raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
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<JVFoxy> lol... lofted Bill and Bob together into orbit, no SAS, no pilot..
<UmbralRaptor> well, with a reasonably stable rocket…
<JVFoxy> lol... stable? well it flew up at least
<Althego> caps lock helps a lot
<JVFoxy> or just being quick on the fingers
<Althego> dont need to be that quick if you can have smaller input
<JVFoxy> I did a stripped down version of my 'Wagon' which I used to get peeps out to Mun orbit
<JVFoxy> not really 'smaller'.. just increases slower
<JVFoxy> what I probably could use is analog sticks
<Althego> doesnt help because of the deadzone
<Althego> enforced by the game
<Althego> so there is a minimal force that you cant decrease
<Althego> that is why i decided to not use joystick
<Althego> in elite it helps, but ther you can have really small input
<JVFoxy> dual shock...
<JVFoxy> though, one of the used ones I bought.. ugh. had some issues with the sensors inside which.. ya made it utterly useless
<JVFoxy> a bit of a deadzone. Ok.. can live with that. Normally, you'd expect the input to max out at the stick's full travel right? this controller, maxed out at half that distance for some reason. No, wasn't going to live with that thanks.
<JVFoxy> second one I got, didn't have that problem, thankfully
<darsie> You can lower the effect of gimbals or RWs.
<Kevin> you can get zero deadzone in the game but game-quality controllers really aren't good enough for flying things. you need a controller that has a physically low deadzone, which is really only a thing for simulators and rc
<Kevin> i've had an rc transmitter connected to ksp a few times for doing flying stunts
<JVFoxy> one of those pc trainer RC rigs?
<JVFoxy> I've got a DX6i but its not the sort of thing I could just 'plug in' to the pc
<JVFoxy> I can live with a bit of deadzone.. I can't live without centering
<Kevin> i've had both a ppm adapter and a direct usb connection to (more current) radios
<Kevin> so i'll go with "yes"
<JVFoxy> uses the 3.5mm plug port in the back or?
<Kevin> yeah
<JVFoxy> there's an addon for my DX6i, lets me transmit on different protocals, uses that port. But the addon also has to plug into the power port as well to run
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<Kevin> old video playing with such things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reXfVlhn25A
<JVFoxy> I know some radios now use wireless training links, but not sure what frequency or protocals they use
<Althego> hehe the old models
<JVFoxy> sigh, good ol' ksp
<Kevin> ooh, forgot, there was a second one :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ma7FHSONKU
<JVFoxy> I can vtol, but times I wonder if anyone has done a 3d glasses mod. Having perspective when vtol'ing I feel would help so much
<Althego> in reality binocular vision doesnt help you much for this, objects are too far
<Althego> but there are other hints the brain can use. that time the pilots said they are missing the molehills in the sim around the airfield
<Althego> because those can be used as one of those hints
<JVFoxy> hints aka range makers and parallaxing
<JVFoxy> the farther away something is, the slower it moves across the field of vision from side to side.
<Althego> optical flow. can use it to get time until collisin, but not distance
<JVFoxy> one of the things they said in flying school: easy way to tell if you going to hit something in mid-air? If that dot in the sky doesn't move. Oh and it gets big really fast.
<Althego> supposedly the fly flies with that
<JVFoxy> one of the big reasons why they make sure windscreens in places are really clear. Mind you, one way to tell if a dot is in the sky or on the window, shift body side to side, see if the dot moves or not
<JVFoxy> places-plans ugh hate that
<Althego> i want that cute ingenuity to fly next year on mars. we are running out of time because the launch was delayed by some rocket sensor
<Althego> and we still dont know when the crew dragon comes back
<Althego> possibly middle of august
<Althego> it is as if they sent the crew to a vacation on the iss, enjoy your stay as long as you like
<JVFoxy> lol... or what the toilet in the crew dragon looks like. Said was going to tell us about after they got back
<Althego> hehe that too
<Althego> the upside down toilet
<JVFoxy> some people were speculating it was something in the roof of the cabin
<Althego> not that it matters in space
<JVFoxy> ya but what about launching and landing? Got some hefty forces then
<JVFoxy> not about using it at those times, but ... hopefully nothing falls out of the ceiling
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> in space, nobody can hear you fart
<JVFoxy> ... in spacesuit, ya just leave it at that
<JVFoxy> a bit fond of the Gemini program. If I had the money, I so would see about designing and building a two person craft, which could also haul cargo
<Althego> i must go, my (green) people need me
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<JVFoxy> aw
* JVFoxy testing out an idea for highly epliptical polar orbit relay
<Althego> epileptical? elliptical? :)
<Althego> so you invented molniya orbits
<flayer> epilepsy orbits are highly volatile
<JVFoxy> molniya orbits don't go exactly over the poles though
<JVFoxy> mind you, finding I might have to upgrade with the tier 2 relay dish than those fold out ones. I'm not getting a connection to stuff around the mun
<Althego> but they are polar enough. and they linger there for a while. in ksp this has the problem you have to use stronger antennas
<Althego> so i usually stick with few hundred km orbits with 2 hg-5
<JVFoxy> lol... apo sitting around 6.85Mm... a little over 3 hours to get up there, currently 1860km up
<JVFoxy> once up there, 121.6m/s burn to push peri just out past the 70km mark
<JVFoxy> it'll leave me with 300m/s left over, enough to deorbit if I wanna. wonder if the heatshield will hold up
<Althego> i hate the science junior. why is it junior, there is no bigger one (if i compare it to docking ports). it is big, fragile, flammable, you need multiple of them on a robotic mission and very expensive thing you have to discard on reentry because the same sized heat shield does not cover it
<Althego> also causes aero problems because it is very ligths
<Althego> -s
<JVFoxy> guessing cuz its smaller than the lab?
<JVFoxy> also ya I hate it too, at least in older version ksp's, it would blow up at any slight heat, regardless where it was on the craft
<Althego> one way to use them is to put them on top, then they are aero stabilzied, and maybe protected from heat (not really)
<Althego> but it looks so dumb i dont usually do that
<JVFoxy> I just put them on service section, get someone to go out, retrieve points. Or a sci-can on probes. dump it over
<Althego> typical thing heatshield at bottom, it randomly starts to heat up really fast, the slighttest touch of the controls that heat instantly goes away. because of that i think it is abug
<Althego> beginning of day 4. i am way late for an eve mission, just at the end of the launch window
<Althego> i need 6
<JVFoxy> I just know, it was middle of craft, even with heatshield. it still blow up even though it wasn't in the stream
<Althego> for solar high, eve high, eve low, atmo high, atmo low, landed
<Althego> or i can strand a poor kerbal there
<JVFoxy> .... strand?
<Althego> most of the things i ever wanted in ksp is already created by the devs. i still think we need an opposite take off position on the runway
<Althego> possibly should have been stranded
<Althego> "left without the means to move from somewhere"
<JVFoxy> just wondering why would you wanna strand someone
<Althego> because the kerbal could reset the science junior and goo, so i would need only one
<JVFoxy> I wouldn't mind being able to launch from the other end of the runway. something different, and if need to go that direction for missions than having to loop around
<Althego> i like these new solid booster sizes. havent used them yet, but i always thought there should be smaller and bigger sizes
<Althego> 2 reasons for the runway
<Althego> dont need to turn around and it is closest to the beach
<Althego> for science collection and
<JVFoxy> ah beach... I know there are mods for setting down spawn point in the water
<JVFoxy> hmm.. pencil style boosters be neat
<Althego> we still dont have a space boat dock, so the only way to test boats and subs is to go from the runway, travel the full length and splash into water
<JVFoxy> or from launch pad if its still not upgraded
<JVFoxy> though would be limited
<Althego> yes upgraded launch pad is annoying
<Althego> roll down, go around it
<Althego> takes too much time
<JVFoxy> you done boats much? I can't seem to find a good way to build something. I wouldn't mind a sort of cargo ship for use on Kerbin
<Althego> boats not much, but i like subs, i built quite a few. we still dont have correct ballasts in the stock game. but now i could try to neutrally balance it, and use electric props
<Althego> if they work
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<JVFoxy> I know there are some mods, but its somewhat limited.
<JVFoxy> I'm not too big on subs myself. I just kept wondering how I would transport a small heli to the pole for when I get a base put together up there. I did one design, uses a two bladed rotor. Just how to get it into my cargo plane. The four bladed rotor, I've a nice, bigger design heli, but.. with KIS/KAS, nothing can carry the rotor part
<JVFoxy> flying it.. ugh.. not unless I wanna spend a whole day at 75m/s, multiple fuel stops...
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<flayer> i want to build a floating base on laythe
<Althego> see matt lowne
<flayer> i prefer flayer original designs
<Althego> now if we could have some weather
<Althego> clouds and wind at least
<Althego> with winds the base could move around on the water
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<JVFoxy> whoops... umm.. this test I just did..
<flayer> did you murder a thousand kerbals?
<JVFoxy> that next tier dish works.. super great. buuuuut, I guess I should have aimed for 3 hours to apo than the 1 whole day. I circularized the orbit, its now 9 days long. Because I swapped the four smaller dishes for just the one, I had room to add boosters. so instead of 300m/s left over, I've almost 1.5km left over.
<JVFoxy> it probably would have ended up in a shorter orbit but, mun was trying to play nasty on it
<darsie> I made someone Jebediah in a game of who am I. I said he can't talk or make sounds.
<darsie> He's also an alien.
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> is that a hajime sorayama robot and samus aran?
<Althego> now i have to squeeze in some relay sats for minmus. they have to be there when the first mission hits
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<Mat2ch> Did SpaceX announce another launch date yet?
<Althego> for the cursed starlink mission? no
<Althego> but there is a date for some actual costumer
<packbart> FurrySat?
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<flayer> a contract to extract 1200 ore from laythe
<darsie> 12 t
<darsie> Just extracting? Not too hard.
<flayer> yeah, bring it back to jool orbit
<darsie> k
<darsie> Could do it in batches.
<darsie> Oh, Laythe, not ... Tylo.
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<darsie> This stack separation breaks the left antenna: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot11.png
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<Althego> hehe i have 15 funds remaining. after buying the max upgrade of mission control i launched a bunch of missions as cheap as possible, like 5-7k, but from 33k or so i couldnt do more :)
<Althego> hehe i have 6 of very similar tiny relays enroute to minmus. i never tested if they separate correctly :)
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<Guest30242> I'm having trouble getting Tweakscale to work with KSP 1.10. I have a fresh installation of 1.10; I downloaded the latest version of Tweakscale from Curseforge, and moved the Tweakscale folder into the KSP Game Data, where KER is. I'm not getting any error messages when I restart KSP, but I'm not seeing the Tweakscale UI when I right-click on an ob
<Guest30242> ject in VAB. During start up I'm not seeing a message about any parts not being Tweakable. I have ModuleManger*.*.* in the Game Data folder. KER has been working fine. Any suggestions on what to check?
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<packbart> if I read the forum right, should work fine
<packbart> are there any messages about tweakscale at all in the log?
<Guest30242> Right, I waited until I saw there was a version of TS available for 1.10 before downloading it. I had it working just fine in 1.9.
<Guest30242> I'm a newbie; I"m not really sure which log you're talking about, or how to access it. Can you point me to it?
<Guest30242> I'm definitely using
<packbart> there should be a KSP.log in the KSP directory
<Guest30242> Ah. Yes, found it ... I just tried restarting KSP, and I'm seeing a few entries for Tweakscale, from Assembly Loader, but nothing that looks like an error. But I may be missing something ...
<Guest30242> Let me check the game one more time....
<packbart> ah, if you only moved the GameData/TweakScale folder from the zip file into your GameData directory, it might be missing two DLLs "666_ModuleManagerWatchDog.dll" an "999_Scale_Redist.dll". I'm not sure what they do (I don't use TS myself).
<Guest30242> Still nothin'... I go to the VAB; select a command module, select a fuel tank, and right-click and there's just the standard entries, but no Tweak bar.
<Guest30242> I saw those, but didn't see anything in any of the forums about using them.... or any of the other folders.
<Guest30242> But I'll give it a try...
<packbart> "Check if the 999_Scale_Redist.dll is on the GameData, if not, manually install it", Lisias said on the forum in another post. but that should probably produce some exceptions
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<Guest43722> Ack. I didn't see that note.
<Guest43722> Yep, looks like that was it ... I see the Tweakscale warning on the startup screen. I imagine it's gonna be fine now.
<Guest43722> Thank you!
<packbart> I wonder why they are not within the TweakScale/ folder, anyway. probably to make them load before anything else. still, weird way to do it
<Guest43722> agreed
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<darsie> I made the orbital period of my two Mun relays 3d 4:18:53.513, but they change when I switch between them.
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<flayer> i'm going to put a refueling station in orbit between laythe and vall
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