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<kmath> YouTube - ITER Live : Start of Machine Assembly
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<packbart> Wacken! Sadly without Gloryhammer
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<Althego> is there another static steel cylinder today?
<Mat2ch> hopefully
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> @NASASpaceflight Fuel spin valve didn’t open. Will fix & try again tomorrow. Also, some odd TVC hydraulic pump behavior.
<Althego> baobab tree is close to 0.2, -75.5
<packbart> meh. they should have chosen a better streaming provider than Telekom
<Althego> who
<Althego> less than 20 hours until the last mars launch this time aroun
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<packbart> Althego: the Wacken streaming keeps stuttering and for once my wifi is not at fault
<Althego> what is wacken
<packbart> *gasp*
<packbart> Wacken Open Air, the metal festival. aka "Wacken World Wide" this year
<Kalpa> Is there Nightwish?
<Mat2ch> packbart: the ads aren't stuttering at all...
<raptop> Mat2ch: priorities!
<Mat2ch> but the stream quality is really bad
<Mat2ch> well, it's the Deutsche Telekom. Nobody expects fast internet from them.
<Mat2ch> And Anthrax will play for 20 minutes?! What?!
<Mat2ch> That's three songs. Max!
<packbart> yeah, I'm not too impressed, yet. They hired Farbrausch for their greenscreen "XR" stage but it looks like they're not going to use it much
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<Mat2ch> Farbrausch?
<Mat2ch> packbart: Woah. Kavka got old...
<Mat2ch> (and still a bad announcer ;)
<packbart> demo makers. they made a virtual stage as far as I know ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farbrausch )
<packbart> poor Gizmo was looking like a zombie the last days, didn't get enough sleep
<packbart> the recording studio isn't far from $here in Hamburg
<packbart> ah, well. I give up. it's not working for me :/
<Mat2ch> packbart: the stream is running for me. Got only one stutter yet
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<Althego> finally solved the rover and lander problem
<Althego> warpology.com/k/munlander.png
<Althego> oh with http
<Mat2ch> Althego: and you want https ;)
<Althego> i think i dont have that
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<Althego> i needed to make the tracks that long because otherwise the rover was stuck on very thick air around the nuclear engine
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<Althego> wasnt it the 1st of august? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-tfnUh4kms
<kmath> YouTube - News Update on NASA Astronauts Return Home in the SpaceX Crew Dragon
<Mat2ch> Althego: yes
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