raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<farlonch> Someone is having problems with fairings in 1.10?
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<UmbralRaptop> huh, the new probe cores are way at the end of the tech tree
<UmbralRaptop> (at least large robotics now has multiple parts)
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<Althego> leet time
<Althego> (locally)
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<flayer> i want to go home
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<darsie> go home
<flayer> i have no home
<darsie> Get a home.
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<Althego> we were talking about a guy who thinks induction hobs can accelerate water molecules in your body through magnetic filed, therefore damaging you, to which i suggested that if water accelerating in the body by electromagnetic fields is a concern he should keep to absolute zero temperatures. the reply was: "yeah, he'd surely be 0K with that"
<darsie> :)
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<packbart> maybe got it confused with microwave ovens. even then, accidental exposure at damaging levels is rather unlikely
<packbart> (see South Park for non-accidental exposure)
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<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Deddly> So the double bot thing sorted itself out without me lifting a finger, eh?
<Althego> there is some kind of ancient wisodom, that goes something like this: if a problem doesnt solve itself in a few days, it is now worth dealing with
<Althego> *not worth
<flayer> sorry john
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* darsie installs latest.
<raptop> chalog
<raptop> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Althego> log-chan, must be a mascot, preferably with blue hair :)
<raptop> nyaa?
<Althego> .eu?
<raptop> hrm
<Althego> human resource manager?
<raptop> sure, why not
<raptop> Also, log-chan should be a catgirl for reasons
<Althego> works until a point, but if there are too many special features, the moe meter goes to zero
<raptop> Fine, we'll use 128bit numbers instead of 64
<packbart> Megaoersted?
<raptop> cuteness (sort of)
<Althego> should i wait until 1.10.1?
<Althego> hehe i never thought of the fibonacci sequence as complex numbers
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<Althego> but it seems to work that way too, interesting
<Althego> heh no title from the bot
<raptop> I don't know. Have some clear bugs with 1.10.0 been found?
<Althego> ok doesnt matter, win... friday is comeing anyway
<Althego> -e
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<packbart> the new fairing seems to have some unanticipated use-case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPkZp2IWzTQ&t=2m - parts can't get out of an open fairing until it's deployed
<raptop> oops
<Althego> but since we couldnt have open fairings until now, this shouldnt be a big issue
<Althego> i guess this is the autostruts
<Althego> what if you disable those? or can you?
<raptop> unsure
<packbart> one thing I'd look out for are the payload doors in the Mk2 Lander Can that seem to have been disabled accidentally. I read about that on the the forums, too
<darsie> 1.10 looks good. Graphics performance is good, too, on my i7-3770, 16 GB, GTX 750 Ti. Haven't done anything spectacular, yet, though.
<packbart> looks totally normal, otherwise. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues?f[]=cf_7&op[cf_7]=%3D&v[cf_7][]=3265
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<Althego> hehe i love this song. i would be exactly like this, if i could sing
<Althego> Boeing Starliner dropped from high-altitude balloon - Watch and listen
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<dsffdk> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, dsffdk
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<dsffdk> u frm?
<packbart> Silicon Valley, I'd guess ;)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> more like the cloud
<Althego> or the wired
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<dsffdk> asl
<dsffdk> ?
<packbart> agl is better for approach
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<Althego> lol nicksarv?
<flayer> what are you doing man
<Althego> ah it is some phishing thing
<flayer> it's so messed up
<flayer> ik ben d'r kloar met
<Althego> vergadering (teh only dutch word i know)
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<flayer> how do you even recognize what i said as dutch
<flayer> it's some dialect
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<Althego> 1. it looks like it. 2. google translate
<flayer> i'm swearing off using alphabet inc products
<flayer> and any of that sort
<flayer> i was in silicon valley last year
<flayer> it's a weird and unsettling place
<flayer> i don't want my stuff floating around in there anymore
<Althego> silicon is a a big part of earth's crust. therefore most valley are silicon valleys
<flayer> yeah, well.. i'm done with supporting it
<flayer> it's just too disturbing
<Althego> nothing lasts forever
<flayer> i'm keeping my google account active for this year to make sure i've switched everything away, but at the end of december i'm killing it off
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<flayer> i'll have replaced my phone as well by then, and using my own email server plus other stuff for my non-google phone
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<Althego> i have never actually used my google account
<Althego> not much is going on in emails, but have my own
* darsie started from scratch with 1.10. Went for a Mun flyby and by chance got a Minmus flyby, too :) http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot0.png
<darsie> Althego: Have you used it to gain access to the play store or write youtube comments?
<Althego> no
<Althego> i never wrote youtube comments
<Althego> never liked or disliekd anything on youtube
<Althego> and i dont use any of the useless notifications which dont work either
<Althego> i uploaded some videos
<Althego> but i have those
<Althego> and inf fact i could host those myself
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<darsie> Can I make 'Hibernate in Warp' default?
<Althego> i never understood why is it not the default
<darsie> How can I get the indicator back that says when I should start a burn to split the dv evenly around the maneuver node?
<darsie> KER didn't do it.
<umaxtu> betterburntime?
<Althego> hehe i do more like 2/3 before. why? because if you do it later de ellipse is going to be rotated from what you planned, changing for example encounter time
<darsie> umaxtu: I didn't have that installed.
<darsie> Ahh, maybe I need to switch the KER always on.
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<flayer> i wonder
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<darsie> 1116.1 science from my 4th flight.
<darsie> Mun+Minmus flyby
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<packbart> darsie: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lampeh/zz_tweaks/master/autohiber.cfg ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139980-130-community-database-of-module-manager-patches-for-stock-ksp/ )
<packbart> and the indicator maybe the "extended burn indicator" setting?
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