raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<redcrafter12345> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, redcrafter12345
<redcrafter12345> uhhhhh im new
<redcrafter12345> anyone here
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<raptop> blink
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<Althego> and i didnt watch this electron launch. pics or it didnt happen. and it didnt happen...
<Althego> ok nothing spectacular, feed cut out
<Althego> that was their first failure, it was bound to happen
<Althego> hehe 13th launch
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<XXCoder> Althego: it was pretty ksp failure too
<XXCoder> it failed to switch to oither batteries and ejected expired ones
<XXCoder> so it lost power to pump and it crashes
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<flayer> alright
<flayer> time to start launching the parts of my carefully constructed jool mission
* raptop wonders if their kerbals dislike the GLOC phase of reentry
<raptop> bonus: regaining conciousness at like 5-8 km, and quickly deploying a drogue chute
<flayer> nice
<flayer> meanwhile, my shuttle launch design (basically copied off the dynawing) turns out to launch better if i don't touch the controls at all, despite veering way off at the start
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the auto turn achieved
<Althego> i could never master that
<flayer> well, i have to take control at about 20 km for the staging, but yeah
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<raptop> All hail the true gravity turn
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<Althego> wasnt there a ksc biome?
<Althego> that was just outside the runway for example
<Althego> or do i remember incorrectly?
<Althego> not it is shores
<Althego> *now
<flayer> the little patches between the buildings
<flayer> triangles
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<flayer> check which parts aren't selectable as buildings
<flayer> between mission control and VAB there is one
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<Althego> in a way this is better, i dont have to go to the actual shore for the shore
<raptop> There still is one by the runway, yes
<raptop> going north, east, or south from the pad tends to mean hitting the shores biome
<raptop> (and remember: splashed and landed are seperate situations!)
<Althego> i used to roll off the runway with a capsule to get the ksc
<Althego> but it is shores now
<Althego> maybe i went too far?
<flayer> all the triangles are 'ksc biome'
<flayer> and the trapezes
<flayer> lok
<flayer> lok
<flayer> loook
<flayer> highlight the mission control in the KSC view
<flayer> then highlight the VAB
<flayer> and look at the little triangle in between them
<flayer> how it is not highlighted
<flayer> because it is neither mission control, nor VAB -- it is KSC
<Althego> those are far away for a capsule
<Althego> to get there i need wheels
<flayer> those are the KSC biome
<raptop> Althego: ah, go north or south of the runway instead?
<raptop> Also, you can do silly things with a partially fuelled RT-5
<raptop> And on a related note, high kerbin orbit has a multiplier 5x that of landed
<Althego> yes but as i remember for the ksc biome i only needed to roll off the runway in older versions
<raptop> yeah, at some point it changed
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<Althego> hah and there is scott's commentary
<Althego> i expected it tomorrow
<flayer> oh they lost control
<flayer> that's no good
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<packbart> should've tested it in KSP! always unlock the spare battery *before* decoupling/depleting the active ones
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<hoglahoo> lol I'm such an idiot. Just started playing again yesterday after not having played in a year or two and I wanted to start with a network of comm satellites around earth
<hoglahoo> so I figured I think I want polar orbit. Then I thought oh yeah I want geostationary
<hoglahoo> so I did polar orbit at 37,000 km....
<hoglahoo> looool
<raptop> oops
<hoglahoo> 35,000 km. whatever. but yeah they are not geostationary :)
<raptop> I'd argue that some highly eccentric polar orbits with very different LANs would be useful, though
<hoglahoo> maybe. what does your argument have in mind?
<raptop> The simple version would be something like one sat that hangs out over each pole
<raptop> More complex would involve molinya orbits or a dram(sp) tetrahedron
<raptop> *draim tetrahedron
<hoglahoo> o_O
* raptop misses maltesh
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<flayer> hoglahoo, lmao that is some epic thought processes
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<hoglahoo> ty :)
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