raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
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<packbart> Deadly Reentry is fierce. my rockets blow up on a "typical" ascent :) (the pod survived and made it to orbit)
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<kubi> good morning everyone!
<Althego> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Althego
<Althego> wh
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<darsie> :)
<flayer> this is the life
<flayer> done two customers, then drove home to poop
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<Althego> what, matt lowne started weekly space news series
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<darsie> flayer: What's your job?
<kubi> easy content?
* darsie knows Matt O'Dowd.
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<Mat2ch> Althego: too? That means there are now three or four KSP players who went from playing to making news
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<Judge_Dedd> Kerbal News Program, eh?
<Judge_Dedd> I actually find this very interesting. Most of us got into the game because rockets are cool, explosions are funny, and designing things by sticking bits together and seeing what happens is a dream come true. But over time, those of us who stuck around have gradually become more and more interested in actual spaceflight and details of rocket/orbital science.
<packbart> to be fair, Matt Lowne still seems to post lots of KSP videos with the occasinal Planet Coaster thrown in https://www.youtube.com/c/MattLowneFilms/videos
<Althego> now that we have stainless steel skin for fairings, where are my stainless steel skins for tanks?
<Judge_Dedd> Well, with Starship hitting the headlines, that does seem like a missing art style.
<packbart> well it might ruffle the community - https://i.imgur.com/rumtfD9.png
<packbart> I don't really see the beauty in stainless steel skins, tbh
<Althego> i always wanted shiny metal parts
<packbart> but you don't want to go down the Textures Unlimited modding trail, I guess
<Judge_Dedd> <packbart> I don't really see the beauty in stainless steel skins, tbh <-- but, but, DeLorian!
<packbart> was a car of rather poor quality, or so I've read ;)
<Althego> DeLorean. and yes, suposedly it wasnt good
<Judge_Dedd> The car was all right, but the guy running the company was actually a fraudster
<kubi> the tank painting is just terrible in general
<kubi> I like the plan 1.875 mid-long
<kubi> and the big orange
<kubi> the rest is just meh...
<Althego> also need to be able to set fuel type for all tanks, because liquid fuel only is hardly available
<kubi> there are mods
<Judge_Dedd> DeLorian didn't sell well because 1) People wanted colour choice, and 2) it only had 6 cylinders, and back then, the average US citizen thought that 8>6 in every way.
<Althego> also in fuel consumption :)
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<kubi> to me a car is what I can't hear
<Mostly_Deddly> chanlog pls thx
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<kubi> now & then I'm upset of the wheel noise of my prius too
<Mostly_Deddly> DMC Delorian still exist, by the way. They were planning on making an electric replica
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<Judge_Dedd> I need this https://youtu.be/iC37DYTbESU?t=31
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> probably it is going to be the same boring facts again, but still https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0dw0hwBYTs
<kmath> YouTube - Perseverance Mars Rover Pre-Launch News Conference
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* flayer tickles Althego
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<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program - Anniversary Video
<packbart> ( KSP is 9 - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195895-kerbal-space-program-anniversary-video/ )
<Althego> hehe cant grab the snack
* flayer tackles Althego
<Althego> not supported protocol
<flayer> i'm pretty sure i'm slowly losing my mind
<Althego> arent we all?
<flayer> yeah, but i've been having some serious deja-vus for weeks now
<flayer> to the point where i'm seriously questioning whether or not i've had precognitive dreams about these things
<Althego> i used to have that some decades ago
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<Mat2ch> Ehm
<Mat2ch> 9 years of KSP?
<Mat2ch> woah
<Althego> why didnt they wait until 10?
<Mat2ch> because KSP2
<Althego> or did this at 8, at least that would eb a round number
<Mat2ch> well, just a nice video. That's all.
<Mat2ch> and all those numbers, well, nice to have, but still intrusive.
<packbart> well, that's the Unity analytics at work
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<raptop> 9 year anniversary - was the video made by Cirno?
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<Mat2ch> packbart: I wished they would make it at least opt-out.
<Mat2ch> Hm, I wonder, does Take2 have an European office?
<Althego> of course it didnt start on its own
<Althego> the com of the scanning arms is totally off
<Althego> it is at the endpoint
<Althego> even folded it should be in the center
<Althego> and the biggest one is kind of heavy for a rover. if i put it to the side it moves the com way too much
<packbart> I didn't notice any big problems with it, though. even when mounted on a cubic strut on the side of a rovemate
<Althego> i wanted to put a docking port on top, in the center of the rover
<Althego> but cant because then the arm needs to be pushed to the side and it is the third of the mass of the rover
<packbart> I have a junior port on top. worksforme. the rover doesn't flip more than usual
<Althego> moved two sets of batteries into each other, it is ok now, just a bit off center
<Althego> i think batteries are really light in the game anyway
<packbart> 20 EC/kg
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<darsie> I think Kerbin is really light in the game, too.
<darsie> With too low an atmospheric scale height.
<darsie> It's lower than on Earth.
<raptop> scale heights are a bit silly, yes
<darsie> Maybe the atmosphere is made of xenon or so.
<darsie> SF6
<raptop> Also, that Duna's scale height is less
<raptop> (Mars' scale height is ~2x Earth's)
<Althego> duna's atmosphere max height was increased at some point, but yes, smaller gravity means higher atmosphere
<raptop> Earth has the smallest scale height of any planet in the solar system
<raptop> Uh, for the purposes of this, pretend that Titan is a planet
<Althego> jupiter?
<raptop> Jupiter's actually got a rather large scale height. ("surface" gravity is only like 2 or 2.5x earth's, and the atmosphere molecular weight is way lower)
* raptop is willing to accept scale heights being smaller across the board in KSP because everything is smol, though)
<raptop> s/)//
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<Althego> i spent the whole evening designing the rover
<Althego> maybe it would be simplet to just put wheels on a lander
<packbart> that's the spirit
<raptop> It's a whole new Opportunity
<Althego> hehe
<kmath> YouTube - Live: Starship SN5 Static Fire Test From Boca Chica, Texas
<Althego> hah bot is back
<packbart> all you need is a little perseverence
<packbart> -ance, I see
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> some innovation doesn't hurt either
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<Althego> you can satisfy your curiosity about steel cylinders with the stream
<Althego> 5 launches in 6 days?
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<raptop> \o/
<Althego> actually 5 launches in 4 consecutive days, starting from 2 days
<Althego> 2020 has a 20% chance of weather issue, starlink 9 was postponed many times already
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