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<Guest75077> hi I was wondering if I could get some in site into the removal of the game from Geforce Now
<catalograptop> ?
<Guest75077> Geforce now is a cloud streaming service from Nvidia that (for a small fee ) allows you to use powerful computers by streaming the video output from that powerful computer to your own less powerful one
<Guest75077> You buy the game the normal way through steam the only difference is that you are playing it from some server somewhere else, I see no reason why it should have been removed
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<raptop> It might be worth emailing the devs directly.
<Guest75077> i have been trying to get in contact but I have nothing higher than the twitter account which does not respond to me
<raptop> ?
<raptop> There's also a general questions email listed at
<Guest75077> ok thanks
<raptop> Sorry for saying "go talk to these other people", but there are relatively few actual Squad employees here
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<cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 13%
<Althego> hah
<Althego> it"s been a long time
<cringe> been busy
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<TheKosmonaut> Oh good
<TheKosmonaut> I was worried that it was full
<cringe> clean water 64%, waste water 48%
<cringe> things are movin'
<Althego> was it ver full?
<Althego> ever
<cringe> iirc, 92% was the highest i've ever seen
<cringe> didn't need as much o2 production, so clean water backed up
<cringe> which backed up waste water
<cringe> which backed up urine tank
<cringe> and i think they ended up doing some sort of exterior release
<Althego> for the oxygen, or for the waste water?
<cringe> or at least, that was the theory
<flayer> 20 bucks on my first spacewalk i get splashed by astronaut pee
<cringe> wastewater
<cringe> i haven't looked at the blueprints in a long time, but either the waste water tank or the urine tank has some sort of tube /value thing to the exterior
<cringe> which everyone was less valuble is my guess
<cringe> waste water tank might have other sources making it more valuble
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<packbart> I figured out Elon Musk's secret plan. Become King of Mars with a seed population of humans, then use the starlinks to kesslerize Earth, so noone can follow
<Althego> hehehe
<darsie> :)
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<JVFoxy> so... mun orbit mission but also a rescue in LKO.. how to put two together.
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<JVFoxy> originally was going fly up, minus a crew.. rescue, continue on to mun, orbit. Try to snag as many biomes there, return.
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<JVFoxy> then got this crazy idea, launch rescue 'pod'.. then the main ship. dock, take pod along to Mun. Use it to venture out from ship to get a few of the biomes
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<JVFoxy> lol.. superman attitude
<darsie> :)
<JVFoxy> thanks but I actually wanna take the rescue with me.. give him XP while on the flight
<JVFoxy> I only need pilot and scientist... free seat for him.. if I don't take the pod. Otherwise, gotta be cozying up with Jeb and Val
<JVFoxy> val probably take the pod out for a buzz around
<JVFoxy> maybe even get that 'docking' first in mun orbit as well
<Judge_Dedd> I like the way you're thinking
<JVFoxy> more than one way to peel a banana...
<Judge_Dedd> packbart, I'm surprised nobody has made a film based on that, followed by an invasion from the "Marsians"
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> some people.. snap the banana in half, pealing takes too much time
<Judge_Dedd> Don't tell Vanamonde
<Althego> the evil martian king could be called zelon dusk :)
<JVFoxy> Delon Zusk...?
<JVFoxy> Zelon dusk sounds like dusk on some weird planet named Zelon
<Althego> zelon dusk - elon musk
<JVFoxy> Melon usk
<JVFoxy> Sorry.. Elon.. makes me think its missing that 'M' or something
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<Althego> there was a game, zax, alien hunter or something like that. the this zax called the spaceship computer to zelon
<Althego> -to
<Althego> -the
<JVFoxy> oooh
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<packbart> planet Mars will be renamed Mursk, of course
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<Mat2ch> That sounds an awful lot like Kursk. And that would be a bad sign.
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<hatrix> made a pdf with the equations to get an orbital network around Rhode
<Mat2ch> the TeX is strong in this one
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<hatrix> the period for Rhode in Kopernicus is 47390, but in KSP it's 47280 (2d1h8m)
<hatrix> where does the difference come from?
<Eddi|zuHause> probably lots of things are named "kursk"
<hatrix> also the moon Lua is not in a perfect synchronous orbit, meaning given time my satellites will get captured
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<Althego> lua, hehe
<hatrix> so I can't achieve a synchronous orbit after all :|
<hatrix> I'll have to match Lua and hope its SOI isn't too big
<Althego> or as just q advised, just change the gravitational constant of the universe
<Althego> *just as
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<Eddi|zuHause> darsie: ok, i was expecting at least one place in america :)
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<packbart> ooh, my pet bug was updated from "New" to "Investigating". just as I was pondering to bump its version number ;)
<packbart> (a rare NullRef in the VAB. no game breaker and rather lowest prio :)
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<Althego> amazing
<Judge_Dedd> You know the guys are in that tracker all the time, right?
<packbart> I didn't really, to be honest. I'm just happy "my" low-prio bug might get fixed
<Judge_Dedd> Nice :)
<packbart> and I know the other side, too. Going over the bug tracker is not a fun task
<Azander> I hate dealing with bug trackers.. both sides.
<Azander> though I have to agree with packbart, the coder side is usually a bigger pain
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<Guest31931> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest31931
<Judge_Dedd> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Judge_Dedd
<Judge_Dedd> And hi, Mod9000, nice to see you too
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> playing with the sock puppet
<Judge_Dedd> Funny thing is, Althego, I even thought about not triggering it, and forgot it was set up for the other greeting phrase too :P
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<Judge_Dedd> Althego, you mean Guest31931 is you?
<Guest31931> little question : i was try to add ksp players;com add on ?? is it close ???
<Althego> no
<Althego> but the bot is you in a sense
<Judge_Dedd> Sorry Guest31931, I'm not sure I understand your question
<Guest31931> sorry french with bad english
<Judge_Dedd> Althego, it has a life of its own now. It's full-on Skynet ;)
<Judge_Dedd> Guest31931, no problem, we will try and help each other understand :)
<Althego> i guess there is a mod for the game called
<Guest31931> for install the add ksp-players it asking login
<Judge_Dedd> Aha!
<Guest31931> and i dont arrived to create a account
<Judge_Dedd> Oh Guest31931, that looks like quite an old add-on
<Judge_Dedd> From 2016
<packbart> yeah, the domain looks abandoned, too
<Judge_Dedd> What was it?
<Judge_Dedd> Like a ranking system?
<Guest31931> a communoty quest and chat
<Althego> yesm, there is a link in the forum post for the login creation
<Guest31931> TY
<Guest31931> so its not just me
<Guest31931> TY
<Guest31931> existing a good discord ???
<Judge_Dedd> I wonder if anyone took over the project
<Althego> i know there is a discor
<Judge_Dedd> Guest31931, Reddit has a Discord server, but it is not official from KSP
<Judge_Dedd> This is the only official KSP chat place, but there are unofficial ones, too :)
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<Judge_Dedd> Guest31931,
<Judge_Dedd> But I have no idea what the community is like there
<Judge_Dedd> Guest31931, there is also an official French forum here
<Judge_Dedd> Guest31931, KSP Discord en Frencais:
<Judge_Dedd> Francais*
<Mat2ch> ksp-players looks like it was a great idea. Easy way to share crafts, etc.
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<Judge_Dedd> Aurevoir :(
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<packbart> isn't that served by, too?
<Althego> there are probaly several replacements
<packbart> Steam Workshop works, too, in a way
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* Judge_Dedd misses Spaceport
<Judge_Dedd> Best name for any craft sharing service
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<flayer> is 6 PM too early for bed?
<Althego> no if you havent slept last nigth
<sandbox> I keep going to bed around midnight
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<Guest78607> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest78607
<Althego> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Althego
<Althego> no
<Guest78607> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest78607
<Althego> it is a bot
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<MKy> Hello Bonjour
<Althego> at least it doesnt reacto to that
<MKy> FR je cherche a installer un shader compatible KSP 1.9.1
<MKy> I
<MKy> EN i try to find a good realistic shader on a ksp1.91
<Althego> usually stock visual enhancements and scatterer together
<MKy> wich version of stock visual ???
<hatrix> MKy: c'est que anglais ici :)
<hatrix> I don't see anything related to KSP version though
<hatrix> you might be fine with the latest one, try it out
<MKy> i goint to try it now
<MKy> and scaterrer version .?
<hatrix> the changelog says it works on 1.9
<MKy> TY becaus i have try with CKan an the version are bugging
<MKy> TY hatrix
<hatrix> I hate CKAN
<hatrix> usually I prefer checking the versions myself on github
<hatrix> you can pm me in french if you're having problems
<MKy> Ty i go uninstal ckan
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<packbart> I've come to like CKAN. Didn't have any problems with it, yet. (with some mods not specifically compatible with 1.9, though)
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<lordcirth> CKAN is nice. One of the NF mods is timing out while downloading atm, not sure why
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<hatrix> CKAN crashes on my linux
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<flayer> Althego, I slept alright last night, but missed the night before -- had a 2 1/2 hour nap now, feeling much better
<Althego> the problem with this is that you cant sleep this nigth
<flayer> maybe
<flayer> i will get intoxicated and see how it unfolds
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<lordcirth> hatrix, what distro? You probably need newer mono
<hatrix> arch
<hatrix> everything is up to date
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<lordcirth> hatrix, what error message does CKAN give?
<flayer> hatrix, they are going to force ckan on you, run, run away!
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<hatrix> haha
<hatrix> it crashes randomly
<hatrix> usually before I manage to do something useful
<hatrix> but my KSP works right now so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<hatrix> really simple relay network
<Guest89375> hmm
<hatrix> well, it took quite a while to compute everything
<Guest89375> are there any spots you dont get coverage in the kerbin system?
<hatrix> you mean in general or right now?
<Guest89375> in general
<hatrix> if you don't have a relay network then yes
<hatrix> but it depends on your difficulty settings
<Guest89375> yea
<Guest89375> but with that network do you get full coverage all the time?
<hatrix> not at all
<hatrix> I just started a new career and I don't have a lot of parts
<hatrix> this relay will be good enough for the probes I've got to put in Rhode orbit
<hatrix> nothing much more
<Guest89375> I geuss on the far side of the mun you dont
<hatrix> indeed
<hatrix> I forgot to put a KER module on the sats though :(
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<hatrix> and Jeb's getting back safely
<Althego> nice chutes
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<Althego> what is that ring on the capsule?
<hatrix> decoupler
<hatrix> I put the fairing on top
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<Althego> ah secondary payloads
<hatrix> what do you mean secondary?
<hatrix> I couldn't fint a better way to get both the fairing and Jeb on the same craft
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<JVFoxy> I did a satellite delivery mission ages ago. Managed to cram two relay satellites into a 2.5m service bay. Granted, the mounting for them was a little funky but eh...
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<hatrix> even RCS on 0.5 thrust are too powerful
<JVFoxy> you can adjust the levels lower... I'm thankful you can reduce RW power now too
<JVFoxy> not sure in which updates, rcs blocks power got halved..
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<Black_Eagle> so i couldn't get my juno + dawn + srb to work
<Black_Eagle> it'd be better off as a rocket instead of a plane
<packbart> solid ion boosters ;)
<Black_Eagle> i've never actually built a successful plane that works with an expendable stage
<Black_Eagle> packbart yes :D
<Black_Eagle> need those
<flayer> put them on both wings
<Black_Eagle> flayer and launch them like missiles?
<flayer> whichever
<Black_Eagle> heh
<Althego> no, drop them like bombs
<Althego> after they burnt out
<Black_Eagle> but yeah, i tried that. i think i need to try a bigger air breathing engine
<Black_Eagle> juno wasn't up to the task
<flayer> yeah
<Althego> solid boosters would work well with low twr start
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<Black_Eagle> the idea was to air breathe to 10km, srb to suborbital and circularize with ion
<Black_Eagle> didn't really work out that way
<Black_Eagle> due to rocket equation the srb stage usually ends up being massive, like longer than the plane itself massive
<JVFoxy> or could just do a rocket plane all the way up from the runway..
<Black_Eagle> pretty much
<Black_Eagle> srb plane, lol
<JVFoxy> I wouldn't go with SRBs though.. ISP is kind of low. End up with a lot of mass
<Black_Eagle> [04/06 11:53;39] <@Judge_Dedd> Black_Eagle, I think SRB+Xenon is an interesting idea because the ion thrusters do come in size 0
<Black_Eagle> this is the original idea
<JVFoxy> my.. penguin was a weird sort of design. used the skipper as main engine, two liquid fueled boosters kind of strapped low to the sides. Took off from runway
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<Black_Eagle> centaur tribal seems interesting
<Black_Eagle> oops wrong channel
<Althego> hehe
<flayer> I'm about to buy all Stellaris DLCs. I'm going to be overwhelmed with all the stuff.
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> yup. sounds about right. same thing can happen with ksp if you get too many mods
<flayer> there might be a steam sale in a few weeks
<Althego> where is my summer? i want my well deserved hot summer
* raptop checks a local weather station. 86.7 F
<Althego> rans and clouds even for next week
<raptop> And it hit the low 90s the other day
<Althego> as was the whole may
<raptop> Note: there was rain last night
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<raptop> And it's cloudy right now
<JVFoxy> don't mind the cooler weather..
<JVFoxy> I tried to run AC last year, kept blowing breakers because other roommate decided to run stuff off the same circuit. :\
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<JVFoxy> Huh.. 8-bit guy video, goes down to Huston, TX. visits a few space related points of interests. Namely a couple of NASA places
<JVFoxy> later part of the video mind you. Most of the rest talks about computer related things
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<flayer> 8 & 1/2 years into the space program and i've finally reached jool
<flayer> i hope the next ksp will have life forms on kerbin & other planets
<JVFoxy> oh heh... in game time
<JVFoxy> was about to say... KSP hasn't been around quite /that/ long.. has it?
<darsie> There's a kraken.
<JVFoxy> here's a Kraken..
<JVFoxy> everyone's a Kraken...
<JVFoxy> ....
<JVFoxy> everywhere's I mean.
<darsie> I have 10 fingers.
<JVFoxy> kraken games... should be a kerbal programming company
<darsie> Kraken is a cryptocurrency exchange.
<JVFoxy> kraken bitcoins huh? so it is a thing
<JVFoxy> geez, so many different crypto's.. thought Bitcoin was the only thing. Just saw market listing of various versions
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<flayer> JVFoxy, its almost like real money, that bitcoin!
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<JVFoxy> either way I can't afford it