where they might be located
<bEagle> JVFoxy sure! just a sec
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<JVFoxy> k
<JVFoxy> heh.. interesting. Sorta like sleeker version of the Babylon 5 shuttles
<JVFoxy> now, is it spinning on runway or in flight?
<bEagle> in flight, especially on reentry
<bEagle> i checked, the com stays behind col even when empty
<JVFoxy> reentry is a bit of a pain sometimes...
<bEagle> sometimes it also spins when i'm going up
<bEagle> so it's a real problem
<JVFoxy> I'm going to guess you set your control surfaces for specific jobs.. right? V-stabs are just for yaw
<bEagle> yupo, got that
<JVFoxy> normally I setup the alevons all pitch, no yaw, outside ones only do roll
<JVFoxy> now are you 'pancaking' into the air stream, or descending with only some pitch up?
<bEagle> only some pitch
<bEagle> even if i set the plane to surface prograde (i.e. along airstream) it still tends to start wobbling and flat spinning
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<JVFoxy> try reducing the pitch up on the wings.. wondering if you've got too much and its causing some issues with your paw
<JVFoxy> .. yaw
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<JVFoxy> what might happen is, one side is catching too much air, throwing that side around too hard
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<bEagle> hmmm
<bEagle> makes sense. it doesn't quite look like a flying body after that but i guess that's a solution
<bEagle> i was going for a venture star kind of design on this
<bEagle> now wondering if the actual venture star would have been stable at all
<JVFoxy> ya... I think the way KSP models airflow, even stuff with 'V' tails has issues
<JVFoxy> I did something similar to the F-23, had a few issues tracking. Granted this was back early KSP version..
<bEagle> that's a shame
<JVFoxy> might not have to do completely flat wings.. just reduce the angle, take away some of that 'yawing' tendancy
<bEagle> but also good to know i'm not going mad because i've been working on the spin problem for a while and couldn't figure out what was going wrong except that i just ran out of authority on all of my control surfaces
<bEagle> aye
<JVFoxy> I tend to do a lot of testing on things, some things takes me a bit to get right. Trick is not to change too much on a design each time due to how it all interacts
<bEagle> reduced the angle dramatically and now it doesn't wobble on the way up
<JVFoxy> ya, when you try to roll, it also induces some yaw as a by product
<bEagle> yeah i think that stabilized it on the way down too
<bEagle> what a weird game. but thanks
<JVFoxy> well... there is some truth in it.
<JVFoxy> even in real life, when you turn the controls to make a plane roll to one side, it does induce a slight yaw, even with flat wings. But you automatically correct it
<JVFoxy> what happens is, one control surface creates more lift on the one side, makes it drag more.
<Althego> so far this was a great year. 4 months of working from home. but from next week we have to go back 2 days a week
<JVFoxy> bEagle just realize, while it might look cool, it may not always work. You have a lot of lifting surfaces caused by the MK2 body parts. But little tail fin in comparison. It might also help a little more to add a bit more of a strake up to the V-stabs, or pushing them back a little more.
<bEagle> i'll consider doing both
<JVFoxy> bEagle also, twin tails can look cool, but realize, draw a line from the center of mass to them, the wider the 'V' it makes, the less of an effect they have
<JVFoxy> (side note: wing tip fins on real airplanes helps more with lift than they do directional control)
<JVFoxy> eh.. quiet morning. Went from looking up LEM assent engine to the Agena target vehicle. Some reason, I find myself ending up at the Gemini program again
<Althego> quiet evening :)
<Althego> there was a lot of talk before i came back
<JVFoxy> oh.. just helping someone out with a spaceplane design
<JVFoxy> after which, was trying to wrap my head around how to do a lander design using one of the cans
<Althego> eh. louis rossman 17 minutes ago. 20 minute rant. i click it. video removed by uploader
<JVFoxy> lag is real. :)
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<raptop> I swear, this project was named by Althego
<Althego> lol
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<Althego> what, another kerbal movie from matt lowne?
<hoglahoo> no idea
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<transit> so like, how am i supposed to controll the helicopter type craft?
<transit> no staging to speak of